Is Trump a bigger threat to the election than Russia ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

That's just a load of shit, TT. Real Americans vote in person, unless they are going to be out of town on Election Day.

So this should have minimal effect.

Further, the USPS is a rapidly shrinking business. It isn't just the election that is motivating Chuck and Nancy, its the union dues that mail men pay disappearing.

The mail is less important to Americans nowadays, we pay our bills by phone and online, we get out checks direct deposit, we get packages from UPS and Fedex. No need to prop up a declining business, instead its time to manage its decline.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

That's just a load of shit, TT. Real Americans vote in person, unless they are going to be out of town on Election Day.

So this should have minimal effect.

Further, the USPS is a rapidly shrinking business. It isn't just the election that is motivating Chuck and Nancy, its the union dues that mail men pay disappearing.

The mail is less important to Americans nowadays, we pay our bills by phone and online, we get out checks direct deposit, we get packages from UPS and Fedex. No need to prop up a declining business, instead its time to manage its decline.

The post office isn't going anywhere.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

That's just a load of shit, TT. Real Americans vote in person, unless they are going to be out of town on Election Day.

So this should have minimal effect.

Further, the USPS is a rapidly shrinking business. It isn't just the election that is motivating Chuck and Nancy, its the union dues that mail men pay disappearing.

The mail is less important to Americans nowadays, we pay our bills by phone and online, we get out checks direct deposit, we get packages from UPS and Fedex. No need to prop up a declining business, instead its time to manage its decline.

The post office isn't going anywhere.

I agree, it isn't going anywhere, but it is shrinking and being right-sized by the new, tremendous Postmaster General.

Business is down, society no longer needs as many men in short pants going door to door delivering supermarket ads and chain letters.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

That's just a load of shit, TT. Real Americans vote in person, unless they are going to be out of town on Election Day.

So this should have minimal effect.

Further, the USPS is a rapidly shrinking business. It isn't just the election that is motivating Chuck and Nancy, its the union dues that mail men pay disappearing.

The mail is less important to Americans nowadays, we pay our bills by phone and online, we get out checks direct deposit, we get packages from UPS and Fedex. No need to prop up a declining business, instead its time to manage its decline.
That's just another lie....

I have voted absentee/ mail in ballot the past 20 years, and have always been in town. I like getting the ballot ahead of election day, and researching all the candidates on the ballot, before casting my ballot.

36 States have no excuse, mail in ballot voting.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

That's just a load of shit, TT. Real Americans vote in person, unless they are going to be out of town on Election Day.

So this should have minimal effect.

Further, the USPS is a rapidly shrinking business. It isn't just the election that is motivating Chuck and Nancy, its the union dues that mail men pay disappearing.

The mail is less important to Americans nowadays, we pay our bills by phone and online, we get out checks direct deposit, we get packages from UPS and Fedex. No need to prop up a declining business, instead its time to manage its decline.
That's just another lie....

I have voted absentee/ mail in ballot the past 20 years, and have always been in town. I like getting the ballot ahead of election day, and researching all the candidates on the ballot, before casting my ballot.

36 States have no excuse, mail in ballot voting.

I support giving people options. I did vote mail in during the primaries this year and I thought it was nice for the same reason. I could go race by race and take my time to research each candidate. I didn't have to wait in line and it allowed those who voted in person to not wait as long also.

Most of this is nothing more than politicians trying to find issues to divide people because they are completely incapable of bringing people together to support them.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

THe mobs burning and killing in the streets are the real threat.

Any dem victories will not be valid, because they could be because the voters fear mob violence.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.
Did you take your meds?

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

THe mobs burning and killing in the streets are the real threat.

Any dem victories will not be valid, because they could be because the voters fear mob violence.
Trump propaganda. Who here fears going for a walk down their street because of mob violence??

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

THe mobs burning and killing in the streets are the real threat.

Any dem victories will not be valid, because they could be because the voters fear mob violence.
Trump propaganda. Who here fears going for a walk down their street because of mob violence??

