Is The Reason For The Most Recent Benghazi Flare Up Political?

Is The Recent Banghazi Flare Up Political?

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Note: Not ONE of there rabid far RW bastards has posted ONE new thing that was discovered by this recent Benghazi flare up. Not ONE!

These klowns really are entertaining!


That's because it's a follow up, not a flare up.

Of course it follows the same points, arguments and trajectory as before.

The point has always been that the Democrat leadership in the WH put their political image first before telling the family and public the truth. They went with a spin that would deflect attention, and cleverly also made the Republicans look bad in their response which may be have been unintentional. They continue to use this to try to discredit Republicans instead of focusing on the issues.

So this still shows that politics is more important than resolving what went wrong.

NOTE: I do not believe it was about causing this incident by negligence "directly."
I believe what upsets Republicans is that the political campaign was more important, and high level govt were willing to go with "made stories" for political expedience.

Overall, the IMAGE of Democrats as being REACTIONARY and not pre-emptive in defense can be argued as INVITING enemy forces to attack to TEST the President and US reaction.
WRONG. On all counts Emily.

The only people with that Overal Image, are Republicans. That's not surprising.

It's cute how you span flare-up into follow-up, I could learn a thing or two from you.

Flare-up or follow-up, unless you have something NEW to bring to the table, it's just another far RW FOUL-UP.

So what NEW thing do you have to bring to the table on the Benghazi tragedy Emily?

LIBTARDS cannot admit something is do so they have to abandon the old.

"There is something to be found there. What will be found will not be shocking to experienced observers. The president knows what he wants (any president) and it is an unwritten rule that his advisors work to get him what he wants. If Obabble wants the voters to believe that he defeated AQ....that AQ is on the run...then his staff will work to sustain that belief. They will sift thru the possible explanations for why Benghazi happened and will pick the one that fits the presidents needs/ beliefs. They will build the script, rehearse the actors...and put on the show...and they will deny all other possible explanations. That's what happened here. The repubs are out to prove that point...that the administration failed to provide security...lied about the video, will not disclose what the CINC ordered be done, and failed to act to protect our people. No one will be impeached...dems will still believe Obabble is a hero, and that Hillary is a whiz. Hopefully they will be in the minority in 2016. Otherwise we be fugged."
The cover up was designed to protect Obama's re-election campaign. If you think that makes it ok to lie to the American people then you are an un-American partisan hack.

They think that the public would suddenly embrace Romney if Obama said it was a terror attack. lol.

Why? Because....:eusa_shifty:

The talking points were fed to Obama. He was fed "video" talking points long after it was obvious that it was an attack but he was still being fed "video" talking points. Obama had to follow the talking points because of who was giving them to him. Then after everyone was saying, "Why is Obama still saying "video" he was given "attack" talking points. The reasons why this was the case was gone over in the classified briefings. Republicans know that no one can say what was said in those hearing so the Republicans think they can keep playing this game. The time before this one was the last time Republicans are going to get away with this.
So Obama got rid of Gadaffi at the cost of 4 casualties?

How was that compared to Bush getting rid of Saddam?

Ask a few of the widows whose love one lost their life in Iraq. Or ask one of the vets that are now trying to recover from the loss of one or more limbs in a war that was against the wrong country and bases on a lie.

But it did make Halliburton very wealthy!....along with their boy DICK.
Sorry bout that,

1. People died and Obama and Hildybeast lied.
2. "What difference does it make indeed"!

Here's another question. Why was Sen. McCain giving a press conference in the hallway about no information being given out about Benghazi while a classified briefing was being held about the Benghazi attack? Was there some reason he did not need that briefing? That would be some good information for any serious Benghazi investigation.
(I've got all kinds of questions for this "investigation" that I am sure the Republicans are trying so hard to get out to the public. After all they want everyone to know the "truth". This isn't some kind of political stunt is it?)
The reason for the sudden renewed interest in Benghazi is because of the email discovered by judicial watch that ties the white house directly to the creation of the fake story about the video. Now that we know it was a lie who directed the lie and was the purpose of lying to protect demon obama before an election.
Well Obama told a political lie right before an election, was it political then?

Obama engaged in a political cover up

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." -- Obama memo lying about Benghazi attack
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Sorry bout that,

The reason for the sudden renewed interest in Benghazi is because of the email discovered by judicial watch that ties the white house directly to the creation of the fake story about the video. Now that we know it was a lie who directed the lie and was the purpose of lying to protect demon obama before an election.

