Is The Reason For The Most Recent Benghazi Flare Up Political?

Is The Recent Banghazi Flare Up Political?

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In the words of Rahm, "Never let a crisis go to waste." This administration lied for political gain, and now the right wants to uncover those lies for political gain. Shocking. Politicians aside, the majority of Americans just want the truth...whether or not it's to make an informed decision when casting a future vote, what difference does it make??:D

Sherry, see my post above... Prove it.

Everyone is very tired of hearing this same old bullshit with no smoking gun. Just screeching talking points from idiots like yourself.

Prove what?? Speak only for yourself that you're tired of this issue. What talking points have I spouted, asshole?? I can call names too.:D
The cover up was designed to protect Obama's re-election campaign. If you think that makes it ok to lie to the American people then you are an un-American partisan hack.

No it just means you are so desperate for power and validation
that you will throw out Constitutional principles you never used anyway
to invoke authority.

All this time the Democrats have been running on political power
in reaction to Republicans. So as long as you run on that,
anything can be justified if the point is to be against Republicans, if that is your motivation.
It's origin is political. If the Obama Administration had performed in a competent manner in the first place, this would be a non-issue. But as they went into political spin mode instead of focusing on the security of the staff in Benghazi, their politics have made it an ongoing scandal.
In the words of Rahm, "Never let a crisis go to waste." This administration lied for political gain, and now the right wants to uncover those lies for political gain. Shocking. Politicians aside, the majority of Americans just want the truth...whether or not it's to make an informed decision when casting a future vote, what difference does it make??:D

Sherry, see my post above... Prove it.

Everyone is very tired of hearing this same old bullshit with no smoking gun. Just screeching talking points from idiots like yourself.

Prove what?? Speak only for yourself that you're tired of this issue. What talking points have I spouted, asshole?? I can call names too.:D

" This administration lied for political gain, ........""

Here's the timeline, abbreviated (especially for those with very short attention spans) of the Watergate break-in and Nixon's resignation:

""June 17, 1972: Five men, one of whom says he used to work for the CIA, are arrested at 2:30 a.m. trying to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate hotel and office complex.

August 8, 1974: Richard Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to resign. Vice President Gerald R. Ford assumes the country’s highest office. He will later pardon Nixon of all charges related to the Watergate case."""

Good luck, Pubies!
New emails that indicated a White House adviser helped prep Rice for her Sunday show appearances and pushed the explanation linking the attack to an anti-Islamic film when it wasn't.

What we need to find out is who the person or person's are that did not pull them out of there in the first place.
Red Cross and the British pulled their personnel out in April and May. We should have done the same thing, but they were kept there, even after they kept asking for more security and never received any.
If it was because they didn't have the money then all of them should have been pulled out of there in May for safety reasons.
Some body was not doing their job.
The "flare up" is because the White House has been caught red-handed in a election driven Cover-up.

The "flare-up" involves involves the fact that our President, already a Proven Liar, has again told the American People another Whopper. And so did the lard-assed Secretary of State tell a protect that very ample ass....because she was either lazy or incompetent or both, who, by the way, was only Secretary of State because our Liar and snake of a president needed a way to keep Bill Clinton happy and behaving.

Funny how perspective is isn't it? You are a flaming liberal, probably a Marxist, and so your Marxist President can do no wrong...and you are unable to comprehend that there are good citizens who just want good government and not to be lied to by their elected officials...especially their president.

You don't give a shit, obviously, if Hillary Clinton waddled up to the parent of a dead American, and right in front of the hero's casket, told that grieving parent that they would get the video maker for causing the "demonstration" that killed him---well knowing at the time---that it was a bald faced lie.

That is relevant to me as to whether she is fit to be President. If you think that its just "politics", then all I can think of to say is: Fuck You.
Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?

It has always been an issue, that hasn't changed.

It took until Judicial Watch got their freedom of information request
before they could follow up.

If you want to compare what is politically expedient,
look at the Democrat followup to all the charges and complaints against Bush
and war contracts. Where is all the legal followup to that?

Or did it dispappear once Obama used it to get into office?
The leftwing I know are still fighting to end war (and still want
Singlepayer not ACA insurance mandates) but they are not heard
because the people with power and money have what they want.
The Politicians only wanted to push the issue for votes, not solve the problems.
So the people are left behind.

Marc if you are going to criticize parties,
the Democrats are worse. The Republicans are fighting their own in-house
political sellouts, but it's the other way where their politicians trying to stay
in office sell out to match the same BS of the Democrat Party sellouts
who are betraying their own constituents.

If we could just get the left and right to unite and kick out the corrupt cronies,
both parties could represent their own members under more inclusive leadership.

