Zone1 Is the U.S. heading toward nonbelief?

You're weren't. Stop the slander.
I went to Catholic School through eighth grade during the time all this was supposed to be happening, and I never experienced it. Ever. I was never hit or abused in any way. Sure the work was tough and exacting, but it was a very positive experience overall.

you haven't in you the events of the 1st century and what jesus represented and taught ... that led to their crucifixion.


rather you deliberately misconstrue the servitude and denial the crucifiers wrote in their 4th century christian bible as that of the unique teachings of those times, liberation theology, self determination - placing themselves and yourself above the heavens.
It is impossible for something to arrive from nothing, right? The universe and its master came from some source; it is mind bending to consider it but there is a Master of our Universe.
The Childishly Named "Big Bang" Is a Continuation of Theist Superstition

There is no reason to assume that our universe came from nothing, and not from an outside universe.

Where did that come from? It always was; it had no beginning, just like your assumed deity.
The real question: Why do you feel such a deep emotional need to say that atheism is a religion?

Don't try to feed me one of your bullshit lines designed to not-so-subtly discredit me! There is no "deep emotional need," just the TRUTH. You have obviously never been deeply religious so have no common ground upon which to discuss or judge it at all. To you, it is all just some neolithic superstition ritual akin to flat-earth beliefs--- me, I grew up a devout scientist deeply atheistic convinced there was no god nor NEED of one until in my 20s when religion came to me in a big way hitting me like a brick wall and I discovered a world I never knew punctuated by deeply profound direct experience that for the first time in my life, finally, the world made total sense and I found myself and what I really was.

So, I have seen BOTH sides of the fence in ways that even most religious people never see, so I know that belief that man and consciousness sprung from cosmic dust to become self-determining is as much just another faith-based religion-belief as you cannot prove it at all, just as religion is, that man, mind, love, compassion and consciousness sprung indeed not from an accident or random chance but from a divine original cause of all causes. The big difference here is that while my direct experiences have shown me proof beyond any shadow of a doubt that God is real and that life is divine and precious, I can't PROVE it, I have no external way of showing anything to others to convince or change minds, so, unlike you, I leave others to their own ablutions to decide for themselves, knowing that if the time ever becomes right for them, they will be shown the truth just as it was shown to me.
And as I have said, the only churches worth considering are not ones who tickle the ears of the congregation, but preach the unabashed,unadulterated, clear Gospel. And that is man is inherently sinful, wicked, and evil. The ONLY solution can be found at the Cross.
Don't complain then when people don't go to church. Militant isn't going to attract anyone.
Don't try to feed me one of your bullshit lines designed to not-so-subtly discredit me! There is no "deep emotional need," just the TRUTH.
You're still evading. Your definition defines faith that your football team will win as religion, so your definition is absurd and wrong.
You have obviously never been deeply religious so have no common ground upon which to discuss or judge it at all. To you, it is all just some neolithic superstition ritual akin to flat-earth beliefs--- me, I grew up a devout scientist deeply atheistic convinced there was no god nor NEED of one until in my 20s when religion came to me in a big way hitting me like a brick wall and I discovered a world I never knew punctuated by deeply profound direct experience that for the first time in my life, finally, the world made total sense and I found myself and what I really was.
Once you get some life experience, you learn that religious warm fuzzy feelings aren't anything special. I've experienced them, so I know that.
So, I have seen BOTH sides of the fence
I don't think you've ever experienced the rational side. If you had, you wouldn't misrepresent it.

in ways that even most religious people never see, so I know that belief that man and consciousness sprung from cosmic dust to become self-determining is as much just another faith-based religion-belief as you cannot prove it at all,
That god of the gaps fallacy is not evidence for god. A lack of gods is the rational default belief, and evidence is required to change that. Theists provide none.

The big difference here is that while my direct experiences have shown me proof beyond any shadow of a doubt that God is real and that life is divine and precious, I can't PROVE it, I have no external way of showing anything to others to convince or change minds, so, unlike you, I leave others to their own ablutions
Where do you come up with this stuff? You're not being rational.

Go on, tell everyone how I'm stopping anyone from making their own decisions.
I don't believe and I see no logical or ethical reason to.
I see no reason for you to believe either

Its no skin off my nose either way as long as you dont take out your hate toward God on His people
I see no reason for you to believe either

Its no skin off my nose either way as long as you dont take out your hate toward God on His people

I don't have any hate for God, but rather for your Christian definition and opinion about God. Your slanderous caricature of God is what I find disgusting and hate, not God.
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The whole joint came.from somewhere. How do you have a big bang wthout any matter? G_d, a Creator in some form had involvement.
As I see it, the universe is eternal. It goes through a cycle of rebirth as all matter gradually implodes and compresses to critical mass and explodes again.

You believe in God because you can't conceive of eternity in purely scientific terms. Someone had to "create" it in your mind, where I see it as an eternal process. I even believe in spirituality, that consciousness run through it. The whole universe itself to what you refer to as being reborn.
I don't have any hate for God, but rather for your Christian definition and opinion about God. Your slanderous caricature of God is what I find disgusting and hate, not God.

You expect God to conform to what you want rather than you conforming to Him

You expect God to conform to what you want rather than you conforming to Him
You're the punk liar, not me. Your Christian "God" is a false god, a lie, created by ignorant, scumbag cowards like you, who have no interest in truth. The truth is of no concern to you.
You're the punk liar, not me. Your Christian "God" is a false god, a lie, created by ignorant, scumbag cowards like you, who have no interest in truth. The truth is of no concern to you.
Fine, whatever you choose to think about God is ok with me

The article makes the very valid point that "Americans are better educated than they were in the 1960's." This makes absolute sense, as every day we see Republicans and religious leaders trying to shower religion on the masses. Educated Americans see this hooey for what it is. While the religious leaders fight back calling for more and more prayer, it ain't working, as thinking Americans know that prayer is a bunch of nothin burger. Just ask the Holocaust victims if prayer is real!
It is the way of things.

Near the end of the Iliad Homer says something to the effect that
"the gods derive their power from people and when people stop believing, the gods fade away."
Not a quote.

Consider, what power does "God" really have if we stop believing?
Does God make earthquakes or is that plate tectonics?
Does God make hurricanes or is that just a predictable weather system?

I believe the more educated, as a species, humans become the less they will rely on any gods to explain the universe.
You dont have to curse God to show what you are thinking
I'm not cursing God, I'm objecting to your stupid religion. Your religion isn't God, and you're not a disciple of Jesus, you're just a self-deluded hypocrite and punk.
I'm not cursing God, I'm objecting to your stupid religion. Your religion isn't God, and you're not a disciple of Jesus, you're just a self-deluded hypocrite and punk.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion

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