Is The Reason For The Most Recent Benghazi Flare Up Political?

Is The Recent Banghazi Flare Up Political?

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Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?
If it is political, it can fairly safely be said that the republicans have something to gain politically by pursuing the investigation.

Who would be voting for them this fall that was not before?
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The Republican strategy and appeal to the American People is...

"Vote Republican, because....#BENGHAZI!!!"
In a Pew Research Center poll, 15% of respondents said that the part of Hillary's career they have the most negative view of was "Benghazi." 15% doesn't sound like a lot, but that was the second most popular answer in a large swathe of options (after "Nothing").

Hillary's never much excited the voter base anyway. The more Republicans link her name to the Benghazi "scandal," the weaker her position will be in 2016.
The cover up was designed to protect Obama's re-election campaign. If you think that makes it ok to lie to the American people then you are an un-American partisan hack.
Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?

You'd think these right wing idiots would be suffering from Benghazi fatigue.

If nothing else this latest spate of Tourette's Syndrome-like blathering, would clearly show them that the Republicans are so incompetent they cannot unearth and expose a supposedly heinous scandal.

A scandal that played itself out on the world stage, not in some far off place like the South Indian Ocean where an airplane lies almost 15,000 feet below the surface of the water.

They have everything at their fingertips, unlike non-public office individuals, and yet all they can do is point, scream like a girl and accuse.
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In a Pew Research Center poll, 15% of respondents said that the part of Hillary's career they have the most negative view of was "Benghazi." 15% doesn't sound like a lot, but that was the second most popular answer in a large swathe of options (after "Nothing").

Hillary's never much excited the voter base anyway. The more Republicans link her name to the Benghazi "scandal," the weaker her position will be in 2016.
OK, I suppose that qualifies as political gain.

It certainly is more specific than anything we are currently getting from the democrats and their minions in the chattering classes.
To those nutters that are voting that there's something there.

What NEW discovery did we get from the recent Benghazi report?
The cover up was designed to protect Obama's re-election campaign. If you think that makes it ok to lie to the American people then you are an un-American partisan hack.

And you are an unproven, unverified and unvetted authority on anything pertaining to Benghazi.

Prove it. Prove it where Darrell Issa has so miserably failed. Come on, put your pixels where your pie hole is.
Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?

The question is more to the independents on the fence regarding culpability of the democrat administration. The RW base knew Obama and Hillary were to blame for Benghazi, Fast & Furious, drone murders of American citizens etc.. We'll see if the independents are willing to over look the evidence. We know the democrats are willing to overlook anything that keeps the welfare checks coming.
In the words of Rahm, "Never let a crisis go to waste." This administration lied for political gain, and now the right wants to uncover those lies for political gain. Shocking. Politicians aside, the majority of Americans just want the truth...whether or not it's to make an informed decision when casting a future vote, what difference does it make??:D
To those nutters that are voting that there's something there.

What NEW discovery did we get from the recent Benghazi report?

Well, it gave several Fox News female anchors the chance to cross and uncross their legs on air while mouthing with big red lips the latest on Benghazi....that there were EMAILS that have just been released by the White House.

Yes, Obama is releasing them NOW so that all of his Democratic midterm election candidates will bite the big one this November...that's it.
To those nutters that are voting that there's something there.

What NEW discovery did we get from the recent Benghazi report?

Did you really start this OP without doing even a small amount of investigation? Really?
In the words of Rahm, "Never let a crisis go to waste." This administration lied for political gain, and now the right wants to uncover those lies for political gain. Shocking. Politicians aside, the majority of Americans just want the truth...whether or not it's to make an informed decision when casting a future vote, what difference does it make??:D

Sherry, see my post above... Prove it.

Everyone is very tired of hearing this same old bullshit with no smoking gun. Just screeching talking points from idiots like yourself.

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