Is There A God?

Still, a god has not been proven by anyone here.
Maybe one day, you will realize that the exact moment you lost this argument was when you admitted that tangible items could be used as evidence. The reality is that the Bible correctly explains that the universe had a beginning and was created in steps. Science tells us that the universe did have a beginning and what we see today is a result of the evolution of matter and was a process that was done in steps. Subatomic particles evolved into hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen and helium formed cosmic structures. Supernovas created the other elements. Chemical evolution created all the compounds. Life mad the leap from inorganic matter to organic matter. Life made the leap from single cells to multi cells and to eventually beings that know and create. The laws of nature came into existence at the time space and time were created. Those laws predestined that beings that know and create would eventually arise. Here is the evidence you have been longing for. Check mate.
It's like you find a bloodied, smoking gun on the street and to solve the case, since you have no real evidence, you invent an invisible person in another dimension as the culprit. Makes no sense.
There were no Jews in Exodus. Hebrew is not synonymous with Jew. Show me how Yahweh translates to Jehovah. It doesn't.

Ridiculously trivial ... I have no interest in going down the rabbit hole with you. If you want to return to the original premize of the OP, I'll be glad to do that. But, frankly, you have yet to show me that you have any particular expertise in the subject.

I don't believe I owe you anything.
I freely gave you the name of your god and you rejected it. There is no "rabbit hole" there.
I am the OP. Welcome to my thread.

An OP who creates a thread, not to encourage discussion, but rather, to inflict is inflated sense of self superiority, usually very quickly loses control of his thread.

You have made it clear that you are no longer interested in discussing faith --- rather, you want somebody to admire your academic muscles. So, as I promised, I'm outta here.

If you ever feel that you want to know God, to know faith, to know peace .. look me up.
Got any proof of God? Nobody here does so far.

Sure, I got proof. There is a God in my life.

If you'd like, I'll be happy to guide you to the truth, but in the end, each must make the journey alone.
Some solid evidence will do just fine. What ya got?
Still, a god has not been proven by anyone here.
Maybe one day, you will realize that the exact moment you lost this argument was when you admitted that tangible items could be used as evidence. The reality is that the Bible correctly explains that the universe had a beginning and was created in steps. Science tells us that the universe did have a beginning and what we see today is a result of the evolution of matter and was a process that was done in steps. Subatomic particles evolved into hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen and helium formed cosmic structures. Supernovas created the other elements. Chemical evolution created all the compounds. Life mad the leap from inorganic matter to organic matter. Life made the leap from single cells to multi cells and to eventually beings that know and create. The laws of nature came into existence at the time space and time were created. Those laws predestined that beings that know and create would eventually arise. Here is the evidence you have been longing for. Check mate.
It's like you find a bloodied, smoking gun on the street and to solve the case, since you have no real evidence, you invent an invisible person in another dimension as the culprit. Makes no sense.
No. It is the evidence that you claim you have been looking for.
The reality is that the Bible correctly explains that the universe had a beginning and was created in steps.

The story of genesis is about God establishing the law, as a light to the nations, in a world that was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, meaning superstition and ignorance reigned for the previous untold millions of years of evolution when people did not yet learn to think very deeply or rationally and lived like vicious wild animals in a lawless jungle.

The story is not about the beginning of the universe or the creation of the solar system, the earth, plants, animals, or the first human beings.

The story is about an extraterrestrial influence that taught people to learn to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, true and false, and life and death, no more than 6000 years ago.

Thats when heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, - the concept of a higher and lower realm of conscious existence - was first introduced and established among people on this planet.
The account of Genesis is about a great many things of which the beginning of Creation is one of them.

Genesis is about many things, yes, but it is not about the beginning of the creation of the universe or solar system or life on earth.

If you think it is about the Creation, literally, even though it is impossible that anyone living 6000 years ago would have known anything about the subject, what it is actually about will continue to remain hidden from you.
The reality is that the Bible correctly explains that the universe had a beginning and was created in steps.

The story of genesis is about God establishing the law, as a light to the nations, in a world that was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, meaning superstition and ignorance reigned for the previous untold millions of years of evolution when people did not yet learn to think very deeply or rationally and lived like vicious wild animals in a lawless jungle.

The story is not about the beginning of the universe or the creation of the solar system, the earth, plants, animals, or the first human beings.

The story is about an extraterrestrial influence that taught people to learn to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, true and false, and life and death, no more than 6000 years ago.

Thats when heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, - the concept of a higher and lower realm of conscious existence - was first introduced and established among people on this planet.
The account of Genesis is about a great many things of which the beginning of Creation is one of them.

Genesis is about many things, yes, but it is not about the beginning of the creation of the universe or solar system or life on earth.

If you think it is about the Creation, literally, even though it is impossible that anyone living 6000 years ago would have known anything about the subject, what it is actually about will continue to remain hidden from you.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.
But what proof do you have that the earth is only 6000 years old?
The reality is that the Bible correctly explains that the universe had a beginning and was created in steps.

