Is This True?,CNN/MSNBC Does Not Have A Daily Stock Market Report?

How so? There's CNN Money but does CNN cable have a daily market report? Does MSNBC?

I went to CNN's website and anything to do with the market was referred to CNN Money. I also searched MSNBC's website and found nothing about a market report.

Uh -- maybe that's because NBC has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called CNBC. I believe the first such channel there was.

Fuck, I don't even have a TV and even I know that.

FOX News also has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called FOX Business News. Yet FOX News has daily market reports.

No wonder nobody's watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.
Uh -- maybe that's because NBC has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called CNBC. I believe the first such channel there was.

Fuck, I don't even have a TV and even I know that.

FOX News also has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called FOX Business News. Yet FOX News has daily market reports.

No wonder nobody's watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.

Anyone with a brain can, but that leaves you and the other Trump zealots out.

Jgalt = stupid, uninformed, and low-information
These people can post online all day but need an externalized news feed to see stock prices which will show up on their homepage on their phone? WTF?
right,,,,we have 300 Million People here,,,but only 500,000 are watching those boring networks who wont stop tawkin bout how Russians voted in the election while drinking expensive vodka
Evidently he's not. If he was, he would have gone to:


...and noticed that doing a simple search on MSNBC's website, doesn't even mention the record high market.

Conspiracy? I'm believing it more every day.

US Markets


OK, CNBC. Where does CNN and MSNBC cable show the market records?

Again they have an ENTIRE FUCKING CHANNEL for that. Why would they be parceling out financial stuff to the news channel? Do they shunt political news to the finance channel?

Why doesn't ESPfuckigN have stock market reports? BECAUSE THEY'RE A SPORTS CHANNEL

What the friggety FUCK. :banghead:

Why? Because most of the other news channels even mention the daily market: CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC,and FOX.

That's the friggety FUCK. Of course those poor deprived CNN and MSNBC cable watchers are doomed to be in the dark the rest of their lives, fed only a stream of lies, half-truths, and total fabrications. They're never know that their investments are mushrooming like a gigantic nuclear cloud. All they hear is:

"Oh Look! Donald Trump got TWO SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM!!!!"


Seriously, I have no sympathy for idiots in this country who rely on CNN, MSNBC, and late-night comedians for their news. They're stupid, uninformed, and low-information. And if they want to remain
stupid, uninformed, and low-information, God bless their pointy little heads because that's how we like to keep our Democrats:
Stupid, uninformed, and low-information. That's how we win elections. :biggrin:

You calling anyone stupid, uninformed, or low-information has to be the most ironic thing anyone has ever posted on this forum.

Do you not own a mirror? Those three words are an exact description of you.

Golfing Gator:

" I know you are but what am I?"

Maybe I'll just call you "Peewee Herman" from now on, ok Peewee?

How so? There's CNN Money but does CNN cable have a daily market report? Does MSNBC?

I went to CNN's website and anything to do with the market was referred to CNN Money. I also searched MSNBC's website and found nothing about a market report.

Uh -- maybe that's because NBC has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called CNBC. I believe the first such channel there was.

Fuck, I don't even have a TV and even I know that.

FOX News also has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called FOX Business News. Yet FOX News has daily market reports.

No wonder nobody's watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

Actually he started the whole thread with the frank confession that he already doesn't know what he's talking about.

So here's an abject moron who sees fit to post a thread whining about something he freely admits in his own OP that he doesn't know whether it even exists or not. Yet that status need not keep him from wasting everybody's bandwidth whining about it.

The retardation is deep in this one.
FOX News also has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called FOX Business News. Yet FOX News has daily market reports.

No wonder nobody's watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.

Anyone with a brain can, but that leaves you and the other Trump zealots out.

Jgalt = stupid, uninformed, and low-information

Right Peewee. Did you lose you bicycle again? Someone said they saw in it near the Alamo. :laugh:
Uh -- maybe that's because NBC has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called CNBC. I believe the first such channel there was.

Fuck, I don't even have a TV and even I know that.

FOX News also has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called FOX Business News. Yet FOX News has daily market reports.

