Is the Senate required to wait for the physical articles of impeachment to move forward?

Why didn’t they appear?

They could have been subpoenaed in The House Inquiry I’d The Democrats really wanted to hear them testify.

The Senate in this process is a jury deliberation. No need to try the case all over again.

Not sure, but it seems oddly conspicuous not to allow the 4 folks who could each seemingly exonerate the President in full... to testify.

I understand he wants the Trial so that the partisan vote can happen and he can SAY that he was exonerated...but it's quite telling that he doesn't want to actually BE exonerated.
The were, dipstick
Since The Democrats ended The House Inquiry all those Subpoenas that they refused to wait for arbitration in the courts to be decided are now invalid.

You guys gotta quit listening to the GOP politicians on the impeachment process. They keep muddying the waters and combining everything together.

No. While there were some freshmen Representatives who called for impeachment shortly after he was sworn in, Pelosi knew that they didn't have anything (yet) that was impeachable. That is why she never brought it up before now.

The impeachment process was started when the whistleblower reported on the Ukraine phone call. Pelosi looked at the allegations and decided that now there was something that he could be impeached for.

The House then held their investigation. No, there was no trial because the House isn't responsible for that. After they had held their investigations, then Pelosi called for an impeachment vote and they voted to impeach him.

McConnell isn't helping matters by saying that he is fully coordinating with the WH, and will not be an impartial juror. Pelosi is now saying that until she can get assurances from the Senate that they will hold a fair trial, she will hold on to the articles of impeachment. If a juror in any court in the country told the judge that they were coordinating with the defendant and wouldn't be impartial, they would be thrown off the jury.

As far as the trial? When they figure out the rules and McConnell agrees to give a fair trial, then Pelosi will give them the articles, and the trial can begin.

No. Trump hasn't been denied due process because they haven't set the date for the trial yet. And, the only branch of government that can do the trial is the Senate. If you want to blame someone for holding up the process, blame McConnell, and his statement about not being willing to do his job.

It's not Pelosi's responsibility to dictate how the Senate conducts the trial, and the longer she holds back the articles, the more transparent her motives become, since they made such a big deal out of how immediately they had to do it.
The Senate would acquit Trump if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue
Pelosi knows that

Why not wait for the courts to rule on Trump releasing documents and allow staff testimony?

If Trump refuses, even the Senate must convict on obstruction of Congress

Yeah , they kind of scooched the pooch on that one.
Why didn’t they appear?

They could have been subpoenaed in The House Inquiry I’d The Democrats really wanted to hear them testify.

The Senate in this process is a jury deliberation. No need to try the case all over again.

Not sure, but it seems oddly conspicuous not to allow the 4 folks who could each seemingly exonerate the President in full... to testify.

I understand he wants the Trial so that the partisan vote can happen and he can SAY that he was exonerated...but it's quite telling that he doesn't want to actually BE exonerated.
The were, dipstick
Because Trump ordered them not to.

Fortunately, some actually showed and I watched every hour of every hearing...and the dufus did what he was accused of but at the end of the day...thats not why I would have impeached him.
Why didn’t The Democrats try to have The Subpoenas Enforced in The Courts as that is The Constitutional Arbitrator for Disputes Between The House and Executive Branch?

Why didn’t they appear?

They could have been subpoenaed in The House Inquiry I’d The Democrats really wanted to hear them testify.

The Senate in this process is a jury deliberation. No need to try the case all over again.

Not sure, but it seems oddly conspicuous not to allow the 4 folks who could each seemingly exonerate the President in full... to testify.

I understand he wants the Trial so that the partisan vote can happen and he can SAY that he was exonerated...but it's quite telling that he doesn't want to actually BE exonerated.
The were, dipstick
Because Trump ordered them not to.

Fortunately, some actually showed and I watched every hour of every hearing...and the dufus did what he was accused of but at the end of the day...thats not why I would have impeached him.
Why didn’t The Democrats try to have The Subpoenas Enforced in The Courts as that is The Constitutional Arbitrator for Disputes Between The House and Executive Branch?

Why didn’t they appear?

They could have been subpoenaed in The House Inquiry I’d The Democrats really wanted to hear them testify.

The Senate in this process is a jury deliberation. No need to try the case all over again.

Not sure, but it seems oddly conspicuous not to allow the 4 folks who could each seemingly exonerate the President in full... to testify.

