Is there one single Democrat policy aimed to benefit the best of and the bulk of Americans?

So if everyone stopped paying taxes, welfare would continue?
Because social security was supposed to be based on a trust that people paying into it during their working years would get it back during their retirement years.

The government started using that money and pilfered the fund to where it's almost exhausted. Add to that, that there are currently more pulling out of it than putting in to it, and the people working now, are paying for the people who are receiving now. the trust is on it's way to being insolvent.

Welfare was never based on a trust, but always just a direct tax, which means it cant go bankrupt because there was never any fund, or trust in which people were to draw off of.
Back when SS was created the life span was just over 60 years....FDR was not taking into account a longer life span, which as typical of a dumass liberal, never looking to the future.

FDR also didn't take into account politicians robbing SS.
There has never been a SS lockbox, that has been a lie since conception.
Kindly provide credible cites for your lunatic lie
I used to work for the government, the government can not ever have a surplus, because if it did then it was required to either "lower taxes" thus a tax break, or "Make new agencies" to spend the surplus. This is why national debt you see monies coming in and that going out. The pie chart shows where the money goes, but do you see any slice that says "Lock box".

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Made me chuckle, that one.

On October 25, 2019, the House of Commons scheduled the next election for December 12, 2019. Barely five weeks ago there was the starting shot, and in less than two weeks it's going to be over.

Now... having what would be a 22 months marathon toward the presidential election makes sense, provided it would result in an astute, well-informed electorate. And after all that, and after billions spent on the educational effort, as you rightly say, they vote for the guy (definitely not the gal) with whom they'd like to have a beer. Or, failing that, for the guy who "sticks it to Them".

There is something utterly grotesque about it all.

A couple of things have caused this grotesque marathon.

The first is the distortion of the primary system/ conventions. It used to be that the conventions were spaced out over the entire course of the summer, and usually nobody would go to the convention with enough delegates, so the convention would be where the candidates and platforms were chosen

Now, the candidate is pretty much chosen by Super Tuesday and the conventions are just tax-payer subsidized commercials for the two major parties. In order to compete in the primaries, you have to spend months getting the dedicated volunteers together months in advance, and of course, the insatiable need for money to compete. So this has extended the process, and because the most fanatical and dedicated are willing to put that much effort, you are more likely to get committed partisans than moderates... which I think is what Vichy Mac was bemoaning.

By my measure, the GOP Candidate never falls below 45% and the Democrat hasn't fallen below 48% since 1992.

Now, in Trump's defense, he really was a rejection of BOTH Party establishments.. Bernie was also rejection of the Democratic Party Establishment.... the fact is the parties themselves aren't resonating anymore. It's what guy can get your juices flowing.

Vichy Mac is bemoaning that Sanders might get the nomination and he'll be forced to vote for Trump.. a spurious argument, to be sure. I think what would be more surprising. The Democrats nominate Sanders and he beats Trump because he can speak to the dumb-ass white working class who realize they don't have a middle class lifestyle anymore.

Joe how can you keep peddling the same tired bullshit day in and day out?
Your Party Of Free Shit, Filth And Foreigners has pushed absolutely nothing aimed to benefit the middle class working REAL American. You filthy fucks have no interest in pushing any policy if Guadalupe and or ShaQuita aren't the primary beneficiaries.

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