Is There Anything Positive About The Democratic Party???

I know that Trumpian's attitudes aren't just baked in but kiln dried. There is nothing I can write that will either be accepted as viable. All my attitudes, according to the Trumpians, are the spawn of fake news. What I read and what I see and what I hear just is not true. A construct of Fake News designed purposely to attack The Donald.

But a couple points for them to consider:

1) No Trump supporter has any way to stand on the moral high ground. Trump policies and Trump rhetoric has voided your morality pass. Unless you can defend Trump flying to El Paso as a response to the largest targeted attack on Latinos in history while simultaneously arresting nearly 700 people in Mississippi. If that does not serve as a one-two punch to the American Latino community specifically and the nation as a whole. Tell us all about morality.

2) Trump's overt racism has erased all his credibility rendering him impotent.
Yet all of it is imagery produced and orchestrated by a corrupt globalist media.
I pity your cynicism.
I know that Trumpian's attitudes aren't just baked in but kiln dried. There is nothing I can write that will either be accepted as viable. All my attitudes, according to the Trumpians, are the spawn of fake news. What I read and what I see and what I hear just is not true. A construct of Fake News designed purposely to attack The Donald.

But a couple points for them to consider:

1) No Trump supporter has any way to stand on the moral high ground. Trump policies and Trump rhetoric has voided your morality pass. Unless you can defend Trump flying to El Paso as a response to the largest targeted attack on Latinos in history while simultaneously arresting nearly 700 people in Mississippi. If that does not serve as a one-two punch to the American Latino community specifically and the nation as a whole. Tell us all about morality.

2) Trump's overt racism has erased all his credibility rendering him impotent.
Yet all of it is imagery produced and orchestrated by a corrupt globalist media.
I pity your cynicism.
I can't help it if I'm a realist.
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

They care about Healthcare No they don't. They want universal healthcare on the middle-class dime, reducing the middle class to poor while over-populating the country, which will reduce the healthcare of U.S. citizens. There's already a great shortage of healthcare options (e.g. doctors). You figure Dem. plan would make that worse or better?

They are concerned about the environment So is everyone else.

They fight for sensible immigration reform. Right, by making it legal to enter the country at will, free healthcare and a population of third world people and a destruction of the USA from the core out.

They understand America’s role in global politics ILMAO. That's code for you ran out of material.

They want affordable higher education. Like passing college debt down to middle class. It's progs. who run college institutions, so of course they're expensive and ineffective.
Well Biden just said, "poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids" WTF?? That doesn't sound very positive and he's their front runner. :auiqs.jpg:
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

They care about Healthcare No they don't. They want universal healthcare on the middle-class dime, reducing the middle class to poor while over-populating the country, which will reduce the healthcare of U.S. citizens. There's already a great shortage of healthcare options (e.g. doctors). You figure Dem. plan would make that worse or better?

They are concerned about the environment So is everyone else.

They fight for sensible immigration reform. Right, by making it legal to enter the country at will, free healthcare and a population of third world people and a destruction of the USA from the core out.

They understand America’s role in global politics ILMAO. That's code for you ran out of material.

They want affordable higher education. Like passing college debt down to middle class. It's progs. who run college institutions, so of course they're expensive and ineffective.

It's sad how indoctrinated you people have become that you regurgitate these insane talking points that have literally no factual basis.
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

They care about Healthcare No they don't. They want universal healthcare on the middle-class dime, reducing the middle class to poor while over-populating the country, which will reduce the healthcare of U.S. citizens. There's already a great shortage of healthcare options (e.g. doctors). You figure Dem. plan would make that worse or better?

They are concerned about the environment So is everyone else.

They fight for sensible immigration reform. Right, by making it legal to enter the country at will, free healthcare and a population of third world people and a destruction of the USA from the core out.

They understand America’s role in global politics ILMAO. That's code for you ran out of material.

They want affordable higher education. Like passing college debt down to middle class. It's progs. who run college institutions, so of course they're expensive and ineffective.

It's sad how indoctrinated you people have become that you regurgitate these insane talking points that have literally no factual basis.