I understand he wants the Trial so that the partisan vote can happen and he can SAY that he was exonerated...but it's quite telling that he doesn't want to actually BE exonerated.
The were, dipstick
Because Trump ordered them not to.

Fortunately, some actually showed and I watched every hour of every hearing...and the dufus did what he was accused of but at the end of the day...thats not why I would have impeached him.
Because they wanted the finality before the election since the election is what was being fucked with via the alleged abuse.
If The Evidence is “Overwhelming and Indisputable and Irrefutable” as all Democrats stated, and they refused to wait for arbitration in the courts over the subpoenas since Trump was such an “imminent and immediate existential threat” & they had “so much indisputable evidence & overwhelming evidence” that “they no choice but to impeach” then when they gaveled The Inquiry, they forfeited their right to call any further witnesses.

They declared the process complete and they abandoned their subpoenas and they cannot subpoena those witnesses again.

Why didn’t The Democrats try to have The Subpoenas Enforced in The Courts as that is The Constitutional Arbitrator for Disputes Between The House and Executive Branch?

Why didn’t they appear?

They could have been subpoenaed in The House Inquiry I’d The Democrats really wanted to hear them testify.

The Senate in this process is a jury deliberation. No need to try the case all over again.
The were, dipstick
Because Trump ordered them not to.

Fortunately, some actually showed and I watched every hour of every hearing...and the dufus did what he was accused of but at the end of the day...thats not why I would have impeached him.
Because they wanted the finality before the election since the election is what was being fucked with via the alleged abuse.
If The Evidence is Overwhelming and Indisputable and Irrefutable as all Democrats stared, and they refused to wait for arbitration since they had “so much indisputable evidence & overwhelming evidence the Gabe then no choice but to impeach” then when they gaveled The Inquiry, they forfeited their right to call any further witnesses.

They declared the process complete and they abandoned their subpoenas and they cannot subpoena those witnesses again.

Why didn’t The Democrats try to have The Subpoenas Enforced in The Courts as that is The Constitutional Arbitrator for Disputes Between The House and Executive Branch?

Why didn’t they appear?

The were, dipstick
Because Trump ordered them not to.

Fortunately, some actually showed and I watched every hour of every hearing...and the dufus did what he was accused of but at the end of the day...thats not why I would have impeached him.
Because they wanted the finality before the election since the election is what was being fucked with via the alleged abuse.
Thats broken English...but anyhoo, it shouldnt even TAKE a subpoena. Trump not wanting the guys who COULD DIRECTLY EXONERATE HIM to testify is suspect as fuck in tandem with the testimony we already have.

Hes guilty. Suck it up, buttercup...he wont be removed from office as your consolation prize.
The House cannot subpoena witnesses that they abandoned in their “Inquiry” to appear in The Senate jury deliberations.

What part of that do you not understand?

If you wanted to hear from them, you should have waited for The Court’s arbitration on The Subpoenas, and waited to see if The Courts felt the Subpoenas were valid enough to override Executive Privilege & Separation of Powers.

If The Evidence is Overwhelming and Indisputable and Irrefutable as all Democrats stared, and they refused to wait for arbitration since they had “so much indisputable evidence & overwhelming evidence the Gabe then no choice but to impeach” then when they gaveled The Inquiry, they forfeited their right to call any further witnesses.

They declared the process complete and they abandoned their subpoenas and they cannot subpoena those witnesses again.
Why didn’t The Democrats try to have The Subpoenas Enforced in The Courts as that is The Constitutional Arbitrator for Disputes Between The House and Executive Branch?

Why didn’t they appear?
Because Trump ordered them not to.

Fortunately, some actually showed and I watched every hour of every hearing...and the dufus did what he was accused of but at the end of the day...thats not why I would have impeached him.
Because they wanted the finality before the election since the election is what was being fucked with via the alleged abuse.
Thats broken English...but anyhoo, it shouldnt even TAKE a subpoena. Trump not wanting the guys who COULD DIRECTLY EXONERATE HIM to testify is suspect as fuck in tandem with the testimony we already have.

Hes guilty. Suck it up, buttercup...he wont be removed from office as your consolation prize.
Last edited:
The House cannot subpoena witnesses that they abounded in their inquiry to appear in The Senate.

What part of that do you not understand?

If you wanted to hear from them, you should have waited for The Court’s arbitrstion on The Subpoenas.

