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Is the Vatican full of Nazis?

It is hardly a mere border barrier if one prevents the passage of just about anything into the area in question.
Does the US prohibit food the transfer of food and medical supplies and fuel into mexiko?
If it would, it would indeed be an act of war. However it obviously does not.
Yes, the US prohibits transfer of food and medical supplies except at approved check points using proper documentation. So it isn't that different. Both countries are placing a barrier because the inhabitants of another country are acting in a manner they don't like. In Gaza's case they put up the barrier (and so did Egypt, btw) because Hamas won elections and booted Fatah out...so Fatah no longer provided security. Hamas is pretty well accepted as a terrorist group. Interesting to note that Hamas is not firing rockets into Egypt.
Israel is also blockading them with their considerable Naval and aerial assets.
It is a good question why the Egyptians are participating in the blockade though, since Egypt was so far the most pro Israel arab state (in the current crisis), one may wonder what they intend to gain from it.

Israel is doing both Egypt and Jordan a huge favor. Do you wonder why Jordan tossed the pals and Egypt put up a wall between them and the Gaza? (not that you ever hear about those things)...
Israel is doing both Egypt and Jordan a huge favor. Do you wonder why Jordan tossed the pals and Egypt put up a wall between them and the Gaza? (not that you ever hear about those things)...

One can argue that Egypt's actions are at the core of the current conflict. For years Egypt has refused to take strong actions to end the smuggling under the Egypt-Gaza fence. Without the weapons being smuggled in that way, there would be no rockets to fire into Israel and the current operation would not have been necessary.
We blockaded Nazi Germany for a good many years during WWII, and the Brits did the same thing to Napoleon and The Kaiser's Germany during those little set tos. Countries, if they have the resources, will always blockade their enemies in war time. Hamas started this round of crap. The blood, all of it, Palestinian and Israeli alike is upon their hands not Israel's.
One can argue that Egypt's actions are at the core of the current conflict. For years Egypt has refused to take strong actions to end the smuggling under the Egypt-Gaza fence. Without the weapons being smuggled in that way, there would be no rockets to fire into Israel and the current operation would not have been necessary.

The Egyptians have short memories. Remember when the Israelis made 300 Egyptian POW's and Palestinian first dig their own grave then murdered them? This was of course the largest 'one time' slaughter of POW's by the Israelis, during the 1967 war, over 1000 Egyptian POWs were executed by the Israelis.
Israel is doing both Egypt and Jordan a huge favor. Do you wonder why Jordan tossed the pals and Egypt put up a wall between them and the Gaza? (not that you ever hear about those things)...

Israel IS doing the dirty work for Egypt and Jordan. Do you notice how little of a protest either country is really putting up? Notice how absolutely NO country in the entire ME is gearing up their military to stop Israel?

Now if Israel invaded Egypt or Jordan or some other Arab country, there would be a massive call to arms. Instead you get the "They must stop fighting now!" in public and behind the scenes they get "Can we get you anything Mr. Olmert? Some bottled water perhaps?"

Again, Israel is not doing anything to the West Bank. No military incursions, no jets bombing buildings... why is that? Because Abbas chose to focus on his own people and how to help them instead of firing rockets at Israel.
This is the red cross saying there is atrocities taking place.
"The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded," Pierre Wettach said in a statement. "Neither did they make it possible for us or the Palestine Red Crescent to assist the wounded."

The red cross can only go where Hamas lets them and typically they are going to go to the war zones. Therefore, they will only be exposed to the areas where they see people dying! Not to mention the fact that anyone who joins the red cross is obviously a far leftist do-good'er (in my opinion Saints), so they are going to be against any violence no matter how necessary it is!

Also all the people against the Gaza operations are leaving out the fact that:
(1) Hamas still and has always made its stated goals the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.
(2) Hamas is an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, who have a stated goal of reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate!
(3) Hamas turned down any further cease-fire agreements (which were really a rearming agreement for Hamas) and started firing 100s of missiles across the border even before the current cease-fire ended.
(4) Hamas still won't agree to a cease-fire
(5) Hamas never even came close to upholding there end of the cease-fire

Yet people expect Israelis or call it what it is JEWS to just absorb 100s of daily missile attacks making areas of Israel on inhabitable. These are the same people that expected Israel to absorb numerous suicide bombing by demanding that Israel could not build a border wall!

