Zone1 Is the U.S. heading toward nonbelief?

Just you wait, the medical establishment is going to start inserting a uterus in, you'll see!!

Then who will be laughing?

Me :D

The perverts are already dying during their perv-change operations...this will just mean more of them die.


A DEAD PERVERT! :laughing0301:
"Americans are better educated than they were in the 1960's."
Americans can't be better educated about religion than they were in the 1960s...religion was basically removed from schools. What logically follows a subject being removed from schools is that Americans are more ignorant about religion than they were in the 1960s.
Americans can't be better educated about religion than they were in the 1960s...religion was basically removed from schools. What logically follows a subject being removed from schools is that Americans are more ignorant about religion than they were in the 1960s.

religion can not be taught inside the public domain as written in the u s constitution - for no other reason than using their own resouses to teach biased and unverifiable beliefs used in a manor detrimental to a cohesive society, placing themselves above the law.

The article makes the very valid point that "Americans are better educated than they were in the 1960's." This makes absolute sense, as every day we see Republicans and religious leaders trying to shower religion on the masses. Educated Americans see this hooey for what it is. While the religious leaders fight back calling for more and more prayer, it ain't working, as thinking Americans know that prayer is a bunch of nothin burger. Just ask the Holocaust victims if prayer is real!

I think religion will always be there because there will always be people who feel the need for the things religion gives people. However I also think people are finding that other things are more entertaining. With 24/7 entertainment at their fingertips, people are less likely to think about things, less likely to need love from some higher being etc.

The article makes the very valid point that "Americans are better educated than they were in the 1960's." This makes absolute sense, as every day we see Republicans and religious leaders trying to shower religion on the masses. Educated Americans see this hooey for what it is. While the religious leaders fight back calling for more and more prayer, it ain't working, as thinking Americans know that prayer is a bunch of nothin burger. Just ask the Holocaust victims if prayer is real!

What non-belief?

The US is heading straight into Satanism.

These scum in power believe in Satan.

Non belief my eye!
Dang. That's some serious religious brainwashing.

Understood. You're insecure in your belief. You think rallying the troops with hatred will quell the doubts that you and the others are having.

So why do you feel such a deep emotional need to hate atheists?
Notice the typical atheist response. Doesn't address a single one of my points. Just issues three straight personal attacks.
Americans can't be better educated about religion than they were in the 1960s...religion was basically removed from schools. What logically follows a subject being removed from schools is that Americans are more ignorant about religion than they were in the 1960s.
This Does Not Establish a Particular Denomination

Why is there no Christian movement to have the Court bring back prayer in schools, instead of this fixation on abortion? It does children good to have something to look up to; they can make up their own minds as they have less of a need for something to hold on to.

If they ever wake up to this, they should also put the Our Father into everyday English.
Maybe when atheists stop leading all belief groups in depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicides I'll start to believe articles like this. Maybe when officially atheist governments stop being dictatorial poverty-ridden oppressive hell holes, I'll start believing articles like this.

Imagine pushing a product 24/7 that nobody wants, that does them great harm, that leaves them miserable. You have the purveyors of atheism.

Atheists prey on the gullible who lack the sense to look at the train-wreck lives of the folks pushing atheism. Very much like acolytes of George Carlin. Here he was, snarkily bashing religion, while he, himself was about to have to go into alcohol treatment at age 67, and yet these stupid vulnerable weak people in his audience were lapping it up, failing to see the obvious disconnect. I feel like shouting "Your guru's life is a dumpster fire, morons. Nothing he says is worth listening to".

You sure turn a lot of people off religion.
These scum in power believe in Satan.

such is the disconnect between the inside of the christian church, desert religions and those not constrained by the artificial walls those documents have encased them in their beliefs.

- and an example of their beliefs in your madeup satan ... have you one.

The article makes the very valid point that "Americans are better educated than they were in the 1960's." This makes absolute sense, as every day we see Republicans and religious leaders trying to shower religion on the masses. Educated Americans see this hooey for what it is. While the religious leaders fight back calling for more and more prayer, it ain't working, as thinking Americans know that prayer is a bunch of nothin burger. Just ask the Holocaust victims if prayer is real!
Hard to take religion (christianity in particular) seriously when so many so-called christians are vocally all in for the orange sexual abuser.
The best theistic position in my opinion is pantheistic. All of reality, with all of its laws, states, and conditions is GOD. God is everything and everyone that actually exists. We are all part of God/Reality. That doesn't imply that an individual amounts to God, but rather that we are as individuals, a very small part of that divine reality, that is God. God isn't an individual person, in a human, religious sense. God is reality itself. I'm an agnostic atheist, but if I were to believe in God, this is the theism that I would convert to.

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