Is tolerance and respect a two way street?

McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was
sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.
How come he needed a spokesman to call out those white alt rights those terrorists?

He called out ALL terrorists. Why cant you on the left call out the terrorism conducted by BLM, Antifa, the Berkley rioters, and other far left zealots?

Why do you condone some terrorism and condemn other terrorism?

Your hypocritical stance on this makes you look like an idiot.

Every person here condemned the shooting of police officers. Left or right. But here is the difference: Black Lives Matter was not involved in shooting any of those officers. Not one person charged in those shootings was a member or affiliated with BLM.

What's worse is that every time an innocent black person, like Trayvon Martin, was murdered, the right immediately "thugified him". Trayvon was a 17 year old kid with a hoodie and a pocketful of skittles when that creepy right winger decided he was a criminal and began stalking him.

When Obama called out terrorists, right wingers said it wasn't enough. He had to attack "Radical Muslim Terrorism". But it seems that right wingers are still in denial about Right Wing Racial Terrorism. Even after Dylan Roof. Even after the Portland knife murders, even after Charlottesville.

Trump just called out the neo-Nazis and racists and said that he was going to restore rights and law and order for all people of all colours. Good on him.

Time for you lot to do the same.

for the record, Trayvon Martin was a thug and Zimmerman was a racist asshole.

For the record, Trayvon Martin was a 17 year old high school student who had never been in trouble with the law, never been arrested, or been in any sort of legal trouble. That mean he was most definitely NOT A THUG! The right wing media began "thugifying" Trayvon before his body was cold.

Photoshopped pictures circulated of a "thuggish" Trayvon were circulated but the cold truth is that Trayvon was simply a 17 year old kid coming back from the corner store with iced tea and Skittles.

Any time a young black man is shot, right wingers hang a "thug" label on him. Nothing is more symptomatic of the racism prevalent in America today that the thugification of black males who end up dead at the hands of law enforcement or, in this case, pseudo law enforcement.
The only photoshopping were the angelic poses of 5 years earlier
Try on some truth and personal responsibility, you might actually find the brief visit fullfilling
the right wing zealots in VA have been called out and their actions condemned by virtually everyone on the right or in the Trump camp..

Not really. Trump's initial statement was that there were victims of hatred, bigotry, and violence on "multiple sides". That would imply that Nazis are victims of hatred and bigotry. And since when have Nazis been victims of hatred and bigotry? Nazis are hatred and bigotry. That's what makes you a Nazi. So when Trump said there were victims on multiple sides, to a Nazi, that means they're being victimized because of hatred and bigotry against them, which legitimizes their grievances. You get that, right? Now my question is, since when are the grievances of Nazis legitimate? Anyone's a victim of violence, but being a victim of hatred and bigotry in addition to that is off base when we're talking about friggin' Nazis.

Whats missing here is for you on the left to call out and condemn BLM and other far left terrorist groups.

First of all, you're trying to draw an equivalence between Nazis (who want genocide) and BLM (who want cops to stop shooting black people). How are those equivalent? Secondly, why does the left condemning those groups have any bearing on you? We are all united against genocide and white supremacy, right? Are we also united in not having police kill black people?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch

I guess you forgot what Obama said shortly after he was elected

"elections have consequences"
"we won"
"republicans can move to the back of the bus"

He started this shit and you dems backed him.

I agree that both sides need to forget their parties and do what is needed for the country. The dems need to accept that Trump won and Hillary lost.
And did you conveniently forget what McConnell said about Obama?? And yes trump won and look at all the shit he's brought with him His own party knows he's an AH Gov'ts around the world know it Seems like the only ones who don't are his base who would follow him into hell

McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.
How come he needed a spokesman to call out those white alt rights those terrorists?

He called out ALL terrorists. Why cant you on the left call out the terrorism conducted by BLM, Antifa, the Berkley rioters, and other far left zealots?

Why do you condone some terrorism and condemn other terrorism?

Your hypocritical stance on this makes you look like an idiot.

You can exchange the names Trump and Obama and this is EXACTLY what you said when Obama called out terrorists and YOU were angry because he didn't call them "Islamic" terrorists.

Obama called out all terrorists. Why can't the right call out Nazis, racists and white supremacists and call them terrorists? You don't have a problem with Nazis, and seem to think they should be free to hold marches and rallies, but Black Lives Matters shouldn't be allowed to March.

