Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?​

In a word YES!
Pretty much true but don't forget that they always were just another relatively poor banana republic to begin with, which has still managed to stand above other banana republics. With their progressive communist system, Cubans don't know 'real' poverty.

And now China's peaceful co-operation with Cuba has finally freed them from under the punishing US dirty tricks.

Americans can just stew in their juices and hate from 90 miles away now!

Pretty much true but don't forget that they always were just another relatively poor banana republic to begin with, which has still managed to stand above other banana republics.

Really? What was their standard of living in 1958? In 2018?

And now China's peaceful co-operation with Cuba has finally freed them from under the punishing US dirty tricks.

China is pretty awesome! So what's Cuba's GDP per person now? China levels? US levels? Higher?

It woulda worked, for sure, if only they were free to trade with the US.........DURR

Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?​

In a word YES!
Pretty much true but don't forget that they always were just another relatively poor banana republic to begin with, which has still managed to stand above other banana republics. With their progressive communist system, Cubans don't know 'real' poverty.

And now China's peaceful co-operation with Cuba has finally freed them from under the punishing US dirty tricks.

Americans can just stew in their juices and hate from 90 miles away now!

Pretty much true but don't forget that they always were just another relatively poor banana republic to begin with, which has still managed to stand above other banana republics.

Really? What was their standard of living in 1958? In 2018?

And now China's peaceful co-operation with Cuba has finally freed them from under the punishing US dirty tricks.

China is pretty awesome! So what's Cuba's GDP per person now? China levels? US levels? Higher?
Cuba's standard of living is better than other banana republics because of their communist system. Their social program successes put an entirely different light on poverty.

That was able to happen even as America was completely intent on destroying Cuba.

Now China is there to lift US pressure off of Cuba and things can only get better.

In fact, when I was in Cuba 3 years ago, the growing prosperity was quite noticable.

But really, aside from that which I say being debated here, why do Americans still hate Cuba and their people?

They're not ever going to be a threat to America.
Even China is not a communist threat to America if America can finally change it's greedy capitalist system to one of 'socially' responsible capitalism that co-operates with the rest of the world's democracies.

Is the next country that falls victim to US occupation going to be Haiti? Will America act to uphold that country's system to protect it from communism?

If America doesn't deliver real aid to Haiti, China most likely will!

Cuba's standard of living is better than other banana republics because of their communist system.

Cool story.

Got any proof to back it up?

But really, aside from that which I say being debated here, why do Americans still hate Cuba and their people?

Leave Bill Clinton and the Dems out of it.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.
We don't do business with a regressive, oppressive, group of tyrants. We would love to do business with the people of Cuba...but under the current leftist regime, doing business with Cuba, only supports that regime, not the people.

Our actions made zero difference over 60 years. None. The only thing it did was hurt the people.
What are you talking about? Our actions didn't hurt the people, their own oppressive Govts actions did. We are not at all responsible for the actions of Castro and his regime. That is just silly to try and blame the USA for the actions of other countries....are you gonna now blame the US for how the Italians were treated under Mussolini? Iraqis under Saddam? Russians under the USSR? the Venezuluans? geez...

and now, they want freedom...we can take action now to help them...but Xiden won't
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.

So, what have they done to repair relations?

Since it was the US that did all the harm, such as setting up Batista as the evil dictator that murdered thousands of Cubans, how could Cuba "repair relations"?
Cuba would not have been broke and needed Soviet help if the US has not allowed Batista to get away with stealing the Cuban treasury.

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.

I'm open to better relations. Have they asked for better relations?
China is coming to their rescue and unlike Russia they have the money to really do something....the question being--what will they do.

What would Biden do if China installs nuclear tipped missles in Cuba?
Xiden will just cash that 10 percent kickback check to the big guy

Exactly......folks thought the Cuban missle crisis was a big problem.....childs play compared to what is coming in Cuba with the Chinese inserting themselves down there.

No way biden can handle Chinese intervention in is a whole new ball game now.....the dummies on here do not get it.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.
We don't do business with a regressive, oppressive, group of tyrants. We would love to do business with the people of Cuba...but under the current leftist regime, doing business with Cuba, only supports that regime, not the people.

