Is there a religion worth following?

The only ones that are even interesting are Mormonism, Voodoo, and Islam. I couldn't be Mormon because it's made up. I couldn't do Voodoo because I'd really, really rather not sacrifice a chicken, even if I do understand the reasoning behind it. I couldn't be Muslim because it's fundamentally a violent and oppressive religion. I reject Judaism for many of the same reasons as Islam. I'm not just down with considering people my inferior just because of their ethnicity.

Islam is not a violent and oppressive religion. You judge a religion by its doctrines, written down by entitled and worthy scholars, not by its people. You judge nuclear physics, for instance, by what you find in the nuclear physics books, not by those who take courses on nuclear physics.

Why must thou "follow"...?​

You don't just become an electronic engineer. You have to learn from an electronic engineer, or from professors. For religion, it's more. Religion is more difficult than engineering.
I would advocate Catholicism because even though we have the strictest rules, absolution is available to anyone no matter how badly they've fallen.

Islam forbids to spend 1/10th of a second without being conscious of God's gaze on you. Christianity cannot possibly have stricter rules.
The only ones that are even interesting are Mormonism, Voodoo, and Islam. I couldn't be Mormon because it's made up. I couldn't do Voodoo because I'd really, really rather not sacrifice a chicken, even if I do understand the reasoning behind it. I couldn't be Muslim because it's fundamentally a violent and oppressive religion. I reject Judaism for many of the same reasons as Islam. I'm not just down with considering people my inferior just because of their ethnicity.

All religions are made up. Instead of looking to reliigon, when they're being 'made up' is a deal-breaker, look at ethical systems instead. Humanism is tried and true. All the 'be good because it is good to be good' without all the supernatural theatre and bad acting.

Can read the humanist mmanifesto v3 here (like a religion's declaration of principles (what they believe.)
Humanist Manifesto III

It begins,

"Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity.

The lifestance of Humanism—guided by reason, inspired by compassion, and informed by experience—encourages us to live life well and fully. It evolved through the ages and continues to develop through the efforts of thoughtful people who recognize that values and ideals, however carefully wrought, are subject to change as our knowledge and understandings advance.

This document is part of an ongoing effort to manifest in clear and positive terms the conceptual boundaries of Humanism, not what we must believe but a consensus of what we do believe. It is in this sense that we affirm the following:"

rest at link
Islam is not a violent and oppressive religion. You judge a religion by its doctrines, written down by entitled and worthy scholars, not by its people. You judge nuclear physics, for instance, by what you find in the nuclear physics books, not by those who take courses on nuclear physics.
I am judging it by its doctrines. I've read the Qur'an several times. I've read The Sealed Nectar. I've spoken with a trained faqih while he was trying to convince me to stop the process to join the military and go live in Syria with him to join a terrorist group instead. Sorry, but that's what it is according to its own bases. You don't have to give the terrorists following it any credibility to see that.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not. And it shall be given unto you.

It seems to me if you want to know whatnreligiin or church to go to, you should go to the source and find out for yourself
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not. And it shall be given unto you.

It seems to me if you want to know whatnreligiin or church to go to, you should go to the source and find out for yourself
Yup. I've done the whole "pray whether it's true and God will just tell you" thing. Never even got a voicemail.
I am judging it by its doctrines. I've read the Qur'an several times. I've read The Sealed Nectar. I've spoken with a trained faqih while he was trying to convince me to stop the process to join the military and go live in Syria with him to join a terrorist group instead. Sorry, but that's what it is according to its own bases. You don't have to give the terrorists following it any credibility to see that.

First of all, european youths are convinced all the time to go join ISIS in Syria. You should know by now that it's not a wise spiritual man who talks them into it, it's a liar who takes advantage of the vigour of youth.

You are not judging Islam by its doctrines. The Qur'an was revealed over 23 years by God Almighty to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), not on one day. Events happen, then God sends to Muhammad some revelations about that event, as if commenting the event. This is what the Qur'an is. It is not a book that explains any of the doctrines of Islam. The Hadiths are Muhammad's explanations on very specific topics. They are not also explaining any of the doctrines of Islam. You mentioned a book called the Sealed Nectar. That is a book stemming from the teachings found in Saudi Arabia. Those are the guys who raised the 19 hijackers that crashed planes in the World Trade Center. You should know that the Saudis spread their version of Islam almost everywhere, and that their version is not only extremism, but misguidance and intentional forgery.

