Is the Senate required to wait for the physical articles of impeachment to move forward?

So you don’t know how US Law works.

Don’t know how Subpoenas work

Don’t know how Separation of Powers works

Don’t know what Executive Privilege is

Don’t know the evidentiary process

Don’t know The Senates role in validating House Resolutions like HR 1 as The Senior member of a Bicameral Legislation

What do you actually know?

I think you are The Gullible one because you fail to understand that Only Testimony from Material Fact Witnesses that can present concrete & direct Evidence of a High Crime or Misdemeanor are allowed in The Senate Deliberations.

Do you have any of those amongst your so called “Imaginary” 17 Witnesses?

I’m stating The Law.

Here is what I think. Nancy Pelosi is a Senile old bat, whose half way to The Looney Bin.

She and the rest of her clown posse doesn’t actually know The Law, and did not realize that by refusing to await a Court Arbitration on The Subpoenas that when they finally Gaveled and Concluded The Inquiry, that those Subpoenas Expired.

This is why The Moron won’t send The Articles, because she is trying to get McDonnell to allow them to Subpoena all the same people again, but The Senate is nothing but a Jury Deliberation, The so called “Grand Jury” is over, and the Senate does not have to call a single witness because they just review the facts or lack of them that The House Presented & vote on whether they are legitimate or not, and they are not.

If you didn’t make your case, it’s as if all the time and money you wasted was simply flushed down The Toilet like a Gigantic Turd!

And that’s what you did, and everyone knows it and it’s why The President is getting record donations, his approval rating is climbing and America is turning against you.
cool rant but unfortunately the 17 witnesses disagree and most of them were appointed by orange dufus

you are gullible, congratulations
That made no sense ^

I watched all of their testimony. They all knew the shady fuck was scheming ~ problem is...anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he wasnt.

Thats the issue with hero worship.

Yall need a daddy, and its become a cult. YOU are in a cult.
Nice strawman. Feel better, bro. In 5 years or in 1, this will all pass and youll be left with your dick in your hands pretending youd never supported the guy, like everyone did for Bush.

There, there...naive old dude
You have the 5 years right lol
There are no straw men, just facts about the law which you have repeatedly shown to have no clue about, and apparently neither does anyone in The Democrat Party understand The Law.

So you don’t know how US Law works.

Don’t know how Subpoenas work

Don’t know how Separation of Powers works

Don’t know what Executive Privilege is

Don’t know the evidentiary process

Don’t know The Senates role in validating House Resolutions like HR 1 as The Senior member of a Bicameral Legislation

What do you actually know?

I think you are The Gullible one because you fail to understand that Only Testimony from Material Fact Witnesses that can present concrete & direct Evidence of a High Crime or Misdemeanor are allowed in The Senate Deliberations.

Do you have any of those amongst your so called “Imaginary” 17 Witnesses?

I’m stating The Law.

Here is what I think. Nancy Pelosi is a Senile old bat, whose half way to The Looney Bin.

She and the rest of her clown posse doesn’t actually know The Law, and did not realize that by refusing to await a Court Arbitration on The Subpoenas that when they finally Gaveled and Concluded The Inquiry, that those Subpoenas Expired.

This is why The Moron won’t send The Articles, because she is trying to get McDonnell to allow them to Subpoena all the same people again, but The Senate is nothing but a Jury Deliberation, The so called “Grand Jury” is over, and the Senate does not have to call a single witness because they just review the facts or lack of them that The House Presented & vote on whether they are legitimate or not, and they are not.

If you didn’t make your case, it’s as if all the time and money you wasted was simply flushed down The Toilet like a Gigantic Turd!

And that’s what you did, and everyone knows it and it’s why The President is getting record donations, his approval rating is climbing and America is turning against you.
cool rant but unfortunately the 17 witnesses disagree and most of them were appointed by orange dufus

you are gullible, congratulations
That made no sense ^

I watched all of their testimony. They all knew the shady fuck was scheming ~ problem is...anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he wasnt.

Thats the issue with hero worship.

Yall need a daddy, and its become a cult. YOU are in a cult.
Nice strawman. Feel better, bro. In 5 years or in 1, this will all pass and youll be left with your dick in your hands pretending youd never supported the guy, like everyone did for Bush.

There, there...naive old dude
There are no straw men, just facts about the law which you have repeatedly shown to have no clue about, and apparently neither does anyone in The Democrat Party understand The Law.

So you don’t know how US Law works.

