Is this forum losing it's attraction?

The general Welfare in the Preamble exists to limit Congress. To serve as a limit in effect on the use of its delegated powers. But it is often one of the most misrepresented terms in the American lexicon.

The only other mention of general Welfare is found in Article I, Sec. 8. There, too, the words were meant to serve as a limit in effect.

It does not grant arbitrary power.

Additionally, Congress possesses no ''general legislative authority.'' See Federalist #83, by Hamilton of all people, for clarification. The Federalist historically being widely regarded as the blueprint for the Constitution.

Placing that aside, patriotism, like so many other instances of invoked ''isms'' in modern society, is another bastardized term.

Patriotism means demonstrating the courage and fortitude to stand up in opposition to government when it is wrong. When it acts outside of its authority.

Unfortunately, these days, the term is routinely twisted and invoked in a manner that demonstrates a willingness to cheerlead and just go along with anything government does in the name of ''murica''
wait... wait.. If Congress is not to legislate, then who does?

Hey, why don't we get rid of Congress?

LOL but it may not be a bad idea...
To the question presented in the topical, yes, I would agree that the platform is becoming less and less attractive. Of course, opinions vary. I suppose it just depends on what a given user wants to make it of it. Or get out of it.

I log in here these days and scroll through the theads and kind of just shake my head.

The FZ is kind of alright. But the upstairs is more often than not degrading into a daily display of a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football. Generally speaking. There are exceptions, of course.
It’s almost as if Far left & left are beta testing AI on this Forum/Board and the AI is gettin to role play both sides and its on its AGame when it’s disparaging Right leaning posters and ham stringing itself when impugning Lefties .
It’s almost as if Far left & left are beta testing AI on this Forum/Board and the AI is gettin to role play both sides and its on its AGame when it’s disparaging Right leaning posters and ham stringing itself when impugning Lefties .

I think that a lot of the foreign actors who post from abroad are the worst offenders in terms of strategically using the board to influence the smut and to encourage the flotsam and the jetsam. To frame discussion and topical with regard to American politics and principles in a way that encourages the terms of controversy be dictated by how they run their country.

Of course, they are rewarded for doing so. So they only feel empowered. I mean, cripes, the staff has decided among themselves that it is necessary to go all the way to the UK to find what they deem to be an agreeable and suitable source to define the terms to serve as benchmarks for the TOS.
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Ditto , the Blame teh Joooos crowds swarm in & rat pack thread trees with impunity

I think the Red Coats are the main purveyors. Unfortunately, there are dedicated proponents of the Red Coat ideology/agenda on the staff, referring back to my thought on choosing to go all the way to the UK to find a source to serve as a defining model for the board's own TOS/rules. Until that's nipped at the bud, it will only get worse.

But anyway. Whatever. That's probably all I have to say about that. Not my hill...
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Patriotism means demonstrating the courage and fortitude to stand up in opposition to government when it is wrong. When it acts outside of its authority.

But more to the point

Mods can not, ever and a day, police or enforce courtesy

w/out shutting down what is the back pockets of any given site

so you see, if you want to attract the good writers, and want to read them, then it it your personal responsibility to allow them their space to do so via one simple exercise

Your behavior

The general Welfare in the Preamble exists to limit Congress. To serve as a limit in effect on the use of its delegated powers. But it is often one of the most misrepresented terms in the American lexicon.

The only other mention of general Welfare is found in Article I, Sec. 8. There, too, the words were meant to serve as a limit in effect.

It does not grant arbitrary power.

Additionally, Congress possesses no ''general legislative authority.'' See Federalist #83, by Hamilton of all people, for clarification. The Federalist historically being widely regarded as the blueprint for the Constitution.

Placing that aside, patriotism, like so many other instances of invoked ''isms'' in modern society, is another bastardized term.

Patriotism means demonstrating the courage and fortitude to stand up in opposition to government when it is wrong. When it acts outside of its authority.

Unfortunately, these days, the term is routinely twisted and invoked in a manner that demonstrates a willingness to cheerlead and just go along with anything government does in the name of ''murica''
The entire Constitution was written to authorize a central government to do what is NECESSARY to provide a common defense, provide what NECESSARY services are needed that are not possible or practical for the private sector or various states to provide, and enact what laws are NECESSARY in order for the various states to function as one cohesive country and prevent them from doing physical or economic harm or violence to each other.

The Founders certainly did not intend for the general welfare clause to authorize the federal government to redistribute income or otherwise use the people's money to benefit any targeted group but rather it was intended to look out for the interests/well being of ALL U.S. citizens regardless of status, income, ethnicity, or any other criteria.
The Founders certainly did not intend for the general welfare clause to authorize the federal government to redistribute income or otherwise use the people's money to benefit any targeted group but rather it was intended to look out for the interests/well being of ALL U.S. citizens regardless of status, income, ethnicity, or any other criteria.
I'm on the same page w/you and NC

unfortunate that our government interprets this differently

The Constitution was written to spell out the LIMITS of the federal government.
Yes it does spell out what the federal government cannot do and is not authorized to do. The Constitution intended to restrict the central government to only what is NECESSARY as I described, and ONLY what is NECESSARY.

But it also does assign some specific responsibilities to the central government that are NECESSARY in order for the various states to form into and function effectively as one nation.

The Founders would roll over in their graves if they read that last massive omnibus bill as probably 80 or 90% of it was for things the central government was never intended to do.
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