Is tolerance and respect a two way street?

Liberals are constantly screaming at us that we must be tolerant and respectful of: muslims, transsexuals, tree huggers, algore worshipers, globalists, illegal aliens, and all other forms of deviation and illegality.

So, lets ask:

are muslims tolerant and respectful of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc? Are there churches and synagoges in muslim countries? does sharia law treat non muslims with tolerance and respect?

Do the sexual deviants tolerate and respect those who find their lifestyles offensive?

Do the global warmers and vegans tolerate and respect the views of those who disagree with them?

Did the rioters at Berkley tolerate and respect the views of the conservative speakers scheduled to speak there?

Do those who want open borders tolerate and respect the views of those who want controls on immigration?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.

I used to be a real hardcore leftie. I guess, I still am a liberal, but I am conflicted. I see violent hateful close minded people that want to be self righteous and control the "narrative" (whatever that means). Liberals scare me now. Libs used to flash each other peace signs and were mellow, and listened to people. NOW, they are shrill, toxic and intolerant jerks.
by violently keeping him from expressing it. That is exactly what your left wing buddies did in Berkley. and what Hitler, Castro, and Mao did in different times.

I don't do any such thing. 99.9% of liberals don't do any such thing.

good for you, but when your left wing leaders do not condemn such behavior as well as the perpetrators of it, you are effectively condoning it, and its a lot more than .01% of you on the left, most of the hollyloonies and the media make the number closer to 50% of liberals who condone violence and the suppression of free speech.

You have very selective hearing when it comes to hate speech. When right wingers here, like Stevie McRacist make nazi racist statements against blacks or Jews, do you ignore it? Or do you quietly agree and say nothing?

I've lost count of the posters here who say America will be great again, when all of the liberals are dead. Not once have I ever seen a liberal suggest all conservatives be killed or deported.

I've lost count of the posters here who are looking forward to right vs. violence. Bring it on. Not one person here advocating violence is left wing. And not one right winger here has disavowed those calls for violence.

At the extreme ends of both right and left are a small group of crazies just looking for an excuse to crack heads and wreck things. The problem is that the left wing crazies are a handful. 200 or so on Inauguration Day, another handful at Berkeley.

Thousands of armed right wing militias came out in Charlotte, telling Trump that they elected him and he owes them. And from right wingers here - crickets.

the right wing zealots in VA have been called out and their actions condemned by virtually everyone on the right or in the Trump camp.

Whats missing here is for you on the left to call out and condemn BLM and other far left terrorist groups. They have called for the murder of police, the murder of republican congressmen. Do you condone that? if so, say it.

Everyone here has condemned violence from both sides but you never seem to hear it. You're too busy branding the latest unarmed black victim of a police shooting as a "thug", even the married middle-aged father whose SUV broke down on the highway, waved down the police to help him and ended up dead.

There are never any consequences when police just shoot down black people. When that 11 year old was shot with a replica gun, the police didn't say anything, they pulled up, got out of the car, and shot the kid. It all took less time than it took you to read it.

When citizens are in greater peril for calling the police than they were before they called, you have a very big problem. If police are so frightened of citizens with guns that honest, legally authorized gun owners are commonly shot, or worse, unarmed citizens are routinely killed by the police, your country has a serious problem.

American police are killing close to 600 citizens a year and wounding hundreds more. a year. Too often unarned citizens in search of police assistance, end up as victims. The Freddie Grace case in Baltimore is egregious and yet not one of the cops who cuffed that man and tossed him in the back of the police van, has had any consequences as a result of his death.

Yes, sometimes the police make mistakes, Yes, some police are racist assholes. Not all young black men are thugs, only a small % of them. Happy now?

In almost every case the crooked cop has been brought up on charges and punished.

Now, you tell me which dems condemned the violence and suppression of free speech at Berkely. Tell me why democrat mayors choose to ignore federal laws and allow criminal aliens to remain in their cities. Tell me that the black guys that shot police in Baton Rouge and Philly were not racist thugs. Tell me that BLM is not a terrorist organization when it chants "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon".

There are assholes on both sides, until you acknowledge the ones on your side this crap will continue and get worse.
I guess you forgot what Obama said shortly after he was elected

"elections have consequences"
"we won"
"republicans can move to the back of the bus"

He started this shit and you dems backed him.

I agree that both sides need to forget their parties and do what is needed for the country. The dems need to accept that Trump won and Hillary lost.
And did you conveniently forget what McConnell said about Obama?? And yes trump won and look at all the shit he's brought with him His own party knows he's an AH Gov'ts around the world know it Seems like the only ones who don't are his base who would follow him into hell

McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was
How come he needed a spokesman to call out those white alt rights those terrorists?

He called out ALL terrorists. Why cant you on the left call out the terrorism conducted by BLM, Antifa, the Berkley rioters, and other far left zealots?

Why do you condone some terrorism and condemn other terrorism?

Your hypocritical stance on this makes you look like an idiot.

sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.
How come he needed a spokesman to call out those white alt rights those terrorists?

