Is there an agenda?

So you're thinking whatever government policy makers in charge of the rules for food stamps were sitting in a meeting room debating how they should work, and decided maybe it would be best for the country if the foodstamp users ate unhealthy foods so they would die early?

In the interest of what? It wouldn't save money, as unhealthy obese poor people are more of a burden over their lifetimes than a healthy person living longer.

If the diet were their only bad choice issue it wouldn't be much of an issue. Many have other illnesses like Hep C from bad tats. Many are substance abusers as well as smokers. Combine that with bad food choices and you can reduce that lower third by a goodly number. Smokers do not live long enough to be a drain on the system.

My Papa lived to be 94, he smokes cigs, cigars and chewed and dipped tobaccie.

Good for him~
Regarding Sunshine's topic, yes the theory this thread puts forth is entirely asinine and definitely belongs in the conspiracy section.

Tattoos and hep C a factor? Really? Dumbass.

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