If The Evidence is Overwhelming and Indisputable and Irrefutable as all Democrats stared, and they refused to wait for arbitration since they had “so much indisputable evidence & overwhelming evidence the Gabe then no choice but to impeach” then when they gaveled The Inquiry, they forfeited their right to call any further witnesses.

They declared the process complete and they abandoned their subpoenas and they cannot subpoena those witnesses again.
Why didn’t The Democrats try to have The Subpoenas Enforced in The Courts as that is The Constitutional Arbitrator for Disputes Between The House and Executive Branch?

Because Trump ordered them not to.

Fortunately, some actually showed and I watched every hour of every hearing...and the dufus did what he was accused of but at the end of the day...thats not why I would have impeached him.
Because they wanted the finality before the election since the election is what was being fucked with via the alleged abuse.
Thats broken English...but anyhoo, it shouldnt even TAKE a subpoena. Trump not wanting the guys who COULD DIRECTLY EXONERATE HIM to testify is suspect as fuck in tandem with the testimony we already have.

Hes guilty. Suck it up, buttercup...he wont be removed from office as your consolation prize.
I dont want anything. Im merely stating WHAT IS. And the facts on the field say that the witnesses that DID testify say trumps guilty, and the witnesses that could corroborate said testimony are being blocked by his guilty ass.

You should grow the fuck up and stop treating politicians as your heros that you need to stick up for. Trump would literally take a shit on your grave in front of your loved ones for an extra dollar, naive bastard
Seems the Dems are having second thoughts. They are hoping to get the most impact they can out of the mess they have made.

Dems should hold the Articles of Impeachment until Trumps legal challenges of releasing evidence have cleared the courts

Should take about a year unless Trump drops his challenges
Funny that not only do you advocate for denying someone a speedy trial. A big part of the bill of rights which shows that things like the constitution only matter to crazy Dems when it fits their side.
You show that this was not about the so called pressure because of him using his office for all the reasons that Dems claimed. If Trump was such that he had to be impeached in such a speedy manner then delaying it shows they really were not serious.

Of course your opinion matters to no body.
Sometimes trials take a while....often years

In this case we have an Article of Impeachment on Obstructing Congress
Part of it is Trump going to court to prevent the release of documents and allowing his staff to testify.

Doesn’t it make sense to allow these cases to be resolved? THEN if Trump refuses to comply, the Senate will have no choice but to convict
Besides bright boy if they really wanted it to work its way through the court system as you are pretending they could have shut down the impeachment at any time. Since the went as far as drawing up articles and are not forwarding them to the senate it only looks as if they already know there is nothing there.

They had enough evidence to impeach and they did. It was a perfect impeachment

But now they must deal with a Republican Senate who would allow Trump to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it

More evidence makes sense
Rofl. You have got to either be working as a comedian or just completely on too many drugs. Hear say second hand information and even I thought does not make anything perfect.

The senate wants a case with something besides waaa I hate him because he won an election we thought we had won.

Damn you need to stop binging on heroin and CNN both will rot anyone's mind.
I’m stating The Law.

Here is what I think. Nancy Pelosi is a Senile old bat, whose half way to The Looney Bin.

She and the rest of her clown posse doesn’t actually know The Law, and did not realize that by refusing to await a Court Arbitration on The Subpoenas that when they finally Gaveled and Concluded The Inquiry, that those Subpoenas Expired.

This is why The Moron won’t send The Articles, because she is trying to get McDonnell to allow them to Subpoena all the same people again, but The Senate is nothing but a Jury Deliberation, The so called “Grand Jury” is over, and the Senate does not have to call a single witness because they just review the facts or lack of them that The House Presented & vote on whether they are legitimate or not, and they are not.

If you didn’t make your case, it’s as if all the time and money you wasted was simply flushed down The Toilet like a Gigantic Turd!

And that’s what you did, and everyone knows it and it’s why The President is getting record donations, his approval rating is climbing and America is turning against you.

The House cannot subpoena witnesses that they abounded in their inquiry to appear in The Senate.

What part of that do you not understand?

If you wanted to hear from them, you should have waited for The Court’s arbitrstion on The Subpoenas.

If The Evidence is Overwhelming and Indisputable and Irrefutable as all Democrats stared, and they refused to wait for arbitration since they had “so much indisputable evidence & overwhelming evidence the Gabe then no choice but to impeach” then when they gaveled The Inquiry, they forfeited their right to call any further witnesses.