The story of genesis is about God establishing the law, as a light to the nations, in a world that was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, meaning superstition and ignorance reigned for the previous untold millions of years of evolution when people did not yet learn to think very deeply or rationally and lived like vicious wild animals in a lawless jungle.

The story is not about the beginning of the universe or the creation of the solar system, the earth, plants, animals, or the first human beings.

The story is about an extraterrestrial influence that taught people to learn to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, true and false, and life and death, no more than 6000 years ago.

Thats when heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, - the concept of a higher and lower realm of conscious existence - was first introduced and established among people on this planet.
The account of Genesis is about a great many things of which the beginning of Creation is one of them.

Genesis is about many things, yes, but it is not about the beginning of the creation of the universe or solar system or life on earth.

If you think it is about the Creation, literally, even though it is impossible that anyone living 6000 years ago would have known anything about the subject, what it is actually about will continue to remain hidden from you.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.

No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
Google "multiverses". They discovered the possibility because the math only adds up if they exist. Science is cool, Religion is drool. :cool:
Multiverses are cool and CERN is working on proving them. Nonetheless, if they exist, it doesn't prove nor disprove the existence of an all-powerful force binding us all.

Nice 6th grade phrase, but there is a clear difference between science and "religion". While I tend shy away from dogmatic religions ("Put down that hotdog, mister!") I strongly believe there is more to existence than mere physicality. If you want to believe you are simply a self-propelled meat computer who was grown, existed for a short time and then will completely cease to exist in a few years, go ahead. It helps explain why atheists such as Stalin and Mao had no problem eliminating millions of them since, in their view, it was simply a logical move.
The reality is that the Bible correctly explains that the universe had a beginning and was created in steps.

The story of genesis is about God establishing the law, as a light to the nations, in a world that was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, meaning superstition and ignorance reigned for the previous untold millions of years of evolution when people did not yet learn to think very deeply or rationally and lived like vicious wild animals in a lawless jungle.

The story is not about the beginning of the universe or the creation of the solar system, the earth, plants, animals, or the first human beings.

The story is about an extraterrestrial influence that taught people to learn to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, true and false, and life and death, no more than 6000 years ago.

Thats when heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, - the concept of a higher and lower realm of conscious existence - was first introduced and established among people on this planet.
The account of Genesis is about a great many things of which the beginning of Creation is one of them.

Genesis is about many things, yes, but it is not about the beginning of the creation of the universe or solar system or life on earth.

If you think it is about the Creation, literally, even though it is impossible that anyone living 6000 years ago would have known anything about the subject, what it is actually about will continue to remain hidden from you.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.

No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.
But what proof do you have that the earth is only 6000 years old?
Do you think Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" or Aesop's Fables are full of lies?

The Bible has evolved, with it's greatest evolution in 325AD. It's full of wisdom, social rules, medical advice (dietary habits and sanitation). Sure, it's all over 2000 years old so some of it may no longer be applicable, but wisdom is wisdom and something can be learned from it. Still, it's a guide to spiritual awareness, not an end all.
...OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.....
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?
Wow, Hobelim, you were correct. he doesn't know what the stories are actually about.

Mudda, Adam wasn't tossed from the Garden of Eden for fucking Eve. In fact, per the story, God created Eve for Adam as a companion just like all the other animals had (Genesis 2:21-25). They got tossed for eating from "The Tree of Knowledge" and becoming self-aware. A very interesting origin story which gets more interesting, IMHO, with passages like "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever".

The Bible is a hodgepodge of stories and full of inconsistencies. In some ways, it strikes me as how a 6 year old would write about this year's political campaigns. There'd be some accuracies, but there'd also be a lot of misperceptions.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.
But what proof do you have that the earth is only 6000 years old?
Do you think Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" or Aesop's Fables are full of lies?

The Bible has evolved, with it's greatest evolution in 325AD. It's full of wisdom, social rules, medical advice (dietary habits and sanitation). Sure, it's all over 2000 years old so some of it may no longer be applicable, but wisdom is wisdom and something can be learned from it. Still, it's a guide to spiritual awareness, not an end all.
An eye for an eye. Ya, great wisdom. :lol:
...OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.....
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?
Wow, Hobelim, you were correct. he doesn't know what the stories are actually about.

Mudda, Adam wasn't tossed from the Garden of Eden for fucking Eve. In fact, per the story, God created Eve for Adam as a companion just like all the other animals had (Genesis 2:21-25). They got tossed for eating from "The Tree of Knowledge" and becoming self-aware. A very interesting origin story which gets more interesting, IMHO, with passages like "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever".

