Is the return of racism and segregation the only way to keep America American?

How can something return if if never went away?

That’s weird, I thought we just came off of eight long years with a Kenyan POTUS. Didn’t he win the popular vote?

Hahaha, and the racist came out in droves in 2008. So they lost. Doesn't mean they ever went away.

Yeah, the Black racists did come out in droves in 2008, and then again in 2012, 2016 however the Black racists, showed their true "Colors" by not voting so much for the White chic Hillary Clit.
We're seeing the last gasp, the death rattle, of people like this.
You wish.

I see no reason to think they are not still spreading their message to their younger family members and normalizing their hatred among their friends.
You wish.

I see no reason to think they are not still spreading their message to their younger family members and normalizing their hatred among their friends.

I think it's complicated. If you zoom out, I don't think there can be much doubt that anti-racist/pro-diversity activism has made a lot of progress over the last 50 years, both in terms of changing culture and also addressing some (but not close to all) structural/institutional issues.

It's also always been clear that anti-racist social movements prompt reactionary backlash and counter-movements, and the increasing relevance of ethno-nationalist groups in the last few years is certainly a part of that, and Trump's ascendancy within the GOP is part of that. Although I think in large part the reaction is now more against immigrants than any other group. In any case, racial grievances that used to be expressed in more coded language now have more vocal support from people like the OP. But the sentiments aren't exactly new. Just to pick a well known example, Bush ran an ad against McCain in the SC primary in 2000 accusing McCain of fathering a black child. That's a pretty bluntly racist attack. Anti-immigrant sentiment is at some kind of peak right now but it's not as if American immigration policy has ever been particularly broad-minded, and a large number of Americans views have moved to the left even.

So I'd agree that we shouldn't envision some utopian outcome where all of these problems are easily solved merely by the passage of time, or that right now is the death rattle of ethnocentrism, racism, or whatever else. But I think there are still big picture reasons to be cautiously optimistic about the future even despite the current moment.
How can something return if if never went away?

That’s weird, I thought we just came off of eight long years with a Kenyan POTUS. Didn’t he win the popular vote?

Hahaha, and the racist came out in droves in 2008. So they lost. Doesn't mean they ever went away.

Yeah, the Black racists did come out in droves in 2008, and then again in 2012, 2016 however the Black racists, showed their true "Colors" by not voting so much for the White chic Hillary Clit.

Black Racist? Obviously the meaning of the term escapes you.
How can something return if if never went away?

That’s weird, I thought we just came off of eight long years with a Kenyan POTUS. Didn’t he win the popular vote?

Hahaha, and the racist came out in droves in 2008. So they lost. Doesn't mean they ever went away.

Yeah, the Black racists did come out in droves in 2008, and then again in 2012, 2016 however the Black racists, showed their true "Colors" by not voting so much for the White chic Hillary Clit.

Black Racist? Obviously the meaning of the term escapes you.

Blacks thinking Black mixed Obama was a superior candidate over White Hillary because Obama is darker could be considered as racist.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?

It is Republicans who are forcing the hand. They have made alliances with David Duke Republicans and attacked minorities. During the election, there were a number of racist appeals made by Republicans. Republicans attacked a Korean-American running for Congress by suggesting he would vote as a Korean not a American. Suburban women have turned bigly against Trump and Republicans.

What happened in California? Trump's rhetoric turned off independent voters. Also California is a melting pot of Muslims, Asians, Hispanics and Whites where there is no majority. Whites are the plurality in California not a majority. In 1 majority Asian district, Republicans ran a Korean-American. She lost to a white Democrat. Orange county Republicans were wiped out in Orange County after holding a majority of House seats 2 years ago. Thank Donald Trump for that.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
No tacos for you.
How can something return if if never went away?

That’s weird, I thought we just came off of eight long years with a Kenyan POTUS. Didn’t he win the popular vote?

Hahaha, and the racist came out in droves in 2008. So they lost. Doesn't mean they ever went away.

Are you referring to those racists who voted on skin color at >90%?

No. Voting based on skin color does not make one a racist, though many racists I'm sure, do voted based on skin color.
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.
You shouldn't concede the premise that blacks voted for Obama solely due to his race, because that premise is obviously false, as can be seen pretty easily by comparing exit polling between different years. Black voters overwhelmingly favoring Democrats does not reduce to only favoring black candidates.
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.
it's called Nazism.

Nazism was based on WHITE Aryan purity. You and your ilk are using Nazism.
How can something return if if never went away?

That’s weird, I thought we just came off of eight long years with a Kenyan POTUS. Didn’t he win the popular vote?

Hahaha, and the racist came out in droves in 2008. So they lost. Doesn't mean they ever went away.