1. This is America or it was, and its my understanding that the person who made this random video is still being held in jail on bullshit charges to deflect Obama's and The Hildybeast's failure.
2. I see a major problem with this whole story, most people are blind too.
3. "What difference does it make" Indeed!!!

So Obama got rid of Gadaffi at the cost of 4 casualties?

How was that compared to Bush getting rid of Saddam?

Ask a few of the widows whose love one lost their life in Iraq. Or ask one of the vets that are now trying to recover from the loss of one or more limbs in a war that was against the wrong country and bases on a lie.

But it did make Halliburton very wealthy!....along with their boy DICK.

You are obviously missing the point. Those Americans that died in Iraq VOLUNTEERED to go there because they were told that Iraq was involved in 9/11.

Didn't you see the evidence presented at the UN by Colin Powell? The drawing of a mushroom cloud?

How can you suggest that Bush or Cheney would lie?

Lying is what Obama did in reporting the cause of the attack in Benghazi. Clearly miss reporting cause of the attack was part of the democrat's political agenda. The FACT that in the early minutes of the reporting someone got something wrong and it went to the people making the TV presentations PROVES Obama and Clinton and Rice LIED !!!!

AND they planned to lie about Benghazi long before the attack. Otherwise WHY would Issa be spending all this time and money investigating how the attack was reported?

Did you EVER think about THAT?
During the 80's democrats postured with hearings designed to root out the cause of the alleged violation of an obscure amendment to a Military appropriations bill by a left wing democrat that prevented the US from funding pro-US forces in Central America. Iran-Contra turned an obscure Marine Lt. Col, Ollie North into a household name. Iran-Contra was all political bull shit and everyone knew it but the cover-up was worse than the crime according to the media at the time. Today we have a cover-up of a cover-up of a cover-up and people died and Obama lied but strangely enough political cover-up is defended by the same people who wanted to lynch Reagan.
Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?

So you're afraid it will work...

I think Oblammer Care will make a much bigger splash...

Both are disasters, it appears you have reason to be concerned...
Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?

The question is more to the independents on the fence regarding culpability of the democrat administration. The RW base knew Obama and Hillary were to blame for Benghazi, Fast & Furious, drone murders of American citizens etc.. We'll see if the independents are willing to over look the evidence. We know the democrats are willing to overlook anything that keeps the welfare checks coming.
What did they know about the culpability of Obama and Clinton? Are you suggesting that they somehow CAUSED this tragedy to happen?!?!

Did you really start this OP without doing even a small amount of investigation? Really?
What NEW thing was discovered by the recent Benghazi Report sir? Do YOU know!!!???

The "flare up" is because the White House has been caught red-handed in a election driven Cover-up.

The "flare-up" involves involves the fact that our President, already a Proven Liar, has again told the American People another Whopper. And so did the lard-assed Secretary of State tell a protect that very ample ass....because she was either lazy or incompetent or both, who, by the way, was only Secretary of State because our Liar and snake of a president needed a way to keep Bill Clinton happy and behaving.

Funny how perspective is isn't it? You are a flaming liberal, probably a Marxist, and so your Marxist President can do no wrong...and you are unable to comprehend that there are good citizens who just want good government and not to be lied to by their elected officials...especially their president.

You don't give a shit, obviously, if Hillary Clinton waddled up to the parent of a dead American, and right in front of the hero's casket, told that grieving parent that they would get the video maker for causing the "demonstration" that killed him---well knowing at the time---that it was a bald faced lie.

That is relevant to me as to whether she is fit to be President. If you think that its just "politics", then all I can think of to say is: Fuck You.
Sir, how many military bases were attacked under the Bush Administration? How many American lives were lost in similar situations?

Do you know!?!?


Fuck you, yet again for recurring back to that long dead horse---George Bush....and for pretending that attacks by Lunatic Muslims--which are inherently unpredictable for any president*---and thus comparing that to a calculated cover up by your Marxist president and his morbidly obese and fatally bogus Secretary of State.

I try to be respectful, but you are right there with RDEAN---just a pathologically jealous wackjob.

*Except prhaps when it is 9/11 and your Ambassador to Libya has been requesting more protection.
Well Obama told a political lie right before an election, was it political then?

Obama engaged in a political cover up

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." -- Obama memo lying about Benghazi attack

Only if someone really needs to believe that there was a cover-up could this note be construed as anything other than an administration preparing for inevitable attacks on its foreign policy.