The Bible is a hodgepodge of stories and full of inconsistencies. In some ways, it strikes me as how a 6 year old would write about this year's political campaigns. There'd be some accuracies, but there'd also be a lot of misperceptions.
So you think the bible is a massive load as well. Good for you.
God told Adam not to bang the girl. He did. And god tossed him. End of story.
An eye for an eye. Ya, great wisdom. :lol:

English clergyman and philosopher Thomas Hobbes once wrote that life outside society would be ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’. In a barbaric world, it was often one tribe against the world. Having rules kept the tribe united in order to best survive against such a hostile environment.

The justice of "an eye for an eye" is brutal, but it quickly resolved in disputes within a tribe and let them get back to the main focus of survival. Hammurabi's Code had a similar rule: "If a man has destroyed the eye of a man of the gentleman class, they shall destroy his eye .... If he has destroyed the eye of a commoner ... he shall pay one mina of silver. If he has destroyed the eye of a gentleman's slave ... he shall pay half the slave's price." Not the pure, civilized justice soft, spoiled atheists sitting safe at home behind a keyboard would desire, but it worked at the time.

So, yes, it is great wisdom. You are free to pooh-pooh every bit of wisdom in history, but there are good reasons for why things were the way they were thousands of years ago.
So you think the bible is a massive load as well. Good for you.
God told Adam not to bang the girl. He did. And god tossed him. End of story.
LOL. Your projections are interesting.....and you're still getting the story of Adam wrong. Interesting. Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Mental confusion? Anger issues?
Just an observation: I don't know if anyone noticed, but this began as a discussion on the existence, and nature of divinity, and seems to have digressed into a discussion on the validity of a book...

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An eye for an eye. Ya, great wisdom. :lol:

English clergyman and philosopher Thomas Hobbes once wrote that life outside society would be ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’. In a barbaric world, it was often one tribe against the world. Having rules kept the tribe united in order to best survive against such a hostile environment.

The justice of "an eye for an eye" is brutal, but it quickly resolved in disputes within a tribe and let them get back to the main focus of survival. Hammurabi's Code had a similar rule: "If a man has destroyed the eye of a man of the gentleman class, they shall destroy his eye .... If he has destroyed the eye of a commoner ... he shall pay one mina of silver. If he has destroyed the eye of a gentleman's slave ... he shall pay half the slave's price." Not the pure, civilized justice soft, spoiled atheists sitting safe at home behind a keyboard would desire, but it worked at the time.

So, yes, it is great wisdom. You are free to pooh-pooh every bit of wisdom in history, but there are good reasons for why things were the way they were thousands of years ago.
Humans have been at war for pretty much their whole history. Religion is a great influence!!! :D
So you think the bible is a massive load as well. Good for you.
God told Adam not to bang the girl. He did. And god tossed him. End of story.
LOL. Your projections are interesting.....and you're still getting the story of Adam wrong. Interesting. Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Mental confusion? Anger issues?
You yourself don't think that the story is real so you project what you want into the story, but I'm the one who's nuts because my own projection is deemed not valid? Ummm... no.
Just an observation: I don't know if anyone noticed, but this began as a discussion on the existence, and nature of divinity, and seems to have digressed into a discussion on the validity of a book...

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Tangential discussion. Atheists and Theists often conflate dogma with the actual spirituality that religions originally sought to teach.

In the 1990s I visited Bangkok, Thailand with close Thai friends who were going to show me the sights. Having been a student of Eastern philosophy and, consequently, Eastern religions, I was looking forward to being immersed in the culture. What I found caused me to reflect on the attitudes of many American Christians; there were "good" Buddhists in Thailand, but I saw a lot of people, mostly in the middle-low to lower income groups who were more interested in ostentatiously displaying their religiosity than in pursuing the goals Buddhism teaches.

Just because, as noted previously, there are assholes among a religious group, be it theist or atheist, doesn't negate the deeper meaning or purposes of that religion.
Humans have been at war for pretty much their whole history. Religion is a great influence!!! :D
Partly correct. Humans compete for resources. That's the nature of mankind. Some people seek a greater understanding of existence, something beyond the physical. Others concern themselves mostly or solely with the physical realm. Just because they use religion, politics, philosophy or anything else to pursue their selfish goals doesn't negate religion, politics or philosophy.

Like a car, hammer or even a gun, a book is a tool. It's a tool of learning. Some people want to use it as a means to an end and do not appreciate the finer aspects of it. People like those who intentionally misinterpret writings from the book to push their own personal agenda of hate against others.
You yourself don't think that the story is real so you project what you want into the story, but I'm the one who's nuts because my own projection is deemed not valid? Ummm... no.
I think it's an origin story. Hard to tell if it is based on any facts. Some people think parts of the Bible can be interpreted as interactions with extraterrestrials. Others about more ancient civilizations that have completely collapsed and which were only remembered by thousands of years of campfire stories.

Your projections are, indeed, invalid. You are obviously biased and not very scientific. You're certainly not open minded enough to read or hear something without putting your personal stamp of preconceived notions onto it.

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