Is There Anything Positive About The Democratic Party???

Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education
I know that Trumpian's attitudes aren't just baked in but kiln dried. There is nothing I can write that will either be accepted as viable. All my attitudes, according to the Trumpians, are the spawn of fake news. What I read and what I see and what I hear just is not true. A construct of Fake News designed purposely to attack The Donald.

But a couple points for them to consider:

1) No Trump supporter has any way to stand on the moral high ground. Trump policies and Trump rhetoric has voided your morality pass. Unless you can defend Trump flying to El Paso as a response to the largest targeted attack on Latinos in history while simultaneously arresting nearly 700 people in Mississippi. If that does not serve as a one-two punch to the American Latino community specifically and the nation as a whole. Tell us all about morality.

2) Trump's overt racism has erased all his credibility rendering him impotent.
Yet all of it is imagery produced and orchestrated by a corrupt globalist media.
I pity your cynicism.
I can't help it if I'm a realist.
No you arent if you think both killers were Democrat.
One was a Satan worshipping Liz Warren supporter.......and the other was a Democratic/Socialist.

I see nothing about the Democrat Party that is positive. One hoax after another has blown up in their faces. The chaos that ensues every time they push one of these media-driven events swallows up all the media coverage and nothing else seems to get covered.

This latest episode comes on the heels of the deaths of over 30 people and numerous copy-cat attacks. And we're discovering that the 2 attackers in El Paso and Dayton Ohio where Democrat supporters. Perhaps they feel that the hatred on the left will become so intense that thousands of people will break the law in response. The hatred could manifest in numerous forms, yet the Democrat Party feels this gives them an edge. Apparently the left is intentionally trying to foment hatred everywhere, but especially among Hispanics. Apparently it's designed to help win back the White House. Perhaps they think that Democrat operatives will look the other way and allow votes among people that are obviously unqualified to vote. The ends justify the means, aye comrade?

Donald Trump traveled to both cities to offer condolences yet local Democrat officials tried to organize protests instead of morning for the loss of life. Dayton's mayor decided that a Trump visit was a good time to cut short her period of morning to lead protesters. An El Paso congressional member who has been caught coaching illegals on how to sneak into the country took it upon herself to tell Trump to stay away, even though the Mayor of El Paso welcomed his visit.

Joe Biden feels his chances slipping away, so what does he do? He gives speeches fomenting more hatred of Trump and his supporters. He must have been off of the teleprompter because he made it clear that he thinks minorities are automatically poor when he spoke of how the poor and whites are very similar. This obvious gaff was overshadowed by his over the top violent rhetoric against Trump. In the last 48 hrs instead of trying to help with the healing process he chose to create more hatred.

Instead of trying to create feelings of good will and console family members Liz Warren and other Democrats chose to fund-raise and beg for money. The brother of one candidate even decided to release the names and personal information of Trump campaign donors to the public to encourage harassment and to shame them for being "Racists". In a lame attempt to make excuses for his dangerous actions he claims that wasn't his intention....and that the information is public knowledge.

All this year I've seen nothing positive coming from the Democrat Party. All I've seen is angry rhetoric intended to cause violence. The media in all it's forms is busy trying to give everyone the impression that being a leftist is kind and warm and loving, yet everything they do is just the opposite. Famous Hollywood celebrities have made death threats to teenagers and anyone who they feel supports Trump. Susanne Arquette claims that she's ashamed to have been born white.

We all know where the source of anger rests squarely on the left despite their attempts to say otherwise.

The mayor of Nashville decided Tuesday to give a public announcement in Spanish giving legal advice to illegals. He's currently in a run-off election and has little or no chance of being re-elected. Perhaps he feels he can bring enough illegal voters here to help keep him in office. I don't know. It sure looks like it. When we get to the point where public officials ignore and flaunt the law....we are quickly reaching a point of no return. We either have to arrest and book them for aiding and abetting criminal activity or allow it to continue and watch our society crumble right before our eyes.

The only positive quality of the ideology currently running the Democratic Party is its innate suicidal tendency. The downside for the rest of us? Let us hope that when the Democratic Party implodes it does not take the rest of our civilization to hell with it. The French Revolution ended with hundreds of thousands of innocent French Citizens pushing up daisies and a military dictatorship. The Soviet Union self-destructed after decades of killing and imprisoning and starving its own people. Pol Pot's Cambodia drove itself to extinction after murdering millions of common folk, its defense forces unable to repel Vietnamese invasion. Communist China has run through iteration after iteration of democide and mass internal upheaval, purging its own party leaders and citizens and starting the cycle over and over again, endlessly unable to make Marxism work either for the good of its own billion plus people, or establish that hallowed paradise-utopia on Earth. And the Chinese? They've been trying to make Marxism work for seventy years. Like a wet, tired, pissed off cat running over its own tail again and again, Marxism in all forms has failed, not just once or a in a few instances, but every last time its been implemented on a national scale. One way or the other our friends in the Democratic Party will come to understand this reality.
I think the Democrats are in the last throes of trying to turn America into a Communist country. They have certainly succeeded in destroying families by teaching young adults through Democrat Union Teachers about leaving home and getting even with their parents for taking them to church when young and being sure that each child has homosexual experiences through curriculum that brainwashes young minds. If I had to raise my kids again, they'd never see the inside of a communist manifesto environment of union-run schools by Republican-hating teachers. And we paid a pretty price for it and still are.
I know that Trumpian's attitudes aren't just baked in but kiln dried. There is nothing I can write that will either be accepted as viable. All my attitudes, according to the Trumpians, are the spawn of fake news. What I read and what I see and what I hear just is not true. A construct of Fake News designed purposely to attack The Donald.

