Is the return of racism and segregation the only way to keep America American?

Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
Fascinating.......calling for segregation and trying to blame the Democrats are forcing you to call for a return to racism.....Absolutely fascinating.
I don't mean to sound bigoted, but I think a woman's perspective is going to be a positive influence.

Definitely, IMO.

I'm not sure why you think the #metoo movement has anything to do with it, though?

It's possible I interpret the movement more broadly than you do, but I tend to use the hashtag as a convenient shorthand when referring to the social movement that's sprung up since Trump's election. So, the women's marches (for example), a widening gender gap in voting, a large increase in women running for office. My perception is that a lot of the energy of this movement is connected to #metoo and various revelations of harassment/misconduct by well known powerful men, including of course Trump.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
Fascinating.......calling for segregation and trying to blame the Democrats are forcing you to call for a return to racism.....Absolutely fascinating.
It was pretty creative, wasn't it?
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.

A.) The Founding Fathers called for a White nation.

B.) Balkanization has caused war & genocide all over the globe.

You are the ignorant zombie.
A.) what the founding fathers called for is insignificant, what’s written in our laws is what’s important. Our political system was set up to reflect the will of the people and to evolve through time. Any history of racism and discrimination has been tried and rejected and is now no longer a part of our legal system, while rejected by the people. Sorry bub but you are living in the wrong country.
One of the things many people don't think of is that people in America from day one were of different races the first person killed in the War was a Black guy who was living here before America was founded. The Black race has always been around and involved in the building of America since it was founded.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
The stronger the white nationalist movement gets the stronger the opposition will get. That’s how it works. If republicans could learn how to message with compassion and act like they give a shit about the poor, minorities, and immigrants then perhaps there could be a bridge leading to a better place

I'd support Democrats, if they went back to their racist roots.

People like you are an insult to everybody's heritages, we fought to preserve, and struggled to build.

Go be an invalid, on your own terms.
“We fought to preserve”?? Not quite, I don’t know what fighting you did but if your talking about our ancestors you are misrepresenting what they were fighting for. Freedom and liberty. Not preservation of their heratage through racial discrimination. What an idiotic sentiment

Americans spilled blood to found & preserve their heritage.
A small few may have fought for that but the majority were fighting side by side with brothers of all races for freedom and liberty. And the results of that fighting has led to the laws that we have today which reject your idea of segregation. So again, you’re living in the wrong country

The U.S.A supported a White nation since it's founding, before Liberal idiots changed it, you're a massive problem.
You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.

A.) The Founding Fathers called for a White nation.

B.) Balkanization has caused war & genocide all over the globe.

You are the ignorant zombie.
A.) what the founding fathers called for is insignificant, what’s written in our laws is what’s important. Our political system was set up to reflect the will of the people and to evolve through time. Any history of racism and discrimination has been tried and rejected and is now no longer a part of our legal system, while rejected by the people. Sorry bub but you are living in the wrong country.

Respect the Founding Fathers or leave, punk.
Haha, like you have any authority to make such proclamations. Go back to Poland dude. You sound like a fool and don’t belong here.

You don't belong here, you are a mockery of the Founding Fathers.
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
If you think Native Americans are going extinct -- was it black people that did it? Jews? Asians?

And do you think putting them on reservations is a model we should follow for other ethnic groups, like Polish people for instance

Native Americans would be even further progressed in extinction, if not for the Reservation.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.

A.) The Founding Fathers called for a White nation.

B.) Balkanization has caused war & genocide all over the globe.

You are the ignorant zombie.
A.) what the founding fathers called for is insignificant, what’s written in our laws is what’s important. Our political system was set up to reflect the will of the people and to evolve through time. Any history of racism and discrimination has been tried and rejected and is now no longer a part of our legal system, while rejected by the people. Sorry bub but you are living in the wrong country.
One of the things many people don't think of is that people in America from day one were of different races the first person killed in the War was a Black guy who was living here before America was founded. The Black race has always been around and involved in the building of America since it was founded.

LOL, Blacks haven't contributed a heck of a lot to this nation.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
Fascinating.......calling for segregation and trying to blame the Democrats are forcing you to call for a return to racism.....Absolutely fascinating.
He's terrified. Many are. Trump was their primal scream.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?

How are minorities 'unamerican'?
Keep in mind that that poster already thinks the American flag is offensive and wants it replaced with the Southern Cross.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
again, one Demoloser Swalwell wants to nuke the country. That MSM continues to give that guy air time is your answer.
Do you always lie about what other people say so glibly?
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
again, one Demoloser Swalwell wants to nuke the country. That MSM continues to give that guy air time is your answer.
Do you always lie about what other people say so glibly?
what's the lie?
you pray that whites become the minority ASAP then you move the other side of the bed and pray the spotted owl isn’t flushed from its native habitat.

I have never given it a second thought, why the fuck would anyone but a racist care?

Why would and Mac1958 have been on the side of the beneficiaries.
No good, real American has benefited from the Brown invasion....PERIOD!
Well, you've said you're moving to New Zealand, the Safe Space for white people, or something like that.

So you're good.
Wait til he tries to push around the Maoris.....:71:
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
Not too hard to figure out. Democrats bringing in people and making it easy for them with government handouts, which makes them dependent on the Democrats, which translates to votes. Translation? Buying votes.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
again, one Demoloser Swalwell wants to nuke the country. That MSM continues to give that guy air time is your answer.
Do you always lie about what other people say so glibly?
what's the lie?
Put the full quote up for us to all see so you can "prove" that he "wants to nuke the country."

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