In 2008, more brave American heroes were slaughtered in the killing fields of Chicago than in the battlefields of Iraq at the height of the Iraq war.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

That's just a load of shit, TT. Real Americans vote in person, unless they are going to be out of town on Election Day.

So this should have minimal effect.

Further, the USPS is a rapidly shrinking business. It isn't just the election that is motivating Chuck and Nancy, its the union dues that mail men pay disappearing.

The mail is less important to Americans nowadays, we pay our bills by phone and online, we get out checks direct deposit, we get packages from UPS and Fedex. No need to prop up a declining business, instead its time to manage its decline.
That's just another lie....

I have voted absentee/ mail in ballot the past 20 years, and have always been in town. I like getting the ballot ahead of election day, and researching all the candidates on the ballot, before casting my ballot.

36 States have no excuse, mail in ballot voting.

I support giving people options. I did vote mail in during the primaries this year and I thought it was nice for the same reason. I could go race by race and take my time to research each candidate. I didn't have to wait in line and it allowed those who voted in person to not wait as long also.

Most of this is nothing more than politicians trying to find issues to divide people because they are completely incapable of bringing people together to support them.
I have never voted by mail and have always turned up and voted in person. But I am lucky. I can walk to the polling station and I am young and healthy.
A postal vote is useful for those who struggle to get around, have health issues or cant get there to vote. With modern technology we should be able to ensure that voting is easier for people but we seem to be heading in the other direction.
But this current scenario is all about denying some people the vote, apart from those in Florida, because the junta believes that they will vote for the other guy. Thats a banana republic measure. its pretty shocking.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

That's just a load of shit, TT. Real Americans vote in person, unless they are going to be out of town on Election Day.

So this should have minimal effect.

Further, the USPS is a rapidly shrinking business. It isn't just the election that is motivating Chuck and Nancy, its the union dues that mail men pay disappearing.

The mail is less important to Americans nowadays, we pay our bills by phone and online, we get out checks direct deposit, we get packages from UPS and Fedex. No need to prop up a declining business, instead its time to manage its decline.
That's just another lie....

I have voted absentee/ mail in ballot the past 20 years, and have always been in town. I like getting the ballot ahead of election day, and researching all the candidates on the ballot, before casting my ballot.

36 States have no excuse, mail in ballot voting.

I support giving people options. I did vote mail in during the primaries this year and I thought it was nice for the same reason. I could go race by race and take my time to research each candidate. I didn't have to wait in line and it allowed those who voted in person to not wait as long also.

Most of this is nothing more than politicians trying to find issues to divide people because they are completely incapable of bringing people together to support them.

And yes, I think mail in voting is awesome! I become much more informed by having the time to research the candidates!

But my parents, will only vote in person... They consider it a day out of the House, not to just see their doctors! :)

Though, if the covid spread in Florida continues, they will have to vote, mail in ballot this year.... reluctantly.

My hubby, makes a copy of my ballot... does his own research, but then goes in person to vote...he's always voted in person! Sanitizer in hand and mask on, during this past primary.
I think he likes collecting the stickers and pins that say, I VOTED, or something of the sort!

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

THe mobs burning and killing in the streets are the real threat.

Any dem victories will not be valid, because they could be because the voters fear mob violence.
Trump propaganda. Who here fears going for a walk down their street because of mob violence??

In 2008, more brave American heroes were slaughtered in the killing fields of Chicago than in the battlefields of Iraq at the height of the Iraq war.
Let's see the link for that lie you nutjob.
Tommy apparently buys into every bit of nonsense that the Progs put out.

The Post Office is doing fine. It has BILLIONS in cash that will carry it forward into the middle of 2021. The mail rush that it deals with every year at Christmas is a hundred times greater than the mail volume that the election will generate. A couple hundred million pieces of mail is what it deals with every couple days under normal circumstances.