So again, you must judge Islam by its doctrines. "The Ulama (the scholars) are the inheritors of the prophets". This is what Muhammad said and even the Saudis accept it. To speak simply, it means the scholars of Islam who are like the prophets, who share the same kind of life the prophets had, who share the same kind of guidance the prophets had; those are the ones who teach the doctrines of Islam. These are the saints of Islam. There still are saints of Islam, and there will still be, until the end of times. An example, Abu Yazid Bistami called a friend of his to a place in his house, he opened the door and an ocean appeared before them, and he told his friend, let us enter in this sea. These are saints of Islam, they are like prophets (Jesus, Moses, David, Joseph, etc...). The other regular scholars are liars. So learn the doctrines of Islam from the writings of Abu Yazid Bistami, or Rumi, or Al Ghazali, or Al Qushayri, etc...īm_ibn_Hawāzin_Qushayri

Whatever you read from them, that is Islam.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not. And it shall be given unto you.

It seems to me if you want to know whatnreligiin or church to go to, you should go to the source and find out for yourself

You'r saying God Almighty lets His doors open, so that whoso likes to go see him can do so. Try entering the White House out of wanting to go visit your president whom you love and respect. You will never be let in, no matter how much you mean good. Know for sure God Almighty is much more protective of His private Court.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not. And it shall be given unto you.

It seems to me if you want to know whatnreligiin or church to go to, you should go to the source and find out for yourself
Yup. I've done the whole "pray whether it's true and God will just tell you" thing. Never even got a voicemail.

To have a message from God is to have a message from the King of the Universe. It does not come to someone who can not even make sure he lives forever. It comes to people whose love of God fills their breast and who do not incline to evil, be it for 1/10th of a second.
I am judging it by its doctrines. I've read the Qur'an several times. I've read The Sealed Nectar. I've spoken with a trained faqih while he was trying to convince me to stop the process to join the military and go live in Syria with him to join a terrorist group instead. Sorry, but that's what it is according to its own bases. You don't have to give the terrorists following it any credibility to see that.
So again, you must judge Islam by its doctrines. "The Ulama (the scholars) are the inheritors of the prophets". This is what Muhammad said and even the Saudis accept it. To speak simply, it means the scholars of Islam who are like the prophets, who share the same kind of life the prophets had, who share the same kind of guidance the prophets had; those are the ones who teach the doctrines of Islam. These are the saints of Islam. There still are saints of Islam, and there will still be, until the end of times. An example, Abu Yazid Bistami called a friend of his to a place in his house, he opened the door and an ocean appeared before them, and he told his friend, let us enter in this sea. These are saints of Islam, they are like prophets (Jesus, Moses, David, Joseph, etc...). The other regular scholars are liars. So learn the doctrines of Islam from the writings of Abu Yazid Bistami, or Rumi, or Al Ghazali, or Al Qushayri, etc...īm_ibn_Hawāzin_Qushayri

Whatever you read from them, that is Islam.
Qur'an isn't the basis of Islam. Ahadith aren't the basis of Islam. Muhammad's example isn't something to judge Islam by. We should be judging Islam by what the clerics say. This seems to be what you're saying here. Good thing I have talked to a cleric as well, and he was a terrorist. Dude was the imam of his local mosque, a trained and certified faqih, a high school chemistry teacher, and a draft dodger who went to go join the PLO and bitched out because the real IDF showed up and put a bullet in his shoulder when he and his squad were killing Palestinian civilians while dressed in IDF uniforms. He even killed Jewish children for being Jewish because he thought that Allah wouldn't destroy the universe and let him go to Jannah until all the Jews were dead. If an alim like him is Islam then... Yeah. I want no part of his Islam. The good news is that he most likely joined IS (he lived in his hometown of Damascus when I talked to him) and was killed in an airstrike.

To have a message from God is to have a message from the King of the Universe. It does not come to someone who can not even make sure he lives forever. It comes to people whose love of God fills their breast and who do not incline to evil, be it for 1/10th of a second.
"Allah will only talk to you if you believe he exists and can talk to you." That seems suspicious...
The only ones that are even interesting are Mormonism, Voodoo, and Islam. I couldn't be Mormon because it's made up. I couldn't do Voodoo because I'd really, really rather not sacrifice a chicken, even if I do understand the reasoning behind it. I couldn't be Muslim because it's fundamentally a violent and oppressive religion. I reject Judaism for many of the same reasons as Islam. I'm not just down with considering people my inferior just because of their ethnicity.

There is only one on the earth that teaches Jesus' truths. Once one knows Jesus' truths its easy to see.

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