Is the presidential election a distraction?

"Cases" is meaningless panic porn.

How many of those "cases" are seriously ill?...How many hospitalizations?

The U.S. death toll is rising with coronavirus cases, as the tally topped 1,000 for a fourth day this week. The nation had more than 120,000 new infections for a second day on Friday and hospitalizations seemed headed for all-time highs.

... and how many of the record number of Americans now being infected have already infected or will infect the very vulnerable?

How many of the record number now being infected will experience serious, long-term consequences?
That's a death rate of .0083

You're every bit the hysterical dullard that I had you made out to be.
Your pretense regarding the pandemic that Trump claimed to have "under control" and would just "go away" and is now spreading at record levels as hospitalizations are headed for all-time highs is noted.

Please forgive rational people for not trying to ignore it.
There's nothing rational about blaming Trump for covid. It's just flat out dumb.
Trump's lies concerning it, his desperate attempts to minimize it, and his scoffing at sound medical advice concerning it in no way suggests that he caused it.

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“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China.
He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus...
Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads
what will be a very successful operation!"
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There's nothing rational about blaming Trump for covid. It's just flat out dumb.
Trump's lies concerning it, his desperate attempts to minimize it, and his scoffing at sound medical advice concerning it in no way suggests that he caused it.
He did exactly what Fauci did, yet everyone praises the Dr.
People are dumb sheep. You don't panic the dumb sheep.

October 11, 2020
Look how full Time Square is in NYC. Everyone wearing a mask & having a great time cheering for President Elect Biden!
While ingesting disinfectants and shining a light up my trumper?
If that is what floats your boat and gotten you to where you are today.

I try to ignore all ideological media entertainers, preferring to partake of a broad spectrum of legitimate news sources.
So you think a good entertainer is one with no ideas? Or do you only see an ideology if it runs counter to your own?
And where have you found a broad spectrum of legitimate news sources-- -- you mean ones which all tell you the exact same thing you want to hear? Is that your idea of broad and legitimate?

Meanwhile, Trump's having the pandemic "under control!" and his assurance that "Everybody's getting better!" continue to be defied by reality
Trump never said we were getting better, assquack, he said we were rounding the bend of getting a vaccine. And if you think Biden is going to get the virus under control, let us know when that curve flattens! Maybe Joe will run around with his butterfly net rounding those germs up, or he will lock the nation down under police orders to shoot and collapse the economy for good, then you will be happy.

deep fake.gif
You should listen to Glenn Beck.
While ingesting disinfectants and shining a light up my trumper? No thanks. (I try to ignore all ideological media entertainers, preferring to partake of a broad spectrum of legitimate news sources.)

Meanwhile, Trump's having the pandemic "under control!" and his assurance that "Everybody's getting better!" continue to be defied by reality:

"Cases" is meaningless panic porn.

How many of those "cases" are seriously ill?...How many hospitalizations?

From that graph, the death rate is a microscopic .009%.

To anyone actually adept at analyzing charts, Chumly's graph actually shows the normal progression of a virus you'd see with any virus if it were given as much attention as Covid. Since Spring, it has followed the natural progression of three upward curves, each progressively wider as time allows the virus to spread to more people, followed by the leveling off phase.

That is what a virus is SUPPOSED to do, otherwise you'd have no chance of ever eventually getting a herd immunity! You can't HIDE from a virus, unless you intend to try to hide FOREVER in your home! You either get herd immunity or develop a vaccine, ITMT, you slough off the weakest element of your society and nature does what it naturally does all the time-- -- leave you with a stronger, more resistant, better adapted population as a result.

October 11, 2020
Your phony pretense and fake claim obviously failed miserably, as Trump's super-spreader irresponsibility continues to claim its victims at a record pace. If Trump makes good on his threat and tries to fire Fauci now, it'll just expose him as being even more pathetic.
... Trump snapped.
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“This fucking virus!”
Trump asked dismissively, according to a person with direct knowledge of the exchange,
“What does it have to do with me getting reelected?”

