*Is* there a faction in US politics that isn't in some way anti-science?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I fail to see any among the Creationists, anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, fetal life deniers, global warming deniers, "sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people, "evolutionary psychology is sexist" people, "intelligent design" people, "gay people choose to be gay" people, and others currently running things...
I fail to see any among the Creationists, anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, fetal life deniers, global warming deniers, "sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people, "evolutionary psychology is sexist" people, "intelligent design" people, "gay people choose to be gay" people, and others currently running things...
In other nations scientists are heroes. Here they are eggheads, hence the problem.
Bed wetters like the science that supports their bullshit and hate information that disproves it.

Right wingers are the same way. Depends on where you draw the line.

Since some "scientists" have been exposed as having manipulated data specifically to "prove" MMGW, I pretty much think all science has lost credibility to some degree.

I fail to see any among the Creationists, anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, fetal life deniers, global warming deniers, "sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people, "evolutionary psychology is sexist" people, "intelligent design" people, "gay people choose to be gay" people, and others currently running things...

Sorry the far left and the AGW cult (which is pretty much one in the same) are against any type of real science.
SCIENCE , a loose definition of the scientific method is provable and repeatable results . As far as Global warming everything is simply theories . --- Vacines , vacines should be optional and not government mandated . --- GMO is ok with me but I grow organic and can buy organic if I want to spend the extra money .
It's useful, in how anti-science nutters like Kosh are willing to instantly identify themselves as such. Once you see some cult bedwetter whining about how global warming is a fraud, you know instantly everything they say should be assumed to be a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

Some nice strawmen on the OP's list. I've never encountered any of these people listed below. I suppose since actual anti-science positions held by liberals are in short supply, some had to be manufactured.

fetal life deniers,

"sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people

"evolutionary psychology is sexist" people

Anti-science positions are scarce among liberals because liberals are willing to tear their own whenever a liberal utters such stupidity. We ripped into the anti-vaxxers, we ripped the anti-GMO kooks, so they've been moving to the more conspiracy-friendly conservative side. Conservatives may not criticize fellow conservatives, no matter how crazy the conspiracy theory.
Taking a basic step to protect your child from dying of measles should be... optional?

If you can suck them out of the womb, allowing them to die of measles is different how?

I'm not saying I like it, but you're either for freedom of choice, or you're not.

I vaccinate my kids, and allow them to be born.

If liberals don't, I really don't mind.

I fail to see any among the Creationists, anti-vaxxers, anti-GMOers, fetal life deniers, global warming deniers, "sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people, "evolutionary psychology is sexist" people, "intelligent design" people, "gay people choose to be gay" people, and others currently running things...

Partisans and political parties are only interested in science that furthers the cause to gain more power, influence and money. That will never change with the partisan hacks. It is a sad reality that simply must be dealt with.
It's useful, in how anti-science nutters like Kosh are willing to instantly identify themselves as such. Once you see some cult bedwetter whining about how global warming is a fraud, you know instantly everything they say should be assumed to be a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

Some nice strawmen on the OP's list. I've never encountered any of these people listed below. I suppose since actual anti-science positions held by liberals are in short supply, some had to be manufactured.

fetal life deniers,

"sex has nothing to do with reproduction" people

"evolutionary psychology is sexist" people

Anti-science positions are scarce among liberals because liberals are willing to tear their own whenever a liberal utters such stupidity. We ripped into the anti-vaxxers, we ripped the anti-GMO kooks, so they've been moving to the more conspiracy-friendly conservative side. Conservatives may not criticize fellow conservatives, no matter how crazy the conspiracy theory.

SO you are going to blatantly ignore the myriad of liberal all over this site claiming that unborn children are not humans or not alive?
If you really have not heard of them it is through willful blindness.
Taking a basic step to protect your child from dying of measles should be... optional?

If you can suck them out of the womb, allowing them to die of measles is different how?

I'm not saying I like it, but you're either for freedom of choice, or you're not.

I vaccinate my kids, and allow them to be born.

If liberals don't, I really don't mind.

Not to derail my own thread, but I'm not really for any freedom of choice when it comes to other people's lives at all tbh. People don't get to decide if their child lives or dies. They don't get to decide whether part of their child's body should be mutilated or not. They don't get to decide if their child receives vaccination against disease or an education. If they're not willing to act like a parent, then their child needs to be taken away and raised by someone deserving of the privilege.
SO you are going to blatantly ignore the myriad of liberal all over this site claiming that unborn children are not humans or not alive?
If you really have not heard of them it is through willful blindness.

Deliberate ignorance is essential to being in the regressive cult.

Fetuses aren't humans. Never in the history of humanity has any culture defined a fetus as a human/human being/person. Only recently have the fringe anti-science cultists tried to make that claim.

And nobody has said fetuses aren't alive. That's a strawman. Okay, maybe somebody has said it somewhere, but it's certainly not any sort of common argument. If someone has to resort to the dishonest claim it is a common argument, then they must have a very weak case indeed.
sure Pedro , I had measles , chicken pox , mumps and other kids diseases . Lived through them pretty well because here I am at as a robust healthy adult . Only had 2 or 3 vaccinations at my parents option many years ago , same for my 40 year old kids who only had 2-3 vaccinations . None of the vaccinations for me were mandated , think that none of my kids shots were mandated .
and , I'm not against optional vaccinations , I think that that decision should be left up to the parents Pedro !!
Fetuses aren't humans. Never in the history of humanity has any culture defined a fetus as a human/human being/person. Only recently have the fringe anti-science cultists tried to make that claim.

And nobody has said fetuses aren't alive. That's a strawman. Okay, maybe somebody has said it somewhere, but it's certainly not any sort of common argument. If someone has to resort to the dishonest claim it is a common argument, then they must have a very weak case indeed.

And there we have it.

Ignore science to justify your positions. Not surprising. Although you did just state such a person does not exist.
Someone wise in the ways of science would know that the terms "a human", "human being" or "person" are social and legal constructs, not scientific constructs. Only the most scientifically ignorant would declare that there are scientific definitions for such terms. Just as only the most scientifically ignorant declare global warming is a fraud.

The two groups are usually the same people, being those who fall for one anti-science conspiracy theory tend to fall for multiple other anti-science conspiracy theories.

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