He called out ALL terrorists. Why cant you on the left call out the terrorism conducted by BLM, Antifa, the Berkley rioters, and other far left zealots?

Why do you condone some terrorism and condemn other terrorism?

Your hypocritical stance on this makes you look like an idiot.

Every person here condemned the shooting of police officers. Left or right. But here is the difference: Black Lives Matter was not involved in shooting any of those officers. Not one person charged in those shootings was a member or affiliated with BLM.

What's worse is that every time an innocent black person, like Trayvon Martin, was murdered, the right immediately "thugified him". Trayvon was a 17 year old kid with a hoodie and a pocketful of skittles when that creepy right winger decided he was a criminal and began stalking him.

When Obama called out terrorists, right wingers said it wasn't enough. He had to attack "Radical Muslim Terrorism". But it seems that right wingers are still in denial about Right Wing Racial Terrorism. Even after Dylan Roof. Even after the Portland knife murders, even after Charlottesville.

Trump just called out the neo-Nazis and racists and said that he was going to restore rights and law and order for all people of all colours. Good on him.

Time for you lot to do the same.

for the record, Trayvon Martin was a thug and Zimmerman was a racist asshole.
All dems would like from Republicans is REASON Be reasonable and we have a better chance of getting along and making America greater

All dems would like from Republicans is REASON Be reasonable and we have a better chance of getting along and making America greater

As I drive through Baltimore and observe the burned out buildings caused by those who demand "Reasonable and tolerance."
All dems would like from Republicans is REASON Be reasonable and we have a better chance of getting along and making America greater

the dems were invited to participate in the healthcare debate and refused to participate. Is that being reasonable?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch
I was a Democrat when Bush was in office.

I don't recall any tolerance or reason.
The vast majority of Liberals are very tolerant of people who hold different opinions.

There is a small minority of 'liberals' AND people who are not by any means 'liberals' who are intolerant.

However, tolerating other people's viewpoints is limited to the truthfulness and genuineness of those viewpoints.

There is a huge tendency for conservatives to promote views that are ridiculously and obviously false, and are completely disingenuine.

They seem to have a cultists attitude:

"Believe what I say, no matter how ridiculous and disingenuine, and you will be accepted in our cult!"

This conscience promotion of blatant falsehoods can not be tolerated!
Bull fucking shit.
He wasn't a socialist.

thanks for playing.
No. 1, they didn't "tolerate" anything even remotely related to Obama.

They bitched, moaned, kicked and screamed for 8 straight years.

and now the same freaks who wanted to delegitimize the president who won twice with 52% of the electorate and "the people" are somehow supposed to "show respect" for an orange sociopath who represents 33% of the country.... and badly.
Your idea of tolerance?
He wasn't a socialist.

thanks for playing.
No. 1, they didn't "tolerate" anything even remotely related to Obama.

They bitched, moaned, kicked and screamed for 8 straight years.

and now the same freaks who wanted to delegitimize the president who won twice with 52% of the electorate and "the people" are somehow supposed to "show respect" for an orange sociopath who represents 33% of the country.... and badly.
Your idea of tolerance?

LOL, our resident libs continue to display their intolerance but they are too dumb to realize that they are doing it.
All dems would like from Republicans is REASON Be reasonable and we have a better chance of getting along and making America greater

the dems were invited to participate in the healthcare debate and refused to participate. Is that being reasonable?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch
I was a Democrat when Bush was in office.

I don't recall any tolerance or reason.
A war killing many because of Bullshit will do that to people
In response to the O. P., I think the double standards and hypocrisy of the liberals are astonishing....they're moving toward Bolshevism at an alarming rate.

They get away with it without being laughed out of the discussion because they own the New York Media, or the New York Media owns them...I can't tell which...but the combination is putting the County and the Constitution in grave jeopardy.

There is no room for reasonable discussion with people like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi....because their immediate response to any position which differs from their own very radical to label any opponent a Bigot or a Moron or both.

Rational Americans have taken every opportunity at the ballot box to tell them they are fools, but they never learn...they will never consider that they could be wrong, because that would mean that a whole Heartland full of "Rubes" is right. They can't accept that premise, because the New York Media tells them not to at all hours of every day.
All dems would like from Republicans is REASON Be reasonable and we have a better chance of getting along and making America greater

the dems were invited to participate in the healthcare debate and refused to participate. Is that being reasonable?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch
I was a Democrat when Bush was in office.

I don't recall any tolerance or reason.
A war killing many because of Bullshit will do that to people
If history is correct weren't you going after Bush.... Before the War?
All dems would like from Republicans is REASON Be reasonable and we have a better chance of getting along and making America greater

the dems were invited to participate in the healthcare debate and refused to participate. Is that being reasonable?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch
I was a Democrat when Bush was in office.

I don't recall any tolerance or reason.
A war killing many because of Bullshit will do that to people
If history is correct weren't you going after Bush.... Before the War?
History has me down as a republican all my life even voting for GWB in 2000 Soon after I had had enough and switched parties
the dems were invited to participate in the healthcare debate and refused to participate. Is that being reasonable?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch
I was a Democrat when Bush was in office.

