Zone1 Is the U.S. heading toward nonbelief?

Well, that's where you are Biblically incorrect. We are called to gather for corporate worship, breaking of bread, and teaching of the Gospel. Churches should not be in the business of tolerance, nor acceptance of sin whatsoever. And that is why we see a decline in membership in the mainstream denominations.

I think fundamentalists, Dominionists, Dispensationists and Evangelicals are driving people away from faith.
Yes I went to Sunday school. Sitting through a strict church service isn't all that attractive to many. Perhaps another more less strict service could get more people. A few trips around the sun ago a group of guys met once per week at the park for Bible study. We brought beer and food and had great discussions about daily living. It was fun and yes it was a way of worshipping.

The racism, bigotry, misogyny, and hate practiced by the right is justified by religious dogma – such as discriminating against gay and transgender Americans and violating the privacy rights of women.
Children have rights too which every abortion violates
Well exactly, because your allegiance isn't to your fellow human beings but an omnipotent, heavenly despot who tortures people in hell for all eternity for not groveling at his feet and converting to Christianity (one religion of many). Out of cowardice, you pledge your allegiance to an immoral religious system, due to your refusal to come to terms with your own mortality and life in general. It's time for you to become an adult.
Without God you would not exist
Religion is a faith-based belief system. Traditional religion is faith-based in a supreme personal cause to everything. Your faith-based belief system is simply newer only because fewer people have held that view for a shorter time, but the meaning is the same--- instead it is a faith-based belief system in a supreme IMPERSONAL cause to everything. But both are faith as neither can be proven over the other, it is only YOUR arrogant faith that prevents you from realizing that.
Pretending that my argument didn't exist is one way to run from it. It's just not a very good one.

As you just reiterated, your bizarre revisionist definition says that believing that your football team will win is a religion. Since your redefinition there leads to absurd results, it's clearly an absurd definition.

You're using an equivocation fallacy on the meaning of "faith" to give the result that you want to get "Faith" can mean opposite things. It can mean "belief based on no evidence", as in faith in a religion, or "belief based on evidence", such as "I have faith the sun will rise". You're using the first meaning in your definition, then you're taking examples from the second defintion. According to your definition, belief that the sun will rise is a religion, because it uses "faith". Again, your definition leads to absurd results, so your definition is absurd and incorrect.

If you want to get anywhere, you have to demonstrate that atheism is not based on evidence and logic. Since it is, you won't be able to do so. The attitude of sentient beings, the basis of all logic systems, is "don't believe things unless there's evidence for it." Claiming gods exist is the positive assertion, so evidence is required. Given the lack of any good evidence, lack of belief in gods is the default condition, the logical and rational state. No faith required. You want to carve out a special exception for gods. That's a special pleading fallacy, so it's not allowed.

The real question: Why do you feel such a deep emotional need to say that atheism is a religion?
Without God you would not exist
How would you know? You know no more than anyone else, with respect to the existence of a "GOD". Your version of this God is clearly a creation of man. A man-made concoction. How can anyone who is moral, truly righteous grovel at the feet of an entity that forces human beings to do so under the threat of being tortured in hell for all eternity? Why would an infinite, almighty being, be so petty and infantile, demanding foot rubs from his creatures "or else"? Only sick minds would consider such an entity worthy of their admiration and respect.

Your loved ones who didn't convert to Christianity, your friends, your neighbors, being tortured in this demonic god's torture chamber, for all eternity. Abandoned in the abyss forever, deprived of any love, warmth, peace, or friendship, because they didn't convert to Christianity or prostrate themselves to the ground before him, sniffing his stinky feet. Keep your stupid, evil religion.
- i was slapped and beaten for not knowing correctly the response for receiving communion.
You're weren't. Stop the slander.
I went to Catholic School through eighth grade during the time all this was supposed to be happening, and I never experienced it. Ever. I was never hit or abused in any way. Sure the work was tough and exacting, but it was a very positive experience overall.
How would you know? You know no more than anyone else, with respect to the existence of a "GOD". Your version of this God is clearly a creation of man. A man-made concoction. How can anyone who is moral, truly righteous grovel at the feet of an entity that forces human beings to do so under the threat of being tortured in hell for all eternity? Why would an infinite, almighty being, be so petty and infantile, demanding foot rubs from his creatures "or else"? Only sick minds would consider such an entity worthy of their admiration and respect.

Your loved ones who didn't convert to Christianity, your friends, your neighbors, being tortured in this demonic god's torture chamber, for all eternity. Abandoned in the abyss forever, deprived of any love, warmth, peace, or friendship, because they didn't convert to Christianity or prostrate themselves to the ground before him, sniffing his stinky feet. Keep your stupid, evil religion.
I know because of the Holy Spirit

If you dont know thats your problem not mine

The article makes the very valid point that "Americans are better educated than they were in the 1960's." This makes absolute sense, as every day we see Republicans and religious leaders trying to shower religion on the masses. Educated Americans see this hooey for what it is. While the religious leaders fight back calling for more and more prayer, it ain't working, as thinking Americans know that prayer is a bunch of nothin burger. Just ask the Holocaust victims if prayer is real!

Religion is not popular with the kids. They don't go for fake gods. Kids like dope, socialism and being queer.

Reps are stupid, they think their fake gods will save America. Now I'm not against reps and their gods. Just it on your own time. No gods going to save America...this is on us.

