Is tolerance and respect a two way street?

the dems were invited to participate in the healthcare debate and refused to participate. Is that being reasonable?
No it's not reasonable but I'm sure it follows much unreasoning by Republicans 8 years under Obama and republicans were reasonable? The point is it's got to start somewhere and both parties must give an inch

I guess you forgot what Obama said shortly after he was elected

"elections have consequences"
"we won"
"republicans can move to the back of the bus"

He started this shit and you dems backed him.

I agree that both sides need to forget their parties and do what is needed for the country. The dems need to accept that Trump won and Hillary lost.
And did you conveniently forget what McConnell said about Obama?? And yes trump won and look at all the shit he's brought with him His own party knows he's an AH Gov'ts around the world know it Seems like the only ones who don't are his base who would follow him into hell

McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.
LOL if you call what your AH in the WH is doing as succeeding you are rowing a boat with 1 oar And not personal?? Sure it was personal and ANTI American

unemployment is the lowest its been in years, the stock market is breaking records, companies are building new facilities in the USA, the US was able to get Russia and China to join in a boycott of North Korea, our military is stronger, our allies trust us again, infrastructure building is starting, illegal border crossings are down 70%, MS 13 gang members are being removed from the country.

Yes, he is doing America's business and doing it well.

Obama had the opportunity to be a great president but his hatred of this country prevented it. It was all of his doing, he failure belongs to him and no one else.
I guess you forgot what Obama said shortly after he was elected

"elections have consequences"
"we won"
"republicans can move to the back of the bus"

He started this shit and you dems backed him.

I agree that both sides need to forget their parties and do what is needed for the country. The dems need to accept that Trump won and Hillary lost.
And did you conveniently forget what McConnell said about Obama?? And yes trump won and look at all the shit he's brought with him His own party knows he's an AH Gov'ts around the world know it Seems like the only ones who don't are his base who would follow him into hell

McConnell and the GOP in congress were determined to stop Obama's far left policies and ideology, it was not personal, grow the fuck up.

Trump is doing what he was sent to DC to do. Make the USA first again, put American citizens first again, create a business friendly environment creating jobs in this country, take a strong position with both our friends and our enemies, drain the swamp in DC of the leeches in both parties, repeal obamacare,

what you fools really fear is that he is succeeding.

Far left? Obama is a centre right conservative by any reasonable definition.

American politics has moved so far to the right, that Ronald Reagan, who was considered to be radically right wing when elected, is now considered by many Republicans to be a RINO.

If it wasn't "personal", why did Republicans vote against EVERTHING Obama proposed, even stuff like programs for veterans, help for the children of Flint Michigan, and other bi-partisan initiatives that any reasonable human being would support? Why have they passed these same initiatives now that a Republican is in the White House?

If it wasn't personal, why did they vow that Obama would be a one-term President, and have "nothing to run on".

If it wasn't personal, why did Republicans vote against their own best interests, why are they doing nothing but dismantling the policies that gave you 72 months of continuing gains in employment, tripled the stock market, and has ultimately reduced war and conflict throughout the world.

In 6 short months, that stability has been threatened in a very real way. And idiots are celebrating the very idea of using nuclear weapons.

As venal and corrupt that Bush and Cheney were, they did not threaten anyone with nuclear war. Besides, Cheney needed that ground war so Haliburton could prosper.

One take-away from all of this is that when Trump goes unscripted, he sounds just as stupid, arrogant and just as bat shit crazy as Un. When you speak in a crazy person's language, you're talking crazy too.

the GOP voted against those bills because every one of them contained far left add on provisions that were unacceptable. Those bills were an attempt to sneak liberal provisions in under the guise of things everyone was in favor of.

Trump has not threatened anyone with nuclear war. North Korea has done the threatening. Trump has told them in no uncertain terms that if they take such a stupid step that the USA will retaliate and destroy little fat boy and his nation. Truman did the same thing and then followed through with it-----Truman was a democrat, remember?