Our actions made zero difference over 60 years. None. The only thing it did was hurt the people.
What are you talking about? Our actions didn't hurt the people, their own oppressive Govts actions did. We are not at all responsible for the actions of Castro and his regime. That is just silly to try and blame the USA for the actions of other countries....are you gonna now blame the US for how the Italians were treated under Mussolini? Iraqis under Saddam? Russians under the USSR? the Venezuluans? geez...

and now, they want freedom...we can take action now to help them...but Xiden won't
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.

So, what have they done to repair relations?

Since it was the US that did all the harm, such as setting up Batista as the evil dictator that murdered thousands of Cubans, how could Cuba "repair relations"?
Cuba would not have been broke and needed Soviet help if the US has not allowed Batista to get away with stealing the Cuban treasury.

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.

I'm open to better relations. Have they asked for better relations?
China is coming to their rescue and unlike Russia they have the money to really do something....the question being--what will they do.

What would Biden do if China installs nuclear tipped missles in Cuba?
Xiden will just cash that 10 percent kickback check to the big guy

Exactly......folks thought the Cuban missle crisis was a big problem.....childs play compared to what is coming in Cuba with the Chinese inserting themselves down there.

No way biden can handle Chinese intervention in is a whole new ball game now.....the dummies on here do not get it.
he welcomes it
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.
We don't do business with a regressive, oppressive, group of tyrants. We would love to do business with the people of Cuba...but under the current leftist regime, doing business with Cuba, only supports that regime, not the people.

Our actions made zero difference over 60 years. None. The only thing it did was hurt the people.
What are you talking about? Our actions didn't hurt the people, their own oppressive Govts actions did. We are not at all responsible for the actions of Castro and his regime. That is just silly to try and blame the USA for the actions of other countries....are you gonna now blame the US for how the Italians were treated under Mussolini? Iraqis under Saddam? Russians under the USSR? the Venezuluans? geez...

and now, they want freedom...we can take action now to help them...but Xiden won't
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.

So, what have they done to repair relations?

Since it was the US that did all the harm, such as setting up Batista as the evil dictator that murdered thousands of Cubans, how could Cuba "repair relations"?
Cuba would not have been broke and needed Soviet help if the US has not allowed Batista to get away with stealing the Cuban treasury.

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.

I'm open to better relations. Have they asked for better relations?
China is coming to their rescue and unlike Russia they have the money to really do something....the question being--what will they do.

What would Biden do if China installs nuclear tipped missles in Cuba?
Xiden will just cash that 10 percent kickback check to the big guy

Exactly......folks thought the Cuban missle crisis was a big problem.....childs play compared to what is coming in Cuba with the Chinese inserting themselves down there.

No way biden can handle Chinese intervention in is a whole new ball game now.....the dummies on here do not get it.
he welcomes it
Biden is trapped by his past relations with China.......aka the Chinese gave the biden crime family millions of biden is paralyzed like someone who is in debt to the escape for him....his immediate problem ----how to prevent the American People from understanding how he is a puppet of China.....the media so far has done a good job of protecting him.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.
We don't do business with a regressive, oppressive, group of tyrants. We would love to do business with the people of Cuba...but under the current leftist regime, doing business with Cuba, only supports that regime, not the people.

Our actions made zero difference over 60 years. None. The only thing it did was hurt the people.
What are you talking about? Our actions didn't hurt the people, their own oppressive Govts actions did. We are not at all responsible for the actions of Castro and his regime. That is just silly to try and blame the USA for the actions of other countries....are you gonna now blame the US for how the Italians were treated under Mussolini? Iraqis under Saddam? Russians under the USSR? the Venezuluans? geez...

and now, they want freedom...we can take action now to help them...but Xiden won't
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.

So, what have they done to repair relations?

Since it was the US that did all the harm, such as setting up Batista as the evil dictator that murdered thousands of Cubans, how could Cuba "repair relations"?
Cuba would not have been broke and needed Soviet help if the US has not allowed Batista to get away with stealing the Cuban treasury.