The police continue to kill unarmed civilians. Until they stop killing unarmed innocent people, BLM has a valid point.

What is the point that Nazis are trying to get across?
McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was
sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.
How come he needed a spokesman to call out those white alt rights those terrorists?

He called out ALL terrorists. Why cant you on the left call out the terrorism conducted by BLM, Antifa, the Berkley rioters, and other far left zealots?

Why do you condone some terrorism and condemn other terrorism?

Your hypocritical stance on this makes you look like an idiot.

Every person here condemned the shooting of police officers. Left or right. But here is the difference: Black Lives Matter was not involved in shooting any of those officers. Not one person charged in those shootings was a member or affiliated with BLM.

What's worse is that every time an innocent black person, like Trayvon Martin, was murdered, the right immediately "thugified him". Trayvon was a 17 year old kid with a hoodie and a pocketful of skittles when that creepy right winger decided he was a criminal and began stalking him.

When Obama called out terrorists, right wingers said it wasn't enough. He had to attack "Radical Muslim Terrorism". But it seems that right wingers are still in denial about Right Wing Racial Terrorism. Even after Dylan Roof. Even after the Portland knife murders, even after Charlottesville.

Trump just called out the neo-Nazis and racists and said that he was going to restore rights and law and order for all people of all colours. Good on him.

Time for you lot to do the same.

for the record, Trayvon Martin was a thug and Zimmerman was a racist asshole.

For the record, Trayvon Martin was a 17 year old high school student who had never been in trouble with the law, never been arrested, or been in any sort of legal trouble. That mean he was most definitely NOT A THUG! The right wing media began "thugifying" Trayvon before his body was cold.

Photoshopped pictures circulated of a "thuggish" Trayvon were circulated but the cold truth is that Trayvon was simply a 17 year old kid coming back from the corner store with iced tea and Skittles.

Any time a young black man is shot, right wingers hang a "thug" label on him. Nothing is more symptomatic of the racism prevalent in America today that the thugification of black males who end up dead at the hands of law enforcement or, in this case, pseudo law enforcement.
That post dragon deserves 10 winners
but you are OK with bill Clinton getting a BJ from a 19 year old intern in the
oval office? WTF is wrong with you?

That was consensual. Trump is saying his advances are not consensual. You get the difference, right?
American police are killing close to 600 citizens a year and wounding hundreds more. a year.

At least that many...the true numbers aren't available because local law enforcement isn't required to report the number of civilians killed by police.
Libbies want to break the backs and spirit of those who made this country great. The prevailing sentiment is that since libbies did not do it themselves then it is unfair

Nazis made this country great, how? Slaves built this country. Immigrants built this country. Nazis fought against this country. So how did these Nazis ever make this country great?
the right wing zealots in VA have been called out and their actions condemned by virtually everyone on the right or in the Trump camp..

Not really. Trump's initial statement was that there were victims of hatred, bigotry, and violence on "multiple sides". That would imply that Nazis are victims of hatred and bigotry. And since when have Nazis been victims of hatred and bigotry? Nazis are hatred and bigotry. That's what makes you a Nazi. So when Trump said there were victims on multiple sides, to a Nazi, that means they're being victimized because of hatred and bigotry against them, which legitimizes their grievances. You get that, right? Now my question is, since when are the grievances of Nazis legitimate? Anyone's a victim of violence, but being a victim of hatred and bigotry in addition to that is off base when we're talking about friggin' Nazis.

Whats missing here is for you on the left to call out and condemn BLM and other far left terrorist groups.

First of all, you're trying to draw an equivalence between Nazis (who want genocide) and BLM (who want cops to stop shooting black people). How are those equivalent? Secondly, why does the left condemning those groups have any bearing on you? We are all united against genocide and white supremacy, right? Are we also united in not having police kill black people?

AND NOW the ah is comparing jefferson and Washington with Lee who led an army trying to take America down
the right wing zealots in VA have been called out and their actions condemned by virtually everyone on the right or in the Trump camp..

