Is The Reason For The Most Recent Benghazi Flare Up Political?

Is The Recent Banghazi Flare Up Political?

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Classic libtard thread...shoot sparks out yo ass...stick fingers in yo ears...shoot shit out yo mouf....yowsa!!!
What did they know about the culpability of Obama and Clinton? Are you suggesting that they somehow CAUSED this tragedy to happen?!?!

What NEW thing was discovered by the recent Benghazi Report sir? Do YOU know!!!???

Sir, how many military bases were attacked under the Bush Administration? How many American lives were lost in similar situations?

Do you know!?!?


Fuck you, yet again for recurring back to that long dead horse---George Bush....and for pretending that attacks by Lunatic Muslims--which are inherently unpredictable for any president*---and thus comparing that to a calculated cover up by your Marxist president and his morbidly obese and fatally bogus Secretary of State.

I try to be respectful, but you are right there with RDEAN---just a pathologically jealous wackjob.

*Except prhaps when it is 9/11 and your Ambassador to Libya has been requesting more protection.

I'm sure the mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers of the fallen in Iraq still appreciate that Bush abandoned his pursuit of Bin Ladin in Afghanistan and convinced himself and the congress of the terrorists in Iraq stockpiling the components of nuclear weapons. How can you suggest to those close to the Americans killed and injured in Iraq that we should EVER sweep the truth of invading Iraq under the rug?

I understand that you are more moved by how American deaths are REPORTED than the actual ordering of a war where Americans are killed and injured.

Why don't you start another thread and re-hash Bush if you want to.

If you are going to be in this thread, it seems you ought to explain why THIS President lied to us about what happened in Benghazi and then covered up the lie for as long as he could.
The scum is the one not getting their facts straight due to either laziness or the need to deceive.
The US Ambassador to France warranted a Marine detachment, yet Ambassador Stevens didn't even though more security was requested, the compound had been hit previously, and death threats had been made, in a much more volatile location. Why? And you do realize Lamb was one of those that had denied the requests
State Department: Budget Had Nothing To Do With Security Decisions At Benghazi - YouTube
Budget wasn't an issue, according to State Department’s Charlene Lamb
New emails that indicated a White House adviser helped prep Rice for her Sunday show appearances and pushed the explanation linking the attack to an anti-Islamic film when it wasn't.

What we need to find out is who the person or person's are that did not pull them out of there in the first place.
Red Cross and the British pulled their personnel out in April and May. We should have done the same thing, but they were kept there, even after they kept asking for more security and never received any.
If it was because they didn't have the money then all of them should have been pulled out of there in May for safety reasons.
Some body was not doing their job.

A 26 second video of a Republican asking a question for a yes or no answer. Scum. You and him.

Fuck you, yet again for recurring back to that long dead horse---George Bush....and for pretending that attacks by Lunatic Muslims--which are inherently unpredictable for any president*---and thus comparing that to a calculated cover up by your Marxist president and his morbidly obese and fatally bogus Secretary of State.

I try to be respectful, but you are right there with RDEAN---just a pathologically jealous wackjob.

*Except prhaps when it is 9/11 and your Ambassador to Libya has been requesting more protection.

I'm sure the mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers of the fallen in Iraq still appreciate that Bush abandoned his pursuit of Bin Ladin in Afghanistan and convinced himself and the congress of the terrorists in Iraq stockpiling the components of nuclear weapons. How can you suggest to those close to the Americans killed and injured in Iraq that we should EVER sweep the truth of invading Iraq under the rug?

I understand that you are more moved by how American deaths are REPORTED than the actual ordering of a war where Americans are killed and injured.

Why don't you start another thread and re-hash Bush if you want to.

If you are going to be in this thread, it seems you ought to explain why THIS President lied to us about what happened in Benghazi and then covered up the lie for as long as he could.

Using Bush's presidency as an example of an administration that lied to the American public is clearly within the context of this thread. It's not as if I was bringing up Reagan lying about Iran Contra. Bush is the most recent example of a lying administration.

Unless YOU can prove Obama CAUSED the attack in Benghazi you and Darryl Issa are wasting Americans attention away from the diversion of your responsibilities to help make the country better. BUT that isn't one
of your priorities is long as there is a black man in the white house.
Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?

So you're afraid it will work...

I think Oblammer Care will make a much bigger splash...

Both are disasters, it appears you have reason to be concerned...

We're not worried that it will work. If it did it would be great.

Problem is, in it's current form it's designed not to work.

The Administration is just trying to lie about what's happening long enough to take control of both houses and sign away our gun rights. They'll pack the court full of radicals so they can turn our laws upside down.

I don't think it's going to work. We're going to have to watch every poll station really closely, because these Democrats are going down without a fight.
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