Yeah I remember Truman. The world said "Never again" after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The UN has told Trump to cut out the aggressive rhetoric. It's not helping. Tillerson, McMaster and Mattis are telling the press there is no danger that the US will use nukes. It's just bluster.

The very first thing a parent learns when dealing with toddlers is "Don't make a threat you're not going to follow through on".

But what's most troubling, are the number of idiots here who think that use of a nuclear weapon by Un, would free the US to retaliate with nukes. To those who would spout such idiocy I would say "You're drunk. Go home".

we could destroy NK with conventional weapons, no need for nukes. YOU are an idiot.
get rid of him? no. Stop his far left hatred of this country? yes

Obama also had the entire media constantly worshiping him no matter what he did. He was the Kenyan messiah, they could not utter a single negative word about him.

So you admit that conservatives were wholly INTOLERANT of Obama's liberal views?

damn right. but not one of them staged violent protests and destroyed public and private property, not one of them attacked police, see the difference?

Neither have I. Why are you trying to pass off violent protests perpetrated by liberals as so widespread and common that it can fairly be labeled normal liberal behavior?

because that kind of behavior is condoned by liberals in the media, Hollywood, and congress.

That's because bombings of mosques, shooting of innocent unarmed civilians are happening at such an alarming rate that even unarmed middle class yoga instructors in their PJ's are being killed when calling for police assistance.

Hate crimes have tripled. Immigrants, minorities and Jews are being attacked, their places of worship are being attacked, and conservatives are t even mentioning this violence.

Trump invited cops to rough up suspects and the cops cheered. At his rallies, Trump calls the press "enemies of the people" and the crowd turns angrily on the press in attendance. He urged his fans to rough up protestors.

This isn't governance. It's a demagogue inciting his followers to violence.

WTF are you talking about? Obama did exactly the same things and you praised him.

Your kind of thinking is whats wrong with this country. You don't think, you merely repeat what's been drummed into your little head by your masters. You are the worst kind of slave, a mental one.
tc? Are there churches and synagoges in muslim countries? does sharia law treat non muslims with tolerance and respect?

If that's your bar for measurement, you must not have a very high opinion of this country.

Do the sexual deviants tolerate and respect those who find their lifestyles offensive?

Sexual deviants? Huh? You mean the current President who likes to have Russian hookers pee on him? That's pretty deviant. A mail-order bride from Eastern Europe is also kinda deviant too, particularly one so much younger than him.

Do the global warmers and vegans tolerate and respect the views of those who disagree with them?

There is nothing to disagree about with regard to Climate Change; you either accept the science or you live in denial. Not sure what vegans have to do with anything, but they're a gigantic pain in the ass. I loathe whenever my vegan relatives come to visit because it means we can't go to any good restaurants.

Did the rioters at Berkley tolerate and respect the views of the conservative speakers scheduled to speak there?

Who fucking cares? Are Conservative egos so fragile that they can't handle people protesting them? You expect me to be tolerant of your intolerance. Why should I?

Do those who want open borders tolerate and respect the views of those who want controls on immigration?

Why do you want to "control immigration"? And what does "control immigration" entail? Does it entail cracking down on migrant labor while the current President imports foreign workers to work at his domestic resorts, like he did last week? Why didn't Trump hire Americans? Are we to believe that only foreigners know how to wait tables and clean hotel rooms?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.

So I am supposed to tolerate your intolerance? How bout you get the fuck over yourself? Why is that not an option?

I am only going to address one of your stupid comments. Control immigration means to enforce the immigration laws already on our books. Its not complicated or revolutionary, just enforce existing law.

Got it now?
Liberals are constantly screaming at us that we must be tolerant and respectful of: muslims, transsexuals, tree huggers, algore worshipers, globalists, illegal aliens, and all other forms of deviation and illegality.

So, lets ask:

are muslims tolerant and respectful of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc? Are there churches and synagoges in muslim countries? does sharia law treat non muslims with tolerance and respect?

Do the sexual deviants tolerate and respect those who find their lifestyles offensive?

Do the global warmers and vegans tolerate and respect the views of those who disagree with them?

