Zone1 Is the U.S. heading toward nonbelief?

The article makes the very valid point that "Americans are better educated than they were in the 1960's." This makes absolute sense, as every day we see Republicans and religious leaders trying to shower religion on the masses. Educated Americans see this hooey for what it is. While the religious leaders fight back calling for more and more prayer, it ain't working, as thinking Americans know that prayer is a bunch of nothin burger. Just ask the Holocaust victims if prayer is real!
You had a Trump for 4 years (so much for better educated) - and God didn't do anything about it, now you got a Biden (so much for better educated) and again God isn't doing anything about it - so what else would you expect?
The whole joint came.from somewhere. How do you have a big bang wthout any matter? G_d, a Creator in some form had involvement.
That is the god of the gaps fallacy.

If we can't explain something then a god must have done it.

It also highlights the arrogance of human beings and assumes that we are capable of understanding absolutely everything.
I think religion will always be there because there will always be people who feel the need for the things religion gives people. However I also think people are finding that other things are more entertaining. With 24/7 entertainment at their fingertips, people are less likely to think about things, less likely to need love from some higher being etc.
Unfortunately, there will always be religion because religion will always be the handmaiden of the state.

The origins of religion were political – not spiritual: as a means of population control through fear and authoritarian intimidation, as justification to oppress and discriminate, and as justification for war.

The use of religion as a political weapon motivated the Framers to prohibit conjoining church and state.

And again: it is not the case that religion was misappropriated and used in bad faith by autocrats and dictators to oppress and discriminate – the original intent of religion was to compel conformity, divide the people, and to vilify and attack dissent, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.
Unfortunately, there will always be religion because religion will always be the handmaiden of the state.

The origins of religion were political – not spiritual: as a means of population control through fear and authoritarian intimidation, as justification to oppress and discriminate, and as justification for war.

The use of religion as a political weapon motivated the Framers to prohibit conjoining church and state.

And again: it is not the case that religion was misappropriated and used in bad faith by autocrats and dictators to oppress and discriminate – the original intent of religion was to compel conformity, divide the people, and to vilify and attack dissent, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

I agree. I think a lot of people simply don't realize just how convenient religion, God and Jesus are for thought control, policing and all that.
Meaning people who hate God prefer poverty?

Thats so lib
Meaning that your god is this world and you're a hypocrite. How can I hate a god that I don't believe exists? I don't hate GOD, I hate your stupid opinion about "God". Your dumb version of God. If the god you believe in exists, he's a sadistic monster and extremely self-entitled and privileged psychopath, why would anyone worship such a deplorable character?
Perhaps churches should be doing a better job attracting people. And one does not need to attend church to belief in or live by God's will. One can worship and pray individually where one chooses. Belonging to a church is no more religious than worshipping from home , reading the bible alone, praying alone, etc. Belief and attending church can be 2 separate things.
Meaning that your god is this world and you're a hypocrite. How can I hate a god that I don't believe exists? I don't hate GOD, I hate your stupid opinion about "God". Your dumb version of God. If the god you believe in exists, he's a sadistic monster and extremely self-entitled and privileged psychopath, why would anyone worship such a deplorable character?
You are mistaken

But I’m ok no matter what happens to you both in this life and the next
Americans can't be better educated about religion than they were in the 1960s...religion was basically removed from schools. What logically follows a subject being removed from schools is that Americans are more ignorant about religion than they were in the 1960s.
What needs to happen is a massive revival like we haven't seen since the early 20th Century.
Perhaps churches should be doing a better job attracting people. And one does not need to attend church to belief in or live by God's will. One can worship and pray individually where one chooses. Belonging to a church is no more religious than worshipping from home , reading the bible alone, praying alone, etc. Belief and attending church can be 2 separate things.
Well, that's where you are Biblically incorrect. We are called to gather for corporate worship, breaking of bread, and teaching of the Gospel. Churches should not be in the business of tolerance, nor acceptance of sin whatsoever. And that is why we see a decline in membership in the mainstream denominations.
What needs to happen is a massive revival like we haven't seen since the early 20th Century.

they've been trying ...


the religious fanatics still can not believe their savior lost the last election - the silent majority may have become the loud minority, 24 will tell which is which.
Unfortunately, there will always be religion because religion will always be the handmaiden of the state.

The origins of religion were political – not spiritual: as a means of population control through fear and authoritarian intimidation, as justification to oppress and discriminate, and as justification for war.

The use of religion as a political weapon motivated the Framers to prohibit conjoining church and state.

And again: it is not the case that religion was misappropriated and used in bad faith by autocrats and dictators to oppress and discriminate – the original intent of religion was to compel conformity, divide the people, and to vilify and attack dissent, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.
When most people were illiterate and unsophisticated religion was the single best way to control them
Meaning people who hate God prefer poverty?

Thats so lib

The racism, bigotry, misogyny, and hate practiced by the right is justified by religious dogma – such as discriminating against gay and transgender Americans and violating the privacy rights of women.
If you faith or lack of it is based upon what I say, you aren't a very strong person to begin with.

I have never liked militant Catholics. They are self-righteous, ignorant fanatics.. and they never stop accusing the Pope or whining about Vatican 2.

I know many wonderful, devout Catholics who aren't like that at all.
When most people were illiterate and unsophisticated religion was the single best way to control them

that in fact is a broken record ...

them - are who have been controlling religion, the crucifiers in regards to the desert religions ...

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - that is why they killed him and have used his name and likeness for their false religion, the 4th century christian bible of servitude and denial ever since.

The racism, bigotry, misogyny, and hate practiced by the right is justified by religious dogma – such as discriminating against gay and transgender Americans and violating the privacy rights of women.

It's reactionary.. like the Taliban or Boko Haram or the Lord's Resistance Army.
You are mistaken

But I’m ok no matter what happens to you both in this life and the next

Well exactly, because your allegiance isn't to your fellow human beings but an omnipotent, heavenly despot who tortures people in hell for all eternity for not groveling at his feet and converting to Christianity (one religion of many). Out of cowardice, you pledge your allegiance to an immoral religious system, due to your refusal to come to terms with your own mortality and life in general. It's time for you to become an adult.
Well, that's where you are Biblically incorrect. We are called to gather for corporate worship, breaking of bread, and teaching of the Gospel. Churches should not be in the business of tolerance, nor acceptance of sin whatsoever. And that is why we see a decline in membership in the mainstream denomination
So one must attend church to believe in God? One cannot read the gospels by oneself? One cannot pray at home by oneself? One cannot confess ones sins and ask for forgiveness by oneself? What if a person is homebound? They cannot be a Christian? God knows what is in our hearts. He will be the judge, not you. Way too authoritarian. God makes room for all who believe in him.
Perhaps churches should be doing a better job attracting people. And one does not need to attend church to belief in or live by God's will. One can worship and pray individually where one chooses. Belonging to a church is no more religious than worshipping from home , reading the bible alone, praying alone, etc. Belief and attending church can be 2 separate things.

Did you go to Sunday school as a child? I think some instruction is helpful. It would help people who might be misled by Hal Lindsey or Tim Lahaye or even a Jerry Falwell.
So one must attend church to believe in God? One cannot read the gospels by oneself? One cannot pray at home by oneself? One cannot confess ones sins and ask for forgiveness by oneself? What if a person is homebound? They cannot be a Christian? God knows what is in our hearts. He will be the judge, not you. Way too authoritarian. God makes room for all who believe in him.
Scripture dictates that one must be born again to attain Heaven. The idea here is fellowship with other believers strengthens and equips each other. Plus there is accountability where the "lone ranger Christian" has none.

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