Fuck you, yet again for recurring back to that long dead horse---George Bush....and for pretending that attacks by Lunatic Muslims--which are inherently unpredictable for any president*---and thus comparing that to a calculated cover up by your Marxist president and his morbidly obese and fatally bogus Secretary of State.

I try to be respectful, but you are right there with RDEAN---just a pathologically jealous wackjob.

*Except prhaps when it is 9/11 and your Ambassador to Libya has been requesting more protection.

I welcome your hatred.
Well Obama told a political lie right before an election, was it political then?

Obama engaged in a political cover up

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." -- Obama memo lying about Benghazi attack

Only if someone really needs to believe that there was a cover-up could this note be construed as anything other than an administration preparing for inevitable attacks on its foreign policy.

I think it is GREAT that the Obama administration predicted the attack in Benghazi.

Who says the CIA isn't doing their job?
They are always angry. They will rush to the polls consumed with anger and hatred.
Benghazi just fans the flames a little more.
Well Obama told a political lie right before an election, was it political then?

Obama engaged in a political cover up

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." -- Obama memo lying about Benghazi attack

Only if someone really needs to believe that there was a cover-up could this note be construed as anything other than an administration preparing for inevitable attacks on its foreign policy.


I am giving you are "neg rep" for this. It is likely the most ridiculous post I have read on this board in my year here.

Fuck you, yet again for recurring back to that long dead horse---George Bush....and for pretending that attacks by Lunatic Muslims--which are inherently unpredictable for any president*---and thus comparing that to a calculated cover up by your Marxist president and his morbidly obese and fatally bogus Secretary of State.

I try to be respectful, but you are right there with RDEAN---just a pathologically jealous wackjob.

*Except prhaps when it is 9/11 and your Ambassador to Libya has been requesting more protection.

I welcome your hatred.


Its contempt.
The question is more to the independents on the fence regarding culpability of the democrat administration. The RW base knew Obama and Hillary were to blame for Benghazi, Fast & Furious, drone murders of American citizens etc.. We'll see if the independents are willing to over look the evidence. We know the democrats are willing to overlook anything that keeps the welfare checks coming.
What did they know about the culpability of Obama and Clinton? Are you suggesting that they somehow CAUSED this tragedy to happen?!?!

What NEW thing was discovered by the recent Benghazi Report sir? Do YOU know!!!???

The "flare up" is because the White House has been caught red-handed in a election driven Cover-up.

The "flare-up" involves involves the fact that our President, already a Proven Liar, has again told the American People another Whopper. And so did the lard-assed Secretary of State tell a protect that very ample ass....because she was either lazy or incompetent or both, who, by the way, was only Secretary of State because our Liar and snake of a president needed a way to keep Bill Clinton happy and behaving.

Funny how perspective is isn't it? You are a flaming liberal, probably a Marxist, and so your Marxist President can do no wrong...and you are unable to comprehend that there are good citizens who just want good government and not to be lied to by their elected officials...especially their president.

You don't give a shit, obviously, if Hillary Clinton waddled up to the parent of a dead American, and right in front of the hero's casket, told that grieving parent that they would get the video maker for causing the "demonstration" that killed him---well knowing at the time---that it was a bald faced lie.

That is relevant to me as to whether she is fit to be President. If you think that its just "politics", then all I can think of to say is: Fuck You.
Sir, how many military bases were attacked under the Bush Administration? How many American lives were lost in similar situations?

Do you know!?!?


Fuck you, yet again for recurring back to that long dead horse---George Bush....and for pretending that attacks by Lunatic Muslims--which are inherently unpredictable for any president*---and thus comparing that to a calculated cover up by your Marxist president and his morbidly obese and fatally bogus Secretary of State.

I try to be respectful, but you are right there with RDEAN---just a pathologically jealous wackjob.

*Except prhaps when it is 9/11 and your Ambassador to Libya has been requesting more protection.

I'm sure the mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers of the fallen in Iraq still appreciate that Bush abandoned his pursuit of Bin Ladin in Afghanistan and convinced himself and the congress of the terrorists in Iraq stockpiling the components of nuclear weapons. How can you suggest to those close to the Americans killed and injured in Iraq that we should EVER sweep the truth of invading Iraq under the rug?

I understand that you are more moved by how American deaths are REPORTED than the actual ordering of a war where Americans are killed and injured.

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