Is this forum losing it's attraction?

Agree. Difficult .
Perhaps best to find the optimum information sources and use them as your meeting place for like minded people .
I have spent around twenty years in this quest and here is a million miles away from even "OK" but better than TV which I barely see .
well that beckons the reason folks turn on this soul s*cking device in the first place Luiza

some want info, some want to vent , few of either seem to change their views......

It's getting boring talking to people that seem to just make shit up about everything to fit their agenda.
They demand you prove your case, and when you do they act like they can't read.
Totally brainwashed. :iagree:
LOL at how you reflect my thoughts so well

by the way, they probably can't read (anything beyond 4th grade level)
I think the entrenched division isnt helping

That is correct. Basically we are at WAR. (see one posters signature every post). The enemies of America have used the DEM Commee party like a rental car. The have taken over the GOVT 100% (now with 100% rigged voting). There is a Klan of posters on this site that are 100% supporters of this American takeover. They are the enemy also.

I quit posting for several years? But was an occasional reader only. The anger just builds and builds (no outlet) as you read these stupid animals posting cheering for destruction of this once great nation. No regard for the innocent Children. Hence, some posters fire back at them every chance. Financial, Societal Collapse seems to be the end goal.

I pray to God this enemy get what they deserve going forward for the pain inflicted 2007-2023. I despise USA FED GOVT and those STATE GOVTs that are also taken over, as we know many have been fully corrupted for decades.
Elections are 100% rigged so that we are to endure this pain and agony until Americans have had enough and take them out. They don't bend, they don't stop....they just keep taking and destroying as we do nothing. TV Radio MSM is 100% at fault for all that is happening. Only a very few internet sites actually print actual Truth as to what is happening.
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It's getting boring talking to people that seem to just make shit up about everything to fit their agenda.
They demand you prove your case, and when you do they act like they can't read.
Totally brainwashed. :iagree:
Or people with links and who use real events that we remember to refresh our memories that cement or disrupt a narrative ?
Why do you consider the right (Patriot)? Why would you consider the left or either as (Patriot)?
I use the labels that most attach to the various political groups purely as a convenience in communication.

The 'Left' is pretty much anti-Patriot in every respect. I designate the Patriots (capital P as opposed to patriot (lower case p) that anybody can be. Patriots (capital P) can be Republican, Independent, unaffiliated, even a few Democrats, some are pro Trumpers, some not, some pro DeSantis, some not, some pro life, some pro choice, etc.

But almost all Patriots support a common MAGA vision of a strong, free, prosperous America first for all with the federal government doing only what it is constitutionally authorized/mandated to do and that cannot be realistically done by the states and/or private sector.

And almost all Patriots oppose dividing people up into racial or gender-identified or ethnic groups, 'wokeism', open borders, less secure elections, most things that give the government unhealthy influence and power over how we are required to live our lives.

The Left oppose Patriot policies and 'want list' in almost every single respect.
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But almost all Patriots support a common MAGA vision of a strong, free, prosperous America first for all with the federal government doing only what it is constitutionally authorized/mandated to do and that cannot be realistically done by the states and/or private sector.
If so, why are MAGAs whining about the federal government and the Ohio derailment?
If so, why are MAGAs whining about the federal government and the Ohio derailment?
Because the federal government IS charged with responsibility for regulation of interstate transportation and it is within it's authority to promote the GENERAL welfare which can include assisting with large scale disasters that individual communities and/or states cannot easily manage. This most especially is true when it involves contamination of air, waterways, ground water etc. that is shared by other states.
Because the federal government IS charged with responsibility for regulation of interstate transportation and it is within it's authority to promote the GENERAL welfare which can include assisting with large scale disasters that individual communities and/or states cannot easily manage. This most especially is true when it involves contamination of air, waterways, ground water etc. that is shared by other states.
Thats mightily convenient. There was a bus that go into an accident, but no Fed help. Yet its a road. Strange. Buses must not be an issue for Patriots.
Thats mightily convenient. There was a bus that go into an accident, but no Fed help. Yet its a road. Strange. Buses must not be an issue for Patriots.
A bus accident is pretty much easily managed by local community first responders and medical facilities and almost never creates a biological hazard that affects anybody let alone multiple states. You really need to brush up on the examples you use for your arguments.
A bus accident is pretty much easily managed by local community first responders and medical facilities and almost never creates a biological hazard that affects anybody let alone multiple states. You really need to brush up on the examples you use for your arguments.
Its either a state issue or it isn't. Your definition is joyfully malleable. You might be part of the problem.
Its either a state issue or it isn't. Your definition is joyfully malleable. You might be part of the problem.
I'm sorry but your argument is too disconnected to even respond to. If you are incapable of understanding my argument and its context so be it. Do have a wonderful afternoon.
That is correct. Basically we are at WAR. (see one posters signature every post). The enemies of America have used the DEM Commee party like a rental car. The have taken over the GOVT 100% (now with 100% rigged voting). There is a Klan of posters on this site that are 100% supporters of this American takeover. They are the enemy also.

I quit posting for several years? But was an occasional reader only. The anger just builds and builds (no outlet) as you read these stupid animals posting cheering for destruction of this once great nation. No regard for the innocent Children. Hence, some posters fire back at them every chance. Financial, Societal Collapse seems to be the end goal.

I pray to God this enemy get what they deserve going forward for the pain inflicted 2007-2023. I despise USA FED GOVT and those STATE GOVTs that are also taken over, as we know many have been fully corrupted for decades.
Elections are 100% rigged so that we are to endure this pain and agony until Americans have had enough and take them out. They don't bend, they don't stop....they just keep taking and destroying as we do nothing. TV Radio MSM is 100% at fault for all that is happening. Only a very few internet sites actually print actual Truth as to what is happening.
I hear you.

By the way, are you part Native American?
well that beckons the reason folks turn on this soul s*cking device in the first place Luiza

some want info, some want to vent , few of either seem to change their views......

But that last one could be because their views don't need to be changed. They already know the truth.. about what's happening in the US since 1FootInTheGrave got in there and etc... etc...
The general Welfare in the Preamble exists to limit Congress. To serve as a limit in effect on the use of its delegated powers. But it is often one of the most misrepresented terms in the American lexicon.

The only other mention of general Welfare is found in Article I, Sec. 8. There, too, the words were meant to serve as a limit in effect.

It does not grant arbitrary power.

Additionally, Congress possesses no ''general legislative authority.'' See Federalist #83, by Hamilton of all people, for clarification. The Federalist historically being widely regarded as the blueprint for the Constitution.

Placing that aside, patriotism, like so many other instances of invoked ''isms'' in modern society, is another bastardized term.

Patriotism means demonstrating the courage and fortitude to stand up in opposition to government when it is wrong. When it acts outside of its authority.

Unfortunately, these days, the term is routinely twisted and invoked in a manner that demonstrates a willingness to cheerlead and just go along with anything government does in the name of ''murica''
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To the question presented in the topical, yes, I would agree that the platform is becoming less and less attractive. Of course, opinions vary. I suppose it just depends on what a given user wants to make it of it. Or get out of it.

I log in here these days and scroll through the theads and kind of just shake my head.

The FZ is kind of alright. But the upstairs is more often than not degrading into a daily display of a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football. Generally speaking. There are exceptions, of course.

Unfortunately, the name of the game is screen clicks. So you get what you get.

For more intellectual discussion there are some other platforms out there. But they're largely echo chambers.

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