WTF are you talking about no basis? Which one, I'm happy to support my opinion with facts and logic.
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

They care about Healthcare No they don't. They want universal healthcare on the middle-class dime, reducing the middle class to poor while over-populating the country, which will reduce the healthcare of U.S. citizens. There's already a great shortage of healthcare options (e.g. doctors). You figure Dem. plan would make that worse or better?

They are concerned about the environment So is everyone else.

They fight for sensible immigration reform. Right, by making it legal to enter the country at will, free healthcare and a population of third world people and a destruction of the USA from the core out.

They understand America’s role in global politics ILMAO. That's code for you ran out of material.

They want affordable higher education. Like passing college debt down to middle class. It's progs. who run college institutions, so of course they're expensive and ineffective.

It's sad how indoctrinated you people have become that you regurgitate these insane talking points that have literally no factual basis.

WTF are you talking about no basis? Which one, I'm happy to support my opinion with facts and logic.

Let's go right for the whopper of "make it legal to enter the country at will". No one is advocating that but you're being told to believe that. And here you are vomiting back your masters talking points.
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

They care about Healthcare No they don't. They want universal healthcare on the middle-class dime, reducing the middle class to poor while over-populating the country, which will reduce the healthcare of U.S. citizens. There's already a great shortage of healthcare options (e.g. doctors). You figure Dem. plan would make that worse or better?

They are concerned about the environment So is everyone else.

They fight for sensible immigration reform. Right, by making it legal to enter the country at will, free healthcare and a population of third world people and a destruction of the USA from the core out.

They understand America’s role in global politics ILMAO. That's code for you ran out of material.

They want affordable higher education. Like passing college debt down to middle class. It's progs. who run college institutions, so of course they're expensive and ineffective.

It's sad how indoctrinated you people have become that you regurgitate these insane talking points that have literally no factual basis.

WTF are you talking about no basis? Which one, I'm happy to support my opinion with facts and logic.

Let's go right for the whopper of "make it legal to enter the country at will". No one is advocating that but you're being told to believe that. And here you are vomiting back your masters talking points.

And spare me finding some fucking obscure mayor, who kinda sorta said they were for open borders who you dig up as your proof.

I see nothing about the Democrat Party that is positive. One hoax after another has blown up in their faces. The chaos that ensues every time they push one of these media-driven events swallows up all the media coverage and nothing else seems to get covered.

This latest episode comes on the heels of the deaths of over 30 people and numerous copy-cat attacks. And we're discovering that the 2 attackers in El Paso and Dayton Ohio where Democrat supporters. Perhaps they feel that the hatred on the left will become so intense that thousands of people will break the law in response. The hatred could manifest in numerous forms, yet the Democrat Party feels this gives them an edge. Apparently the left is intentionally trying to foment hatred everywhere, but especially among Hispanics. Apparently it's designed to help win back the White House. Perhaps they think that Democrat operatives will look the other way and allow votes among people that are obviously unqualified to vote. The ends justify the means, aye comrade?

Donald Trump traveled to both cities to offer condolences yet local Democrat officials tried to organize protests instead of morning for the loss of life. Dayton's mayor decided that a Trump visit was a good time to cut short her period of morning to lead protesters. An El Paso congressional member who has been caught coaching illegals on how to sneak into the country took it upon herself to tell Trump to stay away, even though the Mayor of El Paso welcomed his visit.

Joe Biden feels his chances slipping away, so what does he do? He gives speeches fomenting more hatred of Trump and his supporters. He must have been off of the teleprompter because he made it clear that he thinks minorities are automatically poor when he spoke of how the poor and whites are very similar. This obvious gaff was overshadowed by his over the top violent rhetoric against Trump. In the last 48 hrs instead of trying to help with the healing process he chose to create more hatred.

Instead of trying to create feelings of good will and console family members Liz Warren and other Democrats chose to fund-raise and beg for money. The brother of one candidate even decided to release the names and personal information of Trump campaign donors to the public to encourage harassment and to shame them for being "Racists". In a lame attempt to make excuses for his dangerous actions he claims that wasn't his intention....and that the information is public knowledge.