They declared the process complete and they abandoned their subpoenas and they cannot subpoena those witnesses again.
Why didn’t The Democrats try to have The Subpoenas Enforced in The Courts as that is The Constitutional Arbitrator for Disputes Between The House and Executive Branch?
Because they wanted the finality before the election since the election is what was being fucked with via the alleged abuse.
Thats broken English...but anyhoo, it shouldnt even TAKE a subpoena. Trump not wanting the guys who COULD DIRECTLY EXONERATE HIM to testify is suspect as fuck in tandem with the testimony we already have.

Hes guilty. Suck it up, buttercup...he wont be removed from office as your consolation prize.
I dont want anything. Im merely stating WHAT IS. And the facts on the field say that the witnesses that DID testify say trumps guilty, and the witnesses that could corroborate said testimony are being blocked by his guilty ass.

You should grow the fuck up and stop treating politicians as your heros that you need to stick up for. Trump would literally take a shit on your grave in front of your loved ones for an extra dollar, naive bastard
I’m stating The Law.

Here is what I think. Nancy Pelosi is a Senile old bat, whose half way to The Looney Bin.

She and the rest of her clown posse doesn’t actually know The Law, and did not realize that by refusing to await a Court Arbitration on The Subpoenas that when they finally Gaveled and Concluded The Inquiry, that those Subpoenas Expired.

This is why The Moron won’t send The Articles, because she is trying to get McDonnell to allow them to Subpoena all the same people again, but The Senate is nothing but a Jury Deliberation, The so called “Grand Jury” is over, and the Senate does not have to call a single witness because they just review the facts or lack of them that The House Presented & vote on whether they are legitimate or not, and they are not.

If you didn’t make your case, it’s as if all the time and money you wasted was simply flushed down The Toilet like a Gigantic Turd!

And that’s what you did, and everyone knows it and it’s why The President is getting record donations, his approval rating is climbing and America is turning against you.

The House cannot subpoena witnesses that they abounded in their inquiry to appear in The Senate.

What part of that do you not understand?

If you wanted to hear from them, you should have waited for The Court’s arbitrstion on The Subpoenas.

If The Evidence is Overwhelming and Indisputable and Irrefutable as all Democrats stared, and they refused to wait for arbitration since they had “so much indisputable evidence & overwhelming evidence the Gabe then no choice but to impeach” then when they gaveled The Inquiry, they forfeited their right to call any further witnesses.

They declared the process complete and they abandoned their subpoenas and they cannot subpoena those witnesses again.
Because they wanted the finality before the election since the election is what was being fucked with via the alleged abuse.
Thats broken English...but anyhoo, it shouldnt even TAKE a subpoena. Trump not wanting the guys who COULD DIRECTLY EXONERATE HIM to testify is suspect as fuck in tandem with the testimony we already have.

Hes guilty. Suck it up, buttercup...he wont be removed from office as your consolation prize.
I dont want anything. Im merely stating WHAT IS. And the facts on the field say that the witnesses that DID testify say trumps guilty, and the witnesses that could corroborate said testimony are being blocked by his guilty ass.

You should grow the fuck up and stop treating politicians as your heros that you need to stick up for. Trump would literally take a shit on your grave in front of your loved ones for an extra dollar, naive bastard
cool rant but unfortunately the 17 witnesses disagree and most of them were appointed by orange dufus

you are gullible, congratulations
I think you are The Gullible one because you fail to understand that Only Testimony from Material Fact Witnesses that can present concrete & direct Evidence of a High Crime or Misdemeanor are allowed in The Senate Deliberations.

Do you have any of those amongst your so called “Imaginary” 17 Witnesses?

I’m stating The Law.

Here is what I think. Nancy Pelosi is a Senile old bat, whose half way to The Looney Bin.

She and the rest of her clown posse doesn’t actually know The Law, and did not realize that by refusing to await a Court Arbitration on The Subpoenas that when they finally Gaveled and Concluded The Inquiry, that those Subpoenas Expired.

This is why The Moron won’t send The Articles, because she is trying to get McDonnell to allow them to Subpoena all the same people again, but The Senate is nothing but a Jury Deliberation, The so called “Grand Jury” is over, and the Senate does not have to call a single witness because they just review the facts or lack of them that The House Presented & vote on whether they are legitimate or not, and they are not.

If you didn’t make your case, it’s as if all the time and money you wasted was simply flushed down The Toilet like a Gigantic Turd!

