Is This really a massive government coverup? more than one shooter?

One man was claiming that the hotel was surrounded by 30 men systematically killing people.

One woman said that two hispanic women were walking through the casino telling people "you're all going to die tonight". Both stories were phony and so is the second gunman story.

Who says that the story of the girl's "you are all going to die tonight" is phony?

her story is not phony!

Her story is real!
Her story might be real, but the rest of the story about her makes her a drunk or drugged space case. She probalby sez that EVERY day,

She seems like a intelligent, very sober and smart girl to me.

She is not lying at all and the reporter from SKY news doesn't seem to think that either.
Witness Brianna Hendricks, said the woman had been behaving strangely before her outburst.

Ms Hendricks, who had been in Vegas to celebrate her 21st birthday, told Mail Online: “There was a lady who came running up behind us in the concert and she started to play with people's hair, acting crazy, and she told us that we're all going to f***ing die.

“She said they're all around us and we were going to die.”

Woman told crowd 'you're all going to f***ing die' 45 minutes before Las Vegas attack started

Yes, I posted a thread about this girl yesterday!

So what are you saying? That she lies?

No she does not.

She tells the truth.
My only problem is the bump stocks and the windows broken at the bottom. The bump stock videos appear to require standing and strength. cuz you are pushing the gun away to get the effect to work. The windows with no furniture mean sitting or prone? That's a lot of up and down for an old fart not a tarzan. If it wasn't for the extreme fire rate, sure an old fart can do it.
Maybe there is something already on this here. Well, listening today on the Michael Savage show today, callers in from Vegas who were there at the time of the shooting have given some interesting accounts. One woman who was running with her husband said a cop pulled them out of the open behind some vendor booth as they were being shot at. while crouching down she says she heard the cop talking on his radio to other cops.. the other saying that he thought the shooter had "moved around behind", the woman said it sounded like there were shots coming from different directions and the sounds were not the same and that the source of the shots were coming closer. Another woman called in and said as they were running away from the Hotel where the shooter was located, at a 90 degree angle from them, the woman behind her was struck in the stomach by a round.. this woman also feels there were more than one shooter involved. The other thing is the hospitals are reporting people being shot by small caliber rounds that passed through their bodies without large exit wounds.
This doesn't quite make sense, when hearing the main Audio of what sounds like an AK type weapon firing from above. Could it be that the gunfire from above being a heavy caliber was drowning out the sound of other gunfire? If this is a cover up what would be the reason for this? Thoughts?
/—-/ The conspiri
Maybe there is something already on this here. Well, listening today on the Michael Savage show today, callers in from Vegas who were there at the time of the shooting have given some interesting accounts. One woman who was running with her husband said a cop pulled them out of the open behind some vendor booth as they were being shot at. while crouching down she says she heard the cop talking on his radio to other cops.. the other saying that he thought the shooter had "moved around behind", the woman said it sounded like there were shots coming from different directions and the sounds were not the same and that the source of the shots were coming closer. Another woman called in and said as they were running away from the Hotel where the shooter was located, at a 90 degree angle from them, the woman behind her was struck in the stomach by a round.. this woman also feels there were more than one shooter involved. The other thing is the hospitals are reporting people being shot by small caliber rounds that passed through their bodies without large exit wounds.
This doesn't quite make sense, when hearing the main Audio of what sounds like an AK type weapon firing from above. Could it be that the gunfire from above being a heavy caliber was drowning out the sound of other gunfire? If this is a cover up what would be the reason for this? Thoughts?
/—-/ The conspiricy nuts will crawl out of the wood work on this because they have beaten the 9/11 conspiracy theories into the ground and need something new.
Maybe there is something already on this here. Well, listening today on the Michael Savage show today, callers in from Vegas who were there at the time of the shooting have given some interesting accounts. One woman who was running with her husband said a cop pulled them out of the open behind some vendor booth as they were being shot at. while crouching down she says she heard the cop talking on his radio to other cops.. the other saying that he thought the shooter had "moved around behind", the woman said it sounded like there were shots coming from different directions and the sounds were not the same and that the source of the shots were coming closer. Another woman called in and said as they were running away from the Hotel where the shooter was located, at a 90 degree angle from them, the woman behind her was struck in the stomach by a round.. this woman also feels there were more than one shooter involved. The other thing is the hospitals are reporting people being shot by small caliber rounds that passed through their bodies without large exit wounds.
This doesn't quite make sense, when hearing the main Audio of what sounds like an AK type weapon firing from above. Could it be that the gunfire from above being a heavy caliber was drowning out the sound of other gunfire? If this is a cover up what would be the reason for this? Thoughts?
/—-/ The conspiri
Maybe there is something already on this here. Well, listening today on the Michael Savage show today, callers in from Vegas who were there at the time of the shooting have given some interesting accounts. One woman who was running with her husband said a cop pulled them out of the open behind some vendor booth as they were being shot at. while crouching down she says she heard the cop talking on his radio to other cops.. the other saying that he thought the shooter had "moved around behind", the woman said it sounded like there were shots coming from different directions and the sounds were not the same and that the source of the shots were coming closer. Another woman called in and said as they were running away from the Hotel where the shooter was located, at a 90 degree angle from them, the woman behind her was struck in the stomach by a round.. this woman also feels there were more than one shooter involved. The other thing is the hospitals are reporting people being shot by small caliber rounds that passed through their bodies without large exit wounds.
This doesn't quite make sense, when hearing the main Audio of what sounds like an AK type weapon firing from above. Could it be that the gunfire from above being a heavy caliber was drowning out the sound of other gunfire? If this is a cover up what would be the reason for this? Thoughts?
/—-/ The conspiricy nuts will crawl out of the wood work on this because they have beaten the 9/11 conspiracy theories into the ground and need something new.
Look at the bright side, at least they're not out on the streets bugging the shit out of people............