All this year I've seen nothing positive coming from the Democrat Party. All I've seen is angry rhetoric intended to cause violence. The media in all it's forms is busy trying to give everyone the impression that being a leftist is kind and warm and loving, yet everything they do is just the opposite. Famous Hollywood celebrities have made death threats to teenagers and anyone who they feel supports Trump. Susanne Arquette claims that she's ashamed to have been born white.

We all know where the source of anger rests squarely on the left despite their attempts to say otherwise.

The mayor of Nashville decided Tuesday to give a public announcement in Spanish giving legal advice to illegals. He's currently in a run-off election and has little or no chance of being re-elected. Perhaps he feels he can bring enough illegal voters here to help keep him in office. I don't know. It sure looks like it. When we get to the point where public officials ignore and flaunt the law....we are quickly reaching a point of no return. We either have to arrest and book them for aiding and abetting criminal activity or allow it to continue and watch our society crumble right before our eyes.
Someone asked if the devil has any good qualities. Someone answered, "he's industrious."

So, that's my answer
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

They care about Healthcare No they don't. They want universal healthcare on the middle-class dime, reducing the middle class to poor while over-populating the country, which will reduce the healthcare of U.S. citizens. There's already a great shortage of healthcare options (e.g. doctors). You figure Dem. plan would make that worse or better?

They are concerned about the environment So is everyone else.

They fight for sensible immigration reform. Right, by making it legal to enter the country at will, free healthcare and a population of third world people and a destruction of the USA from the core out.

They understand America’s role in global politics ILMAO. That's code for you ran out of material.

They want affordable higher education. Like passing college debt down to middle class. It's progs. who run college institutions, so of course they're expensive and ineffective.

It's sad how indoctrinated you people have become that you regurgitate these insane talking points that have literally no factual basis.

WTF are you talking about no basis? Which one, I'm happy to support my opinion with facts and logic.

Let's go right for the whopper of "make it legal to enter the country at will". No one is advocating that but you're being told to believe that. And here you are vomiting back your masters talking points.

Cool man:

Sanctuary cities: Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States

Decriminalize immigration: Most Dems vow to decriminalize illegal immigration during Night 2 debate

Healthcare for non-citizens:

Implied open borders: Democrats double down on open borders

No wall: Democrats on high alert to block any funding for Trump's border wall

Abolish ICE: What ‘Abolish ICE’ Actually Means

Blatant open border: Sen. Cotton: Dems Want ‘Open Borders,’ And Give Illegal Immigrants a ‘Get-Out-of-Jail-Free’ Card

I could go on and on with examples. You should learn to apply some critical thought (cause & effect), it would go a long way.
Last edited:

I see nothing about the Democrat Party that is positive. One hoax after another has blown up in their faces. The chaos that ensues every time they push one of these media-driven events swallows up all the media coverage and nothing else seems to get covered.

This latest episode comes on the heels of the deaths of over 30 people and numerous copy-cat attacks. And we're discovering that the 2 attackers in El Paso and Dayton Ohio where Democrat supporters. Perhaps they feel that the hatred on the left will become so intense that thousands of people will break the law in response. The hatred could manifest in numerous forms, yet the Democrat Party feels this gives them an edge. Apparently the left is intentionally trying to foment hatred everywhere, but especially among Hispanics. Apparently it's designed to help win back the White House. Perhaps they think that Democrat operatives will look the other way and allow votes among people that are obviously unqualified to vote. The ends justify the means, aye comrade?

Donald Trump traveled to both cities to offer condolences yet local Democrat officials tried to organize protests instead of morning for the loss of life. Dayton's mayor decided that a Trump visit was a good time to cut short her period of morning to lead protesters. An El Paso congressional member who has been caught coaching illegals on how to sneak into the country took it upon herself to tell Trump to stay away, even though the Mayor of El Paso welcomed his visit.

Joe Biden feels his chances slipping away, so what does he do? He gives speeches fomenting more hatred of Trump and his supporters. He must have been off of the teleprompter because he made it clear that he thinks minorities are automatically poor when he spoke of how the poor and whites are very similar. This obvious gaff was overshadowed by his over the top violent rhetoric against Trump. In the last 48 hrs instead of trying to help with the healing process he chose to create more hatred.

