Is there such thing as "universal morality"?

Anyway, my belief in a creator has nothing to do with the bible. For a multitude of reasons, I believe that we have a creator and that there is life after death.
But at least we have the word of god chattel slavery is moral.
both Jews and Romans loathed human sacrifice
The gladiator tradition began as human sacrifices.
No, actually they were condemned criminals, sentenced to the arenas for whatever 'crimes', not religious sacrifices, but thanks for playing; we don't expect much education from 'left wingers and deviants anyway.
Yeah, right. Another dumb fuck rightard bloviates into ignorant self humiliation.

Origins of Gladiatorial Games

It's most likely that the origin of the "games" was rooted in the Estruscan custom of ritual human sacrifices to honor the dead. The first gladiatorial contest in Rome took place in 264 BC as part of one of these funeral rituals called a munus. Marcus and Decimus Junius Brutus staged a gladiatorial combat in honor of thier deceased father with three pairs of slaves serving as gladiators in the Forum Boarium (a commercial area that was named after the Roman cattle market). The concept of the munus was that it kept alive the memory of an important individual after death. They were held some time after the funeral and were often repeated at annual or five-year intervals. Gladiatorial games, or munera were not made a regular part of public games until the late first century.

And the tard still thinks it knows how to read. lol 'Etruscans' eh? Slaves, trained for the arena? You're just a cretin and a moron, just live with it and collect Simpsons episodes like the other simpletons.
So, as someone pointed out, slavery is moral, right?
To which scripture are you referring?
Let's spin this one regarding chattel slavery as morally approved by god:

Chapter 25

44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.

45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.

46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.

You have no idea what slavery as practiced under Judaism was, for one, or else you would know they had to convert within a year, or be released, and they were not 'chattel' slaves; those were criminal or war captives. See, you're just stupid, and don't even know basic history, and you certainly don't read the bible, just cite verses out of context and have no real knowledge of the book, much less any idea what morals and principles are; you think they're just invented to make you sickos and deviants feel bad or something.
It's a free forum. Please feel free to continue to practise your ignorance. You are, after all, rather expert at it.
You are literally describing yourself.

Pay attention. I never said that you were going to hell or everyone else is going to hell.

I am pointing out that you are already in it. You are an idolator.

If scripture is truth then thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Feel free to spin it anyway you want. You are worse than a Muslim extremist when it comes to tolerance of other religions.

So whether you tell someone else that they are going to hell or they are already in hell for no other reason than what they believe, it’s still the same thing. Intolerance.

lol.... I certainly do tell you that you are already in hell as a direct result of your words and deeds and show you scriptural basis for me saying that, not to mention the things that come out of your addled mind that confirm it..

Thats not intolerance, its reading comprehension. Its not my judgment, even though I am in agreement with it,

Its the word of God, what your own holy book teaches.
It absolutely is intolerance. Religious intolerance to be specific. You believe I am in hell for no other reason than my religious beliefs are different than yours. There is no way around this. It is a simple fact.

Oh please! I already explained this to you. You can't turn it around and make like I am intolerant because you have different beliefs. Thats dishonest. If you want to be an idolator expecting eternal life and thinking you've got it made, go for it. Go to church. I couldn't care less. If you want to run your bullshit here, you have to deal with me.

The bible is a book with words in it. It was in existence long before I was born. That book, what you call the word of God, teaches that to worship the lifeless work of human hands is sin, an idolatrous abomination under the eternal condemnation of God. That book teaches that you die in the very day that you do it. Thats not a matter of my belief vs your belief. Thats what is actually written whatever you or I believe or don't believe. Read it and then accept what it says. or not. A person doesn't even have to believe in God to look it up and see what the truth is. WTF.

You openly admit to worshipping the lifeless work of human hands and eating it for spiritual life. I am not accusing you of anything or condemning you for anything. You admit to being an idolator, you even brag about your dedication to that practice. The consequences for sin are well known. I shouldn't even have to mention it.

If scripture is true you died in the very day you first did it. You wouldn't be oblivious to the obvious unless you were dead. Thats not me being intolerant. Thats me doing you a favor.

You have been dead for decades, according to the Word of God.