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.

I'm open to better relations. Have they asked for better relations?
China is coming to their rescue and unlike Russia they have the money to really do something....the question being--what will they do.

What would Biden do if China installs nuclear tipped missles in Cuba?
Xiden will just cash that 10 percent kickback check to the big guy

Exactly......folks thought the Cuban missle crisis was a big problem.....childs play compared to what is coming in Cuba with the Chinese inserting themselves down there.

No way biden can handle Chinese intervention in is a whole new ball game now.....the dummies on here do not get it.
he welcomes it
Biden is trapped by his past relations with China.......aka the Chinese gave the biden crime family millions of biden is paralyzed like someone who is in debt to the escape for him....his immediate problem ----how to prevent the American People from understanding how he is a puppet of China.. it...the media so far has done a good job of protecting him.
past? more like ongoing
US sanctions and constant coup attempts had a lot to do that too.
As much as the draconian dictatorship of Hugo Chavez? Highly doubtful. Highly.
We’re debating Cuba not Venezuela. Try to keep up.
Hugo took the side of his country's people.
He's hated by Americans for doing that because it's simply un-American.

So ya see, this is why 'communism' is always at least worthy of debate and some consideration.

China is moving into Venezuela too now and by invitation of the government. Isn't that a terrible thing for China to do! The're actually siding with Venezuela's poor and working class, over the interests of US oil corporations!
Should I just laugh or make some reply?

Hugo Chavez loved his people so much he made himself dictator and the people wound up butchering
zoo animals just to survive. The ones that weren't run over by Venezuelan army armored vehicles, that is.

Go fuck yourself, moron. You think China gives a crap about the people of Venezuela?
They wouldn't be in that backwards failed dystopian shit hole if it didn't further their military and
economic objectives. Go fuck yourself again and harder!
The official Black Lives Matter account has posted a statement reaffirming its support of Cuba’s communist regime just as mass anti-government protests are breaking out in the island. BLM also again expressed gratitude for Cuba giving asylum to convicted murderer Assata Shakur.

Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 15, 2021
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.
We don't do business with a regressive, oppressive, group of tyrants. We would love to do business with the people of Cuba...but under the current leftist regime, doing business with Cuba, only supports that regime, not the people.

Our actions made zero difference over 60 years. None. The only thing it did was hurt the people.
What are you talking about? Our actions didn't hurt the people, their own oppressive Govts actions did. We are not at all responsible for the actions of Castro and his regime. That is just silly to try and blame the USA for the actions of other countries....are you gonna now blame the US for how the Italians were treated under Mussolini? Iraqis under Saddam? Russians under the USSR? the Venezuluans? geez...

and now, they want freedom...we can take action now to help them...but Xiden won't
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.

So, what have they done to repair relations?

Since it was the US that did all the harm, such as setting up Batista as the evil dictator that murdered thousands of Cubans, how could Cuba "repair relations"?
Cuba would not have been broke and needed Soviet help if the US has not allowed Batista to get away with stealing the Cuban treasury.

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.

I'm open to better relations. Have they asked for better relations?
China is coming to their rescue and unlike Russia they have the money to really do something....the question being--what will they do.

What would Biden do if China installs nuclear tipped missles in Cuba?
Xiden will just cash that 10 percent kickback check to the big guy

Exactly......folks thought the Cuban missle crisis was a big problem.....childs play compared to what is coming in Cuba with the Chinese inserting themselves down there.

No way biden can handle Chinese intervention in is a whole new ball game now.....the dummies on here do not get it.

China understands that the best avenue is diplomacy with all nations. Look what happened when we enacted sanctions. Their needs were quickly met elsewhere.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.

I'm open to better relations from an enemy. What more do you want from me? Biden is a good little lefty, and he's not all there, perfect time for them to make a diplomatic move.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.
We don't do business with a regressive, oppressive, group of tyrants. We would love to do business with the people of Cuba...but under the current leftist regime, doing business with Cuba, only supports that regime, not the people.