Instead of trying to create feelings of good will and console family members Liz Warren and other Democrats chose to fund-raise and beg for money. The brother of one candidate even decided to release the names and personal information of Trump campaign donors to the public to encourage harassment and to shame them for being "Racists". In a lame attempt to make excuses for his dangerous actions he claims that wasn't his intention....and that the information is public knowledge.

All this year I've seen nothing positive coming from the Democrat Party. All I've seen is angry rhetoric intended to cause violence. The media in all it's forms is busy trying to give everyone the impression that being a leftist is kind and warm and loving, yet everything they do is just the opposite. Famous Hollywood celebrities have made death threats to teenagers and anyone who they feel supports Trump. Susanne Arquette claims that she's ashamed to have been born white.

We all know where the source of anger rests squarely on the left despite their attempts to say otherwise.

The mayor of Nashville decided Tuesday to give a public announcement in Spanish giving legal advice to illegals. He's currently in a run-off election and has little or no chance of being re-elected. Perhaps he feels he can bring enough illegal voters here to help keep him in office. I don't know. It sure looks like it. When we get to the point where public officials ignore and flaunt the law....we are quickly reaching a point of no return. We either have to arrest and book them for aiding and abetting criminal activity or allow it to continue and watch our society crumble right before our eyes.

You mean other than being massively better then the republic one.
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

They care about Healthcare No they don't. They want universal healthcare on the middle-class dime, reducing the middle class to poor while over-populating the country, which will reduce the healthcare of U.S. citizens. There's already a great shortage of healthcare options (e.g. doctors). You figure Dem. plan would make that worse or better?

They are concerned about the environment So is everyone else.

They fight for sensible immigration reform. Right, by making it legal to enter the country at will, free healthcare and a population of third world people and a destruction of the USA from the core out.

They understand America’s role in global politics ILMAO. That's code for you ran out of material.

They want affordable higher education. Like passing college debt down to middle class. It's progs. who run college institutions, so of course they're expensive and ineffective.

It's sad how indoctrinated you people have become that you regurgitate these insane talking points that have literally no factual basis.

WTF are you talking about no basis? Which one, I'm happy to support my opinion with facts and logic.

Let's go right for the whopper of "make it legal to enter the country at will". No one is advocating that but you're being told to believe that. And here you are vomiting back your masters talking points.

Cool man:

Sanctuary cities: Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States

Decriminalize immigration: Most Dems vow to decriminalize illegal immigration during Night 2 debate

Healthcare for non-citizens:

Implied open borders: Democrats double down on open borders

No wall: Democrats on high alert to block any funding for Trump's border wall

Abolish ICE: What ‘Abolish ICE’ Actually Means

Blatant open border: Sen. Cotton: Dems Want ‘Open Borders,’ And Give Illegal Immigrants a ‘Get-Out-of-Jail-Free’ Card

I could go on and on with examples. You should learn to apply some critical thought (cause & effect), it would go a long way.

Cool story, how about examples now that show democrats want people to "enter the country at will", like you said or a link that isn't a Republican talking about what "democrats want". None of the above does we both knew ahead of time. But you can try the whole 'throw as much shit against the wall' tactic if that's what you want to do.

Being against a border wall doesn't make someone for open borders.

I blame you for being lazy and not using your brain but I blame your owners for lying to you repeatedly and getting you so riled up you can't even understand the shit you're saying.
The only positive thing I have seen from democrats is they like to kill their young at birth. Is there anything we can do to accelerate that?
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

They're not going about trying to get any of those in a positive way.
Fight? What have they proposed?
A lot of things that never see the light of day when they hit the McConnell wall.
I know that Trumpian's attitudes aren't just baked in but kiln dried. There is nothing I can write that will either be accepted as viable. All my attitudes, according to the Trumpians, are the spawn of fake news. What I read and what I see and what I hear just is not true. A construct of Fake News designed purposely to attack The Donald.

