Is the word LIE overused in politics now?

Yep..... This board is full of people who use that word incorrectly. As far as they are concerned your different opinion amounts to a lie.
This is mental illness.

What's worse is now that will be called disinformation.

They are trying to pass legislation as we speak that punishes disinformation with jail time

Can you see the pattern?

I think you're mistaking MAGA darling Russia for the US on this one. That's where 'disinformation' will get you put in jail.
I don't give a shit. :dunno: Democrats run their party as they see fit. Why do you give a shit? Dumb concern trolls are dumb. :rolleyes:
I was a democrat before you were a gleam in your daddy's eye, moron. You don't know a thing about me--nor anything else that you post about. This century's democrats are not democrats--they are globalist fascists and you exemplify them.
Nope....that's what they want for the US....the ability to jail dissenters.

Who is 'they'? And Trump's the one calling for the imprisonment of his political opponents. And the termination of the constitution. And to be dictator on day one.

So is he the 'they' you're talking about? Or is this more 'Mike from PBS" nonsense?
I was a democrat before you were a gleam in your daddy's eye, moron. You don't know a thing about me--nor anything else that you post about. This century's democrats are not democrats--they are globalist fascists and you exemplify them.
Whoopie. You were a dem once, and did a 180. That's a real first. :rolleyes: Independents aren't going away. Hopefully the reps populists will wake up one day.
Who is 'they'? And Trump's the one calling for the imprisonment of his political opponents. And the termination of the constitution. And to be dictator on day one.

So is he the 'they' you're talking about? Or is this more 'Mike from PBS" nonsense?

Don't be lazy....
I'll give you one link
The rest you can find for yourself. It took an appeals court decision for this man to exercise his freedom of speech.

Don't be lazy....
I'll give you one link
The rest you can find for yourself. It took an appeals court decision for this man to exercise his freedom of speech. completely moving your goal posts from putting dissenters in JAIL, to someone wearing a hat at school?

If even you are going to treat your claims like meaningless pseudo-legal garbage to be discarded on the rhetorical midden heap, surely you'll understand why I treat them the same way.
Yeah, you're an independent. That's a democrat gaslighting fence straddler that doesn't want to take the blame for voting for Biden/Harris. LMAO, you're transparent as hell, junior.
Yep, I don't take any blame for Brandon, senior. You don't read minds. Politics = zero sum game. Wingers get verklempt and emotional.
I see it in so many places. Someone disagrees with you, and they call it a lie.

I wonder if people are even aware of the definition and just don't care.

A statement someone makes might not be a lie. It could just be an opinion, an interpretation, or a mistake.
Lying is the sole job of politicians.

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