The U.S. Postal Service has been REMOVING MAIL BOXES for TEN YEARS, largely largely because of the advent of ELECTRONIC MAIL, which has dramatically reduced the volume of physical mail. IN ADDITION, you no longer need to "mail" anything. You can leave your outgoing mail IN YOUR OWN MAIL BOX, and your carrier will mail it for you.

The sorting machines that are being removed are OBSOLETE, and have exceeded their useful lives. This is confirmed every day by letters to the editor of countless newspapers around the Land, in which postal workers confirm that the machines were gathering dust. They are no longer needed. The USPS has been obsoleting sorting machines for YEARS - long before Our Exalted President even dreamed of running for President.

The President's P.R. campaign against universal mail-in balloting is based on a reasonable concern that large numbers of ballots will be lost or destroyed, and many ballots will arrive late, thus bringing about lawsuits about people being "disenfranchised" because the post office lost their ballots.

The fact is that the service of the USPS is worst in large, prosperous cities like NYC, because the job market is so good that the PO can only hire people who can't get one of the abundant, better paying jobs in the private sector; you see what I'm driving at. These cities are all uniformly Democrat strongholds.

President Trump has done NOTHING to impede mail delivery. He has NO POWER to impact mail service at all. His ONLY CONVERSATION with the Postmaster General was a congratulatory call when he was named, and no rational person has made any complaint whatsoever about the Postmaster's job performance. AT WORST, they whine about how he was selected and that he never worked as a mail carrier.

The "threat" to the election comes from the concerted effort on the Left to convince people that they are putting their lives in danger if they come to the polls and vote in person. And unfortunately it is these irrational fears that will suppress volunteers who are needed to man the polls, causing some polling places to have to be closed. Then, of course, the Left will blame THAT on Trump!

As always, Trump is right and his critics are wrong. This election will be a massive cluster fuck, with results trickling in for WEEKS after Election Day, and lawsuits lasting well into 2021. And it will be blamed on Trump.

The real concern, for those who care, is that every time a race is too close to call on Election Day, the Progs seem to "find" just enough votes to prevail, and always the "found" votes are 98% Democrat. That is the real threat to this election.
But this current scenario is all about denying some people the vote, apart from those in Florida, because the junta believes that they will vote for the other guy. Thats a banana republic measure. its pretty shocking.

That's just plain , not true. Even if everyone in the country voted by mail this fall, it would still only be a blip on the USPS's mail volume. This is about maintaining the amount of union dues the USPS employees provide Big Labor's bosses, as well as lining up an excuse in advance as to why Sleepy Joe got schlonged in 2020.

This constant chipping away at the norm represents a threat to the electoral process. It reeks of excuse making as he seems to be making the case that he lacks to skills to ensure a fair election.

I know that on a historical basis they dont want people to vote but this is taking it to another level.

THe mobs burning and killing in the streets are the real threat.

Any dem victories will not be valid, because they could be because the voters fear mob violence.
Trump propaganda. Who here fears going for a walk down their street because of mob violence??

I was sent home from work, because the mayor declared and state of emergency. I had to drive home, though abandoned streets, not knowing if I might turn a corner and run into a fucking riot.

Your denial of this reality is you supporting mob violence for political ends. This is mob rule.
Damn some fools just get dumber the more they listen to propaganda.
Anyone remember the last clown 44? It was under him that sorting machines were disconnected, mail drop offs were taken out.
There is a big difference between mass ballot mailing and absentee ballot.
Our Postal System is slowly becoming obsolete. Instant messaging, email and other tech has made sending letters out dated. Companies like UPS and FEDEX have taken over larger and larger portions of the package industry.
We are shoveling money into an industry that has not shown a profit or even attempted to break even in many years. I hear idiots on this board complaining about the deficit. They point the finger at the other side and complain but once something that their side convinces them that needs to happen the blinders come on and suddenly it is get out the credit card and spend spend spend like a drunken sailor. Then when the y notice the deficit again itis that dirty other party.

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