Is tolerance and respect a two way street?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.

That's just nonsense, the left is extremely tolerant as long as you unconditionally agree with their orthodoxy and do everything they say, they'll tolerate you.
And republicans are so tolerant and respectful ??? You gotta be kidding me
They are far more tolerant than vile morons like you deserve.
Liberals are constantly screaming at us that we must be tolerant and respectful of: muslims, transsexuals, tree huggers, algore worshipers, globalists, illegal aliens, and all other forms of deviation and illegality.

So, lets ask:

are muslims tolerant and respectful of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc? Are there churches and synagoges in muslim countries? does sharia law treat non muslims with tolerance and respect?

Do the sexual deviants tolerate and respect those who find their lifestyles offensive?

Do the global warmers and vegans tolerate and respect the views of those who disagree with them?

Did the rioters at Berkley tolerate and respect the views of the conservative speakers scheduled to speak there?

Do those who want open borders tolerate and respect the views of those who want controls on immigration?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.


you've probably never been around anyone who wasn't white and christian.

I've never had a problem with my neighbors whether they're muslim, or christian or black or jewish. most of the Russians are pretty ok, too although some of them are nasty as all get out.

see... that's what you learn when you don't surround yourself only with people just like you.

and maybe if you weren't busy calling all Muslims terrorists, they'd be nicer to people like you too.

you know nothing about me, but yet you make conclusions, very typical of the left.

for the record. I worked and lived in the mid east for years, I know the arab and muslim cultures much better than you ever will. I have gay and black, and Hispanic friends and relatives and love and respect all of them.

the point of the OP is to address the hypocrisy of the left who continually show intolerance and disrespect while demanding that others practice it.

how much do you know about the people you insult on a daily basis?

I can only go by the things you say on the board. and the things you say on the board make you seem insular and hate-filled. just saying. if I'm wrong, I apologize. but that IS what happens when people make assumptions.

thing is, I didn't just work around a group of people for a year... I live around all kinds of people.

by people I insult on a daily basis do you mean bigots? people who think it's ok for someone to be president who is not competent and possibly not sane just because they think it spites the other side of the aisle? or is it the people who think they can take rights away from me and from my friends and who think it's ok for cops to shoot young black men for no reason? or are we talking about the people who so hate this country that they don't care what occurred in the trump campaign with Russia?

I feel the same way about those things as I feel about the kkk freak on the board who spends all day posting things that are more appropriate for stormfront as I do for people on the far left and far right who post anti-semitic garbage all day every day.

seriously... tell me where I'm wrong about those impressions (and you know the ones that don't apply to you because I made it clear who they are directed at?

and then answer this? does it matter what I have to say if anything I say gets ignored by someone who curses at me or calls me a "slut" for not being to the left of axilla the hun or who calls me, a very proud mom who very much wanted the child she had when she had him, a murderer because I don't want religious zealots taking away women's control over their own bodies?
I apologize for how stupid you are....

riiiiiight... .go back to. your basement, loon. when you accomplish even half of what I have, we can talk.

but first you really need to learn English.
I don't want 1/2 your welfare EBT, or your parents Netflix account. My small fortune that I amassed while overseas, which was tax free, makes me a lot smarter than shitfucks, like you libtards.
I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.

That's just nonsense, the left is extremely tolerant as long as you unconditionally agree with their orthodoxy and do everything they say, they'll tolerate you.
And republicans are so tolerant and respectful ??? You gotta be kidding me
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.
Liberals are constantly screaming at us that we must be tolerant and respectful of: muslims, transsexuals, tree huggers, algore worshipers, globalists, illegal aliens, and all other forms of deviation and illegality.

So, lets ask:

are muslims tolerant and respectful of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc? Are there churches and synagoges in muslim countries? does sharia law treat non muslims with tolerance and respect?

Do the sexual deviants tolerate and respect those who find their lifestyles offensive?

Do the global warmers and vegans tolerate and respect the views of those who disagree with them?

Did the rioters at Berkley tolerate and respect the views of the conservative speakers scheduled to speak there?

Do those who want open borders tolerate and respect the views of those who want controls on immigration?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.


Are you claiming to be better than a Muslim nation? If so then you'd better be more tolerant, more open and less bigoted.

You complain that others aren't respectful of you. I guessed you missed the last 20 years of right wing hate radio, where you were fed lies and distortions about liberals, and liberal government.

Your country has fared far better economically under liberal fiscal policies than conservative. Liberals didn't crash the economy - twice. Twice Democrats handed Repulicans a balanced budget and twice Republicans cut taxes, spent like drunken sailors, waged unnecessary and expensive wars, and created more poverty, more unemployment, and stagnant wages.

Since Trump was elected, hate crimes have doubled and tripled over the years prior to his candidacy. Not one tweet from the White House about that.

That you refer to gays as "sexual deviants" shows the level of tolerance you have which is to say - none.

You can't claim liberals are intolerant when you aren't tolerant of liberals. You have to lead by example. If you aren't willing to be an example of tolerance and inclusiveness, then you're part of the problem.
I don't think it was right wing doing all this, but then with your head way up your ass, you believe anything that your Fascist elites tell you.

