Is There One Honest Democrat Here? A Moment of Common Sense

I don’t think the reason is that Crybaby Losers are really that dumb. They know better
Trump has indoctrinated them that if you don’t like facts….just create your own.
He used that to attack the media, attack science, attack weathermen, attack historians, attack our voting system
Crybaby Losers have been trained to swear by whatever alternative facts Trump provides them
I always wonder how many of them really, truly believe what they're told in that world. I can tell you first hand, I have several MAGA clients, and when I look in their eyes, they are just fucking terrified. And there's a lot of anger. That seems pretty real to me. They really do seem to think that the commies will be rolling down the street with Satan himself at any minute.

The pundits, politicos and politicians? Yeah. With a few exceptions (MTG, Boebert, and more on the way), I'm pretty sure they know better. But they've made the professional decision to sell their soul, so....
This sort of logic is why people refused to consider the idea that the Earth was not the Center of the Universe

That is just beyond stupid. Even murderers get convicted on circumstantial evidence when there is enough of it. What I stated is just one small piece of the overall, overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence.
Okay? Now lets think:
Obama was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Obama did,
Bush was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Bush did,
Clinton was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Clinton did,
Reagan was re-elected in a 49 state landslide and Trump got MORE votes than Reagan did,

It is called population growth....perhaps you heard of it

In 2020 there were 65 million more people of voting age in the US than in 1984
That is just beyond stupid. Even murderers get convicted on circumstantial evidence when there is enough of it. What I stated is just one small piece of the overall, overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence.

Yes. Murderers get convicted on Circumstantial evidence. But not when there is direct evidence disproving their involvement.

I just provided you with two pieces of direct evidence. It would be as if you just got done explaining how according to the Circumstantial evidence Bob Smjth had to be the one who killed Jane Goodman on Tuesday the 12th of May.

Bob stands up and introduces video and photographs that show he was a thousand miles away from the 9th of May to the 15th. Kind of hard to commit a murder from a thousand miles away.

A thousand people have been exonerated based upon direct evidence that disproves the assertion of the circumstantial evidence.

Can you explain why Texas hasn’t found any evidence of this grand conspiracy you assert must exist within their own state?
Newsweek admits that in 2020, Donald Trump's 73.6 million popular votes was over 7 million more votes than any sitting president in history ever got:

Okay? Now lets think:
Obama was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Obama did,
Bush was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Bush did,
Clinton was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Clinton did,
Reagan was re-elected in a 49 state landslide and Trump got MORE votes than Reagan did,

I think you get the idea.

Now, we are supposed to believe that Biden got millions more than that and won.

Now, get ready to think: In two short years, the man who we are supposed to believe got millions and millions more votes than anybody in history, is now going to be replaced by his own party and has lower approval ratings than any president in 70 years at least:

I ask you this: If Biden really got all those votes, would the American people be screaming and up in arms that his party wants to replace him? Or how about this: If Biden really got all those votes would he not be so popular that his own party would not dare replace him? Think!

Imagine the GOP trying to replace Reagan; there would have been pandemonium. The same with Obama.

There is only one way to explain this that makes any sense at all: Biden do not really get all those votes, Trump was the real winner.

Biden Rally in 2020

View attachment 651767

I'm just going to throw out a crazy idea, and you tell me what you think:

Population growth.
Newsweek admits that in 2020, Donald Trump's 73.6 million popular votes was over 7 million more votes than any sitting president in history ever got:

Okay? Now lets think:
Obama was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Obama did,
Bush was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Bush did,
Clinton was re-elected and Trump got MORE votes than Clinton did,
Reagan was re-elected in a 49 state landslide and Trump got MORE votes than Reagan did,

I think you get the idea.

Now, we are supposed to believe that Biden got millions more than that and won.

Now, get ready to think: In two short years, the man who we are supposed to believe got millions and millions more votes than anybody in history, is now going to be replaced by his own party and has lower approval ratings than any president in 70 years at least:

I ask you this: If Biden really got all those votes, would the American people be screaming and up in arms that his party wants to replace him? Or how about this: If Biden really got all those votes would he not be so popular that his own party would not dare replace him? Think!

Imagine the GOP trying to replace Reagan; there would have been pandemonium. The same with Obama.

There is only one way to explain this that makes any sense at all: Biden do not really get all those votes, Trump was the real winner.

Biden Rally in 2020

View attachment 651767

Here is the honest truth: you feel bad about losing the election and are too ignorant to know that what you wrote here is a bunch of silly bullshit.

All pre-election polling well predicted historic record turnout.


Because Trump's presidency was hugely polarizing. People were highly motivated to vote for or against him.

2018 had record turnout rates not seen since 1917 and so did 2020, there is nothing inconspicuous about it.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot

Your evidence does not disprove widespread voter cheating.

2000 Mules movie explains the cheating and your evidence.

2,000 miles was debunked.

Your assertion is that there is no way that more people voted for Biden. There is no way that 7 million more people voted for Biden than Trump. Impossible.

Yet where did those votes come from? Some mystery organization had to crank out what? Ten million fraudulent votes for Biden? Twelve million? These were apparently spread around 45 states that had an increase in voters for the Democrats.

Including states with Republicans in charge. Including hard core MAGA Republicans right?

So the only way for your assertion to be correct. That Biden did not get more votes than Trump, is that the Republicans are so incompetent that they can’t find this widespread fraud in their own states.

Is that your assertion? That Republicans are so inept. So incompetent. So bumbling that they can’t find a wide spread criminal conspiracy that targeted their own political party right under their noses with all the evidence you insist exists?

I spent more than eight hours with a database of this so called evidence. Every one I looked at had been disproven.

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