Don’t know how Subpoenas work

Don’t know how Separation of Powers works

Don’t know what Executive Privilege is

Don’t know the evidentiary process

Don’t know The Senates role in validating House Resolutions like HR 1 as The Senior member of a Bicameral Legislation

What do you actually know?

I think you are The Gullible one because you fail to understand that Only Testimony from Material Fact Witnesses that can present concrete & direct Evidence of a High Crime or Misdemeanor are allowed in The Senate Deliberations.

Do you have any of those amongst your so called “Imaginary” 17 Witnesses?

cool rant but unfortunately the 17 witnesses disagree and most of them were appointed by orange dufus

you are gullible, congratulations
That made no sense ^

I watched all of their testimony. They all knew the shady fuck was scheming ~ problem is...anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he wasnt.

Thats the issue with hero worship.

Yall need a daddy, and its become a cult. YOU are in a cult.
Nice strawman. Feel better, bro. In 5 years or in 1, this will all pass and youll be left with your dick in your hands pretending youd never supported the guy, like everyone did for Bush.

There, there...naive old dude
You dont know how to read. And thats fine...the president spells like a 3rd grader.
There are no straw men, just facts about the law which you have repeatedly shown to have no clue about, and apparently neither does anyone in The Democrat Party understand The Law.

So you don’t know how US Law works.

Don’t know how Subpoenas work

Don’t know how Separation of Powers works

Don’t know what Executive Privilege is

Don’t know the evidentiary process

Don’t know The Senates role in validating House Resolutions like HR 1 as The Senior member of a Bicameral Legislation

What do you actually know?

I think you are The Gullible one because you fail to understand that Only Testimony from Material Fact Witnesses that can present concrete & direct Evidence of a High Crime or Misdemeanor are allowed in The Senate Deliberations.

Do you have any of those amongst your so called “Imaginary” 17 Witnesses?
That made no sense ^

I watched all of their testimony. They all knew the shady fuck was scheming ~ problem is...anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he wasnt.

Thats the issue with hero worship.

Yall need a daddy, and its become a cult. YOU are in a cult.
Nice strawman. Feel better, bro. In 5 years or in 1, this will all pass and youll be left with your dick in your hands pretending youd never supported the guy, like everyone did for Bush.

There, there...naive old dude
You dont know how to read. And thats fine...the president spells like a 3rd grader.

How about we show everyone how smart you are:

Define Due Process:

You have Google and Wiki, so should be easy for you....right?
There are no straw men, just facts about the law which you have repeatedly shown to have no clue about, and apparently neither does anyone in The Democrat Party understand The Law.

So you don’t know how US Law works.

Don’t know how Subpoenas work

Don’t know how Separation of Powers works

Don’t know what Executive Privilege is

Don’t know the evidentiary process

Don’t know The Senates role in validating House Resolutions like HR 1 as The Senior member of a Bicameral Legislation

What do you actually know?

That made no sense ^

I watched all of their testimony. They all knew the shady fuck was scheming ~ problem is...anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he wasnt.

Thats the issue with hero worship.

Yall need a daddy, and its become a cult. YOU are in a cult.
Nice strawman. Feel better, bro. In 5 years or in 1, this will all pass and youll be left with your dick in your hands pretending youd never supported the guy, like everyone did for Bush.

There, there...naive old dude
You dont know how to read. And thats fine...the president spells like a 3rd grader.

How about we show everyone how smart you are:

Define Due Process:

You have Google and Wiki, so should be easy for you....right?
:itsok: obsessed with arguing on the internet like youre obsessed with an orange mans balls
Define “Separation of Powers”

There are no straw men, just facts about the law which you have repeatedly shown to have no clue about, and apparently neither does anyone in The Democrat Party understand The Law.

So you don’t know how US Law works.

Don’t know how Subpoenas work

Don’t know how Separation of Powers works

Don’t know what Executive Privilege is

Don’t know the evidentiary process

Don’t know The Senates role in validating House Resolutions like HR 1 as The Senior member of a Bicameral Legislation

What do you actually know?
Nice strawman. Feel better, bro. In 5 years or in 1, this will all pass and youll be left with your dick in your hands pretending youd never supported the guy, like everyone did for Bush.

There, there...naive old dude
You dont know how to read. And thats fine...the president spells like a 3rd grader.

How about we show everyone how smart you are:

Define Due Process:

You have Google and Wiki, so should be easy for you....right?
:itsok: obsessed with arguing on the internet like youre obsessed with an orange mans balls
I read about what the Constitution said about the impeachment process. It did not outline what happens if the articles of impeachment are not sent to the Senate. It did mention that two (?) managers from the House will assist in the Senate Trial. But what if they didn't send them or the articles.