Thats the way the cookie crumbles objectively.
I absolutely can because you absolutely are intolerant of Christian beliefs and you are especially intolerant of Catholic beliefs.

It is literally none of your business what beliefs others have. Your beliefs are not my beliefs. You don’t believe God chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth. Christians do. So your understanding of Christian beliefs is flawed from the get go. Your participation here isn’t over theology. Your participation here is about your hatred of Christianity.

So you are 100% intolerant. Keep trying to spin it anyway you want but the truth about your true intentions is revealed in the tenor and tone of every single post of yours. You are literally everything that is wrong with religion. You worship the form of religion.
And there is no universal standard for either.

I believe that God disagrees with this statement.

So slavery is OK with God right?
We know God thinks he can kill anyone he wants to for any reason

those are hardly universal morals

Slavery IS OK with god. There are many passages in the bible where-in god says "slavery is a-ok with me!"
It's not " exactly" slavery. It's servitude where the master basically traded food, housing, health care etc to his "servants" some were in management and received more rights, better food/care etc etc.
Kinda like the military.
Every society that exists or has ever existed on Earth agrees that killing other human beings is a Bad Thing.
No. Many societies considered killing other human beings to be among the best things their members could do.

Not quite. All of those societies have strictly proscribed rules about when and how it's okay. Outside of those rules, it's still very much considered a Bad Thing. When you get right down to it, we have strictly proscribed rules under which it is sometimes acceptable, as well. They're markedly different, but we have them.

and have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world!
At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. How’s that for reality?
Reality is that at any point in your life you are the sum of your choices PLUS what the universe has seen fit to throw your way.

No. It's not "what the universe throws your way" that becomes part of your sum; it's the reaction you choose to have to it that does.

One of my favorite books throughout my life has been "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom. In the foreword, the writer who helped her with the book talks about the first time she met Corrie. She went to hear two survivors of the Nazi concentration camps speak. The first was a man with "pain-haunted eyes" and "shaking hands". The second was a woman whose face "radiated love, peace, and joy". The universe "threw" the same thing at both of them; it was how they chose to react that became part of each of them.
But at least we have the word of god chattel slavery is moral.

That's ASSUMING that the biblical text in question actually comes from God. I am of the view that God would not support slavery.

On another note, why are you convinced that there cannot be a higher intellect that created us?
But at least we have the word of god chattel slavery is moral.

That's ASSUMING that the biblical text in question actually comes from God. I am of the view that God would not support slavery.

On another note, why are you convinced that there cannot be a higher intellect that created us?

The Bible acknowledges that slavery existed. To religiophobes, acknowledgement = approval.
But at least we have the word of god chattel slavery is moral.

That's ASSUMING that the biblical text in question actually comes from God. I am of the view that God would not support slavery.

On another note, why are you convinced that there cannot be a higher intellect that created us?

The Bible acknowledges that slavery existed. To religiophobes, acknowledgement = approval.
God created this world knowing that slavery would be a part of it. Since he is all powerful, he could have created a world without slavery, that seems like approval to me.
Keep picking the bits you like, that's the way to go.

Now you're trolling.
No, hes spot on. You are a "cafeteria Christian". And don't get me wrong, I am very pleased that you are. The last thing we need is a bunch of fundie christians running around trying to own slaves, and kill babies of infidels, and stoning women to death for adultery, etc etc.
'Deleuze notes the "particularly important case" of christianity, which "invents a new assemblage" in which representation of the infinite becomes the necessary starting point for subjectification and signifiance, and desire becomes trapped within interpretations of a sacred Book....In its infancy, Deleuze argues, the doctrine of judgement separated value and debt from existing bodies, presuming "that the gods give (lots [italics]) to men, and that men, depending on their lots, are fit for some particular (form [italics]), for some particular organic (end [it.])." One is always at risk of making false judgements in the attempt to discover and evaluate one's lot.

In christianity, however, the debt is inscribed not on bodies in finite blocks that circulate in a territory but in an autonomous book that renders the debt infinite. Now judgement takes over existence, because we "have become in our (entire being [it.]) the infinite debtors of a single god." There are no longer lots that are judged but judgement is "our only lot."
(Iconoclastic Theology, p. 151)

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