Not really. Trump's initial statement was that there were victims of hatred, bigotry, and violence on "multiple sides". That would imply that Nazis are victims of hatred and bigotry. And since when have Nazis been victims of hatred and bigotry? Nazis are hatred and bigotry. That's what makes you a Nazi. So when Trump said there were victims on multiple sides, to a Nazi, that means they're being victimized because of hatred and bigotry against them, which legitimizes their grievances. You get that, right? Now my question is, since when are the grievances of Nazis legitimate? Anyone's a victim of violence, but being a victim of hatred and bigotry in addition to that is off base when we're talking about friggin' Nazis.

Whats missing here is for you on the left to call out and condemn BLM and other far left terrorist groups.

First of all, you're trying to draw an equivalence between Nazis (who want genocide) and BLM (who want cops to stop shooting black people). How are those equivalent? Secondly, why does the left condemning those groups have any bearing on you? We are all united against genocide and white supremacy, right? Are we also united in not having police kill black people?

AND NOW the ah is comparing jefferson and Washington with Lee who led an army trying to take America down
David Duke sent his thanks to Trump Speaks loudly
in a normal world john Kasich would have gotten the republican nomination and a real discussion about ideas could have been had.

Don't delude yourself that Kasich is a reasonable person. He's not. He adheres to the same right-wing agenda Trump/Pence/Russia does, he's just not as overt about it.

But to your point, in a normal world Kasich and Sanders would have been the nominees and we could have at least had a civil discussion about how what Kasich believes is antiquated, outdated, and has no proven track record of success.

Kasich is wrong in most things. But when asked about Medicaid expansion, he said he felt obligated to make sure his people have health care. His reason was that when he dies he will have to answer for how he treats the poor.

That is as decent as republican politicians get.
the right wing zealots in VA have been called out and their actions condemned by virtually everyone on the right or in the Trump camp..

Not really. Trump's initial statement was that there were victims of hatred, bigotry, and violence on "multiple sides". That would imply that Nazis are victims of hatred and bigotry. And since when have Nazis been victims of hatred and bigotry? Nazis are hatred and bigotry. That's what makes you a Nazi. So when Trump said there were victims on multiple sides, to a Nazi, that means they're being victimized because of hatred and bigotry against them, which legitimizes their grievances. You get that, right? Now my question is, since when are the grievances of Nazis legitimate? Anyone's a victim of violence, but being a victim of hatred and bigotry in addition to that is off base when we're talking about friggin' Nazis.

Whats missing here is for you on the left to call out and condemn BLM and other far left terrorist groups.

First of all, you're trying to draw an equivalence between Nazis (who want genocide) and BLM (who want cops to stop shooting black people). How are those equivalent? Secondly, why does the left condemning those groups have any bearing on you? We are all united against genocide and white supremacy, right? Are we also united in not having police kill black people?

AND NOW the ah is comparing jefferson and Washington with Lee who led an army trying to take America down
David Duke sent his thanks to Trump Speaks loudly

Trump has denounced Duke many times. You are FOS.

If you are so indoctrinated that you cannot see guilt on both sides in the Charlottesville violence, then you have zero credibility here. Trump merely told the truth. Why can you libs deal with the truth?
in a normal world john Kasich would have gotten the republican nomination and a real discussion about ideas could have been had.

Don't delude yourself that Kasich is a reasonable person. He's not. He adheres to the same right-wing agenda Trump/Pence/Russia does, he's just not as overt about it.

But to your point, in a normal world Kasich and Sanders would have been the nominees and we could have at least had a civil discussion about how what Kasich believes is antiquated, outdated, and has no proven track record of success.

Kasich is wrong in most things. But when asked about Medicaid expansion, he said he felt obligated to make sure his people have health care. His reason was that when he dies he will have to answer for how he treats the poor.

That is as decent as republican politicians get.

the government does not OWE you healthcare. Your basic premise here is flawed.
I don't see any tolerance posted from any side, I don't see any posts about what is going on with our government, every few days we have a scream fest over the latest talking points put out by both sides of the isle. What's going on with health care, education, the EPA, what key posts are being filled? and by who. what is our money being spent on. where are the budget cuts coming from, are they good cuts? who do they help. what about jobs. where has honesty gone.
I don't see any tolerance posted from any side, I don't see any posts about what is going on with our government, every few days we have a scream fest over the latest talking points put out by both sides of the isle. What's going on with health care, education, the EPA, what key posts are being filled? and by who. what is our money being spent on. where are the budget cuts coming from, are they good cuts? who do they help. what about jobs. where has honesty gone.
You don't see what's going on because very little is There will be no answers from the moron in our WH because he's out running for election and doesn't know shit about what's going on And these AH's worship him
I don't see any tolerance posted from any side, I don't see any posts about what is going on with our government, every few days we have a scream fest over the latest talking points put out by both sides of the isle. What's going on with health care, education, the EPA, what key posts are being filled? and by who. what is our money being spent on. where are the budget cuts coming from, are they good cuts? who do they help. what about jobs. where has honesty gone.

there is a lot going on, but the corrupt biased media will not report it because if they reported the truth they would be destroying the far left ideology that they are part of.

