Is this the best The Guardian can do to defend a two-tier justice system biased in fa


Active Member
Apr 7, 2010
Is this the best The Guardian can do to defend a two-tier justice system biased in favour of PC elites? – Telegraph Blogs

My recent call for the repeal of so-called “hate” laws on the basis that they have created a two-tier justice system has produced a response in The Guardian from Rupert Myers, a barrister, who attempts to defend this debauching of our legal system by the forces of political correctness. In doing so, he has performed a better service than he probably imagines to the further discrediting of this biased legislation.

It is a characteristic of dialectic that poor advocacy in favour of an abuse can often be more effective in highlighting its indefensibility than a strong attack. Myers has supplied that illustration. He moves the debate on from the early “hate” crime legislation to which I referred, largely concerned with race and religion, to the implementation since April 2005 of section 146 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, increasing sentences for offences “aggravated” by hostility based on the victim’s sexual orientation or disability.

The truly vile thing is that even supposed 'conservatives' defend this bilge.

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