The double standard never seems to amaze me when it comes to the people hating on the Jews!
This is the red cross saying there is atrocities taking place.
"The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded," Pierre Wettach said in a statement. "Neither did they make it possible for us or the Palestine Red Crescent to assist the wounded."

You do realize that the Palestinians Terrorist made ambulances targets! They used them as car bombing, to move suicide bombers and others weapons across the border!

Don't cry when these vehicles now have to be searched since the terrorist used them as vehicles of destructions rather than vehicle of healing!
So now the cons are throwing the Red Cross undre the bus?

Yeah they are jsut bad people there at the red cross who want to smear Israels current government.

Same blindness that they had with Bush.

Let's see the red cross is there to save lives, they are not evaluators of situations! Of course they are going to see the worst of it, since they are by the nature of their organization going to the worst hit places! They are not their to treat head colds!:eek:
Yes the red cross is allowed to be witnesses in a international war crime.

Not allowing any ambulances in is not the same as inspecting them. Allowing children to starve sitting next to corpses of their parents is not the same as complying with international laws to attend to victims in a battle zone.
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I have never said I was a fan of Hamas.

These children are not responsible for what Hamas does.

Israel is lying to the world and you dont care?

So what is your strategy for dealing with Hamas? Milk and cookies! You can't surely believe that any rational government would allows 100s of daily missile attacks inflicted on its citizens to do nothing! And please don't come back with the bullshit cope out, I expect them to use proportionate force! Give specifics! What is proportionate response anyways, should Israel allow its citizens to shoot 100s of daily missile into Gaza and the West Bank targeted at random civilians targets?
Heres a little clue.

These children are not responsible for anything any adult in the world ever did.

They were children and they were starving and sitting in rubble next to the corpses of their families. You can say anything you want to try and make the current Israeli government look like saints but there are no saints in this situation except the Red Cross who people are now calling liars because they are witnesses to an international war crime.
Im not condemding any side. Im pointing out that Israels government is lying.

Why are they lying?

Do you really think they are infallable?

Always the antisemites response! I am not condemning only one side, I don't like Hamas either! Yet these bigots never never mention in any of their arguments that Hamas violated the cease fire from the get go and still to this day doesn't recognize the '67 border, rather they want Israel!
So what is your strategy for dealing with Hamas? Milk and cookies! You can't surely believe that any rational government would allows 100s of daily missile attacks inflicted on its citizens to do nothing! And please don't come back with the bullshit cope out, I expect them to use proportionate force! Give specifics! What is proportionate response anyways, should Israel allow its citizens to shoot 100s of daily missile into Gaza and the West Bank targeted at random civilians targets?

Yeah because milk and cookies or leaving children to starve next to corpses ar the only fucking choices here.

This is what is so very tiring about some of these arguements.
Why do you use red squares to make your argument?

Why do you think stating the truth about the Current Government of Israel is anti semetic?

What kinda of a government is beyond question in your mind?
I value the USs intersts over the Israeli interests, why do you care more for Israel than your own country?

Straw man argument and very very poor one. I would say about 95% of Jewish Americans place American Interests well above Israeli interest. Case in point. Whether Obama is pro-Israel or not there were serious, and still present doubts, about his support of Israel! Yet there were none surrounding McCain. Yet 3/4 of the Jews voted for Obama, more than the Latino vote! If Jewish Americans cared more about Israel than the US then they would have voted for McCain hands down, but they didn't. So take your questioning of the Jewish American's loyalty to America and shove it up your ass!
Can you hate the religion, but love many of its followers?

This is your own thread question.

Now you submitt you hate the Muslim religion. Why is it OK to hate the Muslim religion but anyone who says the truth about what a countries government is doing is tantamount to antisemitism?

I dont hate ANY religion, religion is merely peoples Ideas. I posted a poem on here called "the Idea" if you need edification on my views on Ideas. Go read it.

You are mad at the Jena 6 for taking the law into their own hands when the law refused to take care of them yet had NO concern for black kids getting their asses kicked. Why?

Because you are the type of person who uses who people are to deside wether you back the truth. I back the truth no matter who the people are. That is why this Current government of Isreal should be taken to task by the world. Just like Bush and team will be.
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