Our actions made zero difference over 60 years. None. The only thing it did was hurt the people.
What are you talking about? Our actions didn't hurt the people, their own oppressive Govts actions did. We are not at all responsible for the actions of Castro and his regime. That is just silly to try and blame the USA for the actions of other countries....are you gonna now blame the US for how the Italians were treated under Mussolini? Iraqis under Saddam? Russians under the USSR? the Venezuluans? geez...

and now, they want freedom...we can take action now to help them...but Xiden won't
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

Cuba never had a choice and never was against the US.
We simply refused their ambassadors, including Castro himself, and then tried to invade them.
Then we illegally threaten any country from doing business with them.
All the damage was done deliberately the US.
And by the way, the US illegally also allowed the stolen Cuban treasury to be banked here.

So, what have they done to repair relations?

Since it was the US that did all the harm, such as setting up Batista as the evil dictator that murdered thousands of Cubans, how could Cuba "repair relations"?
Cuba would not have been broke and needed Soviet help if the US has not allowed Batista to get away with stealing the Cuban treasury.

People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.

Let's pretend that we spent a couple days where I cut and pasted various anti-American ACTIONS from Cuba over the years nad you stonewalled and gaslighted like a standard lib troll.


Now, lets get back to the actual discussion. Cuba, if it wants better relations, needs to DO something to mend relations diplomatically.

Now is a great time. Biden is a good little leftard himself, and not all there. What are they waiting for?

Do they think Harris will be even better?

Hell, why didnt' they try to make up, during Obama's 8 years? WTF, were they doing? Playing with themselves?

That ship has largely sailed.

Obama yes, but Biden? He's a good leftard. Why is Cuba not making kissy face diplo noises?

They want better relations? ASK FOR THEM. NICELY. D'UH.

I do NOT care about the politics. I care about the people.
If you cared about the people then you would care about the politics running the people. You'd want and support their freedom, from the oppressive left wing socialist regime.

I support their protesting. That's the only way to enact change. We haven't helped by refusing to do business with them for 60 years and still refusing to over 60 year old grievances.

I'm open to better relations. Have they asked for better relations?
China is coming to their rescue and unlike Russia they have the money to really do something....the question being--what will they do.

What would Biden do if China installs nuclear tipped missles in Cuba?
Xiden will just cash that 10 percent kickback check to the big guy

Exactly......folks thought the Cuban missle crisis was a big problem.....childs play compared to what is coming in Cuba with the Chinese inserting themselves down there.

No way biden can handle Chinese intervention in is a whole new ball game now.....the dummies on here do not get it.

China understands that the best avenue is diplomacy with all nations. Look what happened when we enacted sanctions. Their needs were quickly met elsewhere.

Communists are greedy bastards. You crawl into bed with them, it will be them benefiting at your expense.

As people in Cuba begin to protest their government because of shortages and long lines and a failing economy, etc., government officials in Cuba blame the US for all their ills.

So is the US to blame? On the one hand, Marxists want to destroy the US, but on the other hand, seem to complain when the US does not help them economically or boycotts them economically. Why then do they want to destroy the US economy that they seem to need?

Either that or there is some other hidden way the US is destroying Cuba


And the only response from Joe Biden is that he condemns any violence. There is no support for anyone as he basically ignores what is gong on.

I assume Bernie Sanders is having a panic attack and does blame the US

So what about you?
No. The US is NOT to-blame for all of Cuba's ills.

Yes. The US has contributed significantly to many of Cuba's ills.

And I'm totally OK with that.

AOC is correct about ONE thing, at least.

Namely... that the US embargo (pieces of it established in 1958, 1960 and 1962) has deprived the communist Cuban government of considerable resources.

And I'm totally OK with THAT, too.

That was the whole point of the frigging excercise, wasn't it?

A Cold War strategy designed to cripple communism-as-government within the Western Hemisphere... the Monroe Doctrine, Cold War Style.

The US has every right to decide whom it will trade with and whom it will not.

It is not - and has never been since the advent of the Castro regime in 1959 - in the best interests ( short- or long -term) of the United States to do that.

