Is the U.S. President Mentally Incompetent?

His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

Biden is 100 percent mentally incompetent and if he does not resign he will be the first President impeached by his own party
Democrats don't impeach their own. They Arkancide them.
Delusional Trumpers are out in full force, I see.
Over 50+ court cases with 2 in the US Supreme Court, and they had no proof, no evidence and no sources.
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

Mentally incompetent? Well, let's compare Trump's accomplishments vs Biden's:
a. Peace Accord between the UAE and Israel.
b. Peace Accord between Bahrain and Israel.
c. Peace Accord between Sudan and Israel.
d. Peace treaty between Kosovo and Serbia.
e. Previous presidents claimed they would move U.S. Embassy in Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, but didn't...he did it.
f. Operation Warp Speed, creating a public-private partnership to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of therapeutics, diagnostics, vaccines and medicines, with its first example being COVID-19 vaccines.
g. Opportunity Zones for the inner-city areas across the nation to deliver fast-acting and long-lasting investments and structuring rewards to aid those areas.
h. Force NATO members to pay the fair share they initially swore they would do, to release the financial burden on the United States.
i. End unfair international trade deals that favored the foreign nations.
j. Reduced the overall federal income tax to improve income for the middle-class.
k. Reduced federal regulations to enhance business investment and bring businesses back to the United States.
l. Strengthened our military as its equipment and planes were in poor shape.
j. Reduced minority unemployment to the lowest levels in decades (unfortunately, the COVID-19 virus set us back), but that fault can be placed on China and the Democrat politicians for shutting everything down.
k. Signed the Right-to-try legislation for terminally-ill patients seeking experimental cures.
l. Ended NAFTA, which took jobs out of the United States and created the USMCA.
m. Strengthened border control to reduce illegal child-sex-traffickers, illegal human-trafficking, illegal drugs being smuggled, illegal drug-cartel members flowing through, wanted criminals from coming in, et cetera.
n. Created the Space Force, to counter China's space-program and growing threat.
a. The Protect Our Children Act.
b. The Violence Against Women Act.
c. The Biden Foundation....this could be considered a negative, as the foundation received millions in donations, yet the money went to staff salaries and none to actual research. Add to this, China has given millions to this foundation, and again, none went to research.

Not bad for a mentally challenged orange man. Trump is about as deranged as Hawking was. LOL
Not bad for a mentally challenged orange man. Trump is about as deranged as Hawking was. LOL
Trump would assure you that his brain is like an yooj Hindenburg compared to Hawking's diminutive mustard seed.
The 25th amendment’s flaw is that it is dependent on those that appointed those cabinet members to their positions. As we can see from Trump’s time in office, loyalty to the person trumps loyalty to country for many of these appointees.
Foolishly, I never believed we would come this close to losing our American democracy, but we did, while our elected cowards idly stood by, and some of them actually aided the idiot, for their own personal gain.

I'll never make that mistake again.
And that's what we have to take away from this.

Hell, who knows, these last four years could turn out to be a net positive. If we leverage them to avoid this in the future.

avoid what? A president who actually does his job and puts this country first? how awful is that?
No, a (1) a President who is literally a danger to the country, and (2) mindless followers who exist in an alternate universe.

And I'm referring specifically to Donald Trump and people like you.

Thanks for asking.

how is he a danger to the country? be specific

is it because he is exposing all the deep state corruption in both parties? is that a danger?

define "people like you" what is the basis of your condemnation of patriotic americans who put america first?
Danger: He lied to the American public as a deadly global pandemic was bearing down on us. His downplaying of the virus convinced 40% of the country not to take it seriously, spreading the virus even more. His buffoonery emboldened our enemies to launch a massive and successful cyber attack.

You people: Mindless, obedient, gullible Trumpsters.

You asked, I answered. Neither your approval nor your agreement are required. You're welcome.

the people who have lied about covid are: the Chinese, WHO, CDC, Democrat governors, Democrat mayors, Fauci, Birx, big pharma. Trump is one of the few who told the truth about it and actually took action to minimize its impact on america. Now, because of Trump's actions the survival rate for covid is over 99%.

mindless, gullible, obedient-------------prefect description of you libs who actually think the old senile pervert Biden and the SFO HO Harris would be good for america. You probably sleep with a mask on and wear one when driving alone. You are the definition of mindless sheep.
At least he never claimed to be a Constitutional scholar like Odumbo. Looks like President Trump will remain in their heads long after he leaves office. Love it.
The 25th amendment’s flaw is that it is dependent on those that appointed those cabinet members to their positions. As we can see from Trump’s time in office, loyalty to the person trumps loyalty to country for many of these appointees.
Foolishly, I never believed we would come this close to losing our American democracy, but we did, while our elected cowards idly stood by, and some of them actually aided the idiot, for their own personal gain.