But a couple points for them to consider:

1) No Trump supporter has any way to stand on the moral high ground. Trump policies and Trump rhetoric has voided your morality pass. Unless you can defend Trump flying to El Paso as a response to the largest targeted attack on Latinos in history while simultaneously arresting nearly 700 people in Mississippi. If that does not serve as a one-two punch to the American Latino community specifically and the nation as a whole. Tell us all about morality.

2) Trump's overt racism has erased all his credibility rendering him impotent.
Yet all of it is imagery produced and orchestrated by a corrupt globalist media.
I pity your cynicism.
I can't help it if I'm a realist.
No you arent if you think both killers were Democrat.
Is There Anything Positive About The Democratic Party???

ABSOLUTELY! The same democratic party that positively found a way to engineer defeat against an eminently beatable candidate through their own smug arrogance in 2016 with the most horrible candidate will again positively engineer a defeat in 2020 again against the same eminently defeatable candidate through even greater smug arrogance and total, crazed, unhinged lunacy with an even worse candidate! I mean, if you want to do a study of how best to totally sabotage an election----


I see nothing about the Democrat Party that is positive. One hoax after another has blown up in their faces. The chaos that ensues every time they push one of these media-driven events swallows up all the media coverage and nothing else seems to get covered.

This latest episode comes on the heels of the deaths of over 30 people and numerous copy-cat attacks. And we're discovering that the 2 attackers in El Paso and Dayton Ohio where Democrat supporters. Perhaps they feel that the hatred on the left will become so intense that thousands of people will break the law in response. The hatred could manifest in numerous forms, yet the Democrat Party feels this gives them an edge. Apparently the left is intentionally trying to foment hatred everywhere, but especially among Hispanics. Apparently it's designed to help win back the White House. Perhaps they think that Democrat operatives will look the other way and allow votes among people that are obviously unqualified to vote. The ends justify the means, aye comrade?

Donald Trump traveled to both cities to offer condolences yet local Democrat officials tried to organize protests instead of morning for the loss of life. Dayton's mayor decided that a Trump visit was a good time to cut short her period of morning to lead protesters. An El Paso congressional member who has been caught coaching illegals on how to sneak into the country took it upon herself to tell Trump to stay away, even though the Mayor of El Paso welcomed his visit.

Joe Biden feels his chances slipping away, so what does he do? He gives speeches fomenting more hatred of Trump and his supporters. He must have been off of the teleprompter because he made it clear that he thinks minorities are automatically poor when he spoke of how the poor and whites are very similar. This obvious gaff was overshadowed by his over the top violent rhetoric against Trump. In the last 48 hrs instead of trying to help with the healing process he chose to create more hatred.

Instead of trying to create feelings of good will and console family members Liz Warren and other Democrats chose to fund-raise and beg for money. The brother of one candidate even decided to release the names and personal information of Trump campaign donors to the public to encourage harassment and to shame them for being "Racists". In a lame attempt to make excuses for his dangerous actions he claims that wasn't his intention....and that the information is public knowledge.

All this year I've seen nothing positive coming from the Democrat Party. All I've seen is angry rhetoric intended to cause violence. The media in all it's forms is busy trying to give everyone the impression that being a leftist is kind and warm and loving, yet everything they do is just the opposite. Famous Hollywood celebrities have made death threats to teenagers and anyone who they feel supports Trump. Susanne Arquette claims that she's ashamed to have been born white.

We all know where the source of anger rests squarely on the left despite their attempts to say otherwise.

The mayor of Nashville decided Tuesday to give a public announcement in Spanish giving legal advice to illegals. He's currently in a run-off election and has little or no chance of being re-elected. Perhaps he feels he can bring enough illegal voters here to help keep him in office. I don't know. It sure looks like it. When we get to the point where public officials ignore and flaunt the law....we are quickly reaching a point of no return. We either have to arrest and book them for aiding and abetting criminal activity or allow it to continue and watch our society crumble right before our eyes.
The Democrats are very compassionate, in fact they will give you the shirt right off of someone else's back.
The Democrats are against hate.
Well except for the...….
Klan Democrats
Nation of Islam Democrats
La Raza Democrats
Black Panther Democrats
Muslim Brotherhood Democrats
BLM Democrats
Antifa Democrats...….

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