I don't recall any tolerance or reason.
A war killing many because of Bullshit will do that to people
If history is correct weren't you going after Bush.... Before the War?
History has me down as a republican all my life even voting for GWB in 2000 Soon after I had had enough and switched parties
Thank you.

I've had enough of both parties.
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch
I was a Democrat when Bush was in office.

I don't recall any tolerance or reason.
A war killing many because of Bullshit will do that to people
If history is correct weren't you going after Bush.... Before the War?
History has me down as a republican all my life even voting for GWB in 2000 Soon after I had had enough and switched parties
Thank you.

I've had enough of both parties.
not so happy either with dems but believe they're the best of a bad bunch
In response to the O. P., I think the double standards and hypocrisy of the liberals are astonishing....they're moving toward Bolshevism at an alarming rate.

The Nazis said the same things about the anti-fascists opposing them. You're showing how history repeats itself.

They get away with it without being laughed out of the discussion because they own the New York Media, or the New York Media owns them...I can't tell which...but the combination is putting the County and the Constitution in grave jeopardy.

Only the most brainwashed fascists pretend that our entirely giant-corporation-owned national media isn't very conservative.

There is no room for reasonable discussion with people like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi....because their immediate response to any position which differs from their own very radical to label any opponent a Bigot or a Moron or both.

If you're not just parroting some fascist propaganda that your masters fed you, you'll surely be able to show some examples.
I am only going to address one of your stupid comments. Control immigration means to enforce the immigration laws already on our books. Its not complicated or revolutionary, just enforce existing law.

How are the laws not being enforced? You're still speaking very vague and generally about this, not offering anything of substance.

You all say "enforce the laws already on the books"...OK, how? By holding employers accountable when the workers they imported overstay their visas? How do you do that within the current framework of the law?
And did you conveniently forget what McConnell said about Obama?? And yes trump won and look at all the shit he's brought with him His own party knows he's an AH Gov'ts around the world know it Seems like the only ones who don't are his base who would follow him into hell

McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was
He called out ALL terrorists. Why cant you on the left call out the terrorism conducted by BLM, Antifa, the Berkley rioters, and other far left zealots?

Why do you condone some terrorism and condemn other terrorism?

Your hypocritical stance on this makes you look like an idiot.

sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.
How come he needed a spokesman to call out those white alt rights those terrorists?

He called out ALL terrorists. Why cant you on the left call out the terrorism conducted by BLM, Antifa, the Berkley rioters, and other far left zealots?

Why do you condone some terrorism and condemn other terrorism?

Your hypocritical stance on this makes you look like an idiot.

Every person here condemned the shooting of police officers. Left or right. But here is the difference: Black Lives Matter was not involved in shooting any of those officers. Not one person charged in those shootings was a member or affiliated with BLM.

What's worse is that every time an innocent black person, like Trayvon Martin, was murdered, the right immediately "thugified him". Trayvon was a 17 year old kid with a hoodie and a pocketful of skittles when that creepy right winger decided he was a criminal and began stalking him.

When Obama called out terrorists, right wingers said it wasn't enough. He had to attack "Radical Muslim Terrorism". But it seems that right wingers are still in denial about Right Wing Racial Terrorism. Even after Dylan Roof. Even after the Portland knife murders, even after Charlottesville.

Trump just called out the neo-Nazis and racists and said that he was going to restore rights and law and order for all people of all colours. Good on him.

Time for you lot to do the same.

for the record, Trayvon Martin was a thug and Zimmerman was a racist asshole.

For the record, Trayvon Martin was a 17 year old high school student who had never been in trouble with the law, never been arrested, or been in any sort of legal trouble. That mean he was most definitely NOT A THUG! The right wing media began "thugifying" Trayvon before his body was cold.

Photoshopped pictures circulated of a "thuggish" Trayvon were circulated but the cold truth is that Trayvon was simply a 17 year old kid coming back from the corner store with iced tea and Skittles.

Any time a young black man is shot, right wingers hang a "thug" label on him. Nothing is more symptomatic of the racism prevalent in America today that the thugification of black males who end up dead at the hands of law enforcement or, in this case, pseudo law enforcement.
He called out ALL terrorists. Why cant you on the left call out the terrorism conducted by BLM, Antifa, the Berkley rioters, and other far left zealots?

What do those groups have to do with the right-wing fascist groups? Why does calling them out have any bearing on you calling out your own demons?
in a normal world john Kasich would have gotten the republican nomination and a real discussion about ideas could have been had.

Don't delude yourself that Kasich is a reasonable person. He's not. He adheres to the same right-wing agenda Trump/Pence/Russia does, he's just not as overt about it.

But to your point, in a normal world Kasich and Sanders would have been the nominees and we could have at least had a civil discussion about how what Kasich believes is antiquated, outdated, and has no proven track record of success.
Libbies want to break the backs and spirit of those who made this country great. The prevailing sentiment is that since libbies did not do it themselves then it is unfair

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