Yeah, the Black racists did come out in droves in 2008, and then again in 2012, 2016 however the Black racists, showed their true "Colors" by not voting so much for the White chic Hillary Clit.

Black Racist? Obviously the meaning of the term escapes you.

Blacks thinking Black mixed Obama was a superior candidate over White Hillary because Obama is darker could be considered as racist.

No not really.
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.

A.) The Founding Fathers called for a White nation.

B.) Balkanization has caused war & genocide all over the globe.

You are the ignorant zombie.
That’s weird, I thought we just came off of eight long years with a Kenyan POTUS. Didn’t he win the popular vote?

Hahaha, and the racist came out in droves in 2008. So they lost. Doesn't mean they ever went away.

Yeah, the Black racists did come out in droves in 2008, and then again in 2012, 2016 however the Black racists, showed their true "Colors" by not voting so much for the White chic Hillary Clit.

Black Racist? Obviously the meaning of the term escapes you.

Blacks thinking Black mixed Obama was a superior candidate over White Hillary because Obama is darker could be considered as racist.

No not really.

Anybody who believes Blacks can't be racist is off their rocker.
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.
You don’t have a clue what i champion or not so please don’t try and define it.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
The stronger the white nationalist movement gets the stronger the opposition will get. That’s how it works. If republicans could learn how to message with compassion and act like they give a shit about the poor, minorities, and immigrants then perhaps there could be a bridge leading to a better place

I'd support Democrats, if they went back to their racist roots.

People like you are an insult to everybody's heritages, we fought to preserve, and struggled to build.

Go be an invalid, on your own terms.
“We fought to preserve”?? Not quite, I don’t know what fighting you did but if your talking about our ancestors you are misrepresenting what they were fighting for. Freedom and liberty. Not preservation of their heratage through racial discrimination. What an idiotic sentiment
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.

A.) The Founding Fathers called for a White nation.

B.) Balkanization has caused war & genocide all over the globe.

You are the ignorant zombie.
A.) what the founding fathers called for is insignificant, what’s written in our laws is what’s important. Our political system was set up to reflect the will of the people and to evolve through time. Any history of racism and discrimination has been tried and rejected and is now no longer a part of our legal system, while rejected by the people. Sorry bub but you are living in the wrong country.
Have we reached that point....Doesn't it feel like Democrats are forcing the hand?
They are almost demanding the two parties become the American Whites vs. The unAmerican Minorities
They insist on causing erosion of all things American. It won’t be long before the American Flag is considered offensive and they demand a complete remodel of anything and everything that is or was symbolic of America as we know it.
We are already seeing Democratic politicians push agendas clearly favorable for minorities and even illegals...that’s certainly the case here in Mexifornia.
What gives?
The stronger the white nationalist movement gets the stronger the opposition will get. That’s how it works. If republicans could learn how to message with compassion and act like they give a shit about the poor, minorities, and immigrants then perhaps there could be a bridge leading to a better place

I'd support Democrats, if they went back to their racist roots.

People like you are an insult to everybody's heritages, we fought to preserve, and struggled to build.

Go be an invalid, on your own terms.
“We fought to preserve”?? Not quite, I don’t know what fighting you did but if your talking about our ancestors you are misrepresenting what they were fighting for. Freedom and liberty. Not preservation of their heratage through racial discrimination. What an idiotic sentiment
Jewish Americans, and Native Americans in the U.S.A, are at the biggest risk of going extinct as "Ethnic groups"

So, there we go, Democraps are selling "Damaged goods" to everybody.

Separation is the solution, Multi-Cultural diersity is the problem.
Not ever going to happen again in this country, we have evolved way beyond that. Get over it

You, and your ilk claim to champion diversity, in reality you champion a "One racial solution" to both Europe & America.

Islamic cultural replacement for Europe, and Hispanic cultural replacement for America.

Truly sick & sad, no morals, just zombified idiocy.

You are so stupid. The fact is that Asian-American populations are growing in the US. California is a case in point as there is no majority. Whites make up a plurality but Hispanic and Asian populations are growing as well.

You are the zombified idiot.

A.) The Founding Fathers called for a White nation.

B.) Balkanization has caused war & genocide all over the globe.

You are the ignorant zombie.
A.) what the founding fathers called for is insignificant, what’s written in our laws is what’s important. Our political system was set up to reflect the will of the people and to evolve through time. Any history of racism and discrimination has been tried and rejected and is now no longer a part of our legal system, while rejected by the people. Sorry bub but you are living in the wrong country.
You got it right, times and people change but the DNA knows the truth. I had the shock of two DNA test and I am still the same person with the same dislikes and likes. Race was never a problem, the people were the problem. The actions of people and some of the groups I really dislike not the color of their skin. So now I am called the Other race not listed on forms.

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