Did the rioters at Berkley tolerate and respect the views of the conservative speakers scheduled to speak there?

Do those who want open borders tolerate and respect the views of those who want controls on immigration?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.


The INtolerant and the DISrespectful always screech the loudest that others aren't being tolerant and respectful enough.

It's their excuse for being INtolerant and DISrespectful themselves.

Niall Ferguson: The biggest threat to free speech? It's the left. - The Boston Globe
So you admit that conservatives were wholly INTOLERANT of Obama's liberal views?

damn right. but not one of them staged violent protests and destroyed public and private property, not one of them attacked police, see the difference?

Neither have I. Why are you trying to pass off violent protests perpetrated by liberals as so widespread and common that it can fairly be labeled normal liberal behavior?

because that kind of behavior is condoned by liberals in the media, Hollywood, and congress.

That's because bombings of mosques, shooting of innocent unarmed civilians are happening at such an alarming rate that even unarmed middle class yoga instructors in their PJ's are being killed when calling for police assistance.

Hate crimes have tripled. Immigrants, minorities and Jews are being attacked, their places of worship are being attacked, and conservatives are t even mentioning this violence.

Trump invited cops to rough up suspects and the cops cheered. At his rallies, Trump calls the press "enemies of the people" and the crowd turns angrily on the press in attendance. He urged his fans to rough up protestors.

This isn't governance. It's a demagogue inciting his followers to violence.

WTF are you talking about? Obama did exactly the same things and you praised him.

Your kind of thinking is whats wrong with this country. You don't think, you merely repeat what's been drummed into your little head by your masters. You are the worst kind of slave, a mental one.

Show me where Obama encouraged police brutality, hatred against the media, physically attacking protestors?

Hate crimes have doubled and trebled since Trump was elected. Where's his outrage at the desecration of synagogues? He called these "false flag" attacks.

There have been a handful of incidents of left wingers behaving badly. There have been hundreds of hate crime reported since Trump took office that conservatives won't even acknowledge took place.
Liberals are constantly screaming at us that we must be tolerant and respectful of: muslims, transsexuals, tree huggers, algore worshipers, globalists, illegal aliens, and all other forms of deviation and illegality.

So, lets ask:

are muslims tolerant and respectful of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc? Are there churches and synagoges in muslim countries? does sharia law treat non muslims with tolerance and respect?

Do the sexual deviants tolerate and respect those who find their lifestyles offensive?

Do the global warmers and vegans tolerate and respect the views of those who disagree with them?

Did the rioters at Berkley tolerate and respect the views of the conservative speakers scheduled to speak there?

Do those who want open borders tolerate and respect the views of those who want controls on immigration?

I don't see any tolerance and respect from the left while they demand it from everyone else.


If you were really for small government and freedom you would ignore those things. The right is just as guilty as the left.
Why be tolerant of what you believe is wrong?
Because people are entitled to their opinions are they not?

How can I take your opinion away from you?

by violently keeping him from expressing it. That is exactly what your left wing buddies did in Berkley. and what Hitler, Castro, and Mao did in different times.

I don't do any such thing. 99.9% of liberals don't do any such thing.
Why be tolerant of what you believe is wrong?
Because people are entitled to their opinions are they not?

How can I take your opinion away from you?

by violently keeping him from expressing it. That is exactly what your left wing buddies did in Berkley. and what Hitler, Castro, and Mao did in different times.

Okay then you post this question to Etherion:

When has anyone violently prevented you from expressing your opinion?
Of course tolerance is a 2-way street! Tolerating the intolerant makes one a doormat AND and criminal accessory to the intolerant person's crimes. Like how the Coward Continent Scum Of My Race (Europe) gives their muslim inbreds carte blanche to rape their young women...out of tolerance! And Zeropeans have this delusion that Pisslam is somehow a race when anyone with functioning eyesight can see that it's a sadistic HATE ideology that comes in ALL races, including whites. When my filthbag VERY WHITE 2nd cousin (whom I've disowned and wish dead) converted to Pisslam, that DID NOT rewrite her DNA to make her a different race now, did it?
damn right. but not one of them staged violent protests and destroyed public and private property, not one of them attacked police, see the difference?