No wonder nobody's watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.
lets see what Boring Joe and Candy Bruzinzinski talk about tomorrow as the DOW climbs,,,maybe that hot nude photo of Melania with another hot white woman? I think 300 Million Americans would rather look at that instead of a nude Rosie O'Donnell Hugging a naked Michael Moore
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.

Anyone with a brain can, but that leaves you and the other Trump zealots out.

Jgalt = stupid, uninformed, and low-information

Right Peewee. Did you lose you bicycle again? Someone said they saw in it near the Alamo.

nice diversion. Your party masters will be sure to give you pat on the head today! well done good and faithful little party puppy.
Are you smart too like trump says he is?? lol

Evidently he's not. If he was, he would have gone to:


...and noticed that doing a simple search on MSNBC's website, doesn't even mention the record high market.

Conspiracy? I'm believing it more every day.

US Markets


OK, CNBC. Where does CNN and MSNBC cable show the market records?

Again they have an ENTIRE FUCKING CHANNEL for that. Why would they be parceling out financial stuff to the news channel? Do they shunt political news to the finance channel?

Why doesn't ESPfuckigN have stock market reports? BECAUSE THEY'RE A SPORTS CHANNEL

What the friggety FUCK. :banghead:

Why? Because most of the other news channels even mention the daily market: CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC,and FOX.

That's the friggety FUCK. Of course those poor deprived CNN and MSNBC cable watchers are doomed to be in the dark the rest of their lives, fed only a stream of lies, half-truths, and total fabrications. They're never know that their investments are mushrooming like a gigantic nuclear cloud. All they hear is:

"Oh Look! Donald Trump got TWO SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM!!!!"


Seriously, I have no sympathy for idiots in this country who rely on CNN, MSNBC, and late-night comedians for their news. They're stupid, uninformed, and low-information. And if they want to remain
stupid, uninformed, and low-information, God bless their pointy little heads because that's how we like to keep our Democrats:
Stupid, uninformed, and low-information. That's how we win elections. :biggrin:
I love MSNBC
Day Change
+$57,599.27 ,,,,,,,Friday wasn't a bad day
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.

Anyone with a brain can, but that leaves you and the other Trump zealots out.

Jgalt = stupid, uninformed, and low-information

Right Peewee. Did you lose you bicycle again? Someone said they saw in it near the Alamo.

nice diversion. Your party masters will be sure to give you pat on the head today! well done good and faithful little party puppy.

Ok Peewee. Dance for us now. :lmao:

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.

Anyone with a brain can, but that leaves you and the other Trump zealots out.

Jgalt = stupid, uninformed, and low-information

Right Peewee. Did you lose you bicycle again? Someone said they saw in it near the Alamo.

nice diversion. Your party masters will be sure to give you pat on the head today! well done good and faithful little party puppy.

Ok Peewee. Dance for us now. :lmao:

Uh -- maybe that's because NBC has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called CNBC. I believe the first such channel there was.

Fuck, I don't even have a TV and even I know that.

FOX News also has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called FOX Business News. Yet FOX News has daily market reports.

No wonder nobody's watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.
im keeping score on this thread,,,,,,Us Conservatives,,,4,875 Room Goats,,,0.00
FOX News also has its own channel devoted entirely to the stock market, called FOX Business News. Yet FOX News has daily market reports.

No wonder nobody's watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.
im keeping score on this thread,,,,,,Us Conservatives,,,4,875 Room Goats,,,0.00

This from the snowflake that is too stupid to know how to change the channel on a TV.
:blahblah: :dunno: :eusa_snooty: I have no idea being I am not a snowflake or have borderline coma symptoms who watches either channel. So we all know that most networks aren't reporting what is happening in the Stock Market/DOW updates. Does this mean that there is no daily/bi-daily market reports? If so, why are they even on the air? The Senate/Congress/FCC should pass a new law requiring all cable news outlets to report what is going on with the stock market at least 12 times a day !!!
So what are they reporting then? Trump thinks about grabbing ((ii)) all the time and that they have proof that Russians voted in 2016?
:eusa_dance: :laugh2: :poop:

Your threads get more retarded every day.
Fox News often brings up what is going on with the stock market,,aside from Fox Business,,,meanwhile we have Chrissy Matthews and Morning Joe looking for a thigh to rub on
i dont want another year of.....Good Morning,,and welcome to Morning Joe,,,I am your Host, Joe Scarborough, and this is my {fill in the blank} Zoozin Zabinski,,,and our top story this morning,,,another 50 something hot white female has come out of the closet and claimed that Donald Trump tried to grab her boobs while she was sleeping, yet at this time, she has no evidence whatever.