But instead of electing leaders who include people from both parties by following the Constitution, both parties keep caving in to 'electable' positions that compromise the Constitution. That's not the proper way to enforce inclusion, but that is what is happening.
Sherry, see my post above... Prove it.

Everyone is very tired of hearing this same old bullshit with no smoking gun. Just screeching talking points from idiots like yourself.

Prove what?? Speak only for yourself that you're tired of this issue. What talking points have I spouted, asshole?? I can call names too.:D

" This administration lied for political gain, ........""


Awww sweetie, I hate to burst your little bubble, but there have already been people on the left who admitted it...they just don't think it should matter at this point. BTW if you and your ilk were so convinced that there was nothing to see, then you shouldn't have dragged it out to this point. Obama should have once again followed in Bush's steps and released his daily intelligence briefing if he really wanted to cooperate and be transparent. If you are all so secure in your belief, then it would immediately have put an end to all of this...but you're in panic mode now because the mid-terms are approaching. Should have gotten everything out on the table sooner so that it could have been farther behind you'll just have to wipe your nose and deal with your frustration for the tangled web you're so proud of being weaved.:thup:
Here's the timeline, abbreviated (especially for those with very short attention spans) of the Watergate break-in and Nixon's resignation:

""June 17, 1972: Five men, one of whom says he used to work for the CIA, are arrested at 2:30 a.m. trying to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate hotel and office complex.

August 8, 1974: Richard Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to resign. Vice President Gerald R. Ford assumes the country’s highest office. He will later pardon Nixon of all charges related to the Watergate case."""

Good luck, Pubies!

Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?


What was the first one??? You can keep your doctor????
To those nutters that are voting that there's something there.

What NEW discovery did we get from the recent Benghazi report?

Well, it gave several Fox News female anchors the chance to cross and uncross their legs on air while mouthing with big red lips the latest on Benghazi....that there were EMAILS that have just been released by the White House.

Yes, Obama is releasing them NOW so that all of his Democratic midterm election candidates will bite the big one this November...that's it.

Obama did not release them.
It took a court order through the freedom of information act in order to get them.
[ame=]State Department: Budget Had Nothing To Do With Security Decisions At Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]
Budget wasn't an issue, according to State Department’s Charlene Lamb
New emails that indicated a White House adviser helped prep Rice for her Sunday show appearances and pushed the explanation linking the attack to an anti-Islamic film when it wasn't.

What we need to find out is who the person or person's are that did not pull them out of there in the first place.
Red Cross and the British pulled their personnel out in April and May. We should have done the same thing, but they were kept there, even after they kept asking for more security and never received any.
If it was because they didn't have the money then all of them should have been pulled out of there in May for safety reasons.
Some body was not doing their job.
Has the RW media trumped up the recent Benghazi report as another made-up scandal for political reasons to rev up their base for November?

And is it working?

Will the RW base rush to polls in November because of Benghazi?

The question is more to the independents on the fence regarding culpability of the democrat administration. The RW base knew Obama and Hillary were to blame for Benghazi, Fast & Furious, drone murders of American citizens etc.. We'll see if the independents are willing to over look the evidence. We know the democrats are willing to overlook anything that keeps the welfare checks coming.
What did they know about the culpability of Obama and Clinton? Are you suggesting that they somehow CAUSED this tragedy to happen?!?!

To those nutters that are voting that there's something there.

What NEW discovery did we get from the recent Benghazi report?

Did you really start this OP without doing even a small amount of investigation? Really?
What NEW thing was discovered by the recent Benghazi Report sir? Do YOU know!!!???

The "flare up" is because the White House has been caught red-handed in a election driven Cover-up.

The "flare-up" involves involves the fact that our President, already a Proven Liar, has again told the American People another Whopper. And so did the lard-assed Secretary of State tell a protect that very ample ass....because she was either lazy or incompetent or both, who, by the way, was only Secretary of State because our Liar and snake of a president needed a way to keep Bill Clinton happy and behaving.

Funny how perspective is isn't it? You are a flaming liberal, probably a Marxist, and so your Marxist President can do no wrong...and you are unable to comprehend that there are good citizens who just want good government and not to be lied to by their elected officials...especially their president.

You don't give a shit, obviously, if Hillary Clinton waddled up to the parent of a dead American, and right in front of the hero's casket, told that grieving parent that they would get the video maker for causing the "demonstration" that killed him---well knowing at the time---that it was a bald faced lie.

That is relevant to me as to whether she is fit to be President. If you think that its just "politics", then all I can think of to say is: Fuck You.
Sir, how many military bases were attacked under the Bush Administration? How many American lives were lost in similar situations?

Do you know!?!?

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