But a couple points for them to consider:

1) No Trump supporter has any way to stand on the moral high ground. Trump policies and Trump rhetoric has voided your morality pass. Unless you can defend Trump flying to El Paso as a response to the largest targeted attack on Latinos in history while simultaneously arresting nearly 700 people in Mississippi. If that does not serve as a one-two punch to the American Latino community specifically and the nation as a whole. Tell us all about morality.

2) Trump's overt racism has erased all his credibility rendering him impotent.
Yet all of it is imagery produced and orchestrated by a corrupt globalist media.
I pity your cynicism.
I can't help it if I'm a realist.
No you arent if you think both killers were Democrat.
They both were inspired and motivated by democrats.
I know that Trumpian's attitudes aren't just baked in but kiln dried. There is nothing I can write that will either be accepted as viable. All my attitudes, according to the Trumpians, are the spawn of fake news. What I read and what I see and what I hear just is not true. A construct of Fake News designed purposely to attack The Donald.

But a couple points for them to consider:

1) No Trump supporter has any way to stand on the moral high ground. Trump policies and Trump rhetoric has voided your morality pass. Unless you can defend Trump flying to El Paso as a response to the largest targeted attack on Latinos in history while simultaneously arresting nearly 700 people in Mississippi. If that does not serve as a one-two punch to the American Latino community specifically and the nation as a whole. Tell us all about morality.

2) Trump's overt racism has erased all his credibility rendering him impotent.
Yet all of it is imagery produced and orchestrated by a corrupt globalist media.
I pity your cynicism.
I can't help it if I'm a realist.
No you arent if you think both killers were Democrat.
One was a Satan worshipping Liz Warren supporter.......and the other was a Democratic/Socialist.
Who told you that?
I know that Trumpian's attitudes aren't just baked in but kiln dried. There is nothing I can write that will either be accepted as viable. All my attitudes, according to the Trumpians, are the spawn of fake news. What I read and what I see and what I hear just is not true. A construct of Fake News designed purposely to attack The Donald.

But a couple points for them to consider:

1) No Trump supporter has any way to stand on the moral high ground. Trump policies and Trump rhetoric has voided your morality pass. Unless you can defend Trump flying to El Paso as a response to the largest targeted attack on Latinos in history while simultaneously arresting nearly 700 people in Mississippi. If that does not serve as a one-two punch to the American Latino community specifically and the nation as a whole. Tell us all about morality.

2) Trump's overt racism has erased all his credibility rendering him impotent.
Yet all of it is imagery produced and orchestrated by a corrupt globalist media.
I pity your cynicism.
I can't help it if I'm a realist.
No you arent if you think both killers were Democrat.
They both were inspired and motivated by democrats.
Who told you that?
Positives about Democrat

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education
View attachment 273620
You can add one more. San Antonio Representative, Joaquin Castro has posted a list of Republican supporters online for his constituents to harass. Here's the story: Joaquin Castro facing backlash from all sides for posting Trump donor information

Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary (HUD) Julian Castro defended his brother's controversial decision to publish the names of some President Trump donors, arguing it was important for people to know about businesses in San Antonio that donated to the president.​

"I believe that people need to know what businesses in that city that are profiting off of the backs of Hispanic customers are turning around and putting that money back into the pockets of a politician, in Donald Trump, that is actively making the lives of Hispanics in this country worse," Castro said while appearing at the Iowa State Fair on Friday.

Here's what was the reaction: Several prominent Republicans also slammed Castro for the post, including Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who is from Castro’s home state. Cruz said that what Castro did is “wrong” and that “elected representatives should not be vilifying & doxxing their own constituents.”

Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education
View attachment 273620
There's one more to add to your list, jknowgood: Texas Democrat Representative Joaquin Castro publishes a list of Trump supporters, one of whom was wrongfully placed on the list.
Man wrongly outed in Castro tweet targeting Trump donors speaks out:

Harper Huddleston said on "Fox & Friends" that his name appeared on Castro's list instead of the name of his retired father, who contributed to the Trump campaign. He said the mix-up was because they share the same first name, but have different middle names, though his father does not go by the name Harper.