I'll never make that mistake again.
And that's what we have to take away from this.

Hell, who knows, these last four years could turn out to be a net positive. If we leverage them to avoid this in the future.

avoid what? A president who actually does his job and puts this country first? how awful is that?
No, a (1) a President who is literally a danger to the country, and (2) mindless followers who exist in an alternate universe.

And I'm referring specifically to Donald Trump and people like you.

Thanks for asking.

how is he a danger to the country? be specific

is it because he is exposing all the deep state corruption in both parties? is that a danger?

define "people like you" what is the basis of your condemnation of patriotic americans who put america first?
Danger: He lied to the American public as a deadly global pandemic was bearing down on us. His downplaying of the virus convinced 40% of the country not to take it seriously, spreading the virus even more. His buffoonery emboldened our enemies to launch a massive and successful cyber attack.

You people: Mindless, obedient, gullible Trumpsters.

You asked, I answered. Neither your approval nor your agreement are required. You're welcome.

the people who have lied about covid are: the Chinese, WHO, CDC, Democrat governors, Democrat mayors, Fauci, Birx, big pharma. Trump is one of the few who told the truth about it and actually took action to minimize its impact on america. Now, because of Trump's actions the survival rate for covid is over 99%.

mindless, gullible, obedient-------------prefect description of you libs who actually think the old senile pervert Biden and the SFO HO Harris would be good for america. You probably sleep with a mask on and wear one when driving alone. You are the definition of mindless sheep.
I know. It's you brilliant and accurately-informed Trumpsters against the rest of the country, the rest of the world.

The brave and gallant patriots who have a vice-like grip on Da Troof, fighting the evil Deep State Commie Swamp Hitlers for God & Country.

Thank goodness for you. That's all I can say. Just, thank goodness for you.
The 25th amendment’s flaw is that it is dependent on those that appointed those cabinet members to their positions. As we can see from Trump’s time in office, loyalty to the person trumps loyalty to country for many of these appointees.
Foolishly, I never believed we would come this close to losing our American democracy, but we did, while our elected cowards idly stood by, and some of them actually aided the idiot, for their own personal gain.

I'll never make that mistake again.
And that's what we have to take away from this.

Hell, who knows, these last four years could turn out to be a net positive. If we leverage them to avoid this in the future.

avoid what? A president who actually does his job and puts this country first? how awful is that?
No, a (1) a President who is literally a danger to the country, and (2) mindless followers who exist in an alternate universe.

And I'm referring specifically to Donald Trump and people like you.

Thanks for asking.

how is he a danger to the country? be specific

is it because he is exposing all the deep state corruption in both parties? is that a danger?

define "people like you" what is the basis of your condemnation of patriotic americans who put america first?

No, it's because he's an incompetent idiot who doesn't know what he's doing. He's killed 300,000 people and crashed the economy totally.

There is no "deep state corruption". That's a lie, like most of what Trump says.

You continue to post things that Trump told you which simply are not true.

so tell us how Trump is personally responsible for the deaths caused by the chinese virus. I cannot wait to hear your stupid reply

no deep state corruption? do you live under a rock?

Trump did not tell me anything, I find the facts and make decisions based on them, unlike you who merely repeats the bullshit pumped into you by CNN, MSNBC, NY times, etc. (the democrat/socialist deep state)
The 25th amendment’s flaw is that it is dependent on those that appointed those cabinet members to their positions. As we can see from Trump’s time in office, loyalty to the person trumps loyalty to country for many of these appointees.
Foolishly, I never believed we would come this close to losing our American democracy, but we did, while our elected cowards idly stood by, and some of them actually aided the idiot, for their own personal gain.

I'll never make that mistake again.
And that's what we have to take away from this.

Hell, who knows, these last four years could turn out to be a net positive. If we leverage them to avoid this in the future.

avoid what? A president who actually does his job and puts this country first? how awful is that?
No, a (1) a President who is literally a danger to the country, and (2) mindless followers who exist in an alternate universe.

And I'm referring specifically to Donald Trump and people like you.

Thanks for asking.

how is he a danger to the country? be specific

is it because he is exposing all the deep state corruption in both parties? is that a danger?

define "people like you" what is the basis of your condemnation of patriotic americans who put america first?
Danger: He lied to the American public as a deadly global pandemic was bearing down on us. His downplaying of the virus convinced 40% of the country not to take it seriously, spreading the virus even more. His buffoonery emboldened our enemies to launch a massive and successful cyber attack.

