Is the return of racism and segregation the only way to keep America American?

you pray that whites become the minority ASAP then you move the other side of the bed and pray the spotted owl isn’t flushed from its native habitat.

I have never given it a second thought, why the fuck would anyone but a racist care?

Why would and Mac1958 have been on the side of the beneficiaries.
No good, real American has benefited from the Brown invasion....PERIOD!
Well, you've said you're moving to New Zealand, the Safe Space for white people, or something like that.

So you're good.
Wait til he tries to push around the Maoris.....:71:
How can something return if if never went away?

That’s weird, I thought we just came off of eight long years with a Kenyan POTUS. Didn’t he win the popular vote?

Hahaha, and the racist came out in droves in 2008. So they lost. Doesn't mean they ever went away.

Are you referring to those racists who voted on skin color at >90%?
Are they voting against their political party when they do that?
That’s weird, I thought we just came off of eight long years with a Kenyan POTUS. Didn’t he win the popular vote?

Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
again, one Demoloser Swalwell wants to nuke the country. That MSM continues to give that guy air time is your answer.
Do you always lie about what other people say so glibly?
what's the lie?
Put the full quote up for us to all see so you can "prove" that he "wants to nuke the country."
Eric Swalwell, Democratic lawmaker, warns gun owners that ‘government has nukes’

"Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, warned gun owners Friday that any fight over firearms would be “a short one,” because the federal government has an extensive cache of nuclear weapons."

Amazing eh?
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
again, one Demoloser Swalwell wants to nuke the country. That MSM continues to give that guy air time is your answer.
Do you always lie about what other people say so glibly?
what's the lie?
Put the full quote up for us to all see so you can "prove" that he "wants to nuke the country."
Eric Swalwell, Democratic lawmaker, warns gun owners that ‘government has nukes’

"Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, warned gun owners Friday that any fight over firearms would be “a short one,” because the federal government has an extensive cache of nuclear weapons."

Amazing eh?
He's absolutely of the silliest arguments used by NRA nuts is that individual gun owners could somehow stem a government bound to enslave them. I always laughed at that one. He could have just as easily said...."good luck against tanks and bombers"....but he's right about the Ace card that the government has and will always have.

That being said....he did NOT say he wanted to nuke the country like you claimed. You lied.
again, one Demoloser Swalwell wants to nuke the country. That MSM continues to give that guy air time is your answer.
Do you always lie about what other people say so glibly?
what's the lie?
Put the full quote up for us to all see so you can "prove" that he "wants to nuke the country."
Eric Swalwell, Democratic lawmaker, warns gun owners that ‘government has nukes’

"Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, warned gun owners Friday that any fight over firearms would be “a short one,” because the federal government has an extensive cache of nuclear weapons."

Amazing eh?
He's absolutely of the silliest arguments used by NRA nuts is that individual gun owners could somehow stem a government bound to enslave them. I always laughed at that one. He could have just as easily said...."good luck against tanks and bombers"....but he's right about the Ace card that the government has and will always have.

That being said....he did NOT say he wanted to nuke the country like you claimed. You lied.
that's exactly what he said. EXACTLY to be clear. did you read the info in the link? obviously not.
Do you always lie about what other people say so glibly?
what's the lie?
Put the full quote up for us to all see so you can "prove" that he "wants to nuke the country."
Eric Swalwell, Democratic lawmaker, warns gun owners that ‘government has nukes’

"Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, warned gun owners Friday that any fight over firearms would be “a short one,” because the federal government has an extensive cache of nuclear weapons."

Amazing eh?
He's absolutely of the silliest arguments used by NRA nuts is that individual gun owners could somehow stem a government bound to enslave them. I always laughed at that one. He could have just as easily said...."good luck against tanks and bombers"....but he's right about the Ace card that the government has and will always have.

