Zone1 is the Vatican in the bible?

History, cultural and government have no bearing on performing the ordinances correctly. That’s what happens over time without a Prophet to lead and guide. Especially in these latter days.
I wonder why you are always reassuring and reminding yourself of that teaching.
Con artists also have a pattern:
  • Expect them to be friendly and courteous.
  • Be aware of down-and-out storytellers.
  • They encourage haste or say there is no reason not to trust them.
There is also a proverb saying it is easier for a person to be conned than to admit they had been conned. Add all this to Smith taking advantage of the mood the Second Great Awakening created and people were ripe for the picking, especially when one starts out by convincing people there was a lost priesthood, but Hallelujah, it had been rediscovered along with gold. And forty wives....
Nice try. Wrong.
You went in with a double mind as James 1:5-9 says. Wanting to prove something true when Moroni said if it isn’t true. Oops!
I was 14-years-old at the time. I had reasons to be very serious about prayer.

But as usual, you know what "really" happened all that time ago. Shrug.
I was 14-years-old at the time. I had reasons to be very serious about prayer.

But as usual, you know what "really" happened all that time ago. Shrug.
Interesting. Joseph Smith read James 1:5-9 and went to pray in a quiet grove of trees and the Father and Son appeared to him. The Father said to him, "Here is my Son, hear him." Jesus asked him what does he want and Joseph answered asking which Church should he join. Jesus said none of them because they are all wrong. They come near to him with their lips but far from them with their hearts. Pretty much what Isaiah was told to say to the people too. What does that mean? I take it that it means people have a tendency to look for a church that fits their needs and their current understanding. But, that isn't what Joseph was doing. He humbled his heart asking with real intent which church is the true church. He had a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Thus, he was the vessel that the Godhead could count on to bring forth the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ that had existed when Jesus walked the earth as a man. Because the doctrine had been scrambled and lost by the scholars throughout the centuries. That double-mind thing is the key.
Miracle at Lanciano, Italy: Blood type was AB
Or, AB+/ Anyway, since the Holy Ghost removed himself after John was transliterated (still roams the earth today), humans have been susceptible to the con-games of Satan. Satan makes statues cry, bread and wine turn into flesh and blood, bind broken bones until he gets bored and then the bone breaks again and so many other stuff to fool mankind with these stories. Then, he gets the people to start worshipping statues and other graven images. He gets them praying to angels and dead people instead of praying to the Father in the name of the Son. And, most of all, it clouds people from seeking truth away from these abominable churches. It's really sad. It causes the double mine and for so many, they lose understanding of the Light of Christ and the influence of the Holy Ghost.
Because the doctrine had been scrambled and lost by the scholars throughout the centuries.
Latin was/is the language of the Catholic Church. The Latin etymology of words are closer to the Aramaic and Hebrew than are English and words of other languages. English and other languages have about ten times as many words--synonyms that are close to the original English words, but still a bit different. To make things more complicated, while Hebrew and Latin don't change--other languages do.

So, while you jump up and down claiming the Catholic Church did not want unauthorized translations, there was a very good reason for it. Second, even the authorized translations needed someone well-versed in the original languages to explain the nuances a translation could not capture. Other denominations dismissed this, claiming the Holy Spirit could bridge that gap. That's kind of like claiming the Holy Spirit will cook tonight's dinner.

Yes, the way you explain Catholic doctrine, the original is indeed lost and scrambled as it comes out of your mouth. Mormons should leave Catholic doctrine and dogma explanations to Catholics.

Not only on this site, but on other religions forums as well: Say I had no religious background but was interested in investigating. Do you know why I would almost immediately dismiss Mormonism? Because Mormons are forever bashing Jews and Catholics--and by association, the Orthodox. If I were someone looking for a religion, I would quickly dismiss Mormonism because of such a strong image of Mormons sitting around on Sunday bashing people of other faiths and denominations.

We can present our own faith without bashing the faith of others. As I have said many times: While I have no regard for Joseph Smith, I do believe God meets us where we are. If God brought Adam and Eve along, He can certainly be present and bring your Church along as well. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are certainly more powerful--not to mention more true--than Joseph Smith. I, as a Catholic believe this.

What is disturbing is your lack of faith that God is also able to be present in the Catholic faith or the Jewish faith--any other faith--and guide them as well. The world has been redeemed, and God abandons no one.
Latin was/is the language of the Catholic Church. The Latin etymology of words are closer to the Aramaic and Hebrew than are English and words of other languages. English and other languages have about ten times as many words--synonyms that are close to the original English words, but still a bit different. To make things more complicated, while Hebrew and Latin don't change--other languages do.

So, while you jump up and down claiming the Catholic Church did not want unauthorized translations, there was a very good reason for it. Second, even the authorized translations needed someone well-versed in the original languages to explain the nuances a translation could not capture. Other denominations dismissed this, claiming the Holy Spirit could bridge that gap. That's kind of like claiming the Holy Spirit will cook tonight's dinner.

Yes, the way you explain Catholic doctrine, the original is indeed lost and scrambled as it comes out of your mouth. Mormons should leave Catholic doctrine and dogma explanations to Catholics.