Your phony pretense and fake claim obviously failed miserably
3 statements. Answer them with true or false.

1. Fauci did state what was quoted from him in the applied link.
2. Trump, alike Fauci, misled early on to dampen potential for a panic.
3. The people that went to Trump's rallies were not forced to at gunpoint.

Give honesty a try.
Your phony pretense and fake claim obviously failed miserably
3 statements. Answer them with true or false.

1. Fauci did state what was quoted from him in the applied link.
2. Trump, alike Fauci, misled early on to dampen potential for a panic.
3. The people that went to Trump's rallies were not forced to at gunpoint.

Give honesty a try.

Cherry-picking Fauci's comments does not remotely suggest that he ever endorsed Trump's super-spreader jamborees or gross negligence regarding wearing masks and social distancing.

Fauci failed to promote masks for the public before their effectiveness had been scientifically established and there was a shortage of them. As greater knowledge was accrued, his advice reflected it.

Encouraging vulnerable people to act irresponsibly does not require a threat of force.

Americans were not fooled about Trump's incompetence:

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"People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots --
these, these people, these people that have gotten it wrong!"

NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll. Oct. 8-13, 2020.
"Do you approve or disapprove of how President Donald Trump is handling the coronavirus pandemic?"
APPROVE: 38% ........ DISAPPROVE: 59%

November 7, 2020

More than 132,700 new coronavirus cases were reported across the U.S. on Friday, breaking the record of daily cases for the third straight day.

There were also more than 1,000 coronavirus-related deaths reported for the fourth straight day, numbers that have not been seen since August, according to a New York Times database. As of Friday, there have been more than 9,815,400 total cases of COVID-19 and at least 236,400 deaths in the country.

The steady surge in coronavirus infections comes as the 2020 presidential election was called in favor of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Saturday. According to a report from Axios, the now-president-elect plans to name a 12-member task force on Monday.

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"People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots --
these, these people, these people that have gotten it wrong!"


Following the gimpy foul fowl's hysterical tantrump concerning the highly respected Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, indicted rabid Trumpaloon Bannon called for his and the FBI Director's beheading:

Former top Trump adviser Steve Bannon called for the beheading of Dr. Anthony Fauci and FBI Director Christopher Wray on his podcast Thursday.

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... Trump never said we were getting better...


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“You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country.

We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better.
They’re all getting better!"

NOVEMBER 15, 2020
US Coronavirus Cases Surpass 11 Million

View attachment 417006
“You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country.

We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better.
They’re all getting better!"

US Coronavirus Cases Surpass 11 Million

  1. I find it impossible to take serious anyone called Schmidlap.
  2. Some of the things Trump said early on were just as wrong, ill-conceived and boneheaded as some of the things Democrats said.
  3. 11 million cases is a meaningless number. Were any of these cases just assumed or deemed by the use of the very unreliable antegen test? And 99.9% of those people tested positive MONTHS ago and have long since gotten well and are living fine. It's not like there are 11 million walking around infected TODAY. What counts are the number who have died, which is still a FRACTION of the number that die EVERY YEAR already from common causes which no one worries about.
  4. I'll say it again: I think Trump's lack of a visible public policy in staying in constant contact with America urging caution with Covid and giving us updates was a foolish political mistake that likely fueled his losing the election.
  1. I find it impossible to take serious anyone called Schmidlap.
  2. Some of the things Trump said early on were just as wrong, ill-conceived and boneheaded as some of the things Democrats said.
  3. 11 million cases is a meaningless number. Were any of these cases just assumed or deemed by the use of the very unreliable antegen test? And 99.9% of those people tested positive MONTHS ago and have long since gotten well and are living fine. It's not like there are 11 million walking around infected TODAY. What counts are the number who have died, which is still a FRACTION of the number that die EVERY YEAR already from common causes which no one worries about.
  4. I'll say it again: I think Trump's lack of a visible public policy in staying in constant contact with America urging caution with Covid and giving us updates was a foolish political mistake that likely fueled his losing the election.
I cannot help you with your aversion to nomenclatures. Surely "Trump" - cockney slang for "fart" - must provoke such an adverse response.

