CDZ Is the US of A out of step with the world?

I want the USA to do whats best for the USA no matter what the rest of the world wants or thinks .

Your government has an obligation to take care of the USA and the interests of its people.
Starting wars that gets a lot of your people killed, doesn't look after your citizens, save the ones engaged in the arms industry.
Are you willing to see your people dead for the profits of the rich?
I think that you just make statements based on your political view and opinion IndoFred . Course thats just normal I guess but I disagree with all that you say just above . .
But no one is answering the question.
Is the US out of step with the world?

yes we are out of step on Palestine but we are out of step as the the world's policeman and as the world's last best hope for freedom. So being out of step with a liberal world seems like a good thing.

Police brutality?
Removing elected governments, mass murder in Cambodia (Terrorism by B52), kidnap, torture, and so on.

So your OP was disingenuous in the first place...

The topic has wandered a little, but I see you're still unable to answer.

yes we are out of step on Palestine but we are also out of step as the the world's policeman and as the world's last best hope for freedom. So being out of step with a liberal world seems like a good thing. Do you understand?
No the US should nit recognize Palestine. In fact the US should not be involved in that region at all.
That may or may not be true now but nevertheless the world needs that oil so we need to bring stability and civilization to that part of the world.

It is NOT the job if the US to be involved in anything outside our borders without a declaration of war. If you believe otherwise please show me where in the Constitution that power is granted.
That may or may not be true now but nevertheless the world needs that oil so we need to bring stability and civilization to that part of the world.

It is NOT the job if the US to be involved in anything outside our borders without a declaration of war. If you believe otherwise please show me where in the Constitution that power is granted.

president is commander in chief and can do what he wants in the short term and in the long term is free to ask Congress to support him with a declaration of war or proceed on his own.
president is commander in chief and can do what he wants in the short term and in the long term is free to ask Congress to support him with a declaration of war or proceed on his own.

Unless you're suggesting military action in Israel, where the US has no legitimate interests, you have no point
dear you have to say why I have no point

I'm not your dear anything or your friend.

You mentioned the powers of the POTUS as CINC. Those powers are solely military in nature. So unless you foresee military action by the US in Israel, those powers are meaningless.

The US Government has no legitimate power to provide ANY form of aid to a foreign Government or country.
I think that you just make statements based on your political view and opinion IndoFred . Course thats just normal I guess but I disagree with all that you say just above . .

Not a political opinion, but an opinion based on historical fact.
Regardless of how much you like or dislike history, it won't change.

yes we are out of step on Palestine but we are also out of step as the the world's policeman and as the world's last best hope for freedom. So being out of step with a liberal world seems like a good thing. Do you understand?

Perhaps you could explain how removing the elected government in Iran, putting a puppet dictator in power, thus leaving the place ripe for the eventual takeover by the religious extremists, assisted world freedom.
You could move on to how removing Saddam improved Iraq. Whilst he was clearly a total bastard, the new, democratic Iraq is far worse than the old version.

Policemen beat up Rodney king, leaving LA much improved.

How is being out of step with the world = bad? America became one of the most innovative and most powerful country in the history of it.

Seems to be a recipe for success.

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