And that’s what you did, and everyone knows it and it’s why The President is getting record donations, his approval rating is climbing and America is turning against you.

The House cannot subpoena witnesses that they abounded in their inquiry to appear in The Senate.

What part of that do you not understand?

If you wanted to hear from them, you should have waited for The Court’s arbitrstion on The Subpoenas.

If The Evidence is Overwhelming and Indisputable and Irrefutable as all Democrats stared, and they refused to wait for arbitration since they had “so much indisputable evidence & overwhelming evidence the Gabe then no choice but to impeach” then when they gaveled The Inquiry, they forfeited their right to call any further witnesses.

They declared the process complete and they abandoned their subpoenas and they cannot subpoena those witnesses again.
Thats broken English...but anyhoo, it shouldnt even TAKE a subpoena. Trump not wanting the guys who COULD DIRECTLY EXONERATE HIM to testify is suspect as fuck in tandem with the testimony we already have.

Hes guilty. Suck it up, buttercup...he wont be removed from office as your consolation prize.
I dont want anything. Im merely stating WHAT IS. And the facts on the field say that the witnesses that DID testify say trumps guilty, and the witnesses that could corroborate said testimony are being blocked by his guilty ass.

You should grow the fuck up and stop treating politicians as your heros that you need to stick up for. Trump would literally take a shit on your grave in front of your loved ones for an extra dollar, naive bastard
cool rant but unfortunately the 17 witnesses disagree and most of them were appointed by orange dufus

you are gullible, congratulations
I think you are The Gullible one because you fail to understand that Only Testimony from Material Fact Witnesses that can present concrete & direct Evidence of a High Crime or Misdemeanor are allowed in The Senate Deliberations.

Do you have any of those amongst your so called “Imaginary” 17 Witnesses?

I’m stating The Law.

Here is what I think. Nancy Pelosi is a Senile old bat, whose half way to The Looney Bin.

She and the rest of her clown posse doesn’t actually know The Law, and did not realize that by refusing to await a Court Arbitration on The Subpoenas that when they finally Gaveled and Concluded The Inquiry, that those Subpoenas Expired.

This is why The Moron won’t send The Articles, because she is trying to get McDonnell to allow them to Subpoena all the same people again, but The Senate is nothing but a Jury Deliberation, The so called “Grand Jury” is over, and the Senate does not have to call a single witness because they just review the facts or lack of them that The House Presented & vote on whether they are legitimate or not, and they are not.

If you didn’t make your case, it’s as if all the time and money you wasted was simply flushed down The Toilet like a Gigantic Turd!

And that’s what you did, and everyone knows it and it’s why The President is getting record donations, his approval rating is climbing and America is turning against you.

The House cannot subpoena witnesses that they abounded in their inquiry to appear in The Senate.

What part of that do you not understand?

If you wanted to hear from them, you should have waited for The Court’s arbitrstion on The Subpoenas.

Thats broken English...but anyhoo, it shouldnt even TAKE a subpoena. Trump not wanting the guys who COULD DIRECTLY EXONERATE HIM to testify is suspect as fuck in tandem with the testimony we already have.

Hes guilty. Suck it up, buttercup...he wont be removed from office as your consolation prize.
I dont want anything. Im merely stating WHAT IS. And the facts on the field say that the witnesses that DID testify say trumps guilty, and the witnesses that could corroborate said testimony are being blocked by his guilty ass.

You should grow the fuck up and stop treating politicians as your heros that you need to stick up for. Trump would literally take a shit on your grave in front of your loved ones for an extra dollar, naive bastard
cool rant but unfortunately the 17 witnesses disagree and most of them were appointed by orange dufus

you are gullible, congratulations
That made no sense ^

I watched all of their testimony. They all knew the shady fuck was scheming ~ problem is...anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he wasnt.

Thats the issue with hero worship.

Yall need a daddy, and its become a cult. YOU are in a cult.
So you don’t know how US Law works.

Don’t know how Subpoenas work

Don’t know how Separation of Powers works

Don’t understand The Judiciary’s role as arbitrator between The Executive and Legislative Branch

Don’t know what Executive Privilege is

Don’t know the evidentiary process

Don’t know The Senate’s role in validating House Resolutions like HR 1 as The Senior member of a Bicameral Legislation

What do you actually know?

“Orange Man Bad!”

