Is There One Honest Democrat Here? A Moment of Common Sense

Newsweek admits that in 2020, Donald Trump's 73.6 million popular votes was over 7 million more votes than any sitting president in history ever got:

Okay? Now lets think:
Obama was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Obama did,
Bush was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Bush did,
Clinton was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Clinton did,
Reagan was re-elected in a 49 state landslide and Trump got MORE votes than Reagan did,

I think you get the idea.

Now, we are supposed to believe that Biden got millions more than that and won.

Now, get ready to think: In two short years, the man who we are supposed to believe got millions and millions more votes than anybody in history, is now going to be replaced by his own party and has lower approval ratings than any president in 70 years at least:

I ask you this: If Biden really got all those votes, would the American people be screaming and up in arms that his party wants to replace him? Or how about this: If Biden really got all those votes would he not be so popular that his own party would not dare replace him? Think!

Imagine the GOP trying to replace Reagan; there would have been pandemonium. The same with Obama.

There is only one way to explain this that makes any sense at all: Biden do not really get all those votes, Trump was the real winner.

Biden Rally in 2020

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Honey ;), there's no such thing as an honest democrat.
THAT is a LIE and you and I are done here.

So you don’t want to discuss this honestly. I see. So should I start a thread asking if Republicans want to discuss this honestly? I utterly destroyed your assertion from the OP, I destroyed all your attempts to throw smoke and mirrors at the issue, and then you declare you are done and run away.

Nice honest debate. I wonder, what were you hoping for? A plethora of accolades from sycophants?
Oh man, the great Biden who supposedly got more votes than any man in history (LOL. Ya, right) abandoned by his own in 2 short years. Please people
So you don’t want to discuss this honestly. I see. So should I start a thread asking if Republicans want to discuss this honestly? I utterly destroyed your assertion from the OP, I destroyed all your attempts to throw smoke and mirrors at the issue, and then you declare you are done and run away.

Nice honest debate. I wonder, what were you hoping for? A plethora of accolades from sycophants?
I pity you
Oh man, the great Biden who supposedly got more votes than any man in history (LOL. Ya, right) abandoned by his own in 2 short years. Please people

If you had noticed anything other than nonsense you would already know the answer. Again, lets take you back to the election. While you were gnashing your teeth and looking on Social Media for explanations, the rest of us knew the truth.

Scroll down. 68% of Biden voters were voting against Trump.

I announced before the election that both candidates were giant steaming piles of shit, and I would not vote because I couldn’t vote for either one.

It turns out that most of the Biden Voters believed that the steaming pile of shit that was Trump, was way more offensive than the steaming pile of shit that was Biden.

The truth you seek is there. You refuse to even consider it. Now, if you don’t know, that is called ignorant. I am ignorant of many things. If you are unwilling to learn, what is that called again?
I pity you

You pity me? Why? Because I deal in truth instead of lies? Because I am able to look at the evidence that is bandied about and see that it is false? Because I fact check the evidence and find it was utterly debunked? Because I look at the facts and see what the Trump had his second term stolen by a vast conspiracy we can’t find anywhere nuts refuse to see? You pity me for dealing in truth and logic?

I can’t imagine why you would pity me.
What is with the Crybaby Losers?

Just because Trump is a Crybaby Loser who has too big an ego to admit he lost Bigly, doesn’t mean you have to be one too

Time to act like an adult, admit your candidate lost and move on
You stupid fucking retarded leftist dumbshit!

Donald Trump is not the issue, and never was.

SECURE ELECTIONS, stupid libtard.

Right now there is incontrovertible evidence that Dominion voting machines were connected to the internet in at least three states.

NOT ONLY THAT, but someone apparently successfully hacked into the server and killed it, causing a loss of voting information that had already been uploaded.

You stupid shit for brains assholes want to make this about Donald Trump?

Fine - then don't EVER bitch about the popular vote, ever - because it's been taken from you and YOU DON'T CARE.

It's not about who won or lost.

It's about the CONFIDENCE of America in its elections.

