Is the return of racism and segregation the only way to keep America American?

Hahaha, and the racist came out in droves in 2008. So they lost. Doesn't mean they ever went away.

Yeah, the Black racists did come out in droves in 2008, and then again in 2012, 2016 however the Black racists, showed their true "Colors" by not voting so much for the White chic Hillary Clit.

Black Racist? Obviously the meaning of the term escapes you.

Blacks thinking Black mixed Obama was a superior candidate over White Hillary because Obama is darker could be considered as racist.

No not really.

Anybody who believes Blacks can't be racist is off their rocker.

Do you have a body of works written by black authors expounding on the fact that the Caucasian race is so inferiority to the Negro race that it is justifiable to enslave them (and their children's children's children......), to raise them out of their savagery?

There are very few real racist anymore.

I think you're conflating hatred and prejudice with racism.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
The stronger the white nationalist movement gets the stronger the opposition will get. That’s how it works. If republicans could learn how to message with compassion and act like they give a shit about the poor, minorities, and immigrants then perhaps there could be a bridge leading to a better place

I'd support Democrats, if they went back to their racist roots.

People like you are an insult to everybody's heritages, we fought to preserve, and struggled to build.

Go be an invalid, on your own terms.
“We fought to preserve”?? Not quite, I don’t know what fighting you did but if your talking about our ancestors you are misrepresenting what they were fighting for. Freedom and liberty. Not preservation of their heratage through racial discrimination. What an idiotic sentiment

Americans spilled blood to found & preserve their heritage.
Yeah, the Black racists did come out in droves in 2008, and then again in 2012, 2016 however the Black racists, showed their true "Colors" by not voting so much for the White chic Hillary Clit.

Black Racist? Obviously the meaning of the term escapes you.

Blacks thinking Black mixed Obama was a superior candidate over White Hillary because Obama is darker could be considered as racist.

No not really.

Anybody who believes Blacks can't be racist is off their rocker.

Do you have a body of works written by black authors expounding on the fact that the Caucasian race is so inferiority to the Negro race that it is justifiable to enslave them (and their children's children's children......), to raise them out of their savagery?

There are very few real racist anymore.

I think you're conflating hatred and prejudice with racism.

Yes, Ice man inheritance.

Go get an education.
You shouldn't concede the premise that blacks voted for Obama solely due to his race, because that premise is obviously false, as can be seen pretty easily by comparing exit polling between different years. Black voters overwhelmingly favoring Democrats does not reduce to only favoring black candidates.

No, Blacks voting more for Obama than Hillary is the racism in question.
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.
it's called Nazism.

Nazism was based on WHITE Aryan purity. You and your ilk are using Nazism.

I'm a Roman Dmowski style Polish Fascist, I see Germans as an enemy, including Nazi Germans.
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.

A.) The Founding Fathers called for a White nation.

B.) Balkanization has caused war & genocide all over the globe.

You are the ignorant zombie.
A.) what the founding fathers called for is insignificant, what’s written in our laws is what’s important. Our political system was set up to reflect the will of the people and to evolve through time. Any history of racism and discrimination has been tried and rejected and is now no longer a part of our legal system, while rejected by the people. Sorry bub but you are living in the wrong country.

Respect the Founding Fathers or leave, punk.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?

More racist bullshit from Russians promoting White Supremacy. America was never a "white" nation. It was always a nation of racial diversity - from the diverse tribes of indigineous Americans to Europeans from every country in Europe, from the darker skinned peoples from the Mediterranean, to the African Americans who were imported for slavery, the diversity was always there.

If you're talking about the white male RULING the United States to the exclusion of all other colours of the skin and gender, then you're right about that. Having royally fucked up the country, leading to so many wars, hatred and divisions, your kind just has to learn to share power. 100 women elected to Congress.

And you laughed at the silly women's march with their pussy hats, and their vagina outfits. Who's laughing now, Loser?
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?