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.

That's just nonsense, the left is extremely tolerant as long as you unconditionally agree with their orthodoxy and do everything they say, they'll tolerate you.
And republicans are so tolerant and respectful ??? You gotta be kidding me
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
That's just nonsense, the left is extremely tolerant as long as you unconditionally agree with their orthodoxy and do everything they say, they'll tolerate you.
And republicans are so tolerant and respectful ??? You gotta be kidding me
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
I voted against the Commie for trying to fundamentally transform America, you voted for the bastard because he was black. You are a fucking racist who only tolerate blacks, when they think your way.
That's just nonsense, the left is extremely tolerant as long as you unconditionally agree with their orthodoxy and do everything they say, they'll tolerate you.
And republicans are so tolerant and respectful ??? You gotta be kidding me
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
No I didn't vote for him because I didn't like his policies. But in the mind of tolerant liberals, that made me a racist.
Well, God would probably say it does not matter, all he asks is that you show respect for others and you are the one who is always forgiving....whether the other person is or not, matters naught.

Turn your cheek, forgive 70 times 70, do unto others as you would want them to do unto you....

no matter what lack of respect the other person gives you
Self-proclaimed Christian conservatives don't know one thing about the Bible or the Jesus they claim to serve. So don't expect them to live according to what it says, they haven't even cracked the book.
And republicans are so tolerant and respectful ??? You gotta be kidding me
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
I voted against the Commie for trying to fundamentally transform America, you voted for the bastard because he was black. You are a fucking racist who only tolerate blacks, when they think your way.

Such a tolerant response.
And republicans are so tolerant and respectful ??? You gotta be kidding me
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
No I didn't vote for him because I didn't like his policies. But in the mind of tolerant liberals, that made me a racist.

So you didn't tolerate him and tried to get rid of him. Why'd you lie the first time?
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
I voted against the Commie for trying to fundamentally transform America, you voted for the bastard because he was black. You are a fucking racist who only tolerate blacks, when they think your way.

Such a tolerant response.
Such a tolerant response
Truth hurts doesn't it. Your response is typical of a whiney ass bitch intolerant liberal.
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
No I didn't vote for him because I didn't like his policies. But in the mind of tolerant liberals, that made me a racist.

So you didn't tolerate him and tried to get rid of him. Why'd you lie the first time?
Lol, you're an idiot. So if I don't vote for someone I won't tolerate them? When did I try to get rid of him. You liberals has been trying to get rid of Trump since day one. With no proof of anything.
Barry Obama and the media effectively cowered Anericans by one way avenues if speech. Everything was racist and good and decent Americans cowered from anything that false label could be misapplied to
Liberals could call me a trailer park white trash piece of shit but if I dared call them a minority welfare queen then I was in deep do do. That is finally balancing out now
Liberals are constantly screaming at us that we must be tolerant and respectful of: muslims, transsexuals, tree huggers, algore worshipers, globalists, illegal aliens, and all other forms of deviation and illegality.

So, lets ask:

are muslims tolerant and respectful of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc? Are there churches and synagoges in muslim countries? does sharia law treat non muslims with tolerance and respect?

Do the sexual deviants tolerate and respect those who find their lifestyles offensive?

Do the global warmers and vegans tolerate and respect the views of those who disagree with them?

Did the rioters at Berkley tolerate and respect the views of the conservative speakers scheduled to speak there?

Do those who want open borders tolerate and respect the views of those who want controls on immigration?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.


Let's start with the basics.

Are LIBERALS respectful towards anyone who doesn't agree with them on every single issue (and mostly in that they should have absolute power)?


They should not be respected one bit.

(Excluding the few liberals who still are able to call themselves liberal and maintain sanity).
But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.

No you didn't.
Yes we did.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
I voted against the Commie for trying to fundamentally transform America, you voted for the bastard because he was black. You are a fucking racist who only tolerate blacks, when they think your way.

Such a tolerant response.
Voting for a president just for the color of his skin, shouldn't be tolerated.
The vast majority of Liberals are very tolerant of people who hold different opinions.

There is a small minority of 'liberals' AND people who are not by any means 'liberals' who are intolerant.

However, tolerating other people's viewpoints is limited to the truthfulness and genuineness of those viewpoints.

There is a huge tendency for conservatives to promote views that are ridiculously and obviously false, and are completely disingenuine.

They seem to have a cultists attitude:

"Believe what I say, no matter how ridiculous and disingenuine, and you will be accepted in our cult!"

This conscience promotion of blatant falsehoods can not be tolerated!
Conservative are happy with taking care of themselves so reality and facts are fine for us and we don't have to live in the false emotion of feelings land, dependence, and blaming others for anything that goes awry
that is false. the Dems were specifically excluded. only the republicans on the committee were allowed to see the bills. then they were handed the bills hours before the vote. mcconnel didn['t want them scored or publicized because they were so garbage. this one is from April. but it never got better.

GOP shuts out doctors, experts, Democrats — pretty much everybody — as they work on Obamacare repeal
You know the poster going by the moniker Redfish was lying, because when I asked him to post a link confirming that the Republicans invited the Democrats to negotiate, I got crickets.

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