Is there any major issue that Mitt Romney hasn't flip flopped on?

Is there any major issue that Mitt Romney hasn't flip flopped on? What is it?

Guess not.

History has shown that when a candidate must rely on being the "lesser of two evils" to get votes - he loses.

Democrats loved Obama
Republicans considered McCain the lesser of two evils.

Republicans loved Bush II
Democrats considered Kerry and Gore the lesser of two evils.

Democrats loved Clinton
Republicans considered Dole and Bush I the lesser of two evils.

I could go on. Basically, the "lesser of two evils" candidate always loses.
You have to understand the Romney mindset. He thinks America is a corporation, and that he is applying for the job of CEO,

so, on the principle that one's politics shouldn't matter when you're applying for a job in business,

he thinks it doesn't matter what political positions he takes at any given moment, because they aren't relevant to the CEO job he's applying for.
Romney hasnt declared he is a woman, has he? that would be a major flip flop.
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Good luck getting an answer to this question. I've been asking it for quite some time and no one can come up with a single issue he's not changed positions on.
He's not changing positions, he's EVOLVING

I thought you all applauded that...?
Meh, when the Republicans get an answer from Obama on why he has flipped, I'll start worrying about this answer.

GTMO, Patriot Act, diplomacy with Iran, etc.

Obamabots upset over 'Flip-Flopping?' Now that's just plain hilarious. How many promises has the Dear Leader broken?
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He hasn't flip flopped on closing Gitmo.
He hasn't flip flopped on broadcasting negotiations on C-SPAN.
He hasn't flip flopped on raising taxes for people earning less than $250k a year
He hasn't flip flopped on raising the debt ceiling.
He hasnt flip flopped on presidential signing statements
He hasn't flip flopped on hiring lobbyists.

But Obama has.
Romney also knows the difference of a millionaire and someone making 250 thousand, and also taxing those millionaires that make 250 thousand.
Is there any major issue that Mitt Romney hasn't flip flopped on? What is it?

Multiple Choice Mitt doesn't flip flop, he just holds a number of different, usually mutually contradictory, positions simultaneously.
We could say he has evolving views on these issues. Or we could if he had a D by his name.

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