Mr. Huddleson said: "We convened together as a family and talked about situational awareness, exit strategy, avoiding and exiting conflict, talked about staying low and close to home and just being at our very highest senses," said Huddleston.
I don't care how high-up this Representative's brother is, I think this is a serious breach of office, outing private citizens for harassment and bad service locally by people who support Democrats only. I think this deserves jail time for about 5 years to put the stopper on the Democrats' out-of-their-minds hate and evil lying to Communize this free country. It's so important for them to do this they have to harass our President for years now.

They've done no kind of lawmaking, just go after Trump. Every last stinking, bullshitting one of these mental cases who go after Trump, and now his supporters. I heard Kamala the creepsister saying the other day that she was going to make Trump supporters pay a price for supporting him.

I'm not able to send money to candidates right now due to estate issues, and I'm disabled and cannot work now. Yet even I know this is wrong, and should never, never, never, never ever be done again by any politician--publishing people's name on a list so they can get other people to mistreat and even abuse them and their families, and this particular guy contributed a few thousand dollars to his brother's campaign several years ago, too, and so did his dad, whose name he shares except for middle names. They published the wrong person for being the son of a Trump supporter.

Laws of Mercy, the Democrats don't have any.

I was going to edit this, but my services went down for some unknown reason, while I was in the middle of posting this, but unfortunately, when I got back, I didn't realize my old before going offline info was saved. So, I just typed away more stuff. Sorry if the post seems a little overdone. That's because I did it two times. :rolleyes:

My apologies, but I'm so tired of all this national fussing and fighting right now, I don't feel up to editing.
Last edited:

I see nothing about the Democrat Party that is positive. One hoax after another has blown up in their faces. The chaos that ensues every time they push one of these media-driven events swallows up all the media coverage and nothing else seems to get covered.

This latest episode comes on the heels of the deaths of over 30 people and numerous copy-cat attacks. And we're discovering that the 2 attackers in El Paso and Dayton Ohio where Democrat supporters. Perhaps they feel that the hatred on the left will become so intense that thousands of people will break the law in response. The hatred could manifest in numerous forms, yet the Democrat Party feels this gives them an edge. Apparently the left is intentionally trying to foment hatred everywhere, but especially among Hispanics. Apparently it's designed to help win back the White House. Perhaps they think that Democrat operatives will look the other way and allow votes among people that are obviously unqualified to vote. The ends justify the means, aye comrade?

Donald Trump traveled to both cities to offer condolences yet local Democrat officials tried to organize protests instead of morning for the loss of life. Dayton's mayor decided that a Trump visit was a good time to cut short her period of morning to lead protesters. An El Paso congressional member who has been caught coaching illegals on how to sneak into the country took it upon herself to tell Trump to stay away, even though the Mayor of El Paso welcomed his visit.

Joe Biden feels his chances slipping away, so what does he do? He gives speeches fomenting more hatred of Trump and his supporters. He must have been off of the teleprompter because he made it clear that he thinks minorities are automatically poor when he spoke of how the poor and whites are very similar. This obvious gaff was overshadowed by his over the top violent rhetoric against Trump. In the last 48 hrs instead of trying to help with the healing process he chose to create more hatred.

Instead of trying to create feelings of good will and console family members Liz Warren and other Democrats chose to fund-raise and beg for money. The brother of one candidate even decided to release the names and personal information of Trump campaign donors to the public to encourage harassment and to shame them for being "Racists". In a lame attempt to make excuses for his dangerous actions he claims that wasn't his intention....and that the information is public knowledge.

All this year I've seen nothing positive coming from the Democrat Party. All I've seen is angry rhetoric intended to cause violence. The media in all it's forms is busy trying to give everyone the impression that being a leftist is kind and warm and loving, yet everything they do is just the opposite. Famous Hollywood celebrities have made death threats to teenagers and anyone who they feel supports Trump. Susanne Arquette claims that she's ashamed to have been born white.

We all know where the source of anger rests squarely on the left despite their attempts to say otherwise.

The mayor of Nashville decided Tuesday to give a public announcement in Spanish giving legal advice to illegals. He's currently in a run-off election and has little or no chance of being re-elected. Perhaps he feels he can bring enough illegal voters here to help keep him in office. I don't know. It sure looks like it. When we get to the point where public officials ignore and flaunt the law....we are quickly reaching a point of no return. We either have to arrest and book them for aiding and abetting criminal activity or allow it to continue and watch our society crumble right before our eyes.

Two Words

Tulsi Gabbard
Positives about Democrats

They care about Healthcare
They are concerned about the environment
They fight for sensible immigration reform
They understand America’s role in global politics
They want affordable higher education

If they care why do they want to take away my private pay option? We only control about 15% per Yang in terms of the environment. Define “sensible” as Obama was known as Deporter in Chief. What is America’s role? I agree on the last point. You’re 1-5.
Yet all of it is imagery produced and orchestrated by a corrupt globalist media.
I pity your cynicism.
I can't help it if I'm a realist.
No you arent if you think both killers were Democrat.
One was a Satan worshiping Liz Warren supporter.......and the other was a Democratic/Socialist.
Who told you that?
Maybe you need to pay attention a bit's out there.....

Try Bing instead of Google.

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