I think you are The Gullible one because you fail to understand that Only Testimony from Material Fact Witnesses that can present concrete & direct Evidence of a High Crime or Misdemeanor are allowed in The Senate Deliberations.

Do you have any of those amongst your so called “Imaginary” 17 Witnesses?

I’m stating The Law.

Here is what I think. Nancy Pelosi is a Senile old bat, whose half way to The Looney Bin.

She and the rest of her clown posse doesn’t actually know The Law, and did not realize that by refusing to await a Court Arbitration on The Subpoenas that when they finally Gaveled and Concluded The Inquiry, that those Subpoenas Expired.

This is why The Moron won’t send The Articles, because she is trying to get McDonnell to allow them to Subpoena all the same people again, but The Senate is nothing but a Jury Deliberation, The so called “Grand Jury” is over, and the Senate does not have to call a single witness because they just review the facts or lack of them that The House Presented & vote on whether they are legitimate or not, and they are not.

If you didn’t make your case, it’s as if all the time and money you wasted was simply flushed down The Toilet like a Gigantic Turd!

And that’s what you did, and everyone knows it and it’s why The President is getting record donations, his approval rating is climbing and America is turning against you.

The House cannot subpoena witnesses that they abounded in their inquiry to appear in The Senate.

What part of that do you not understand?

If you wanted to hear from them, you should have waited for The Court’s arbitrstion on The Subpoenas.
I dont want anything. Im merely stating WHAT IS. And the facts on the field say that the witnesses that DID testify say trumps guilty, and the witnesses that could corroborate said testimony are being blocked by his guilty ass.

You should grow the fuck up and stop treating politicians as your heros that you need to stick up for. Trump would literally take a shit on your grave in front of your loved ones for an extra dollar, naive bastard
cool rant but unfortunately the 17 witnesses disagree and most of them were appointed by orange dufus

you are gullible, congratulations
That made no sense ^

I watched all of their testimony. They all knew the shady fuck was scheming ~ problem is...anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he wasnt.

Thats the issue with hero worship.

Yall need a daddy, and its become a cult. YOU are in a cult.
Last edited:
So you don’t know how US Law works.

Don’t know how Subpoenas work

Don’t know how Separation of Powers works

Don’t know what Executive Privilege is

Don’t know the evidentiary process

Don’t know The Senates role in validating House Resolutions like HR 1 as The Senior member of a Bicameral Legislation

What do you actually know?

I think you are The Gullible one because you fail to understand that Only Testimony from Material Fact Witnesses that can present concrete & direct Evidence of a High Crime or Misdemeanor are allowed in The Senate Deliberations.

Do you have any of those amongst your so called “Imaginary” 17 Witnesses?

I’m stating The Law.

Here is what I think. Nancy Pelosi is a Senile old bat, whose half way to The Looney Bin.

She and the rest of her clown posse doesn’t actually know The Law, and did not realize that by refusing to await a Court Arbitration on The Subpoenas that when they finally Gaveled and Concluded The Inquiry, that those Subpoenas Expired.

This is why The Moron won’t send The Articles, because she is trying to get McDonnell to allow them to Subpoena all the same people again, but The Senate is nothing but a Jury Deliberation, The so called “Grand Jury” is over, and the Senate does not have to call a single witness because they just review the facts or lack of them that The House Presented & vote on whether they are legitimate or not, and they are not.

If you didn’t make your case, it’s as if all the time and money you wasted was simply flushed down The Toilet like a Gigantic Turd!

And that’s what you did, and everyone knows it and it’s why The President is getting record donations, his approval rating is climbing and America is turning against you.

I dont want anything. Im merely stating WHAT IS. And the facts on the field say that the witnesses that DID testify say trumps guilty, and the witnesses that could corroborate said testimony are being blocked by his guilty ass.

You should grow the fuck up and stop treating politicians as your heros that you need to stick up for. Trump would literally take a shit on your grave in front of your loved ones for an extra dollar, naive bastard
cool rant but unfortunately the 17 witnesses disagree and most of them were appointed by orange dufus

you are gullible, congratulations
That made no sense ^

I watched all of their testimony. They all knew the shady fuck was scheming ~ problem is...anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he wasnt.

Thats the issue with hero worship.

Yall need a daddy, and its become a cult. YOU are in a cult.
Nice strawman. Feel better, bro. In 5 years or in 1, this will all pass and youll be left with your dick in your hands pretending youd never supported the guy, like everyone did for Bush.

There, there...naive old dude

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