Is this really your president? Cause he isn't mine.

National tax rates on the rich are Reaganist for 35 years now...Since LBJ, we passed O-Care, now this. Thanks for this GOP mess, dupes.
Sure, let's bring back pre-Reagan rates, since your ilk won't shut up about them, and with them, all the deductions we used to get as well. Sure would be nice to deduct credit card and loan interest again. You do know that no one paid those obscenely high rates, right?
Poopeypants disowned us in his Gestapo speech.

Gestapo, eh? The same gestapo that delighted in shooting people in the backs of the heads? The same Gestapo that believed in hard labor before extermination?

These are democrats we're talking about here. They are idiots, and often downright mean, but they're not out to kill us. Biden is an idiot, and it was an idiots attempt at riling up his base. He does stupid shit like this all of the time, that's why there are so many memes about this.

Don't equate the Gestapo with the democrat party, We are not 1940s Jews.

Gestapo, eh? The same gestapo that delighted in shooting people in the backs of the heads? The same Gestapo that believed in hard labor before extermination?

These are democrats we're talking about here. They are idiots, and often downright mean, but they're not out to kill us. Biden is an idiot, and it was an idiots attempt at riling up his base. He does stupid shit like this all of the time, that's why there are so many memes about this.

Don't equate the Gestapo with the democrat party, We are not 1940s Jews.

View attachment 692525
Hmmmm speeches sure sound the same, back up into the 30s and you have the exact same thing. I don't need your lecture about what to call what I am seeing, brownshirts and all. And Biden isnt calling the shots either, so the true leaders of the Reich are much more dangerous.
Hmmmm speeches sure sound the same, back up into the 30s and you have the exact same thing. I don't need your lecture about what to call what I am seeing, brownshirts and all. And Biden isnt calling the shots either, so the true leaders of the Reich are much more dangerous.

You be a victim if you want. I'm not afraid.
Wow. You just called millions of democrats including Hillary and Jimmy Carter, NOT American citizens!

No, I did not. I simply pointed out that who ever is president of the US is their president if they are American citizens.
Gestapo, eh? The same gestapo that delighted in shooting people in the backs of the heads? The same Gestapo that believed in hard labor before extermination?

These are democrats we're talking about here. They are idiots, and often downright mean, but they're not out to kill us. Biden is an idiot, and it was an idiots attempt at riling up his base. He does stupid shit like this all of the time, that's why there are so many memes about this.

Don't equate the Gestapo with the democrat party, We are not 1940s Jews.

View attachment 692525

Don't worry. You have nearly nothing common with my 1940ies Jewish grandfather who had been a wise and also an astonishingly humorful old man while his wife died and 5 of his children had been murdererd during the neverending 12 years of the Nazi rulership. But he had also nothing to do with the idiots from the Geheime Staatspolizei (secret state police). And only to inform you: The big problem in this context had been that all policemen of Germany (policemen in Germany are government officials) and all soldiers of the SS (Parts of the party army of the NSDAP (=SS) had been the executors of the Holocaust and the SS had also been able to give orders to normal soldiers of the German army) had been under the same command of the super-idiot Heinrich Himmler, whose father warned everyone that his son is a criminal. And Heinrich Himmler and his secret services knew practically also everything about every member of the SS (Slogan of the SS: "My honor means loyality" [to the Führer (=leader) Adolf Hitler]). One problem of Donald Trump is it in this context that he expects 100% the same from himselve than from any other person in the world: 100% loyalite to his own person. So I am not tired to warn: "Hang Trump!".

In the armies of the world had been by the way as many young Jewish men fighting as soldiers against Adolf Hitler as young Jewish men had been murdered from the Nazis. Who had been in which position of life and death has reasons which only god knows on his own. But there was never and is for sure also not today any difference between me and anyone who had been murdered from the Nazis or had been any other victim of war crimes or terror attacks.

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Don't worry. You have nearly nothing common with my 1940ies Jewish grandfather who had been a wise and also an astonishingly humorful old man while his wife died and 5 of his children had been murdererd during the neverending 12 years of the Nazi rulership. But he had also nothing to do with the idiots from the Geheime Staatspolizei (secret state police). And only to inform you: The big problem in this context had been that all policemen of Germany (policemen in Germany are government officials) and all soldiers of the SS (Parts of the SS had been the executors of the Holocaust and the SS had also been able to give orders to normal soldiers of the German army) had been under the same command of the super-idiot Heinrich Himmler, whose father warned everyone that his son is a criminal. And Heinrich Himmler and his secret services knew practically also everything about every member of the SS (Slogan of the SS: "My honor means loyality" [to the Führer (=leader) Adolf Hitler]). One problem of Donald Trump is it in this context that he expects 100% the same from himselve than from any other person in the world: loyalite to his own person. So I am not tired to warn: "Hang Trump!".

In the armies of the world had been by the way as many young Jewish men fighting as soldiers against Adolf Hitler as young Jewish men had been murdered from the Nazis. Who had been in which position of life and death has reasons which only god knows on his own. But there was and is for sure not any difference between me and anyone who had been murdered from the Nazis or had been any other victim of war crimes.

If Trump was as "Nazi" like, and "Hitleresque" as the left tries to paint him, he'd still be in office, he'd murder and jail opponents, he'd be ensuring that free and fair elections never happen again...
If Trump was as "Nazi" like, and "Hitleresque" as the left tries to paint him, he'd still be in office, he'd murder and jail opponents, he'd be ensuring that free and fair elections never happen again...

"'Hang' Trump" - that's the best what you are able to do before he will hang you. My question in context of this man is only "How was it able to happen that this man got more than only one vote?". And by the way: I never said Donald Trump is an anti-Semite. But his anti-Germanism makes him also not to a noble person.
"'Hang' Trump" - that's the best what you are able to do before he will hang you. My question in context of this man is only "How was it able to happen that this man got more than only one vote?". And by the way: I never said Donald Trump is an anti-Semite. But his anti-Germanism makes him also not to a noble person.

What the fuck did I just read
What the fuck did I just read
US-Americans seem to do a lot of other things while they are continuously fucking. But if you don't fuck then you are perhaps able to remember in a better way what you did do or what you did think incidentally while you was fucking without partner.
US-Americans seem to do a lot of other things while they are continuously fucking. But if you don't fuck then you are perhaps able to remember in a better way what you did do or what you did think incidentally while you was fucking without partner.

Damn European.

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