Is the Ukraine war an Example of Declining US and Euro Power?

Putin was a dumbass for trusting America's promises to not infringe further on Russia's borders.
But he's rebounded in the interests of mother Russia and he's done it with impressive strength and conviction.
He's taken America's gameplan and responded with a counterplan that has provided Russia with at least a temporary stalemate.
We know the obvious reason why America is stalemated by Russia, but we still don't really understand why on the question on why Russia doesn't just go ahead and win it?
1. The US never infringed on Russia's borders
2. Losing his "4-day war" to little Ukraine is embarrassing. (world's 2nd most powerful military my ass)
3. Russia and Ukraine are bleeding lives and resources for what? (nothing)
4. If Putin had a way to win he would, he knows he's very over-matched by NATO.
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What a sophomoric comment reflecting no concept of strategic energy reality. We are pumping all time highs of energy.
Saudi Arabia is playing its hand extremely well and doubled down with Russia on OPEC cuts.
In the meantime, Russia continues to stumble on the eastern front. It is only a matter of time before it withdraws.
1. Without energetic drilling in the US the oil pumping will eventually decline. (The 1st year a well gets 40%-50% of the oil out. The drilling rig count is decreasing from 600 to 500, eventually oil production will bite democrats on the ass)
2. True, OPEC+ is playing for higher oil prices, and stupid Biden is playing along instead of drilling more.
3. True again, Putin will eventually see that Ukraine was a "bridge too far".
No it’s a sign of decline of Russian power.

They were a superpower as the USSR. No longer.
Russia's strength as the world's leading nuclear superpower, combined with China's soon to be world's leading economic superpower status, threatens America's status.

If America can somehow take Russia down and take Russia apart, the threat to America will be largely eliminated.

America has quite ingeniously invented a possible way to get around the MAD factor of Russia's nuclear invincibility.
1. Without energetic drilling in the US the oil pumping will eventually decline. (The 1st year a well gets 40%-50% of the oil out. The drilling rig count is decreasing from 600 to 500, eventually oil production will bite democrats on the ass)
2. True, OPEC+ is playing for higher oil prices, and stupid Biden is playing along instead of drilling more.
3. True again, Putin will eventually see that Ukraine was a "bridge too far".
Biden is not preventing "drilling more." Yes, Putin will have to give in or someone will shoot him.
Actually Putin badly misjudged the capabilities of both militaries. QED.
The Bear Came Over the Mountain to See What He Could See

Then why did he wait 20 years to take back the Ukraine? He knew he was up against a thrill-killing Chucky-puppet army trained to the cutting edge and funded lavishly by the Globalist cabal. He struck only when he could see the one-worlders showing the first signs of falling apart.
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