Is there any reason not to believe him?

David Icke is a raging antisemite and holocaust denier.

Hence his popularity with some people here.
It may not be a Trump thread, but if this op conspiracy us true, then Trump is in the middle if it.
You don't know how right you are.

You see, at the Federal Reserve, they are still holding toxic derives from that 2008 bailout, and were having a hard time unwinding them.

. . . and the debt just keeps piling on, till, the recessions get deeper and more catastrophic. To the point where? They are more impactful than the Great Depression. I don't understand global finance that well, TBH, so I can't say if all that is true or not. We have folks in that industry, like Toro and Toddsterpatriot that say it is all bullshit, so maybe it is.

. . but then? They of course have their bias.

BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis – Now It’s Been Hired by three Central Banks to Implement the Plan

(linked from above article)

(notice date)


June 6th, 2020.

Corporate Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports — Brought to You by BlackRock and Vanguard?​

Is Jerome Powell the Real Keyser Soze?​

16,533 views May 22, 2020
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Trump wasn't mentioned in the op. Strange... not really, you just had to bring him up
Retard. Learn to read. The OP mentioned ... The same people that created the viruses, created the vaccines.

And, so, my post ran thus... So, the orange douchebag who is taking credit for the vaccine should be blamed for the viruses, too?

Did your orange loser take credit for the vaccine - Yes or No?

Once you answer the question, then read my post a few times. Even a retard like you will eventually get it. Good luck.
Trump isn’t genuine.

The plan these monsters have is working perfectly.

We all lose.
All anti-vaxxers are so mistaken, strange, and gullible.

Big fat strawman. Many people have a problem with this particular vaccine, but that doesn't mean they're against all vaccines. So your "anti-vaxxers" label is dishonest and just a slimy way to intimidate people into silence. And PS: you have it completely backwards. The gullible people are the ones who fell for the scamdemic and doubled the fortunes of a handful of billionaires who laughed all the way to the bank.
Pretty much nailed it. The same people that created the viruses, created the vaccines. And not to benefit us. When they tell us they need to kill 90% of us, we need to pay attention.

David Icke and Alex Jones are in the same boat--two men who told the truth and pissed off the Deep State.

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