Is this forum losing it's attraction?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It may hwve been asked before but I seem to see far fewer posts over many hours, this was rareky if ever the csse just a few years ago where therr was a steady flow, even late in the EST hour. It also seems to be a concentrstion of posts by a few users, not as wide a new of posters. I have my own theories as to why this is the case (I've seen this happen to another forum as well) but does anyone else believe this seems to be the case?
It may hwve been asked before but I seem to see far fewer posts over many hours, this was rareky if ever the csse just a few years ago where therr was a steady flow, even late in the EST hour. It also seems to be a concentrstion of posts by a few users, not as wide a new of posters. I have my own theories as to why this is the case (I've seen this happen to another forum as well) but does anyone else believe this seems to be the case?
It's getting boring talking to people that seem to just make shit up about everything to fit their agenda.
They demand you prove your case, and when you do they act like they can't read.
Totally brainwashed. :iagree:
It may hwve been asked before but I seem to see far fewer posts over many hours, this was rareky if ever the csse just a few years ago where therr was a steady flow, even late in the EST hour. It also seems to be a concentrstion of posts by a few users, not as wide a new of posters. I have my own theories as to why this is the case (I've seen this happen to another forum as well) but does anyone else believe this seems to be the case?
Personally, I was off running a campaign. Unfortunately, stupidity won out. Most people just seem to have glazed-over eyes, shaking their heads, trudging on with what has to be done to survive, and knowing they have more taxes due. Some still shake their fists at me and mumble something about "you trumpy", then they realize they already won, get red in the face, and amble off.

More freaky gals would help


It may hwve been asked before but I seem to see far fewer posts over many hours, this was rareky if ever the csse just a few years ago where therr was a steady flow, even late in the EST hour. It also seems to be a concentrstion of posts by a few users, not as wide a new of posters. I have my own theories as to why this is the case (I've seen this happen to another forum as well) but does anyone else believe this seems to be the case?
Honestly I don't participate here as much as I would like to because the 'troll brigade' is too often organized to disrupt most interesting threads to make sure no discussion can actually happen.

They descend en masse with the same tactics--demanding proof of every comment while they themselves provide none, changing the subject, spamming with non sequitur comments, interjecting toxicity where none had existed, try to start food fights, anything to be sure nobody can enjoy an actual discussion of the topic.
Honestly I don't participate here as much as I would like to because the 'troll brigade' is too often organized to disrupt most interesting threads to make sure no discussion can actually happen.

They descend en masse with the same tactics--demanding proof of every comment while they themselves provide none, changing the subject, spamming with non sequitur comments, interjecting toxicity where none had existed, try to start food fights, anything to be sure nobody can enjoy an actual discussion of the topic.
I try to respect others. The division is hwrd to overcome though. Not enough of us say "you know, you might have a valid point"...
I try to respect others. The division is hwrd to overcome though. Not enough of us say "you know, you might have a valid point"...
Not when you're dealing with so many who don't give a flying fig about whatever point is made unless it's some leftist sacred cow made to look good. They just don't want it talked about at all and they do whatever they can to make sure it isn't.

I don't call people names and I will engage anybody respectfully who at least tries to argue their point of view. Alas, too many don't even know what their point of view is. Or care.
Not when you're dealing with so many who don't give a flying fig about whatever point is made unless it's some leftist sacred cow made to look good. They just don't want it talked about at all and they do whatever they can to make sure it isn't.

I don't call people names and I will engage anybody respectfully who at least tries to argue their point of view. Alas, too many don't even know what their point of view is. Or care.
I agree. Some of them, on both sides really:; are provocateurs. That is how I view them anyways.
I agree. Some of them, on both sides really:; are provocateurs. That is how I view them anyways.
For sure a few patriots are pretty snarky but most at least can argue their point of view. They might not be able to do it without being insulting. :)

Too few leftists though even know what they're arguing. They just spew the assigned talking points over and over and, of course, those are designed to stop or sidetrack whatever is being discussed.

And for some of us, that gets really boring really fast. And therefore we are prompted to go elsewhere to find intelligent life. (Okay I'm being overly melodramatic here, but there is an element of truth to it.)
For sure a few patriots are pretty snarky but most at least can argue their point of view. They might not be able to do it without being insulting. :)

Too few leftists though even know what they're arguing. They just spew the assigned talking points over and over and, of course, those are designed to stop or sidetrack whatever is being discussed.

And for some of us, that gets really boring really fast. And therefore we are prompted to go elsewhere to find intelligent life. (Okay I'm being overly melodramatic here, but there is an element of truth to it.)

i thought you didnt call people names etc...and yet here you are....leftists vs patriots and you decide who is which? Doesnt that make you just as divisive as others?
only *I* can fix it!

this forum is at my feet, DM me with alternative forums from around the world i can join!
any forum is only as good as it's writers

Agreed .
But it does then reasonably raise the matter of how average contribution could be raised in quality and detail terms .
Only Mods could possibly influence that , imo , but if there is no leadership in that area -- for whatever reasons -- it has no likely prospect other than to bumble on with " business as usual" .
For many it is clearly an old person's chat refuge which is fine . But for those interested in quality and depth, other horizons might seem increasingly attractive .
If real discussion and debate do occur more than occasionally, I must need an eye test as well as a brain MOT .
But against all of that, liquids tend to find their own level naturally and apparently that is what we are mainly composed of .
Yes, it is. but I haven't found a better alternative yet.
Agree. Difficult .
Perhaps best to find the optimum information sources and use them as your meeting place for like minded people .
I have spent around twenty years in this quest and here is a million miles away from even "OK" but better than TV which I barely see .

Catherine Austin Fitts , James Corbett , Joseph Farrell , Bernard at M of A (with a remarkably erudite band of posters ) are backbone support pillars for me .
But each of us will walk their own path except Tummy Turd who should be buried underneath his .

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