Here is an odd idea for you, dont fucking watch it! Seems such a simple solution, but instead you choose to be a snowflake and cry and whine about.

Typical Trump zealot, the biggest whiners in the country.

How can anyone not watch a fucking train wreck in motion? The stupidity on that so is so rampant, you just can't turn away.
im keeping score on this thread,,,,,,Us Conservatives,,,4,875 Room Goats,,,0.00

This from the snowflake that is too stupid to know how to change the channel on a TV.

---- or to simply look the fuck up the answer to his own question before he goes to USMB to cultivate an even deeper moron persona.
Last edited:
:blahblah: :dunno: :eusa_snooty: I have no idea being I am not a snowflake or have borderline coma symptoms who watches either channel. So we all know that most networks aren't reporting what is happening in the Stock Market/DOW updates. Does this mean that there is no daily/bi-daily market reports? If so, why are they even on the air? The Senate/Congress/FCC should pass a new law requiring all cable news outlets to report what is going on with the stock market at least 12 times a day !!!
So what are they reporting then? Trump thinks about grabbing ((ii)) all the time and that they have proof that Russians voted in 2016?
:eusa_dance: :laugh2: :poop:

Your threads get more retarded every day.

Naturally. he has to keep adjusting the level of retardedness so you folks can understand them.
:blahblah: :dunno: :eusa_snooty: I have no idea being I am not a snowflake or have borderline coma symptoms who watches either channel. So we all know that most networks aren't reporting what is happening in the Stock Market/DOW updates. Does this mean that there is no daily/bi-daily market reports? If so, why are they even on the air? The Senate/Congress/FCC should pass a new law requiring all cable news outlets to report what is going on with the stock market at least 12 times a day !!!
So what are they reporting then? Trump thinks about grabbing ((ii)) all the time and that they have proof that Russians voted in 2016?
:eusa_dance: :laugh2: :poop:

Another fake story by the number one Trump ass kisser on the forum.

How so? There's CNN Money but does CNN cable have a daily market report? Does MSNBC?

I went to CNN's website and anything to do with the market was referred to CNN Money. I also searched MSNBC's website and found nothing about a market report.
when DOW hits 27,000,,,all we will hear from Boring Joe and Broozinzinski are the latest claims of 50 yr old women who say they were felt up by Trump 16/17 years ago

At 28,000 they will say that the russians are manipulating the stock market for trump...

no, moron. "they" won't.

Have you ever heard of the"Shift" key darling?

How hard was it to find somebody who could beat Trup?

You chose:

:blahblah: :dunno: :eusa_snooty: I have no idea being I am not a snowflake or have borderline coma symptoms who watches either channel. So we all know that most networks aren't reporting what is happening in the Stock Market/DOW updates. Does this mean that there is no daily/bi-daily market reports? If so, why are they even on the air? The Senate/Congress/FCC should pass a new law requiring all cable news outlets to report what is going on with the stock market at least 12 times a day !!!
So what are they reporting then? Trump thinks about grabbing ((ii)) all the time and that they have proof that Russians voted in 2016?
:eusa_dance: :laugh2: :poop:

Your threads get more retarded every day.

Naturally. he has to keep adjusting the level of retardedness so you folks can understand them.

I don't see you agreeing with him.
i would guess when the one time CNN/MSNBC mentions the DOW report is the final 7 seconds right before the 4:01/ 4:02pm annoying Marie Osmond commercial,,,,thats when only 142 people are paying attention

Right after when most people get up to do things while Marie bablles on.

Would you EHO?

poor ignorant trumptards.

make up stuff then pretend it's real.


Would you hook up with Marie Osmond?

poor little troll boy trupscum

Answer the question?

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