Not only on this site, but on other religions forums as well: Say I had no religious background but was interested in investigating. Do you know why I would almost immediately dismiss Mormonism? Because Mormons are forever bashing Jews and Catholics--and by association, the Orthodox. If I were someone looking for a religion, I would quickly dismiss Mormonism because of such a strong image of Mormons sitting around on Sunday bashing people of other faiths and denominations.

We can present our own faith without bashing the faith of others. As I have said many times: While I have no regard for Joseph Smith, I do believe God meets us where we are. If God brought Adam and Eve along, He can certainly be present and bring your Church along as well. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are certainly more powerful--not to mention more true--than Joseph Smith. I, as a Catholic believe this.

What is disturbing is your lack of faith that God is also able to be present in the Catholic faith or the Jewish faith--any other faith--and guide them as well. The world has been redeemed, and God abandons no one.
Yep, that's Catholic teaching. Same stuff I heard when teaching at St. Bonaventure. However, when one of their students or parishioners wanted to convert, especially to the LDS faith, you could hear the complaints all over the place calling us all sorts of things. There was a tragic accident with one of the children of one of our teachers. The girl got hit by a train. She was 5 years old. The things he would say about other churches and doctrine was really over the top. But, he was in pain so those of us who were not Catholic let it ride and just were there for him. Name calling happens with Catholics as well. And, of course, there were the Crusades that puts into question the pious attitude you shared. The continuing prayers for centuries against my ancestors, the Jews.

It's interesting that you say we bash Jews and Catholics? As I am, I'm not bashing anyone. I'm explaining why the Doctrines of other Churches are false. Jesus Christ himself said not to join any other church (religion) because they were all wrong meaning their doctrines. And, they blind the good people with crafty doctrine and stuff that keep them from the truth. The reason why we don't bash individuals is because each person has their free moral agency to choose. However, doesn't mean that in a discussion or debate forum why Catholic doctrine is an abomination to the Lord such as baptism and the sacraments. It's too bad that you are so sensitive. See, it's our duty to teach the world that the True Gospel is again back on the earth. The Book of Mormon was given only once from the Holy Ghost to Joseph Smith. Since then, man has attempted to interpret it in their own context, say that they don't need another bible, claim that it was stolen from other authors (as if the bible scholars don't do the same with the bible). And, the B of M has been translated to 115 languages around the world. Did you know that it was a Jew who did the translating from English to Hebrew? He was a professor from Israel University that came and taught at Brigham Young University when I was there. Nice guy.

I know you try to think that I'm bashing you. But, I'm not. Even when I point out the double-mindedness aspect of your story about praying to God about the Book of Mormon. It happened to me for a while until I realized what the verse really said and what I was doing. Then, my eyes were open to all the prophecies of the Bible that point to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. I understood them. The spirit opened my eyes and heart and I stopped telling God what is and isn't and listened. It is disturbing that people actually think that they are swallowing human flesh (heart muscle) and human blood that God would want us to do that. Satan wants that. He loves Hannibal Lecter. Stop that! Gross... Eat some:popcorn: instead.
Cheer up. No need to discuss it any more then.
Oh no! I enjoy it. You seem to be a great person. You can dish it out nicely as well as take it too. That's what makes debating fun. And, wouldn't you agree that we learn from this? We don't hold anything back? I've learned a lot from this thread with you so far.
I know you try to think that I'm bashing you.
Not what I think. You make straw men out of things Catholic, claim that it is Catholic, when it is not. I am saying leave explanations of Catholic beliefs, doctrines, and dogma in the hands of Catholics. You make a mess of it.

Stick with explaining things Mormon.
Interesting. Joseph Smith read James 1:5-9 ...

From my point of view I fear the polygamist John Smith was not a person who was able to understand what was written there. Jacob (James) referred in general to the Sermon of the Mount. And as far as I can see John Smith showed anything else than a high respect for women.
From my point of view I fear the polygamist John Smith was not a person who was able to understand what was written there. Jacob (James) referred in general to the Sermon of the Mount. And as far as I can see John Smith showed anything else than a high respect for women.
Who is John Smith?
I guess if you lived in Abraham’s society you would have rejected Abraham too? Again, you seem to lack understanding. So, ask God, without a double-mind. By the way, several prophets and apostles in the Bible weren’t perfect. Some were actually really bad. So, I have little respect for you and none for your comments.
Who is John Smith?
I guess if you lived in Abraham’s society you would have rejected Abraham too? Again, you seem to lack understanding. So, ask God, without a double-mind. By the way, several prophets and apostles in the Bible weren’t perfect. Some were actually really bad. So, I have little respect for you and none for your comments.

You equate Joseph Smith with Abraham?
I guess if you lived in Abraham’s society you would have rejected Abraham too?

No idea. I have not a big idea about who had been Abraham.

Again, you seem to lack understanding. So, ask God, without a double-mind.

What do I not understand? And which question to ask?

By the way, several prophets and apostles in the Bible weren’t perfect.

None of them had been perfect.

Some were actually really bad. So, I have little respect for you and none for your comments.

Weird - very weird - but not astonishing for me.

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