Is tolerance and respect a two way street?

But we tolerated Obama and his socialist ways.
that is false. the Dems were specifically excluded. only the republicans on the committee were allowed to see the bills. then they were handed the bills hours before the vote. mcconnel didn['t want them scored or publicized because they were so garbage. this one is from April. but it never got better.

GOP shuts out doctors, experts, Democrats — pretty much everybody — as they work on Obamacare repeal
You know the poster going by the moniker Redfish was lying, because when I asked him to post a link confirming that the Republicans invited the Democrats to negotiate, I got crickets.

everyone knows they locked out the Dems. anyone who says otherwise is either lying or misinformed. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's misinformed because they don't exactly tell their people the truth in the bubble.
everyone knows they locked out the Dems.

You say that like it's a bad thing....

Q: What do you call it when Republicans and Democrats work together?
A: Stupidity Squared.

it is a bad thing, dum dum... which is why y'all were a major fail.

no one who is trump scum should call anyone else stupid. you've lost that right, ijit;

and you loons certainly don't have the right to lie about it, wackadoodle.
He wasn't a socialist.

thanks for playing.
No. 1, they didn't "tolerate" anything even remotely related to Obama.

They bitched, moaned, kicked and screamed for 8 straight years.

and now the same freaks who wanted to delegitimize the president who won twice with 52% of the electorate and "the people" are somehow supposed to "show respect" for an orange sociopath who represents 33% of the country.... and badly.

So you either voted for Obama in 2012 or didn't vote against him because you were being tolerant of his presidency?
I voted against the Commie for trying to fundamentally transform America, you voted for the bastard because he was black. You are a fucking racist who only tolerate blacks, when they think your way.

Such a tolerant response.
Such a tolerant response
Truth hurts doesn't it. Your response is typical of a whiney ass bitch intolerant liberal.

A response which speaks to your basic intolerance. Do you always call people you are tolerant of a "whiney ass bitch". You don't know the first thing about me yet you feel free to insult me on an anonymous message board. It leads me to believe we are taxing the limits of your vocabulary and your manners. Certainly the latter.
Lol, you're an idiot. So if I don't vote for someone I won't tolerate them? When did I try to get rid of him. You liberals has been trying to get rid of Trump since day one. With no proof of anything.
everyone knows they locked out the Dems.

You say that like it's a bad thing....

Q: What do you call it when Republicans and Democrats work together?
A: Stupidity Squared.

it is a bad thing, dum dum... which is why y'all were a major fail.
Uh..huh... Apparently getting the two Demopublican Crime Families together to dream up new schemes to fuck over the masses is something you enjoy. :rolleyes:

Personally I'd rather see the partisan numbskulls at each others throats, it gives me hope that one day they'll do humanity a favor and just kill each other.

no one who is trump scum should call anyone else stupid. you've lost that right, ijit;
ROFLMAO!, "trump scum" ..... once again you've engaged your alligator mouth without your brain being in the same plane existence to keep it from swallowing your own foot.

"You couldn’t handle my undivided attention." -- Dwight Schrute, The Office
Barry Obama and the media effectively cowered Anericans by one way avenues if speech. Everything was racist and good and decent Americans cowered from anything that false label could be misapplied to
Liberals could call me a trailer park white trash piece of shit but if I dared call them a minority welfare queen then I was in deep do do. That is finally balancing out now

What is balancing out? You can call someone a "minority welfare queen" without consequences? How is name calling helpful? Does it make you feel less like a loser? Is that the height of your aspirations for yourself? That you can find someone else to hold in lower esteem than yourself?
He wasn't a socialist.

thanks for playing.
No. 1, they didn't "tolerate" anything even remotely related to Obama.

They bitched, moaned, kicked and screamed for 8 straight years.

What's more he took all that shit with a lot more class than your orange Cheeto is doing. He tolerated a whole lot of name calling, references to monkeys, hearing his beautiful wife called "an ape in heels", hearing Republicans say they would block every bill so he would have nothing to run on.

They even blocked legislation they've passed since Trump was elected - like help for the children of Flint, Michigan, bills to help veterans, anything that would point to an achievement for Obama, the country and its people be damned.

Conservatives are now passing nothing. They're just repealing everything Obama did, or trying to.
All dems would like from Republicans is REASON Be reasonable and we have a better chance of getting along and making America greater

the dems were invited to participate in the healthcare debate and refused to participate. Is that being reasonable?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch

I guess you forgot what Obama said shortly after he was elected

"elections have consequences"
"we won"
"republicans can move to the back of the bus"

He started this shit and you dems backed him.

I agree that both sides need to forget their parties and do what is needed for the country. The dems need to accept that Trump won and Hillary lost.
And did you conveniently forget what McConnell said about Obama?? And yes trump won and look at all the shit he's brought with him His own party knows he's an AH Gov'ts around the world know it Seems like the only ones who don't are his base who would follow him into hell

McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.
Liberals are constantly screaming at us that we must be tolerant and respectful of: muslims, transsexuals, tree huggers, algore worshipers, globalists, illegal aliens, and all other forms of deviation and illegality.

So, lets ask:

are muslims tolerant and respectful of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc? Are there churches and synagoges in muslim countries? does sharia law treat non muslims with tolerance and respect?

Do the sexual deviants tolerate and respect those who find their lifestyles offensive?

Do the global warmers and vegans tolerate and respect the views of those who disagree with them?