The Constitution clearly states that the articles of impeachment are to be sent to the Senate. No question. There is a point where the Supreme Court can be involved, but it's murky.

I will try to find what I read so you can determine what it means in this situation.
Think of it this way. If they don’t send it to the Senate and yet declare him guilty without a trial that is against the law, just as it would be for anyone. It’s like he is indicted but then don’t allow him due process. That would be thrown out of any court of law here. At least that is my understanding.

Due process would include a fair evaluation of all evidence presented at trial. The right wing already announced their verdict before the trial even started, or any evidence has been presented. McConnell and republican senators are the ones denying due process.
You do recall that Impeachment was called for on the day Trump took office, right? Just who denied due process?
No.Provide a link please.
Impeachment was also discussed on the first day of Obama's presidency, when the right had a meeting to decide they would oppose everything he tried to do. Don't you remember that "one term president" remark by Turtle Boy?
I read about what the Constitution said about the impeachment process. It did not outline what happens if the articles of impeachment are not sent to the Senate. It did mention that two (?) managers from the House will assist in the Senate Trial. But what if they didn't send them or the articles.

The Constitution clearly states that the articles of impeachment are to be sent to the Senate. No question. There is a point where the Supreme Court can be involved, but it's murky.

I will try to find what I read so you can determine what it means in this situation.
Think of it this way. If they don’t send it to the Senate and yet declare him guilty without a trial that is against the law, just as it would be for anyone. It’s like he is indicted but then don’t allow him due process. That would be thrown out of any court of law here. At least that is my understanding.

Due process would include a fair evaluation of all evidence presented at trial. The right wing already announced their verdict before the trial even started, or any evidence has been presented. McConnell and republican senators are the ones denying due process.
You do recall that Impeachment was called for on the day Trump took office, right? Just who denied due process?
No.Provide a link please.
Impeachment was also discussed on the first day of Obama's presidency, when the right had a meeting to decide they would oppose everything he tried to do. Don't you remember that "one term president" remark by Turtle Boy?
April, 2016, about Trump, before he was even nominated. Lol
Could Trump Be Impeached Shortly After He Takes Office?
Think of it this way. If they don’t send it to the Senate and yet declare him guilty without a trial that is against the law, just as it would be for anyone. It’s like he is indicted but then don’t allow him due process. That would be thrown out of any court of law here. At least that is my understanding.

Due process would include a fair evaluation of all evidence presented at trial. The right wing already announced their verdict before the trial even started, or any evidence has been presented. McConnell and republican senators are the ones denying due process.
You do recall that Impeachment was called for on the day Trump took office, right? Just who denied due process?
No.Provide a link please.
Impeachment was also discussed on the first day of Obama's presidency, when the right had a meeting to decide they would oppose everything he tried to do. Don't you remember that "one term president" remark by Turtle Boy?
April, 2016, about Trump, before he was even nominated. Lol
Could Trump Be Impeached Shortly After He Takes Office?
No, provide a link that promotes OBAMA"S impeachment.
Due process would include a fair evaluation of all evidence presented at trial. The right wing already announced their verdict before the trial even started, or any evidence has been presented. McConnell and republican senators are the ones denying due process.
You do recall that Impeachment was called for on the day Trump took office, right? Just who denied due process?
No.Provide a link please.
Impeachment was also discussed on the first day of Obama's presidency, when the right had a meeting to decide they would oppose everything he tried to do. Don't you remember that "one term president" remark by Turtle Boy?
April, 2016, about Trump, before he was even nominated. Lol
Could Trump Be Impeached Shortly After He Takes Office?
No, provide a link that promotes OBAMA"S impeachment.
Yes, Bulldog needs to. I agree.
I read about what the Constitution said about the impeachment process. It did not outline what happens if the articles of impeachment are not sent to the Senate. It did mention that two (?) managers from the House will assist in the Senate Trial. But what if they didn't send them or the articles.

The Constitution clearly states that the articles of impeachment are to be sent to the Senate. No question. There is a point where the Supreme Court can be involved, but it's murky.

I will try to find what I read so you can determine what it means in this situation.

The Supreme Court will never get involved, this is a matter wholly between the houses of Congress, and since the House has finished its part and the Senate is the Jury, it is up to the senate now to decide what to do and when if the House does not file the impeachment within a timeline of their choosing. Nancy could be charged with obstruction of justice. Now that the House has voted, the Senate must rule solely on what evidence is contained within the file of the House Committee. Not meeting those conditions, McConnell has the power to move forward on his own.

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