Is the propaganda of totalitarianism and Nazism legal in the USA?

No one has the right to deprive the American people of their national pride and their Great Anthem. The abridgment of the American National Anthem and its improper performance is a national betrayal and a crime against the Great American Nation

How about you allow actual Americans the freedom to decide how much of the National Anthem is played. M'kay?
There is a feeling that "white racists" now justify their "superiority" by the ability to deftly suck dicks and lick pussy in same-sex marriages.

But sucking dicks and eating pussy is ok in heterosexual marriage? Or even dating between straight couples?
Reagan espoused Trickle Down Economics.
That's a lie. Of course you cannot directly quote Reagan espousing "trickle down economics" because it's simply a lie.

The fake news media repeated that ridiculous lie so many times that the feeble-minded believe it. It's a crude brainwashing technique known by phycologists as 'repeated messaging'.

Lay off the grape kool-aid.
That's a lie. Of course you cannot directly quote Reagan espousing "trickle down economics" because it's simply a lie.

The fake news media repeated that ridiculous lie so many times that the feeble-minded believe it. It's a crude brainwashing technique known by phycologists as 'repeated messaging'.

Lay off the grape kool-aid.

He didn't call it "trickle down economics". He used the term "supply side economics". He also cut taxes on the top 1%.

So it was trickle down economics, whatever you want to call it.
That's a lie. Of course you cannot directly quote Reagan espousing "trickle down economics" because it's simply a lie.

The fake news media repeated that ridiculous lie so many times that the feeble-minded believe it. It's a crude brainwashing technique known by phycologists as 'repeated messaging'.

Lay off the grape kool-aid.

Here is a quote from David Stockman, who was Reagan's budget director:
"It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down,' so the supply-side formula was the only way to get a tax policy that was really 'trickle down.' Supply-side is 'trickle-down' theory."
The only president who lied more than Trump.
George W. and Reagan.
No one was more corrupt than Reagan, until Trump came along.
The banal slander of dirty leftists at a time when America was truly Great
You are totally clueless. Everything you just said is 100% false.
If the simple facts are lies, then I'm lying.

Trump is lying even about the color of his skin. His yellow face is no whiter than the skin of Mexicans

He also cut taxes on the top 1%.
And this is a correct, purely right-wing policy. Americans do not need to feed parasites, thieves and whores with many children with a bottle of whiskey in their pocket
Here is a quote from David Stockman, who was Reagan's budget director:
"It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down,' so the supply-side formula was the only way to get a tax policy that was really 'trickle down.' Supply-side is 'trickle-down' theory."
No matter what the formula was, it is important that honest Americans lived well, and terrorists and communists hid in the cracks. There were no trumpsters, fagots and the left plague, and no one drove a herd of sheep to be vaccinated with whips
Here is a quote from David Stockman, who was Reagan's budget director:
"It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down,' so the supply-side formula was the only way to get a tax policy that was really 'trickle down.' Supply-side is 'trickle-down' theory."
I don't really care what some disgraced bureaucrat that Reagan shit-canned said. It just proves that he got fired because he has no fucking clue what he is talking about.

"Trickle down economics" is not an actual economic theory, it's Democrat disinformation.

Reagan NEVER espoused trickle down economics. You were simply brainwashed by the fake news media into believing he did.
I don't really care what some disgraced bureaucrat that Reagan shit-canned said. It just proves that he got fired because he has no fucking clue what he is talking about.

"Trickle down economics" is not an actual economic theory, it's Democrat disinformation.

Reagan NEVER espoused trickle down economics. You were simply brainwashed by the fake news media into believing he did.
You're just too stupid and illiterate to understand such things. Trickle-down economics is the opposite of socialism of Keynesianism and Marxism. This means that if the economic resources are not taken by the center, in order to feed the villains and parasites, then they automatically go down to the common people, so the poor get richer anyway.

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