Did the rioters at Berkley tolerate and respect the views of the conservative speakers scheduled to speak there?

Do those who want open borders tolerate and respect the views of those who want controls on immigration?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.


You do a couple things that conservatives do nearly constantly. One you mash everything under the sun into one pot and try to make an 'everything' stew. All these things are separate, some simple some not. You can't mash them all together. Second, you use the false equivalency to try to portray all things as 'opinion' and all opinion is just as valid as all other opinion. It isn't. You can have an opinion that the world is flat, you can believe it with all your heart, and someone else the opinion that the world is round. Both entitled to their opinoin? Of course. Equivalent opinions? Not by a million miles. One is utterly ridiculous and to be ridiculed and dismissed, the other is supported by evidence. Unfair, mean, intolerant of the Flat Earth opinion? Yes, for good reason.

One of the main problems with discussion using text - It carries no nuance, no tone of voice or very little anyway. And because all posts LOOK the same graphically there is a tendency to give them equal weight in fact and conclusion. It's like looking at a script for a movie.

'Chief Brody looks up and sees a huge shark near the back of the boat. He remarks "you're going to need a bigger boat". ' View this brief text as if you haven't seen the movie. Does that even come close to conveying what you actually see on screen or the emotion or impact of that moment in the film? Not by a million miles. 'It's night, Brody scans the dark ocean, a shooting star is seen moving across the sky behind Brody's head'. What emotion is carried in this text? Or impact? Nearly none, but in the film it is a visceral moment with great impact.

Pick one thing and make an argument about it one way or the other.

OK, one thing, How about muslim tolerance for other religions, non-muslims, people who eat pork, people who believe in Jesus Christ.

How many Christian churches, Jewish temples, or Buddhist temples do you see in muslim countries? NONE. If you bring a Bible into Saudi Arabia or hold a Christian or Jewish service in that country, you are subject to beheading. Tolerance??? Now the other side, Christian, Jewish, and Buddhist countries allow muslim mosques and allow muslims to practice their religion.
And republicans didn't try to get rid of Obama from day 0ne??

get rid of him? no. Stop his far left hatred of this country? yes

Obama also had the entire media constantly worshiping him no matter what he did. He was the Kenyan messiah, they could not utter a single negative word about him.
that is false. the Dems were specifically excluded. only the republicans on the committee were allowed to see the bills. then they were handed the bills hours before the vote. mcconnel didn['t want them scored or publicized because they were so garbage. this one is from April. but it never got better.

GOP shuts out doctors, experts, Democrats — pretty much everybody — as they work on Obamacare repeal
You know the poster going by the moniker Redfish was lying, because when I asked him to post a link confirming that the Republicans invited the Democrats to negotiate, I got crickets.

here ya go, dingleberry
The vast majority of Liberals are very tolerant of people who hold different opinions.

There is a small minority of 'liberals' AND people who are not by any means 'liberals' who are intolerant.

However, tolerating other people's viewpoints is limited to the truthfulness and genuineness of those viewpoints.

There is a huge tendency for conservatives to promote views that are ridiculously and obviously false, and are completely disingenuine.

They seem to have a cultists attitude:

"Believe what I say, no matter how ridiculous and disingenuine, and you will be accepted in our cult!"

This conscience promotion of blatant falsehoods can not be tolerated!

Hmmm, So its ok for you to tolerate different opinions as long as YOU consider them true and genuine? Think about what you just said. That is the definition of intolerance.
All dems would like from Republicans is REASON Be reasonable and we have a better chance of getting along and making America greater

the dems were invited to participate in the healthcare debate and refused to participate. Is that being reasonable?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch

I guess you forgot what Obama said shortly after he was elected

"elections have consequences"
"we won"
"republicans can move to the back of the bus"

He started this shit and you dems backed him.

I agree that both sides need to forget their parties and do what is needed for the country. The dems need to accept that Trump won and Hillary lost.
And did you conveniently forget what McConnell said about Obama?? And yes trump won and look at all the shit he's brought with him His own party knows he's an AH Gov'ts around the world know it Seems like the only ones who don't are his base who would follow him into hell

McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.

Far left? Obama is a centre right conservative by any reasonable definition.

American politics has moved so far to the right, that Ronald Reagan, who was considered to be radically right wing when elected, is now considered by many Republicans to be a RINO.

If it wasn't "personal", why did Republicans vote against EVERTHING Obama proposed, even stuff like programs for veterans, help for the children of Flint Michigan, and other bi-partisan initiatives that any reasonable human being would support? Why have they passed these same initiatives now that a Republican is in the White House?

If it wasn't personal, why did they vow that Obama would be a one-term President, and have "nothing to run on".

If it wasn't personal, why did Republicans vote against their own best interests, why are they doing nothing but dismantling the policies that gave you 72 months of continuing gains in employment, tripled the stock market, and has ultimately reduced war and conflict throughout the world.

In 6 short months, that stability has been threatened in a very real way. And idiots are celebrating the very idea of using nuclear weapons.

As venal and corrupt that Bush and Cheney were, they did not threaten anyone with nuclear war. Besides, Cheney needed that ground war so Haliburton could prosper.

One take-away from all of this is that when Trump goes unscripted, he sounds just as stupid, arrogant and just as bat shit crazy as Un. When you speak in a crazy person's language, you're talking crazy too.

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