Is this really your president? Cause he isn't mine.

We are stuck with him. Unless there is a military coup, unlikely, or worse, yeah, we're stuck with him. You got an alternative?

Never mind, do not answer that. Please.

Of course no one "has" to think of him as "our" president! The whole concept has changed in the last twenty years. Now I see president just means the leader or at least the talking head of his faction. It used to mean the representative of the whole country, but no such person would get up and talk like Biden did in front of that Hitler set.
There’s not a good place to go for sure. Impeach this moron and then get Camel. No improvement there.

The best we can hope for is taking both houses and hope we don’t get too many Romney type twats in there.

Mentions in this imposter biden speech:
China 0
Crime 0
Inflation 0
Border crisis 0

What did the imposter biden mention?:
Charlottesville 1
January 6th 2
MAGA insurrection 3
Trump 4
Conservative "extremists" 7
Republicans 16
He is president of the US, which would include us.
We don't have to like him, he may be disgusting, and inept.
But, for now, he is our president.
Nope, he was talking about all Trump voters, and we knew it. Just like Hillary meant ALLLLLL of us when she called us a "basket of deplorables." And we all went out and bought hats and T-shirts with that printed on it! We knew she was insulting us all and were proud to be part of the insulted faction.

Hats and T-shirts aren't in it now: Biden is talking about getting rid of internal enemies, all of the 74 million Trump voters. How is he going to do that?
you can pretend that or you can actually listen to their words and know that Clintonnwas speaking towards those who are bigots and Biden was speaking to those who would cause violence
And guess what, the Trump tax cut for the rich continues but runs out for the rest in 2004. Cool,eh?

wwI was stupid,

The USA fought for the Russian Czar in word war 1 and immediatelly after world war 1 for the Russian Bolshewists. US- Americans gave a lot of money for their revolution because they thought it's a good idea to eliminate all nobels.

monarchies committing suicide.

Many countries in Europe are still representative monarchies - that's not any problem at all.

Wilson insisted on unconditional surrender, then the gop wrecked the peace and the world economy...

I do not have any idea why you think the republicans of the USA or the democrats of the USA are an important factor of world politics. They only do what they think what's good for the USA = what is good for the own political party. So Donald Trump for example never said anything what had really to do with Germany and real politics. What he said about Germany had been only prejudices and hateful nonsense. In this way he made votes in the USA.
you can pretend that or you can actually listen to their words and know that Clintonnwas speaking towards those who are bigots and Biden was speaking to those who would cause violence
The ghettos are now guaranteed to be permanent no matter how much resources are spent on them. Only strict dictatorial laws and/or a massive investment to get manufacturing back can help it with a push on promoting families. Joe and the Progs are not the friends of the United States of America.
If you are an American citizen, Biden is your president. You may not like him. I don't care for him either. But he is our president.

No, he is the resident. He is merely a puppet.
Like what?
He is giving excuses like he always has had as to why the Democrats are incapable of making anything better. He believes they can’t and the reality is they won’t because the leadership likes it right where it is at.
like when lol? Here comes more total bs....
Like calling it an inflation reduction bill but actually it’s climate lunacy and auditing the public bill. His puppet master said and did the same shit, you can keep your doctor, period. Incompetent moron couldn’t even launch a website.
Like calling it an inflation reduction bill but actually it’s climate lunacy and auditing the public bill. His puppet master said and did the same shit, you can keep your doctor, period. Incompetent moron couldn’t even launch a website.
Gop is the only political party on earth that denies MMGW, big oil chump...It also will cut costs for health care, meds, insulin. And a lot of other stuff that you will never know about...
Still excusing democrats, I see. You are truly the party faithful. "Yes sir, may I have another", repeat ad infinitum.
National tax rates on the rich are Reaganist for 35 years now...Since LBJ, we passed O-Care, now this. Thanks for this GOP mess, dupes.

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