That being said....he did NOT say he wanted to nuke the country like you claimed. You lied.
that's exactly what he said. EXACTLY to be clear.
You lied. He never said that he WANTED to nuke the country. You lied.
what's the lie?
Put the full quote up for us to all see so you can "prove" that he "wants to nuke the country."
Eric Swalwell, Democratic lawmaker, warns gun owners that ‘government has nukes’

"Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, warned gun owners Friday that any fight over firearms would be “a short one,” because the federal government has an extensive cache of nuclear weapons."

Amazing eh?
He's absolutely of the silliest arguments used by NRA nuts is that individual gun owners could somehow stem a government bound to enslave them. I always laughed at that one. He could have just as easily said...."good luck against tanks and bombers"....but he's right about the Ace card that the government has and will always have.

That being said....he did NOT say he wanted to nuke the country like you claimed. You lied.
that's exactly what he said. EXACTLY to be clear.
You lied. He never said that he WANTED to nuke the country. You lied.
anyone, especially a congressman stating I got nukes if you don't give up your guns is a fking threat. I don't have to say anything more, cause that's what he said. I quoted it, you are ashamed he said it. ahhhhhhhh feewl sowwy for the congressman fk who wants to kill americans? fk you
Put the full quote up for us to all see so you can "prove" that he "wants to nuke the country."
Eric Swalwell, Democratic lawmaker, warns gun owners that ‘government has nukes’

"Rep. Eric Swalwell, California Democrat, warned gun owners Friday that any fight over firearms would be “a short one,” because the federal government has an extensive cache of nuclear weapons."

Amazing eh?
He's absolutely of the silliest arguments used by NRA nuts is that individual gun owners could somehow stem a government bound to enslave them. I always laughed at that one. He could have just as easily said...."good luck against tanks and bombers"....but he's right about the Ace card that the government has and will always have.

That being said....he did NOT say he wanted to nuke the country like you claimed. You lied.
that's exactly what he said. EXACTLY to be clear.
You lied. He never said that he WANTED to nuke the country. You lied.
anyone, especially a congressman stating I got nukes if you don't give up your guns is a fking threat. I don't have to say anything more, cause that's what he said. I quoted it, you are ashamed he said it. ahhhhhhhh feewl sowwy for the congressman fk who wants to kill americans? fk you
And you are lying again....that Congressman never told anyone to give up their guns. Why do you keep lying? Is it natural?
Women are thrilled to have 18.6% representation when we are 50% of Americans. We're getting there, though.

Up to 23% in 2019. Still feels really lame when put in percentage terms but when you look at the increase in women running and winning in 2018 I still think that the most lasting impact of #metoo is likely to be a meaningful increase in the number of women in office, which is pretty cool.
Awesome! I was working on the 100 number, not 123. I don't mean to sound bigoted, but I think a woman's perspective is going to be a positive influence. Women have different decision making styles from men, and at least some of that involves more collaboration and consensus building, more process oriented ways of reaching decisions. It may (I hope) lead to more "reaching across the aisle."
I'm not sure why you think the #metoo movement has anything to do with it, though?

In Canada, Justin Trudeau made a point of giving half of the cabinet positions to women. For those who pointed out that a number of those women might not be as qualified as some men who were not chosen, Justin quite rightly pointed out that for years men you were not as qualified were given cabinet posts over far more qualified women, so this cabinet was no different that any other in that regard.

But yes, the #metoo movement does have something to do with it. It's seeing men routinely getting away with disregarding and disrespecting women's needs and women's issues that is driving the sisters to start doing it for themselves. Standing on their own two feet and ringing their own bells.

The Republican Party proposed a health care plan that neither protected women's reproductive health nor their primary health care concerns which generally involve child bearing - which Republicans were prepared to label as "pre-existing conditions", because there was a single woman on the Senate Committee which wrote the legislation. Republicans keep touting themselves as the party of "family values" but they oppose maternity leave for pregnant women, job protections for pregnant women, family leave to cope with an illness in the family, or any number of other family friendly legislation. The Republicans have proven themselves time and time again to be hostile to the best interests of women.

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