Governments have been staging false flags since ancient times. Usually against their own people and usually to convince their citizens to support a war. There's dozens of proven, verified false flag events perpetrated by the US government and our allies. The truth doesn't come out until decades later.
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Maybe there is something already on this here. Well, listening today on the Michael Savage show today, callers in from Vegas who were there at the time of the shooting have given some interesting accounts. One woman who was running with her husband said a cop pulled them out of the open behind some vendor booth as they were being shot at. while crouching down she says she heard the cop talking on his radio to other cops.. the other saying that he thought the shooter had "moved around behind", the woman said it sounded like there were shots coming from different directions and the sounds were not the same and that the source of the shots were coming closer. Another woman called in and said as they were running away from the Hotel where the shooter was located, at a 90 degree angle from them, the woman behind her was struck in the stomach by a round.. this woman also feels there were more than one shooter involved. The other thing is the hospitals are reporting people being shot by small caliber rounds that passed through their bodies without large exit wounds.
This doesn't quite make sense, when hearing the main Audio of what sounds like an AK type weapon firing from above. Could it be that the gunfire from above being a heavy caliber was drowning out the sound of other gunfire? If this is a cover up what would be the reason for this? Thoughts?
/—-/ The conspiri
Maybe there is something already on this here. Well, listening today on the Michael Savage show today, callers in from Vegas who were there at the time of the shooting have given some interesting accounts. One woman who was running with her husband said a cop pulled them out of the open behind some vendor booth as they were being shot at. while crouching down she says she heard the cop talking on his radio to other cops.. the other saying that he thought the shooter had "moved around behind", the woman said it sounded like there were shots coming from different directions and the sounds were not the same and that the source of the shots were coming closer. Another woman called in and said as they were running away from the Hotel where the shooter was located, at a 90 degree angle from them, the woman behind her was struck in the stomach by a round.. this woman also feels there were more than one shooter involved. The other thing is the hospitals are reporting people being shot by small caliber rounds that passed through their bodies without large exit wounds.
This doesn't quite make sense, when hearing the main Audio of what sounds like an AK type weapon firing from above. Could it be that the gunfire from above being a heavy caliber was drowning out the sound of other gunfire? If this is a cover up what would be the reason for this? Thoughts?
/—-/ The conspiricy nuts will crawl out of the wood work on this because they have beaten the 9/11 conspiracy theories into the ground and need something new.
Look at the bright side, at least they're not out on the streets bugging the shit out of people............


i haven't been able to find my collander all week.... you don't suppose????
Listening to Michael Savage, your first mistake! Shots coming from more than one place? Can you say "echoes"? You can't trust the perceptions of people under that kind of stress.

Hey! I was going to say that there were probably echoes off the other buildings! Everyone is stealing my thoughts tonight! WTH? :eusa_snooty:
Although this is an unusual case, it is probably just a guy who freaked out, killed a bunch of people and then himself. With all of the people we have in the world, these things are bound to happen from time to time. People are fucked up.
Please stop exploiting our city's tragedy to feed your selfish appetites for paranoid delusions.

I was simply looking at what was said by people who were THERE.. and called into a radio show ..and themselves had questions ok? not trying to feed any delusions... just asking the question, wondering if anyone else had anything. This is a message board is it not? where things can be looked at. It does seem in the first place that the profile for this shooter is completely odd.. starting with his age and then the amount of premeditation and planning involved, and the fact that Vegas was already a target by Al Quida. Sure it could very well be just the one guy but then again I wouldnt rule out so quickly that he had some sort of help from someone
As much as part of me might wish there was another shooter (so they can be found and questioned and held accountable) . . . I think there was only one. Though, I do have to admit that there were some parts of the videos and audio that sounds like two guns being fired at the same time. That would be impossible to pull off if the shooter was actually using "bump fire." It's much more likely the case that the sound of the shots was echoing and reverberating off of the glass fronts of the buildings. Then too, at 600 yards, there is a second sound produced when the bullets breech the sound barrier.
if the shooter hangs the gun out the window it will be loud.
if he pulls back into the room , or shoots out of a different window, it will make a different sound.
to prove there was more than one shooter you have to find video of 2 guns firing at the same time, roughly the same volume, different firing patterns
if the shooter hangs the gun out the window it will be loud.
if he pulls back into the room , or shoots out of a different window, it will make a different sound.
to prove there was more than one shooter you have to find video of 2 guns firing at the same time, roughly the same volume, different firing patterns'd also have to prove its humanly possible to have two shooters sync their gunfire so that they started, got jammed, and restarted at the same time.
What people heard was probably the echoes of the gunshots echoing off the other buildings in the vicinity. I remember one time walking home from a scary movie with a friend, and we had to go under a bridge, and we heard our own footsteps echoing and we thought someone was chasing us, and we screamed and ran home. Lol.

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