Is there a Scientific Theory to explain Climate Change?

Tectonic direction of NA = SW. Chicago was inside the Arctic Circle possibly 30 mil years ago - a guess.

Greenland is today's exhibit of an ice age. The middle of Greenland went ice age 400-800k years ago, but it started at the northern tip, which was completely green 2 million years ago. On the tail end outside of the Arctic Circle, the Vikings farmed the southern tip of Greenland until 1400s when the ice age advanced to cover Greenland completely. Ice obviously melts outside of the Arctic Circle, but the "glacier manufacturing system" is the land within 600 miles of the pole. Alaska is not in ice age because it is not that close to the Pole, but is in the Arctic Circle. AA also demonstrates a continent specific ice age will drive glaciers right out of the polar circle.
When was Chicago higher than Greenland?
Do an actual experiment, like bringing rain to an arid area, or, stopping a hurricane, etc. if you can’t do that, there is no scientific basis for your human caused climate change.
yet what does stopping a hurricane or bringing rain has have to do with burning coal and other items which man does that cause higher levels of C02 in the atmosphere. The higher levels are cause by mans activities. Nature naturally reduces these levels but cannot keep up with mans activities that increase CO2 levels. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Thus it reflects some heat back to the earth that would normally be reflected out to space. Heat reflected by back to the earth causes it to get warmer than it would naturally.
Science is typically wrong! In fact science fails over 75% of the time. And no such thing as consensus for the umpteenth time
Science is also right in many cases otherwise we would not fly in planes or be able to land on the moon, etc, etc. Yes there is scientific consensus but just because you do not believe it does not mean it does not exist. Especially when a simple google search will provide the answers.
LOL the AGW conjecture has failed thus all those so called "reproducible research" claims are false.

The two benchmarks for the AGW conjecture don't exist thus invalidated.

Only climate cults still hang onto it as the world has slowly moved on.
Of course it is hard to do reproducible research on a planet as there are two many variables. Still many people believe in GOD but your never going to have reproducible research on his existence.
yet what does stopping a hurricane or bringing rain has have to do with burning coal and other items which man does that cause higher levels of C02 in the atmosphere. The higher levels are cause by mans activities. Nature naturally reduces these levels but cannot keep up with mans activities that increase CO2 levels. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Thus it reflects some heat back to the earth that would normally be reflected out to space. Heat reflected by back to the earth causes it to get warmer than it would naturally.
It has to do with proving humans can cause a chage in the climate. You know, real science.
Yes there is scientific consensus but just because you do not believe it does not mean it does not exist.
Oh don't get me wrong, I know that smart stupid demofks believe that because they were told to, but science doesn't`. Never has.
yet what does stopping a hurricane or bringing rain has have to do with burning coal and other items which man does that cause higher levels of C02 in the atmosphere. The higher levels are cause by mans activities. Nature naturally reduces these levels but cannot keep up with mans activities that increase CO2 levels. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Thus it reflects some heat back to the earth that would normally be reflected out to space. Heat reflected by back to the earth causes it to get warmer than it would naturally.
they have no idea how a hurricane starts or they could replicate it to figure out how to stop it. you're just one of those smart stupid people.
Of course it is hard to do reproducible research on a planet as there are two many variables. Still many people believe in GOD but your never going to have reproducible research on his existence.
what was the instrument that cut the granite for the pyramids?
they have no idea how a hurricane starts or they could replicate it to figure out how to stop it. you're just one of those smart stupid people.

Good god are you stupid
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show the experiment where they made one.
Seems to me you've lost the argument when eliminating gas stoves will solve your problem.
The elimination of gas stoves was a children's health issue, not global warming.

Try again.

Are gas stoves bad for climate change?​

Yes. And that's a big reason there's an effort in some areas to phase out natural gas from new buildings.

Natural gas has been the fastest-rising fossil fuel over the past decade as it largely replaced coal. Though it produces less carbon dioxide than coal, burning methane is still nowhere near carbon-neutral.

Try again.

Are gas stoves bad for climate change?​

Yes. And that's a big reason there's an effort in some areas to phase out natural gas from new buildings.

Natural gas has been the fastest-rising fossil fuel over the past decade as it largely replaced coal. Though it produces less carbon dioxide than coal, burning methane is still nowhere near carbon-neutral.
A link to your source would have been handy.

Here is the origin of the gas stove issue:


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