Neither have I. Why are you trying to pass off violent protests perpetrated by liberals as so widespread and common that it can fairly be labeled normal liberal behavior?

because that kind of behavior is condoned by liberals in the media, Hollywood, and congress.

That's because bombings of mosques, shooting of innocent unarmed civilians are happening at such an alarming rate that even unarmed middle class yoga instructors in their PJ's are being killed when calling for police assistance.

Hate crimes have tripled. Immigrants, minorities and Jews are being attacked, their places of worship are being attacked, and conservatives are t even mentioning this violence.

Trump invited cops to rough up suspects and the cops cheered. At his rallies, Trump calls the press "enemies of the people" and the crowd turns angrily on the press in attendance. He urged his fans to rough up protestors.

This isn't governance. It's a demagogue inciting his followers to violence.

WTF are you talking about? Obama did exactly the same things and you praised him.

Your kind of thinking is whats wrong with this country. You don't think, you merely repeat what's been drummed into your little head by your masters. You are the worst kind of slave, a mental one.

Show me where Obama encouraged police brutality, hatred against the media, physically attacking protestors?

Hate crimes have doubled and trebled since Trump was elected. Where's his outrage at the desecration of synagogues? He called these "false flag" attacks.

There have been a handful of incidents of left wingers behaving badly. There have been hundreds of hate crime reported since Trump took office that conservatives won't even acknowledge took place.

you are in fantasy land. But from your unique perspective in the land of make believe, give us a list of incidents where conservatives have physically attacked liberals who were trying to speak, then define "hate crime" and explain why its a worse crime if someone kills you because he doesn't like you than if he kills you to steal your money. Either way he is a murderer and you are dead, why is one worse than the other?
Why be tolerant of what you believe is wrong?
Because people are entitled to their opinions are they not?

How can I take your opinion away from you?

by violently keeping him from expressing it. That is exactly what your left wing buddies did in Berkley. and what Hitler, Castro, and Mao did in different times.

Okay then you post this question to Etherion:

When has anyone violently prevented you from expressing your opinion?

and his/her answer was-------------------------------------------------???
Why be tolerant of what you believe is wrong?
Because people are entitled to their opinions are they not?

How can I take your opinion away from you?

by violently keeping him from expressing it. That is exactly what your left wing buddies did in Berkley. and what Hitler, Castro, and Mao did in different times.

I don't do any such thing. 99.9% of liberals don't do any such thing.

good for you, but when your left wing leaders do not condemn such behavior as well as the perpetrators of it, you are effectively condoning it, and its a lot more than .01% of you on the left, most of the hollyloonies and the media make the number closer to 50% of liberals who condone violence and the suppression of free speech.
Why be tolerant of what you believe is wrong?
Because people are entitled to their opinions are they not?

How can I take your opinion away from you?

by violently keeping him from expressing it. That is exactly what your left wing buddies did in Berkley. and what Hitler, Castro, and Mao did in different times.

Okay then you post this question to Etherion:

When has anyone violently prevented you from expressing your opinion?

and his/her answer was-------------------------------------------------???

How can Carbine take my opinion away from me? Not by force. She can't. But through a lack of tolerance she can. However, if I were to go to college with the views I have now, I would be actively repressed by the school I went to. College is not a place for free speech anymore, it is a shelter for insecure people with similar political opinions. Carbine knows full well what I'm talking about, but she would rather be obtuse about the whole thing.

She can't accept that there are places in America where people like me aren't privy to express conservative/libertarian viewpoints without being retaliated against. That is why I have not sought a college education. I will not subject myself to that kind of abuse.
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I want to go back to the muslim question. you on the left in this country and your counterparts in Europe demand that we all be tolerant and respectful of muslims.

Do Christians, Jews, and other religions receive tolerance and respect in muslim countries? NO THEY DO NOT.

As a result of this stupidity, Europe is being overrun and innocent women and children are being attacked, raped, and sometimes killed. How much tolerance does it take to kill YOU?

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