Wishful thinking on your part.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
The stronger the white nationalist movement gets the stronger the opposition will get. That’s how it works. If republicans could learn how to message with compassion and act like they give a shit about the poor, minorities, and immigrants then perhaps there could be a bridge leading to a better place

I'd support Democrats, if they went back to their racist roots.

People like you are an insult to everybody's heritages, we fought to preserve, and struggled to build.

Go be an invalid, on your own terms.
“We fought to preserve”?? Not quite, I don’t know what fighting you did but if your talking about our ancestors you are misrepresenting what they were fighting for. Freedom and liberty. Not preservation of their heratage through racial discrimination. What an idiotic sentiment

Americans spilled blood to found & preserve their heritage.
A small few may have fought for that but the majority were fighting side by side with brothers of all races for freedom and liberty. And the results of that fighting has led to the laws that we have today which reject your idea of segregation. So again, you’re living in the wrong country
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.

A.) The Founding Fathers called for a White nation.

B.) Balkanization has caused war & genocide all over the globe.

You are the ignorant zombie.
A.) what the founding fathers called for is insignificant, what’s written in our laws is what’s important. Our political system was set up to reflect the will of the people and to evolve through time. Any history of racism and discrimination has been tried and rejected and is now no longer a part of our legal system, while rejected by the people. Sorry bub but you are living in the wrong country.

Respect the Founding Fathers or leave, punk.
Haha, like you have any authority to make such proclamations. Go back to Poland dude. You sound like a fool and don’t belong here.
I don't think you have to be either Racist, or advocate Segregation to want people, no matter of color, or ethnicity to Respect American Values. Nor do you have to ignore the rule of law, especially immigration law, and the Constitution.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?

More racist bullshit from Russians promoting White Supremacy. America was never a "white" nation. It was always a nation of racial diversity - from the diverse tribes of indigineous Americans to Europeans from every country in Europe, from the darker skinned peoples from the Mediterranean, to the African Americans who were imported for slavery, the diversity was always there.

If you're talking about the white male RULING the United States to the exclusion of all other colours of the skin and gender, then you're right about that. Having royally fucked up the country, leading to so many wars, hatred and divisions, your kind just has to learn to share power. 100 women elected to Congress.

And you laughed at the silly women's march with their pussy hats, and their vagina outfits. Who's laughing now, Loser?
Women are thrilled to have 18.6% representation when we are 50% of Americans. We're getting there, though.
I don't think you have to be either Racist, or advocate Segregation to want people, no matter of color, or ethnicity to Respect American Values. Nor do you have to ignore the rule of law, especially immigration law, and the Constitution.
The sticky wicket there is, What Are American Values? Isn't that pretty much what we argue about on here every day?
Women are thrilled to have 18.6% representation when we are 50% of Americans. We're getting there, though.

Up to 23% in 2019. Still feels really lame when put in percentage terms but when you look at the increase in women running and winning in 2018 I still think that the most lasting impact of #metoo is likely to be a meaningful increase in the number of women in office, which is pretty cool.
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
If you think Native Americans are going extinct -- was it black people that did it? Jews? Asians?

And do you think putting them on reservations is a model we should follow for other ethnic groups, like Polish people for instance
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?

How are minorities 'unamerican'?
Women are thrilled to have 18.6% representation when we are 50% of Americans. We're getting there, though.

Up to 23% in 2019. Still feels really lame when put in percentage terms but when you look at the increase in women running and winning in 2018 I still think that the most lasting impact of #metoo is likely to be a meaningful increase in the number of women in office, which is pretty cool.
Awesome! I was working on the 100 number, not 123. I don't mean to sound bigoted, but I think a woman's perspective is going to be a positive influence. Women have different decision making styles from men, and at least some of that involves more collaboration and consensus building, more process oriented ways of reaching decisions. It may (I hope) lead to more "reaching across the aisle."
I'm not sure why you think the #metoo movement has anything to do with it, though?

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