The media used to be honest, but today it is not. Today most of the media is just a propaganda arm of the democrat party.

Sad but true.
I don't see any tolerance posted from any side, I don't see any posts about what is going on with our government, every few days we have a scream fest over the latest talking points put out by both sides of the isle. What's going on with health care, education, the EPA, what key posts are being filled? and by who. what is our money being spent on. where are the budget cuts coming from, are they good cuts? who do they help. what about jobs. where has honesty gone.
You don't see what's going on because very little is There will be no answers from the moron in our WH because he's out running for election and doesn't know shit about what's going on And these AH's worship him

you are totally out of touch with reality eddie boy. The market is breaking records, unemployment is the lowest its been in years, companies are investing in the USA, North Korea was spanked, China is working with us, we are no longer wasting billions on a stupid Paris climate "accord" that did nothing but transfer OUR money to India and China.

Even with those accomplishments, trump is having trouble because he is threatening the establishment pukes in both parties by calling out their corruption and self serving incompetence.

And for the record, Hillary Clinton is a mentally disturbed criminal who should be behind bars.

I get it that you don't like Trump, but you make yourself look like an idiot with stupid statements like "doesn't know shit about whats going on.
I don't see any tolerance posted from any side, I don't see any posts about what is going on with our government, every few days we have a scream fest over the latest talking points put out by both sides of the isle. What's going on with health care, education, the EPA, what key posts are being filled? and by who. what is our money being spent on. where are the budget cuts coming from, are they good cuts? who do they help. what about jobs. where has honesty gone.
You don't see what's going on because very little is There will be no answers from the moron in our WH because he's out running for election and doesn't know shit about what's going on And these AH's worship him

you are totally out of touch with reality eddie boy. The market is breaking records, unemployment is the lowest its been in years, companies are investing in the USA, North Korea was spanked, China is working with us, we are no longer wasting billions on a stupid Paris climate "accord" that did nothing but transfer OUR money to India and China.

Even with those accomplishments, trump is having trouble because he is threatening the establishment pukes in both parties by calling out their corruption and self serving incompetence.

And for the record, Hillary Clinton is a mentally disturbed criminal who should be behind bars.

I get it that you don't like Trump, but you make yourself look like an idiot with stupid statements like "doesn't know shit about whats going on.
RED and this was a continuation of obamas presidency???
ou are totally out of touch with reality eddie boy. The market is breaking records, unemployment is the lowest its been in years, companies are investing in the USA, N
I don't see any tolerance posted from any side, I don't see any posts about what is going on with our government, every few days we have a scream fest over the latest talking points put out by both sides of the isle. What's going on with health care, education, the EPA, what key posts are being filled? and by who. what is our money being spent on. where are the budget cuts coming from, are they good cuts? who do they help. what about jobs. where has honesty gone.
You don't see what's going on because very little is There will be no answers from the moron in our WH because he's out running for election and doesn't know shit about what's going on And these AH's worship him

you are totally out of touch with reality eddie boy. The market is breaking records, unemployment is the lowest its been in years, companies are investing in the USA, North Korea was spanked, China is working with us, we are no longer wasting billions on a stupid Paris climate "accord" that did nothing but transfer OUR money to India and China.

Even with those accomplishments, trump is having trouble because he is threatening the establishment pukes in both parties by calling out their corruption and self serving incompetence.

And for the record, Hillary Clinton is a mentally disturbed criminal who should be behind bars.

I get it that you don't like Trump, but you make yourself look like an idiot with stupid statements like "doesn't know shit about whats going on.
RED and this was a continuation of obamas presidency???
ou are totally out of touch with reality eddie boy. The market is breaking records, unemployment is the lowest its been in years, companies are investing in the USA, N

no, it isn't.

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