Trump's repeated fake statements and attempts to minimize the threat from the pandemic, his baseless contradictions of and petty aspersions upon respected epidemiologists and public health professionals, his defiance of and scoffing at sensible prophylactic protocols, his crackpot notions concerning injecting disinfectants and miracle cures by inner luminescence, and his refusal to provide capable leadership in the national challenge undoubtedly contributed to why nearly six million more Americans decided he must go away, doubling the number that did not want the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer in the first place.

He regarded covid, that has brought suffering and death to so many thousands, as a personal major inconvenience. In his pretense that it was being hyped to damage his political agenda, he raved a while ago:

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‘Covid, Covid, Covid!’
Trump Rants That Media Covers Coronavirus Too Much, Says You
‘Won’t Hear About It Anymore’
After Election

The election is over. Covid remains the paramount issue confronting the nation.
Trump spent the last push of the campaign downplaying the severity of the coronavirus pandemic and dismissing concerns about it as politically motivated, while his surrogates have made claims that the coronavirus pandemic would disappear once it was no longer a politically useful tool to drive votes to Democrats and stop his rallies.

In fact, yesterday turns out to have been a new high in daily new cases with 100,000 people diagnosed.

So it’s worth pointing out that the pandemic has not stopped in its tracks since the votes have been cast.

This is a big deal because it’s indicative of the ongoing surge in cases that America is experiencing right now, with many of the hotspots centered in rural counties where the president has had a large following. It’s both a shift in how many people are getting COVID-19 and where they are getting it.

As significant as a national election is, 1,280 Americans died from COVID-19 on November 3 (according to the nonprofit federal data aggregator USA Facts.) Pandemics do not respect the quadrennial ritual of self-governance.

To put the matter in existential perspective, there are no recorded casualties among voters at polling places or at mail or ballot drop-off boxes due to their exercising their democratic franchise of which I am aware.

After the election Sturm und Drang has abated, the U.S. will very likely still be leading the world in Covid-19 infections and deaths.

It did not just "go away," despite what Pollyannaish charlatans may pretend, nor will it.

Yes the country is actual dying with trumpie the con man president.. he doesn't even acknowledge there is a pandemic and cares less about the people that he has killed or will kill in the next 2 months....
Yes the country is actual dying with trumpie the con man president.. he doesn't even acknowledge there is a pandemic and cares less about the people that he has killed or will kill in the next 2 months....

Now that he has been soundly booted up his big, flabby arse by the American electorate, Republican politicians are beginning to realize that they have been liberated from the adherence to the stupid imposed by the dogma of trumpery.

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) announced a statewide mask mandate on Monday, months after dismissing such orders as “feel-good” measures with little impact. Coronavirus infections in the state have doubled over the past month, and the number of hospitalized patients reached a new high on Monday.

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‘Covid, Covid, Covid!’
Trump Rants That Media Covers Coronavirus Too Much, Says You
‘Won’t Hear About It Anymore’
After Election

November 16, 2020
The United States recorded more than 1 million new COVID-19 cases last week as new infections rose in every state except for Hawaii...
Deaths increased 12% in the week ended Nov. 15 and averaged more than 1,100 people per day.
Several states, including Michigan, North Dakota and Washington, imposed new restrictions on public gatherings and indoor dining to try to slow the spread of the virus.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer warned that without aggressive action, the state could soon suffer over 1,000 COVID-19 deaths per week, which would be more than double its 431 deaths in the past seven days.
“We are in the worst moment of this pandemic to date,” Whitmer told a news conference on Sunday. “The situation has never been more dire. We are at the precipice and we need to take some action.”

The election is (thankfully) over.

The rampant spread of the deadly pandemic and hopes for promising vaccines predominate the news.

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