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Jesus As Stephen King

The early Christian clerics made up the scare stories in Revelations in order to attract the nutcases, whose spookiness enhanced the power of the Christian mullahs. Decadent Rome was full of screamers.
I don't understand why atheists think immoral actions in life will have no consequences. Everything else has consequences. Leftists in general think life should be a bowl of cherries no matter what.
You had a Trump for 4 years (so much for better educated) - and God didn't do anything about it, now you got a Biden (so much for better educated) and again God isn't doing anything about it - so what else would you expect?
God has little ways of allowing the haughty and the wicked to get entrapped in their own snares.

Roe v Wade is a classic example. We were told for decades by the left Roe v Wade would never be reversed. But two acts of hubris by two wicked women changed everything. First, Hillary Clinton was so haughty and overconfident that she didn't work hard during the 2016 election. She thought Wisconsin was in the bag and stopped going. Secondly, Ruth Ginsburg believed her own press that she was indispensable to the court and was seemingly immortal, thus she stayed on, anticipating a Hillary victory. The result was of course Trump won and Ginsburg died, opening the door for the three conservative justices and the overturn of Roe. It was masterful display of the wages of evil and pride.
The origins of religion were political – not spiritual: as a means of population control through fear and authoritarian intimidation, as justification to oppress and discriminate, and as justification for war.
Total nonsense. So which Catholic countries today are authoritarian and rule by intimidation? Meanwhile I can name several officially atheist countries that rule that way. China, North Korea, and Cuba. Catholicism is 100% voluntary. Atheism is coerced. It's the complete opposite of what you're saying.
I know because of the Holy Spirit

If you dont know thats your problem not mine

You're being emotionally and psychologically manipulated. Just because you feel a certain way or even witness paranormal phenomena, that doesn't prove your religious dogma. Even within Christianity, there are very serious disputes about who is truly a Christian. Over a billion Christians are Roman Catholic and they experience their version of the Holy Spirit and likewise have their own miracles or paranormal phenomena. A Protestant Christian will respond to a Roman Catholic Christian's "Holy Spirit" or "miracles" with incredulity, dismissing it as demonic or evil.

Pentecostals have their own paranormal phenomena, that are rejected by even other Protestants, who are "cessationists", taking the position that the gifts of the holy spirit aren't active today. They believe the bible renders the gifts of the holy spirit completely irrelevant. Signs and wonders, miracles, and supernatural manifestations don't confirm religious dogma. The warm and fuzzy feelings that you feel in church, when you're surrounded by the congregation, worshiping your version of God together in brotherly love, don't confirm or prove your religious beliefs.

Mind you, to be saved, isn't just converting to Christianity, you have to convert to THE RIGHT BRAND OF CHRISTIANITY. It's not just any type of Christianity, you have to choose the right version of Christianity, lest you waste your time and still find yourself abandoned in hell by your version of "God". I've had Evangelicals tell me that Pentecostals are possessed by demons when they start speaking in tongues. There are now about 300 million Pentecostals around the world. Pentecostalism is one of the fastest-growing "segments" of Christendom. Who is right? Which brand of Christianity should a Hindu, Muslim, or Buddhist convert to?
A lot of posts are putting all the blame on people. Nobody considers that churches need to do a better job of attracting people.
And as I have said, the only churches worth considering are not ones who tickle the ears of the congregation, but preach the unabashed,unadulterated, clear Gospel. And that is man is inherently sinful, wicked, and evil. The ONLY solution can be found at the Cross.
And as I have said, the only churches worth considering are not ones who tickle the ears of the congregation, but preach the unabashed,unadulterated, clear Gospel. And that is man is inherently sinful, wicked, and evil. The ONLY solution can be found at the Cross.
Man is inherently sinful, wicked, and evil. How so? That sounds like an exaggeration. An unfair assessment of human nature.
You're being emotionally and psychologically manipulated. Just because you feel a certain way or even witness paranormal phenomena, that doesn't prove your religious dogma. Even within Christianity, there are very serious disputes about who is truly a Christian. Over a billion Christians are Roman Catholic and they experience their version of the Holy Spirit and likewise have their own miracles or paranormal phenomena. A Protestant Christian will respond to a Roman Catholic Christian's "Holy Spirit" or "miracles" with incredulity, dismissing it as demonic or evil.

Pentecostals have their own paranormal phenomena, that are rejected by even other Protestants, who are "cessationists", taking the position that the gifts of the holy spirit aren't active today. They believe the bible renders the gifts of the holy spirit completely irrelevant. Signs and wonders, miracles, and supernatural manifestations don't confirm religious dogma. The warm and fuzzy feelings that you feel in church, when you're surrounded by the congregation, worshiping your version of God together in brotherly love, don't confirm or prove your religious beliefs.

Mind you, to be saved, isn't just converting to Christianity, you have to convert to THE RIGHT BRAND OF CHRISTIANITY. It's not just any type of Christianity, you have to choose the right version of Christianity, lest you waste your time and still find yourself abandoned in hell by your version of "God". I've had Evangelicals tell me that Pentecostals are possessed by demons when they start speaking in tongues. There are now about 300 million Pentecostals around the world. Pentecostalism is one of the fastest-growing "segments" of Christendom. Who is right? Which brand of Christianity should a Hindu, Muslim, or Buddhist convert to?
Ok, you dont believe

Thats fine with me

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