Or are you so fucking deluded you think the Democrats are somehow "in charge of" this stuff? In control of it?
You stupid fucking retarded leftist dumbshit!

Donald Trump is not the issue, and never was.

SECURE ELECTIONS, stupid libtard.

Right now there is incontrovertible evidence that Dominion voting machines were connected to the internet in at least three states.

NOT ONLY THAT, but someone apparently successfully hacked into the server and killed it, causing a loss of voting information that had already been uploaded.

You stupid shit for brains assholes want to make this about Donald Trump?

Fine - then don't EVER bitch about the popular vote, ever - because it's been taken from you and YOU DON'T CARE.

It's not about who won or lost.

It's about the CONFIDENCE of America in its elections.

Or are you so fucking deluded you think the Democrats are somehow "in charge of" this stuff? In control of it?
They just want to get a reaction from you. They really aren't that stupid.
Oh man, the great Biden who supposedly got more votes than any man in history (LOL. Ya, right) abandoned by his own in 2 short years. Please people
You figure tens of thousands of Prog fanatics and tens of thousands more would have showed up for Biden yesterday in Uvalde for support. Nada.
Me, I was just waiting to see when the liars would start. Thanks

Ok, what lies have I told? I linked to the Riverside County investigation into a thousand claims of Fraud. And the result of those investigations was that dead people did not vote, they were in fact, very much alive. Confirmed by the investigators who not only poked them with a stick, but held a mirror under their noses. Nobody double voted except one fellow who was determined that Trump needed to win. I don’t know why he felt this was wise in California where Trump had no chance of winning the state. But that was the only confirmed case of Vote Fraud.

For those millions of votes, you have to look at voting trends, and 45 states saw an increase in Democratic Voters. Most of those states were Red. Solidly Red. Like Texas. So for those increased votes to be the result of Fraud, or this grand conspiracy, there must be evidence that Texas, home of the MAGA true believers, would be able to find and prosecute right? Right?

But Texas says their election was totally legit. Georgia’s wasn’t. Georgia, also run by Republicans, says their election was legit. Claims of shredded ballots was examined, and it was really envelopes opened by an automatic machine. Not Fraud.

Example after example is disproven, or debunked. And the faithful remain faithful. Because they don’t want to admit that the rest of the nation didn’t love Trump as much as they do.

Even Biden’s approval numbers are expected. When 68% of the people who voted for you voted primarily to vote against Trump, that means your approval numbers are never going to get above 50%. They don’t like you either, they just hated him.
So you don’t want to discuss this honestly. I see. So should I start a thread asking if Republicans want to discuss this honestly? I utterly destroyed your assertion from the OP, I destroyed all your attempts to throw smoke and mirrors at the issue, and then you declare you are done and run away.

Nice honest debate. I wonder, what were you hoping for? A plethora of accolades from sycophants?
In their own way, cultists are honest. They suspend disbelief and buy into a carefully constructed and maintained informational ecosystem.

So, they really do believe what they're saying. That's the problem here. It would be much better if they WERE lying.

Obviously those who control their information are lying for the own gain. But the rank & file cultists? They do seem to believe it.
You stupid fucking retarded leftist dumbshit!

Donald Trump is not the issue, and never was.

SECURE ELECTIONS, stupid libtard.

Right now there is incontrovertible evidence that Dominion voting machines were connected to the internet in at least three states.

NOT ONLY THAT, but someone apparently successfully hacked into the server and killed it, causing a loss of voting information that had already been uploaded.

You stupid shit for brains assholes want to make this about Donald Trump?

Fine - then don't EVER bitch about the popular vote, ever - because it's been taken from you and YOU DON'T CARE.

It's not about who won or lost.

It's about the CONFIDENCE of America in its elections.

Or are you so fucking deluded you think the Democrats are somehow "in charge of" this stuff? In control of it?

The Crybaby Loser is the issue

He only thinks elections are fair when he wins. Every election whether Primary or General that he has lost, Trump claims he was cheated

In 2020, Trump only claimed there was cheating in the states he lost. States he won in were fair and honest

His minions are incapable of seeing Crybaby Loser antics so they spout whatever lies he gives them

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