Keep up the pressure - hell, tighten the screws and increase the pressure to the breaking point for all I care - phukk the Cuban government.

And, if the Little People there get hurt in the process... well... to make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs... all-in-all, a very worthwhile pursuit.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.

I'm open to better relations from an enemy. What more do you want from me? Biden is a good little lefty, and he's not all there, perfect time for them to make a diplomatic move.
So much wrong with that little post. We made them an enemy, so we can unmake them. Biden is a neocon no different from most of our recent presidents. This is why he’s not opening up to Cuba.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.
The problem is that all have to be Christian. And those who are not play games to guilt people. Guilting them to the abyss.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.
The problem is that all have to be Christian. And those who are not play games to guilt people. Guilting them to the abyss.

All do not. We pretend we are a Christian nation. For far too many, politics is their religion.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.
The problem is that all have to be Christian. And those who are not play games to guilt people. Guilting them to the abyss.

All do not. We pretend we are a Christian nation. For far too many, politics is their religion.
There are many people who live Christian lives. And at a cheaper price then secular ones.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.

I'm open to better relations from an enemy. What more do you want from me? Biden is a good little lefty, and he's not all there, perfect time for them to make a diplomatic move.
So much wrong with that little post. We made them an enemy, so we can unmake them. Biden is a neocon no different from most of our recent presidents. This is why he’s not opening up to Cuba.

They choose to be an enemy. When they knew damn well that they were 90 miles from US and on the other side of the planet from their strongest ally.

That was a bad plan. It is up to them to fix it.
People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

I don't feel good that the Cuban people have suffered under Communism for 60 years.

But you are fine with our sanctions that contributed to their suffering and accomplished nothing.

What diplomatic efforts has Cuba made to improve relations since the whole, being our enemy thing?

Not my issue. People are. Politics sucks.

Cuba is the small nation that choose to be the enemy of the superpower that lived right next door. Not a good plan.

If you care about people, then what Cuba does diplomatically to repair that damage, is important.

Have they stopped all the rhetoric about how America is evul, for example?

I can't say that I see them saying much of anything but as others have noted, China and other countries will step in and fulfill what they need.

We can continue to pretend we are doing something.

This is how things work. We put sanctions on China and other countries stepped in to fill their needs. If we prefer to spin our wheels, that's on you (and others) I guess.

Ok. Then they don't need access to the world's largest market, which just happens to be right next door.

Have a good time, and stop bothering me kid.

They don't so much now. We ceded that to others because.........???

So we would feel better?

Your pretense of not knowing about the Cold War, is .... dismissed.

Cuba made a bad call. They choose to be our enemy. When they are right next door. Their side lost the Cold War and they have done nothing to repair relations.

Ball is in their court.

They want to be China's bitch? lol, sure, the Chinese are well known for being gentle masters.

Cuba said all kinds of things 60 years ago. Irrelevant today.

Oh? You saying that don't talk the line of jive anymore?

I see very little.

So, you don't know? Neither do I. I assume they still talk the shit, because why would they not?

It's not like we are going to DO anything about it. So, why not talk tough and maybe fool someone here and there into thinking they are relevant, and maybe get some loving from other anti-American assholes in the world, of which there are many, even inside the US.

Supporting the idea that any country that doesn't bend to our every whim is our enemy is the anti-american position.
So true, yet so many Americans don’t get that.

Cuba did a little more than, "not bend to our every whim".

And hey, I'm open to hearing what they are doing to mend relations. After all, Cold War is over.
Yeah it’s up to little Cuba to fix the relationship, after the US government’s 60 year attack on it.

Agreed. We don't need them, they need US. They want better relations, I'm open to what they have to say.

Perfect attitude for what pretends to be a Christian nation.
The problem is that all have to be Christian. And those who are not play games to guilt people. Guilting them to the abyss.

All do not. We pretend we are a Christian nation. For far too many, politics is their religion.

Funny, I've had long, long drag out arguments with leftards that consider the idea that we " are a Christian Nation" to be pure evulness.

Now a lefty wants to use that to get soft treatment for a commie hellhole.


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