You people: Mindless, obedient, gullible Trumpsters.

You asked, I answered. Neither your approval nor your agreement are required. You're welcome.

the people who have lied about covid are: the Chinese, WHO, CDC, Democrat governors, Democrat mayors, Fauci, Birx, big pharma. Trump is one of the few who told the truth about it and actually took action to minimize its impact on america. Now, because of Trump's actions the survival rate for covid is over 99%.

mindless, gullible, obedient-------------prefect description of you libs who actually think the old senile pervert Biden and the SFO HO Harris would be good for america. You probably sleep with a mask on and wear one when driving alone. You are the definition of mindless sheep.
I know. It's you brilliant and accurately-informed Trumpsters against the rest of the country, the rest of the world.

The brave and gallant patriots who have a vice-like grip on Da Troof, fighting the evil Deep State Commie Hitlers for God & Country.

Thank goodness for you. That's all I can say. Just, thank goodness for you.

I understand that that post was a failed attempt at humor, but you actually included some truth. Its fools like you that are turning this country over to China. You are so full of hate that you destroy yourself and those around you, its quite sad.
The 25th amendment’s flaw is that it is dependent on those that appointed those cabinet members to their positions. As we can see from Trump’s time in office, loyalty to the person trumps loyalty to country for many of these appointees.
Foolishly, I never believed we would come this close to losing our American democracy, but we did, while our elected cowards idly stood by, and some of them actually aided the idiot, for their own personal gain.

I'll never make that mistake again.
And that's what we have to take away from this.

Hell, who knows, these last four years could turn out to be a net positive. If we leverage them to avoid this in the future.

avoid what? A president who actually does his job and puts this country first? how awful is that?
No, a (1) a President who is literally a danger to the country, and (2) mindless followers who exist in an alternate universe.

And I'm referring specifically to Donald Trump and people like you.

Thanks for asking.

how is he a danger to the country? be specific

is it because he is exposing all the deep state corruption in both parties? is that a danger?

define "people like you" what is the basis of your condemnation of patriotic americans who put america first?
Danger: He lied to the American public as a deadly global pandemic was bearing down on us. His downplaying of the virus convinced 40% of the country not to take it seriously, spreading the virus even more. His buffoonery emboldened our enemies to launch a massive and successful cyber attack.

You people: Mindless, obedient, gullible Trumpsters.

You asked, I answered. Neither your approval nor your agreement are required. You're welcome.

the people who have lied about covid are: the Chinese, WHO, CDC, Democrat governors, Democrat mayors, Fauci, Birx, big pharma. Trump is one of the few who told the truth about it and actually took action to minimize its impact on america. Now, because of Trump's actions the survival rate for covid is over 99%.

mindless, gullible, obedient-------------prefect description of you libs who actually think the old senile pervert Biden and the SFO HO Harris would be good for america. You probably sleep with a mask on and wear one when driving alone. You are the definition of mindless sheep.
I know. It's you brilliant and accurately-informed Trumpsters against the rest of the country, the rest of the world.

The brave and gallant patriots who have a vice-like grip on Da Troof, fighting the evil Deep State Commie Hitlers for God & Country.

Thank goodness for you. That's all I can say. Just, thank goodness for you.

I understand that that post was a failed attempt at humor, but you actually included some truth. Its fools like you that are turning this country over to China. You are so full of hate that you destroy yourself and those around you, its quite sad.
Yes, it really is.
Delusional Trumpers are out in full force, I see.
Over 50+ court cases with 2 in the US Supreme Court, and they had no proof, no evidence and no sources.

hundreds of sworn affidavits by americans attesting to witnessing vote fraud is not proof? Computer analysis that proved that the dominion machines flipped votes is not proof?

WTF would constitute proof in your small mind?
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

Biden isn't President yet, and yes...he is mentally incompetent as well as being generally incompetent and completely corrupt.
If Biden were declared incompetent then Kamala would be the boss? What do you think of that?
She'd be a lot better than Trump. Look what he's done to our country so far.

Trump allowed the Election Steal of 2020, the Greatest Crime in American History. The 2016 Coup was the Second Greatest Crime

how did he "allow" it? its not over. the fraud is being uncovered. The dems, the media, and the Chinese "allowed" it, not Trump.
The only people more mentally challenged and deranged than Joe Biden are the people who voted for him.

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